
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 22, 2023



I had to wait a full week after Ken until I switched again – unusually long.

This time I was in a much fancier apartment. The 33 year old's name was Jan Reed. He had a rectangular, masculine face on a short neck, leading to a greatly v-shaped torso and mighty legs. He wasn't huge, by comparison to others I had been in, but he had clearly taken full advantage of his genetic opportunity, and arrived at pretty much perfect proportions – like a mathematically constructed renaissance statue or something.

Most importantly, though, was his mohawk. Another one, done properly and pretty narrow. Two of those guys in a row? I'd have to give him a chance, too. I was going to be busy on the trip back. The next one had to be another lingering for sure.

His wardrobe was so full, I had to make three trips to get rid of everything. One he had only one set of rags and what was on his body, I gave him the body hair treatment plus pubic mohawk.

I wrote the exact same list I had given Ken Wang, as far as I remembered the wording. I even left his key under the doormat.

With Jan I didn't take the time for piercings or hairdressing. I wanted to be fair and give him a shot but doing the same thing twice was kind of boring.

Therefore I added an item to the list, telling him to dye his hair. He'd do the work for me. I liked that a lot better.

Then I headed out to the nearest club that fulfilled my preferences. Again I went in, stole some drinks, stole a tie, stripped in the bathroom and jerked off on stage blindfolded.

It was almost a routine. I added some sparks of either kind to vary things up for myself. Strange how something so perverse, cruel and life ruining was so bland after doing it a few times.

At least I now had two guys, each of whom might win or fail at my little test.

It took only two days until my next victim. Perhaps my powers had felt I hadn't been fully satisfied with the last one and didn't want to give me another long wait.

Isaac Bowman was a 21 year old guy who had been sleeping next to his girlfriend in his girlfriend's apartment.

I got up to start my process. The short boy was already in the nude. He had a lean, thin body and perhaps that was the reason his dick looked enormous. All the dicks I had seen on my victims had been decent or big, but this one appeared to be on a whole different level.

Even though it was only semi hard, I couldn't get Isaac's normal sized hand around it. It was like two soda cans stacked. Clearly he needed to be shown off.

His middle long, brown hair was quickly dropping into the sink as I gave him a proper, thin mohawk and the pubes to match.

Lacking any better tools I grabbed a few of his girlfriend's scarves and wrapped them around my neck as if I was trying to accessorize an invisible attire.

I headed out with his sneakers and nothing else. There was no reason to waste the sight of his tool by covering up. As I walked through the nightly city, I jerked myself hard and enjoyed the gazes from a disappointingly small number of passerby's.

As soon as possible I was flooding his cocoon with horniness sparks. If anyone should be cumming twelve times a day it was Isaac.

Feeling like the dick was going to stay erect on its own, I used my hands to spread Isaac's asshole with one, then two fingers from both hands. Just because this mission was primarily about his dick, didn't mean I couldn't also instill an insatiable desire for anal in him.

If Marvin's behavior had been any indications, Isaac would jerk off once he woke up no matter what situation he found himself in. I didn't have to restrain him much, but I also didn't want the boy to walk home while beating the rod.

There was no proper park nearby but I found a bench in plain sight of a main road. Passerbys were more frequent now.

I sat down and took my scarfs off. With one of them I tied his left ankle to the bench's left foot, using my acquired, trained knotting skills to make it as hard as possible to open the restraint. The right one followed, leaving Isaac with his legs spread to the maximum.

Not looking at people, to make sure they could stop and stare in peace, I jerked his absurdly large dick with slow strokes, edging Isaac for several minutes. It took about a half hour to a full one until the cocoon would reject additional sparks, so I still had to keep it up for about fifteen minutes.

What better opportunity to poke around in his brain. Could I create a state between total unconsciousness and the glory hole, leaving him only partially aware?

My first attempt involved poking the spots where a glory hole could be formed, to see if they varied in quality. Then I poked two at once. The cocoon's shell vibrated a bit.

On a whim I tried squishing the whole thing like a juicy orange.

What happened was hard to describe other than this – Isaac's mind broke to pieces. Instead of the holes letting information from his senses in, information streamed out.

Involuntarily I got to know his junior high school locker combination, his uncle's birthday, the address of his first apartment. Then the facts made room for more emotionally colored information, like the day he got a puppy, how he had cried after his first girlfriend had broken up with him and the poems he occasionally wrote but didn't dare to share with anyone.

While I let the stream wash over me, I noticed Isaac's mind grow dimmer. Was he not just sharing the knowledge but losing it to me? I let go and his cocoon healed after a few seconds. The stream ceased. It felt to me as if Isaac's had become more lose – jagged pieces of a key instead of a smooth whole, but still able to fit into the lock of his body.

Well, I was ready to cum. With spasms of pleasure I shot a fountain of cum into the air. Drops rained in spurts all over Isaac's hairless body.

Thereafter I had one scarf left and created a knot for my wrists behind my back. It wasn't going to be as tough to open because I had no way of pulling a good knot closed and had to settle for something more simplistic.

Since I had not lingered in a while and didn't want to accumulate too many victims to revisit I picked him for an episode of `watch the poor fucker suffer'.

As the rightful owner slid into place in his own head, I got to watch him muffle a scream. He was clearly panicking but not because he was tied up naked outside – he was too horny to comprehend any of that.

Whatever drug the sparks were, they worked on him just as well as on Marvin. The boy humped the air, raising his hips off the bench. He slapped his dick left and right, twisting uncontrollably. He kept screaming through firmly closed lips, apparently somewhat aware he was in public.

Sooner than I had expected, he managed to shake off the ties on his wrists and grabbed his dick. He jerked off as if he wanted to tear his tool from the root. While I wasn't able to see his face, looking out from inside his eyes, I could clearly hear that he was no longer paying any mind to who might see or hear him. His moans grew louder and quieter over and over. He was unable to cum, of course, but the pleasure ebbed and flooded him as he overstimmed.

My vision blurred as Isaac's eyes teared up. He looked down on his impossibly large dick, trying to bend towards it. He probably wished to self-suck, but wasn't flexible enough for that.

Then I saw him shove four fingers of his left hand into his ass, completely dry. He cried out in pain but immediately started fisting his ass. Meanwhile his right hand rubbed the frenulum as he pressed the dick against his abs.

The position seemed to be as good as it could get, since he made no changes for a full hour. Finally he produced an unexpectedly huge cum shot.

Isaac looked around, becoming properly aware of his situation for the first time. There was a dense crowd of onlookers – mostly chuckling teens and leery old men. Someone must have posted about the event on social media.

An hour was also roughly the time it took for the confounding sparks to wear off, leaving him level headed and fully aware of his predicament.

He was still jerking off, though, and even his fingers were still up his hole. The orgasm had not been enough. His horniness was still too overwhelming. He'd have to do that about twelve times a day now.

I resisted the pull for one day. Thus it had been ten days since Ken and three since Jan. They weren't exactly getting an equal chance, but that was part of the fun.

It was late at night when I switched into Isaac. I should have expected it, but was still amused that I hopped into his head in the middle of a jerk off session.

The boy had used the previous day to get himself a thick dildo and was now riding it. Going by the memories he had `shared' with me, he was straight and proud of it. I had totally ruined his life. Pretty neat.

Unless he was very different from Mateo somehow, he was masturbating a dozen times a day, which – with normal waking hours – meant beating it about once every hour and twenty minutes. He wasn't going to get much else done like that, huh?

Maybe I should give him something to do then.

I got up, letting the dildo slip from my ass and wandered around his small apartment. I grabbed a few trash bags from under the sink and began collecting his belongings.

While enjoying a level of horniness that poked the limits of what was humanly possible, I assembled all his clothes except for one pair of sweatpants; all shoes except for one pair of flip-flops; his phone, laptop, external hard-drive and tablet; every sort of writing implement or notebook on his shelves; all towels, shampoos, styling products and so on, leaving him with only a toothbrush and deodorant; his pillows and blankets; all the dishes, glasses and cutlery.

Especially cruel was to get rid of his lube. He had a whole pack of bottles to use on the dildo. He certainly needed it. And now he wouldn't have it unless he went out to get more.

It took me more trips than I cared to count but I managed to throw it all away – in the bins of neighboring houses, so he wouldn't walk out and find it all again in front of his door.

There was a lot of stuff to replace. That should get him out of the apartment for a while.

Isaac had kept the mohawk, but I decided to implement my punishment anyway, just to be a dick to him. I had fucked him over so hard, what was one more little change?

In his – now pretty empty – bathroom, I gave him the idiot-style with a circle of hair on top of his head only. At least, he still had eyebrows. He should have thanked me for that.

During all this I had made sure he was eating his regular, naturally occurring dose of sparks. He'd be nicely dazed and just a little extra horny.

Because things weren't difficult enough for him, I broke the seam of his last clothing item, making sure the sweatpants would not stay on his body unless he held them there.

I sat down on his dildo – using the last bottle of lube I had left him. If I jerked him off now, he would experience the extra horniness without being able to cum again for a while.

The sensation of his constantly stimulated dick was amazing. I was shivering all over the whole way through. Why was there so much cum when I orgasmed? Did the horniness cause an overproduction to keep up with the demand? Of course I made sure to get everything on the boy's body.

He'd wake up to a mean surprise.

It was so late at night, I could have called it early morning.

Perfectly proportioned, muscle bound, manly Jan Reed was working out in an empty gym. No one else was up at this hour.

The gym was easy to recognize. It was the same one where Damon Pena had gone through his life altering fuck. Too bad the big guy wasn't here.

I got up from the bench and looked at the body in the full length mirror. He had chosen pale blue for his mohawk – not my favorite.

The clothes were alright. His shirt was new and a bit too long. At least his pants were as short as can be. I stripped. He had two piercings – a single nipple dumbbell and a stud in the left ear lobe. Not impressive.

A little tribal pattern was tattooed on his right calf. Not much either now, was it? Seemed like Jan wasn't even trying.

I didn't bother to check any further. He had failed. My dick hardened at the implication.

Since it was always a nice touch to cause lasting damage, I fed his mind with horniness sparks, fully intending to give him the `twelve times a day' treatment. Should I do something more subtle to vary it up? Maybe, but not now.

Still naked, I walked around the place to look for anything useful. By a stroke of luck, I happened upon something sentimentally precious to me, sitting behind the counter – a pack of zip ties.

I took off some posters hanging from the ceiling to get a few strings from their hooks.

Now I could tie a solid ball stretcher from thin rope around his sack, just tight enough to let the balls stay attached.

Jan had a fantastic body and I had great fun, edging him for an hour. When his cocoon didn't let in any more sparks, I tied a ten pound weight plate to his balls and sat down on a bench with a barbell for chest training above me.

With the plate on my stomach, I zip tied his feet to the bench and finished my masturbation. His beautiful body rippled with pleasure as I humped out a huge load of cum onto his chest, his stomach and the plate.

I ended my visit with zip tying his arms to the bench as well, using my teeth to pull them shut. Then I force pushed the plate down between my legs.

Before I could feel the weight tear on Jan's sack, where it would be dangling until help arrived, I left. Maybe there was an easy way out of the situation, like making the bench drop to the side so the plate wouldn't pull anymore, but I doubted Jan would have the presence of mind to figure that out when he was beyond desperate to cum again.

Ken Wang was at home and wore a black thong. So far so good.

I found his bathroom mirror again. The 27 year old was as insanely lean as ever, his muscles bulging with veins. I flexed for myself while going through the list.

His preexisting nipple rings were now joined by clavicle dumbbells, a tongue stud, two eye brow rings on the right, three ear pins on the left and a navel dumbbell.

As I looked at myself posing, I got a view of his back tattoo – a row of Chinese characters along his neck. The rings around his biceps I had already seen, and same with the one on his left pectoral. It was some symbol with triangles that might have meant something but I didn't recognize them.

Those were quite sufficient, I thought.

His hair was not re-dyed, so the pink was washing out and black roots were visible. Sloppy, but I might be willing to be lenient if the rest was done correctly.

After exiting the bathroom, I searched through his apartment to see if he had added to his wardrobe – and if he had hidden clothes elsewhere.

I found a lot of jockstraps and thongs, plus new socks. I wasn't too happy about the socks. Hadn't I said only in the style as the one I had left?

He had a dozen or so shirts and three pants. With great joy I saw he had cut them himself in exactly the same places as the ones I had left him. He was playing it safe.

There was one thing left to check. Ken had gotten a new phone after I had lost his old one on the night the game had started.

I was hoping to find three videos of his masturbating in public. Instead I found nine. Going by the dates, he had recorded one every day after the incident.

Sitting on his sofa and watching his videos, I fed his mind sparks – not enough to have lasting effect but to increase his libido for a few days. He had jerked off to orgasm in two parks, a shopping mall, a parking lot, another park, on the side of a highway, on the roof of a public building, in a museum and in two places I didn't recognize.

After sending all those videos to my mail, I looked through his documents to find his bank data and then drafted a letter on paper.

"Dear Ken Wang. You have successfully completed your tasks. As for the reward, check your account balance tomorrow."

There was no way I could just leave, though, so I continued.

"However, you did not adequately keep the hairstyle by neglecting to refresh the coat of paint. Also, the number of piercings was acceptably but their perversity was next to none. Your dick is entirely untouched. Further point deductions come from the presence of socks in your wardrobe. You will understand that a few changes have been made to your person to reflect the shortcomings in your performance."

I had decided to give him a permanent sex-drive increase, but I didn't want to sit around long enough for the full treatment and he didn't really deserve the life ruining variant. I aimed for something just short of Marvin's niveau, probably forcing Ken to jerk off about four times a day. Manageable.

I ended the message with "Perhaps you see a point to continue, keep the style up and correct the failings. If so, you may find some unexpected moments of luck coming your way. –Your Spiritual Liberator."

While waiting for enough sparks to add up, I got a glass from the kitchen and gave Ken a permanent haircut – the one with the circle on top of his head, of course. I wasn't even going to pretend that the mohawks where anything other than temporary at this point.

Isaac was quite the scare. How can his mind just crumble like that? What a terrifying power. Did Jan and Ken get what they deserved? In the positive or negative sense.

Next: Chapter 19

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