
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 20, 2023



My intention with the next batch was to experiment a bit more again. I landed in a boy playing video games in his room. I looked for an ID and found out he was fifteen year old Mateo Gonzales.

I made my way into the bathroom, look at the mirror and burst out laughing.

Mateo Gonzales was the broad chested, long haired bully from Tuan's school. All my ideas went out the window and were replaced by better ones.

A few minutes later I had set up my anonymous messaging system on Mateo's computer and texted Tuan Bain's number. I knew this number because I had picked it when I had sent him a new phone, together with all sorts of fun electronic things, clothes that matched his style, coupons for stores teens like to go to and useful materials for education. I had kept my word.

<Hey there. How's the internet fame going? Don't worry, I'm not back to play games with you anymore. Just having a few questions.>

When no answer came I suspected there was a specific miscommunication.

<You'll have to text me back. I'm not in your head anymore.>

Tuan's answer was a lot of angry insults and blame. Well, that had kind of been expected.

Once he had calmed down somewhat I could ask a few things, telling him I was willing to try and help. Apparently he was still going to school, because he didn't want his parents to find out about what he happened. His life was pretty much hell.

<Say Tuan, my boy, whose giving you the most trouble? Would it be a certain Mateo?>

The boy went on a long tirade about how much he hated the guy and how much his life was ruined because of him and only him.

<I have a proposal. Do you think Mateo is hot? Fuckable?>

It took some prodding but of course the boy eventually admitted that Mateo was certainly easy on the eyes as long as he kept his mouth shut.

Then I called Tuan from Mateo's phone.


"Hello, Tuan."

"Wait what? Oh god, you're behind this!"

"Oh no, he's not. I have merely taken over his mortal shell as today's vessel."

"What the fuck? You're like a ghost or something?"

"If that's how you can comprehend it. You are currently known as a perverse fag, right? Oh, I know there was no need to remind you of that. Imagine however, what would someone be who got fucked by you? Now let me ask again. Would you want to fuck Mateo? On camera? And share it?"

"You're asking me to do porn and let the whole school see?"

"Your image is ruined. You can still wreck Mateo harder than that and become the hero who tore him down."

"Fuck... Fuckfuckfuck. ...Okay, let's do it. If they think I'm a perverse fag, I'll give them a perverse fag."

"I'll be right over."

There were a few preparations to do. I got rid of Mateo's body hair except for the pubic mohawk. Normally I always gave my victims a mohawk and saw if they kept it, but this one wouldn't get such a chance.

With a shampoo bottle cap of two inches diameter I gave him the idiot-look with a single spot of hair left on top of his head. Since his hair had shoulder length, I had a lot to tie into a single spike upward where I let it fall open like a palm tree.

Mateo looked impossibly stupid. I would enjoy walking around like this.

My previous urge to experiment returned. I looked inward.

The Mateo cocoon was right there. I knew from Damon that I could talk to the victim's mind like to a very tired, slow person. It was exhausting for me and rarely was there any point. Maybe something similar but simpler was possible.

I poked the shell with anything I could think off. It didn't return a reaction. I observed it for a while.

There were a few places where spark got kind of sucked in. It was as if they were swimming through water and a few places in the cocoon were holes in the pool.

I tried poking these ones specifically.

The reaction was immediate and violent. The cocoon opened up, but not enough to let Mateo's mind escape. It was more like a small window – or maybe a glory hole.

One thing was unmistakable however. He was fully awake now.

I was in control of his body and the sleepy-communication didn't work anymore so I had no idea if he wanted to say something. What I got were vague impressions. He was utterly terrified. Wonderful.

Keeping the glory hole open – yes, that's what I now called it – was trivial in comparison to other mental tasks. I could force the boy to watch his own undoing, or send him back to sleep whenever I felt like it.

With a simple thought I closed the glory hole and Mateo was unconscious again.

Tuan's parents weren't home. They never were during the day, which was how he had managed to get home without running into them naked, erect and oiled up.

I rang and he opened, but was taken aback right away.

"Don't worry," I said. "It's really not him. He's basically asleep in his own head right now."

"Holy fuck. Alright, let's do this."

It was Tuan's first time so he was probably fairly clumsy. I gave stage directions as soon as we entered the bedroom. After a minute of talking we decided to get started with the show.

Tuan stripped and I did the same, leaving my underwear on – a pair of ugly, straight-boy boxers.

"Are you filming, Master Bain?" We had agreed to act as if Mateo liked to be dominated.

"Sure am, Fuckslave."

I woke my victim up, letting him see what I saw. Tuan in the nude with a camera. Then I looked down and pulled the underwear off. Mateo fell into a frenzy, which made me giggle with delight.

"Master Bain, may this slave suck your beautiful dick?"

"I dunno," the boy behind the camera said. "Is that what you want?"

I dropped to my knees. "Oh yes! Ever since I saw your gorgeous, naked body at school I couldn't think of anything but my lips around your perfect, delicious fuckstick."

"Well, then I guess I'll allow it."

Crawling closer on all fours, I grinned madly as Mateo was falling apart in his prison. He would have killed anyone and anything to get free but I was not going to leave now.

"Thank you for letting this unworthy bitchboy taste your perfect dick, Master Bain."

The boy filmed down and leaned back to get a good shot of me approaching his crotch. I smelled his dick and smiled up, hoping Mateo was able to feel the smile his own face made.

Then I kissed the dick passionately like a gentle lover's lips. Finally I took it all in.

If I had thought Mateo's raving was at maximum before, I was proven wrong. Even through the total silence he gave me the impression of screaming his lungs out.

Tuan enjoyed the blowjob for about three minutes, calling the boy between his legs all sorts of names that made clear who the superior sex partner was.

The boy used the palm tree to force my face farther onto his dick and I exaggerated the gagging to give the impression Tuan's dick was decimating my throat. All the while I did my best to smile at the camera whenever my mouth got a second of rest.

Then I got back up, turned around and spread my cheeks. I bent over to look at Tuan from between my legs.

"Master Bain, I love to make foreplay for as long as you please but I beg you to wreck my tight bitchhole with your mighty tool."

"Hm, should I give you such an honor? You're only a lowlife piece of scum. You've got to be my dumbest fuckslave, honestly."

I was still looking out from between my legs, but Tuan got up to film from various angles.

"Thank you, Master Bain, for paying so much attention to this worthless slave that you notice how unbelievably stupid he is. You're right that this fuckslave doesn't deserve the honor of getting to enjoy the endless pleasure your massive stick would bring his bitchhole, but I promise I will forever treasure this moment. Serving you is where I belong."

"Alright, shut your fucking, stupid slavemouth already. Nobody wants to hear how pathetic you are. It's plainly obvious. I guess I can give your other hole a taste, too. Get the lube."

"Yes, Mater Bain. I am forever grateful to you for your generosity."

I crawled over to his nightstand while Tuan laid down on his bed. Mateo in his cocoon had gone cold, seething quietly. When my lubed up fingers penetrated his ass I knew he could feel every sensation his body felt. He was practically vibrating with terror and fury.

Joining Tuan on the bed, I positioned myself so my back was towards him, giving him a good angle of my hole as it met his dickhead.

I sat down and took as much in as possible. Mateo got to experience the pleasure of losing his gay virginity.

"Ride that dick, fuckslave."

I twisted around. "Thank you so much, Master Bain. This is the greatest gift I could ever hope for and so much more than I deserve. Please don't let my anal stimulation get in the way of your pleasure. I am only here to give you orgasms. Mine are unimportant."

Then I rode him wildly. After a minute I turned around, facing him. Then he got up and fucked me on my back with my legs spread wide. Then he lifted my legs and fucked from above. At some point I took the camera and filmed myself, making hilarious orgasm faces. It had been a while since I had applied that talent.

About twenty minutes later, I was on my back at the edge of the bed, and Tuan stood with legs wide, to fuck as hard and fast as he could. He held the phone's camera right up to me.

"I'm gonna cum in your bitchhole. You like that, fuckslave?"

"Yes, Master Bain. Nothing would make me happier." Then I decided to dial it up to level. "I love you Tuan. I love you so much. Please let me be your slave forever. I love you. I love you. Ahhh!"

I shot my load – Mateo's load – onto my chest just as Tuan groaned deeply and unloaded in my ass. He pulled out and filmed the cum drip from the hole, while I smiled dumbly at the camera.

As Tuan stopped recording, I closed the glory hole, sending Mateo back to sleep. The whole time I had been bombarding him with horniness sparks. He was nearing the maximum dose – the one I had given Marvin. Not only had he watched and felt himself get fucked by a fag, he had been inhumanly turned on by it, too.

The boy grabbed me by the hair and pulled me into a deep kiss. It was a sloppy, inexperienced one but I wasn't going to say no.

"Damn," Tuan said with a sigh. "I'll have to figure out where to upload this and how to share it. But I promise it'll be everywhere. By Monday the school will know. Everyone will know. Fuck, there's no way my parents aren't going to hear about this but fuck it. If this is how I'm coming out, so be it."

I gave him my email address. Both for the video and so we could stay in contact. Then I brought Mateo home, still flooding him with sparks although his mind was barely accepting any now, filled to the brim. My hope was that – like Damon – he would now become obsessed with getting ass fucked. I wondered what the lasting effect would be. Would Mateo jerk off `six to eight times' like Marvin or was the limit higher than that? I decide there was a way to find out. I still had some time left in this body to set things up.

After an hour of preparations, I stood in front of the mirror and woke the boy up in his cocoon. I looked myself straight in the eyes and said, "If you bully any gay boys ever again, I'm coming back. And next time won't be so tame. Oh, and just to be clear, that hairstyle is not a suggestion. That's what you're wearing from now till forever."

Then I switched out.

On the following day, I accessed the files from the three cameras I had hidden in Mateo's room during my hour of prep. I activated the fast forward and watched him fuck his fist for six consecutive hours, always four fingers up his ass.

One day later, the immediate effect was cooling off and he only had to jerk of about once per hour for twenty minutes or so. He even had to wake up and masturbate before he could continue to sleep.

It took about one week for things to settle down. Mateo was jerking off with anal fingering about a dozen times a day, give or take, and showed no sign of decreasing that number. At least he could sleep again.

Just when he got a dildo, his family moved. One day later they were packing and the boy found the cameras.

He was probably moving schools. Made sense. Of course I sent all the information to Tuan, to keep him up to date.

Half the school was disgusted by Tuan's actions but the other half celebrated him as their savior. Oddly enough, the boys who had hung out around Mateo were extra friendly with him now. It was hard to say whether they were impressed, afraid or something else.

When I switched again I had intended to try the glory hole once more but I found right away that I had another candidate for different testing purposes.

Ken Wang was a tall and buff 27 year old with a bulky physique but insanely low body fat. He had a mohawk – broad and flat, but definitely not just an undercut.

It had been a while since I had given Lyle a chance. Maybe I was going to find another Lyle here. Maybe I was even going to find another one like Bobby.

I stripped in Ken Wang's bedroom and walked into his shower where I did the usual, leaving the pubic mohawk. I still wanted to test his style so I took a razor and narrowed the mohawk to about two inches. It looked pretty good on his round head.

Back in his bedroom I collected his clothes, except for one pair of jeans and a plain shirt. I cut them into a belly free tank top and extra short shorts.

I put on the normal clothes he had been wearing before I had showered. We'd get rid of those later.

When I had figured out what I wanted the test to be, I wrote him a letter. Then I threw all his clothes away.

Later when he would come home, he'd have a piece of paper on his coffee table, which read:

"Dear Ken Wang, you have been given a chance to reach your full potential. You have been selected to participate in a challenge. Tonight's events are a small taste of what will happen if you should fail. When I come back – which may be anytime from tomorrow to next week – I will judge if you have completed the tasks below to my satisfactions."

I wrote out the tasks and signed it as his Spiritual Liberator like I had taken to doing.

The tasks were thus:

  1. Keep your current style.

  2. You must get tattoos and piercings of your choice, at least one of each. I will judge if they are sufficient in number and perversity. Too low on either account and you fail.

  3. Your wardrobe may be added to, but must stay in the style of what it now contains. Too great a deviation and you fail. You may not wear underwear outdoors.

  4. When at home you may only wear a jockstrap or thong regardless of circumstances, or go naked. No other clothes.

  5. Jerk off in public three times at different places and take a video as proof. There must be several people nearby, visible in the video.

Thinking about it for a moment, I decided to make things much easier for him. I would leave his keys under the doormat and pin the letter at the door so he saw it when he got home. I added the comment about the key's whereabouts and secured the letter outside his apartment.

After figuring out his address and surroundings, I went out to find the nearest piercing studio where I donated him nipple rings. My final visit before the climax was a hairdresser where I turned his mohawk bubblegum pink.

Once I had found the place I had looked up beforehand, I dropped his phone and wallet into a trash can and walked up to the bouncer.

He was clearly not going to let me in by the looks of it so I stunned him lightly as I walked by and entered the club, cutting off a long line.

The music droned on, lights flashed in all colors of the spectrum and men and women crowded the half-darkness of the packed space.

Yes, there was a stage and it was not in use tonight. I took my time wandering around, getting into the beat. This way I could check out if there were any more bouncers to be stunned before Ken's stage debut. I used the knock out to steal a few drinks from the bar patrons. The organically accumulated amount of sparks would do, but I wanted him to get buzzed over the course of what transpired after the climax.

Once I felt like the coast was clear I made my way to the bathrooms, where I quickly opened the small window high on the wall. There were guys pissing, but I didn't see the need to care. I quickly stunned each one, making them lose control over this piss flow and getting it all over their pants.

I stripped completely and shoved all clothes out the window into the backstreet. I was already hard, so that was taken care of. In a minute Ken would get Bobby's treatment and wake up with the sensation of a powerful orgasm followed by ongoing horniness and horror. Just how I liked my victims.

One of the pissed guys wore a lose tie, probably having come directly from work. I stole it and tied it around my head as a head band.

Out in the club I was immediately the center of attention. I walked up to the stage, swung myself onto it and knelt down to jerk off. Playing with Ken's new nipple rings made the sensation complete. As the climax drew close, I pulled the tie down over my eyes.

Ken's load shot from his trembling dick onto his abs and I said goodbye.

Mateo got to be internet famous and have his sex drive readjusted. How generous. What will become of Ken? Success or fail?

Next: Chapter 18

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