
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 18, 2023



Following the pull into Tuan's head led me right to his room. It was neither large nor tiny, and a bit boring. Three days had passed since the incident at school. How was he faring?

For one thing he didn't seem to have a new phone yet. He probably wanted to avoid all social contacts. But I didn't. After looking up his home address, I fired up his computer and checked if he was still logged in anywhere. I got his email address, too, and the scrolled through a feed full of cruel jokes about him. It seemed a lot of kids had managed to take decent pictures of him and he would pretty much never live it down.

I noticed he still had the mohawk and even the matching patch of pubes. I like the boy more and more. Roaming through his stuff I found the thong. If I hadn't already found Bobby, Tuan could have maybe taken that place.

For a while I tried to assess his interests. Then I decided to simply contact him later. Then I used his account to mail Jimmy, deleted the evidence and turned the machine off.

I didn't waste my second lingering on Tuan and switched along the pull.

Tall, thick Ruben Harris was at the gym again. He had fixed his mohawk into a properly done one, but had kept the style. If so many ended up passing my little test, I might have to tighten the criteria.

I really wished I could have known how long it had taken him to free himself from the extreme pain bondage. How much had the loss of his car and other things fucked him over?

He deserved a reward. I felt like I was on a good-deed-spree. What to do?

Damon Pena was also there – training legs. I had no idea if Ruben was gay but I didn't really care. If I was going to reward him for enduring such suffering I might as well pick a reward I enjoyed, too.

Once Damon got up from his machine, I stunned him and took his wrist. Dragging the muscle man along with no resistance, I brought us both to the showers.

First I stripped Ruben, then Damon. Fuck, he was hot. With some anger I saw that Damon had gotten all tattoos removed. Well, then he deserved what was coming. I used the palm tree on top of his head as handle to maneuver him into position.

Damon ended up on his back on the shower floor, with his legs over my shoulders. I used shampoo as lube which wouldn't feel quite so soothing but I didn't have to endure the after effects so whatever.

I lessened the stun on Damon when I refreshed it, hoping he might be able to experience some of what was happening.

Pushing past all resistance, I went balls deep into the comically massive bodybuilder. Their sweaty bodies began to fuck as I wanted them to. Damon was totally out, of course, so I had to do all the work.

With the next refresh I again weakened the knock out. Damon was reacting now, groaning softly as if waking from a dream.

During this I fed horniness sparks to Ruben's cocoon. I wouldn't make him go insane, leaving him a choice to stop, but also wanted to give him an incentive.

Once Ruben's orgasm drew close, I stopped stunning Damon. The lean bodybuilder regained consciousness but didn't fight. He simply began reacting to the sex. Instead of being a dead fish, he now moaned and twisted.

Had I caused a permanent effect when I had broken his mind with too many horniness sparks?

I picked Ruben as my second lingering for this pull and half switched out. I could now have woken up if I wanted to, but then I would have had to wait another night for my final meeting.

The fucking man stopped for a moment, clearly confused about how he had ended up with his dick inside Damon who he may or may not have known personally.

Then he fucked on. I saw him trembled with orgasm and still he kept going. He was too horny to be satisfied with cumming once. There were people staring at the duo from behind but neither of them paid any attention to the gathering crowd.

Perhaps I had just made two soulmates meet. Who knows? Apparently this was the trip of unusual generosity.

Cumming a second time could take a while and I had a date. I said my goodbyes.

Ed Horton was at his laptop. It was early evening and Jimmy was right behind me on his bed.

"He Jimbo, guess whose back?"

"For real?"

"Yeah, are you still game?"

"Totally," Jimmy said, getting excited. "Going through this thing really fucked with Ed. He hasn't teased me since. He doesn't even know yet that there's a video."

"And tonight?"

"Absolutely. Let's do it. This is something I have dreamed about since the time you first messed with me. Well, there were a lot more girls in my fantasies but I'll take what I can get."

The plan was a simple concept – to make them both go through a round of humiliation together, with Jimmy doing it voluntarily and Ed... well, I had to be in someone's head after all.

The art student got off his bed. "I got your presents right here."

He showed me the package I had ordered to his place. Very convenient. If only I had someone waiting with gear every time I switched.

We went out toward the sunset. It could have been romantic if it hadn't been the beginning of royally fucking up two straight guys, even if one of them enjoyed it.

Ed had gotten his mohawk buzzed off and was re-growing his hair from the half-inch length it had reached by now. His roommate had already told me and so we had prepared.

While we walked, Jimmy retrieved a glass from his duffle bag. It had a diameter of about three inches. He placed it on top of my head and watched eagerly. Hair removal by will wasn't the most spectacular piece of magic, but it was still something unusual.

Making sure no one was looking our way, I force pushed everything outside the glass on Ed's head. His hair flew off. I had tried to spare his eyebrows this time and as a side effect also left the scruff intact. I used the glass on his chin to get the width right and left a matching patch of beard on his chin, making him smooth everywhere else.

I asked Jimmy if he wanted hair removal, too, since I had discovered the ability after already having visited him twice. He declined and that was just as well. I didn't like having more work anyway.

We didn't talk much, lacking a good conversational basis, but I could tell Jimbo was getting excited as we neared out target area.

A bus delivered two students to a street with a huge mall on one side and a cinema-restaurant-complex on the other. Lots of people to watch, but an audience wasn't our goal yet.

We entered the mall, passed by dozens or hundreds of people, walked to the top floor and his in the upper most bathroom. The door was quickly blocked with a metal trash can.

"So," Jimmy said and put his bag down. "We gear up and then you leave so Ed and I have to get back with our bodies in thongs."


Jimmy prepared the room keys and the complex' keycard. They were going to make getting back in easy. The rush through the crowd in the nude was what Jimmy was after.

We stripped and put on cock rings as well as thongs. Apparently Jimmy didn't want to be seen in pink, so only Ed's was of that color while his own was black.

Next came oil. Jimmy insisted on doing it himself because he didn't like getting touched all over by a man. I simply took the bottle and started oiling him up. He protested again but didn't stop me, just wanting it to be done quickly.

I saw he had brought the whole package I had sent even though his plan didn't involve all the items. Perfect. I talked to him trying to get him to use more things.

According to him we were already set, but I could talk him into at least making Ed suffer some more. I added a plug to Ed's ass hole and a ring gag to his mouth. Then I put a ball stretcher on his sack.

I couldn't convince Jimmy of accepting anything more or letting me humiliate Ed any further. If Ed woke up with only him in full gear he would know something was odd.

"Okay then," the student said to me, "We're all done I think."

"How about you two get tied to something or each other?"

"I like the idea but that's so much work to get out of."

"Oh, come on," I said. "Just tie you two together so Ed wakes up with your face in his own."

"Wait no. Then our dicks would touch. No way."

"Is that such a problem? I thought humiliation was the goal."

"Yeah, but that's way too much. I'd fucking freak out if I touched another guy's boner."

"As you wish."

I stunned Jimmy. Now the real fun could begin. I took their phones, keys, keycards, wallets and even their thongs. One after another I flushed down all the items.

With the glass, I helped Jimmy to the same permanent, dumb haircut as his roommate as well as the same spot of scruff on his chin. Then I added a pubic mohawk.

After applying a ring gag to him, I shoved a plug into Jimmy's ass and put a ball stretcher below his cock ring. Now he was looking just like Ed, but this was only the halfway mark.

My dick was perfectly hard already. Too bad I couldn't get Jimmy erect. At least the cock ring made sure he never went below a strong semi.

I snapped a collar around each man's neck, which had a short rope dangling from behind.

First I put cuffs on Jimmy, then I attached the cuffs to the short rope behind his back so his hands couldn't reach down to remove the plug or reach up to remove the gag. Or do anything, really.

I tied cuffs to Ed's rope but didn't slip his wrists into them yet.

There were two toe rings and I snapped one over each man's right toe. I added a chain leading to their ball stretcher. The length made it practically impossible to walk. I had to stand like a resting flamingo. The only way to move was to hop, which tore on my balls every time.

Something I hadn't even mentioned to Jimmy was that the plugs could vibrate. I turned them both to max level, enjoying the sensation of getting my bowels rocked from within.

All preparations were complete. I undid the toe chain to let us both walk easily and unblocked the door.

Basically no one was on the upper most floor because those were all repair services and things you needed an appointment for. A small group did see us however and stared in disbelieve. Good, I would have hated not to see any reactions.

I made the stunned Jimmy lie down on his back, staining the floor with oil. Then I reattached the toe chain on both of us and went down.

Laying head to feet with Jimmy I rolled on top of him and shoved my dick into his ring gagged mouth until the unconscious body shook with a triggered gag reflex. Apparently he wasn't exactly comatose while stunned.

I took Jimmy's dick in my mouth in return and sucked him to get him hard but not enough to make him cum. At the same time I skull fucked him under me.

More and more people arrived from the lower floors to see what the growing commotion was all about. My stuns grew weaker to get Jimbo to the edge of waking up.

I slipped my hands into the cuffs and clicked them shut. Then I came into Jimmy's mouth, just as he arrived back in reality.

Enjoying his panicked gagging and violent trembling for a few seconds I said goodbye to Ed.

I was interested on finding out more about my abilities. It had been a while since I had experimented in any way. I shot Bobby a message.

His reply was delightful. Apparently the overload with sparks did cause long term effects. Marvin had been masturbating about six to eight times a day and there was no end in sight.

For a long time I had wished I could fuck up my victims in a lasting way beyond hairstyle. Now I had a hint what to pursue.

The next message was also of great interest.

Lewis informed me that a few days ago Tony had stopped resisting the blowjobs. For a while the older brother had only given a formulaic token refusal before accepting his fate and servicing his younger brother.

As it turned out, Tony was now sucking dick as if it was a handshake. And just on this very day, he had come out to his family. It seemed I had accidentally liberated yet another soul.

This trip went well for Ruben and Damon. Maybe Tuan needs a bit more love, though. And silly Jimmy thought he could refuse a command. What awaits us next time? A new power perhaps?

Next: Chapter 17

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