
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 16, 2023



I got an excited email from Bobby, with pictures showing him on his brand new motorbike that had just arrived. What interested me more were the pictures of him naked, posing for me, plus a few pics he had sneakily taken of guys at the club sucking him off. That was how he made most of his money now – a proper boy-whore but always the one in charge.

We talked a little more and then it was time for him to head to the club for some dancing, drinking, partying and getting paid to let others suck his dick.

I went to bed, not switching that night. But two days later, I did.

Having gotten back into an irregular sleep cycle, I landed in a school boy during first period.

In my hand was a little package I had teleported along to help me out. This one was going to be my next candidate for lingering.

While the teacher explained some chemistry stuff, I pulled out the boy's phone and prepped it with the usual – like whitelisting only the anonymous throw-away number I had prepared for this occasion. I opened the camera app to look at myself, lacking a convenient mirror.

According to his ID the 15 year old boy's name was Tuan Bain. The pretty, half-Vietnamese twink had a full head of ruffled hair, big eyes and a face that was still waiting for puberty.

I sat through the last ten minutes of the lecture, scrolling through his social media and photo gallery without finding anything too fascinating. His web history told me he was as gay as they came, but I wouldn't use that against him. I had prepared something else.

My first lingering challenge had thrown Ron Jordan into an unfamiliar place, already fully humiliated. It had been fun but a little boring at times, with him taking forever to get home.

The second time had been Erik West who had refused the first opportunity. The territory had been too familiar to make him panic. I had gotten him to apply all the humiliating things by himself, but it was risky to have the victim start out with little incentive to keep going.

There had to be a way to start `in medias res', but also keep the pressure rising over time. This was my plan for today.

During break I roamed the school. One of Tuan's classmates was an insufferable jerk. I saw him several times in the hallway, always on the lookout to verbally abuse students. The broad shouldered, Hispanic teen had almost shoulder long hair and mature features. He was probably fuller with testosterone than he knew what to do with.

A few other wannabe gangster boys waddled after him as his underlings. I played with the thought of giving them a taste of humiliation but then the bell rang and Tuan was alone in the hallways.

I searched the place for good hiding spots along a path. While my excitement grew, I fed a moderate amount of sparks to Tuan's walled-off mind. He would wake up a good deal more horny and dazed than most of my victims but not enough to lose control entirely. I needed him to follow orders.

After about twenty minutes, I figured I was done and walked back the way I had come to the school entrance. There were a few stay kids in the hallways, skipping class, as well as a janitor or free period teacher here and there but I didn't mind that.

In an empty washroom, I pulled a razor from my bag and created a straight mohawk of about one inch width. There wasn't more to do than that.

Once outside, I found a trash container and dropped all of Tuan's clothes behind it. He was surprisingly built. His ultra-narrow midriff and frail neck had made me think otherwise but he showed some noteworthy muscle development.

Standing hidden at the back of the container I unpacked the things from my goodie bag I hadn't hidden in the school.

The trick was – I assumed – to start out with enough things in place to force the victim to go along. I used scissors on his shirt to make it end right at the nipples and lose the sleeves. Further I used them on his pants to turn them into shorts that ended on level with the crotch. Everything but those two things and his sneakers I threw into the container and covered with plastic bags from there to hide it all.

I quickly worked my force push over his body to remove what little hair he had but his pubes got a one inch mohawk treatment to match the head.

Of course I covered Tuan head to toe with my good old friend – body oil. Almost everything was more difficult if the victim was slick and slippery, leaving stains on everything he touched. And I just loved the perverted look. Since his hair was a bit long, I styled the mohawk with oil to stand up as much as it was possible. The result was a bit wonky but better than before.

A cock ring and a ball stretcher completed the look. With the sparks I had shoved into the cocoon he would likely not go limp anyway but it didn't hurt to make sure. The ball stretcher was really only for show.

What had taken the longest with Erik West was the butt plug, so I added this one before the game began, forcing a pink plug with a thick base into Tuan's smooth teen ass.

My last gift was a sturdy, spiky, pink dog collar, with a lock that was on the inside and basically impossible to remove without tools.

Tuan jolted awake in the school's main hallway with his phone beeping.

I hadn't felt like popcorn today, so I was munching chips as I typed into the proxy-phone messenger.

<Hello Tuan. You may have realized you're fucked in every way. Things will only get worse from here on. UNLESS you play a little game with me. If you want your clothes back you will have to complete a few rounds.>

Was Tuan even able to read the message with his trembling hands? The screen was already oil stained. It appeared the boy was capable of deciphering the message in the end.

"W-what the fuck?" he whimpered.

<What the fuck you ask? I just told you.>

"Huh? What?"

Maybe I had overdone the confounding sparks a bit. He seemed frustratingly slow. Regardless, he was clearly aware he stood naked, shiny and painfully erect in his school's entrance.

"Fuck... Uh, yes?" he said into the speaker. "What do I have to do?"

<Oh you don't need to talk into the phone. I can hear you wherever you are. First order of business, get into the janitor's closet next to the teacher's lounge.>

"Fuck, okay. Holy fuck, how... Please don't do this."

<Please don't help you?>

"No, I mean, please don't make me to that. What if a teacher sees me?"

<This game has rules. Rule One: if anyone sees you before you wear clothes, you lose.>

"Oh god."

Tuan looked down on himself one more time, the throbbing boner giving no hint of subduing anytime soon.

Then the boy ran. He slipped, smacked into the ground and slid along on his shiny ass. He fought himself back up and ran more carefully towards the lounge which was right down the hallway. During the run, he held both hands and the phone over his dick.

The school was a square, with a yard in the middle. The entrance was on one corner and so was the lounge. Just as Tuan arrived at the closet, its door opened. The boy dashed behind a sofa meant for students waiting for their teacher, still pressing his hands on his crotch.

Walking backwards, the janitor emerged with a cart of mops and buckets.

Once the man was out of sight, Tuan rushed over to the door. His hand slid off the handle at first. He got the door open on second try and hopped in, closing up behind himself and immediately covering his dick again.

Tuan put the phone on a shelf at eye level and began to ascend to the top. His soles were not oily at all and he had gotten rid of most oil on his hands, but it was still difficult for him – probably because he remained a bit dazed. The effect, I estimated, was that of having more than a comfortable buzz.

The boy dropped down with a big gold coin from a board game.

"What is this?"

<I told you it's a game. Collect all five to get your clothes back.>

"Okay, I get how it works now. Where's the next one."

<Not so fast. There are more rules. Rule Two: whenever you don't have to look at your phone, you will keep it in your mouth. You will use your hands, when they are not busy with anything, to play with your nipples at all times. Understood?>

"Yes? Can I go now, please?"

Tuan left the closet and jogged along, his phone between his lips and his fingers pinching his nipples obediently. I loved how he moved. Everything about it screamed of a deep state of panic. He looked left and right like a deer in the middle of a highway and flinched constantly at nothing, always seeing motion where none was. His breath went fast as if he had just finished running for his life, even though the jogging pace was moderate.

His dick, now uncovered, slapped left, right and up, causing smacks that had to seem like the loudest sound in the world to the boy.

Disjointed music was coming out of the room next to his destination. Through the nipple play, his hands were slick again and he slipped off the handle twice before getting inside.

Tuan entered the stall, dropped to his slippery knees and pulled the fake coin from its hiding place.

<Rule Three: whenever you pass a mirror, you stop, look yourself slowly up and down to get a good look at your pathetic self and jerk off with both hands. Count to a hundred out loud. You are not allowed to cum.>

Tuan sighed, put the phone on the counter and began to masturbate into his fists, the oil making a great, perverse sound effect to go with the motion.

I got a good look at his grimacing, desperate, panicked face as he looked up and down his body, counting to a hundred as fast as he could. It took him about a minute to count and in his mind-fucked state he kept messing up, like counting "twenty-eight, twenty-nine, twenty-ten".

Once he was done, I sent the next message for his benefit.

<The next stop is the boys' locker room around the corner. Rule Four: whenever you are standing still you must do little twerking motions to massage your insides with the butt plug. You may only stop doing so when you are on the move. No exceptions.>

Tuan pushed the phone back between his lips and left, hands immediately on his nipples.

I noticed a slight swaying in his step from the `drunkenness' and that he was still breathing as if fleeing from a monster. But there was no escaping me.

We now were in the hallway that lead to the corner farthest away from the entrance. Tuan slipped into the locker room and stopped.

Noise of game practice reached the boy's ears from behind the next door. There was a chance someone would enter to get a bottle of water or something.

<You're not massaging your anal g-spot. Do you want to win or no?>

With a sigh, Tuan began to hump the air and flexed his ass rhythmically to made the plug rub his prostate over and over.

<Don't stop going that, but also get the third coin. On the underside of the bench closest to the showers, together with a little gift for you.>

He walked over there and resumed clumsy twerking as he knelt down to reach underneath the bench.

The teen got the coin loose from the sticky tape I had put there as well as my gift – a neon pink thong, smallest size.

Tuan looked around, clearly contemplating stealing some of the clothes from kids who were currently at practice. Then he slipped into the thong anyway.

He was about to head for the door.

<Did you not see the mirror?>

Tuan turned back to the shower mirror and put the phone down to count, while jerking off under the thong. He looked up and down his body, but also snuck glances at the door from where players' noise came – sometimes louder, sometimes quieter, always terrifying. Diligently, he kept humping and ass-flexing while masturbating.

"Oh come on. That's not fun anymore. Just stop it already. Please, have some mercy. Do you know how hard this is?"

<Rule change: every five steps you make five squats. Do you want your clothes back at all?>

Tuan groaned but left with the phone in his mouth and his hands on his nipples. After five steps out of the room, he squatted lightly.

<Oh no, you go all the way down till you're sitting on your legs.>

"Please, I beg you. I'll do anything. Just stop this fucked up game."

<Every three steps, ten squats. No more talking back.>

He kind of cheated by taking huge steps, almost leaping. I let it slide because I didn't want the game to last forever. It would have been fun if he got discovered but I wanted him to go through the whole thing.

Even on the stairs he took huge steps, but still did his ten squats every time.

As he arrive next to the chem lab I informed him that the coin was to be found stuck behind the message board. The boy retrieved it and humped the air to rub his prostate as he waited for instructions.

<Before I give you the last location, I want you to describe you experience.>

"What? Like a customer service review? Because I rate this zero out of five stars."

After all of this, the boy still had humor? I had to admit that was gutsy. I would have rewarded him, but now was not the time for niceties.

<Funny. Now tell me. What was it like waking up this way? What do you remember? How does it feel right now?>

"Well, wouldn't you fucking know it? I was sitting in class and then there were these weird flashing images of the school and scissors and some place outside. And then I woke up super horny. Like, I haven't been this horny since I had to share a room with my aunt for the Christmas holidays and couldn't jerk off for a week. And of course if anyone would see me I'm dead. Plain and simple. I will be ended."

Tuan took a deep breath. He was still twerking, which I noted with satisfaction. He was doing well. He even was playing with his nipples again, even though he only had one free hand, still acting as if he was speaking to the phone in some way.

"This is the most fucked up thing that's ever happened to me, that's for sure. I never had something this big up my ass. And I was never oiled up, as much as I wanted to try it like the guys wrestling in porn. Uh..."

<Don't worry. I already knew you were into dicks.>

"Wow, okay. That's not how I thought I'd have my first coming out."

<Does it feel exciting?>

"Fuck, of course it does. I've never felt a rush like this."

<Does it feel good?>

"I... I guess. Fuck, don't make me do this again, though, please."

"Can I, like... go straight there?"

<No, but I'll downgrade you to three squats every ten steps.>

"Wow thanks," Tuan said with obvious sarcasm. I could even follow his eyes as they rolled. I was starting to like the boy. He had some moxie.

The teen made his way to the next corner, saw people in the hallway and turned around. To his credit, he kept following my rules even as he knew there were people just down the corridor, putting up posters.

By the time he was back at the staircase, his squats had become slow and his breath was getting even deeper than before. His knees had to be killing him at this point.

<Can't go on with the squats?>

He put the phone down and dropped to all fours. "Fuck, please let me stop it."

To show that he was still willing to play my game he twerked while on all fours, in the spirit of the rules. I could even hear the slapping noise of his dick on his abs, which seemed to have slipped out of the tiny thong.

"Ugh, fine."

He complied, but since he had to drop down for the push-ups, he pretty much had to squat a little every time anyway.

<This is taking too long, do jumping jacks instead.>

"Okay, now you're talking. I'll- Fuck!"

Someone rounded the corner. Tuan slid behind a row of lockers and looked around in panic. There was no way he wouldn't be seen. His only choice was if he was going to get caught as well.

The boy jumped out of his hiding place and the two teachers shouted out in surprise. They were still far enough away not to see him properly if he was quick, but he slipped on the oil he had left from his first set of push-ups and fell on his ass, dropping phone and coins.

He scurried farther, took three tries to get the phone off the ground, leapt to the nearest door, and hurried inside an empty classroom.

As the teachers' steps drew nearer, he turned and jogged into the adjacent teacher's office, which had a door back to the corridor. He waited until the two people entered and quickly left through the office door himself.

Then he raced for the corner of the school above the entrance. Once there, he hid in the staircase.

Almost as if remembering he still had it, he looked at the phone in his hand. "Fuck. Okay, listen, I know I was seen but that doesn't really count, right? Cause I escaped? Right? Please?"

"Fuck. No please, I'll make up for it, just tell me what to do. I'll win the game. I promise."

"W-won't that be locked?"

<No, I checked.>

Tuan ascended the staircase and entered the flat roof of his school.

<The fifth coin was below the stairs. I'll treat it as completed if you make up for your rule failure.>


The sun was burning down on the building, its corrugated iron roofing shining like floodlights and heating the surrounding further.

<Fifty push-ups. Nipples to the ground, ass up. Fifty squats. All the way down.>

The teen sighed, but complied. He even played with his nipples while squatting. Maybe he liked the sensation and it helped him complete the exercise. Good for him.

Almost collapsing and bathed in sweat running down the oil film, Tuan finished his task.

<Realized how the roof is a reflective surface?>

I didn't have to remind him any further. He jerked off while humping and ass-flexing, looking at the distance this time because there was no proper reflection on the iron roof.

He complied.

<See the bundle behind the trash container?>

"My clothes!"

<Congratulations. Go get them. You still have to follow the rules, or I'll mess things up for you last minute. No need for squatting or push-ups, though.>

"Naturally. Fine. I made it this far."

He left the roof. As he walked down the staircase, he kept up the nipple pinching. There were voices coming towards him. The boy raced off the steps and along the upper floor where he slipped into a washroom.

<Don't forget that there's a mirror. Oh, and you may cum now if you want, but make sure no drop hits the ground. It has to go on you.>

Tuan groaned, but followed my suggestion. He didn't count this time, he just rubbed his dick vigorously. With a beautiful shiver and moan, he shot his load onto his abs. It ran down to his hips and he caught it as it made its way past his thong.

Whatever didn't stick to his body or the thong, he ate. Good boy.

Then he walked back outside and to the staircase at the corner opposite the entrance.

A bell rang.

"No. No! Nononononono!"

Multiple doors burst open and students streamed into the halls. Tuan found himself face to face with the long haired, dark skinned bully from earlier.

He ran. Roaring laughter followed him. A few boys acted as if trying to catch him but nobody wanted to touch his shining skin. After navigating pretty much the majority of the student body, he made it to the entrance and outside.

On the stairs down, he slipped and stumbled. While he managed to steady himself without cracking his skull open, he did drop the phone. It shattered into a dozen pieces.

I had no way to talking to him anymore, but I also didn't need to worry about him showing my messages to anyone else.

He grabbed the rags that were his clothes and raced away, presumably homeward. Once the school was out of sight, he looked at his attire and groaned. He slipped into the things anyway since they covered more than what he had now and shoes were quite helpful on the asphalt.

When nothing interesting happened on the first five minutes of his walk home, I switched out.

Honestly, I felt like I had to make up for that. When I returned to him with the pull I would check out his address and send a few nice things.

But there was someone else I had to contact first. Jimmy had written me with some ideas.

What a journey for Tuan. Did you like him? What will happen to him now?

Next: Chapter 16

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