
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 13, 2023



A fresh start after a lingering-pull was always a good time for experiments, since I would get a second chance with the victims at some point later. The idea was to take another look inward and figure out if there was something else to do with the sparks, the cocoon or the barrier.

This time I woke up as a young man in a college dorm room, early evening. It had been a long time, but I realized it was the same building Jimmy Hunter resided in. I wondered if I would meet dear Jimbo.

The guy I had possessed was 20 year old Ed Horton. He had rough features that made him look more mature. His body was slender but fit enough. I didn't always end up in supermodels but never in someone ugly or out of shape. Perhaps my subconscious was repulsed by the ugly ones and directed me away. I didn't really care how it worked as long as it worked.

Ed was a dirt blond, scruffy guy with a thick dick. I knew what his tool looked like because he was already naked, aside from a towel that had dropped when I switched into him.

I picked the towel back up, grabbed his little bag with shampoo and such and headed out. I had forgotten the specific layout of Jimmy's dorm, but this place seemed similarly constructed.

With no difficulties I arrived at the communal showers. There were two guys showering but they paid me no mind as I turned on Ed's razor and gave him a pretty successful mohawk – it looked quite professional. Maybe I was getting too good at this. I missed the time when my victims looked properly fucked up.

At this point, it was trivial to do whole body hair removal. I stepped into a shower cabin, focused a tiny bit on the area right under Ed's neck and hair dropped off him as if escaping in a panic. I worked my way down within seconds, leaving out his crotch – I liked what he had done there. Ed's treasure trail led down to his pubes which he had shaved at the sides, leaving a narrow path like a treasure trail extension.

It was basically a dick-mohawk. I removed all pubic hair on the sides, making the style permanent. How had I not come up with this?

After a quick rinse, I slapped the towel around my waist and returned to his room.

When I entered the room my eyes fell on a painting. So this one was an art student, too, just like Jimmy? Before I could remember why the painting felt so familiar, someone entered behind me.

Turning around I was totally stumped. Ed Horton was Jimmy Hunter's roommate.

My first ever victim stood by the door and stared openly. Then he slipped in and shut the door. He whispered, "It's happening to you, too, now, huh?"

I didn't know what to say. Almost involuntarily, I shrugged.

"How?" Jimmy demanded.

Well, what was the guy going to do if I told him the truth? He had no way to attacking me. If anything he would punch his roommate and get expelled. With satisfaction I also noted that Jimmy still had a mohawk.

"I possessed you," I decided to say, "Now it's his turn."

Jimmy staggered but then he grinned. I really hadn't expected him to be happy about the state of affairs.

"Fucking perfect," he said. "Can Ed hear me in there?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Good. The fucker made it so hard for me. I could play it off when it happened to me, you know, as hard as it fucked me up. But Ed wouldn't stop teasing me. I was dumb enough to tell him the truth. That I didn't remember anything and it just happened, but of course he didn't believe me."

"Well, I guess now is your chance to pay him back. Let's have a chat. I have a few questions if you don't mind."

"I have a few, too. A lot actually."

I sat down on the bed, still in my towel. Jimmy sat down at the desk. Then we talked. I insisted on going first so I wouldn't have to give him any information afterwards.

For starters I confirmed the victim's experience. Jimmy also reported a dreamless, vague euphoria and state of arousal with some blurry images of walking through the city. He woke up groggy and horny, but already covered in cum. People freed him before he had even fully registered what had happened. The second time, he said, was different because I hadn't jerked off for him before leaving, so he was extremely horny when he woke up. It was however a perfectly normal kind of horny – albeit unusually strong.

Next I found out he had kept the mohawk and the thong because he liked them, but he was in fact straight and Ed was as well. Jimmy said he was hugely turned on by the two experiences I had given him, but he would never thank me because getting rid of his phone, wallet and keys had caused him a lengthy period of annoyances to get them all anew.

I was satisfied with what I heard. I had known I was wrecking my victims pretty hard by getting rid of their belongings, but I wished there was a way to cause more permanent trouble for them. I didn't tell Jimmy this, of course.

Then, to my amazement, the boy agreed to help me humiliate Ed, because he wanted the mean roommate to pay for his behavior.

We came up with a plan and I headed out on my own to buy what I needed. I was going to use Ed's money, just like when I had used Jimmy's, even though that wasn't necessary anymore.

About an hour later, I met Jimmy again at a place he had told me about. It was a public area – a traffic island in the middle of coffee shops, boutiques and stores. The road was narrow and confusing here, which was what made the island necessary. This meant there would be slow cars and groups of people only a few steps away. Everyone would get a perfect look.

I walked into a side alley, although it wasn't particularly hidden. Jimmy pressed himself into an alcove.

"Just so you know," I said to him, "I've already dropped his items, so he'll go through the same trouble as you."

"No," he answered, "through more, because I told the front desk that someone gave the passcode away so they changed it. Without his keycard he can only get into the building with that code and now it's a different one."

I couldn't help but smile. Jimmy deserved a reward, after all I had planned on rewarding him last time when I had run out of whatever let me stay in someone's head.

Without further ado, I stripped, in full view of the people walking by the alley entrance. First I slipped a cock ring over Ed's dick, then covered it up with a white spandex thong, that I had carefully chosen two sizes too small.

Jimmy watched me oil up, while hiding out of sight in an alcove. He was readying his camera. "To be clear," the boy said, "I'll film for five minutes and be gone unseen. I'm not helping him."

"Right," I said, "but keep in mind that I'm trying something new. The effect that made you dazed like a short high – he won't get that. So he might react differently."

I had indeed blocked the sparks that were going to cause the daze, but still exposed him to the naturally occurring amount of horniness sparks.

The sun was going down and the streetlights came on. I put on a dildo-gag to keep Ed quiet in case he wanted to shout for help. I also put an electroshock collar on him to keep him from making any other sounds. I just wanted him to have to figure out how to get away without having people easily helping him out.

Once a leather-and-metal-cuff was on each wrist and ankle, I gave Jimmy a thumbs up, stepped away and waved goodbye.

With chains in my hands, I casually walked onto the road and was with a few more steps on the traffic island. How nice of the city to put up these poles on hip height, just as thick as dicks. They were meant to deter cars from running over the island, but today I would show the city population a different purpose.

After dropping the chains, I shoved two fingers from each hand into Ed's hole and spread it for a minute. I hadn't told Jimmy about this part – it was a cherry on top to surprise him.

With Ed's dick hardening in anticipation, I pushed the thong's bridge aside and hovered over a pole. With my back to the camera surely already filming, I dropped down to let the bar find a way inside me. After a few attempts, it slipped past the sphincter and I enjoyed the pain I knew I wouldn't have to endure for long.

The chains I had brought had carabiner clips on each end. I attached one to each cuff, leaving me with four dangling chains, ready to be hooked up.

Starting bent over, I forced the pole deeper inside to reach down where I clipped the carabiners on the foot chains together around the pole. The chains were nicely short. Ed was now fixed to the pole unless he somehow got his legs above his ass without impaling himself.

By then the dildo gag was rubbing my mouth sore. I activated the shock band and made sure to be extra quiet even if it meant working slower.

For the upper two carabiners I decided to hook them into the ankle cuff loops. This left Ed's hands right there to trivially undo the carabiners, but luckily I had planned ahead.

On his wrists were lose zip ties, because I simply could not part with tradition. I wiggled them down to his fingers, slipped the other hand in and pulled them closed with my teeth. A good ten zip ties kept his hands clapped together from the palm to the fingertips. It was practically impossible for Ed to wiggle out of them without amputating himself.

I was rock hard, but had no way of jerking off unless I could manage to get the pole in even further so my dick would be level with my knees – that's how far my hands reached up. Needless to say it was an impossible task. I could have rubbed the dickhead only, but that was not fast enough for my liking. Too bad I couldn't leave him cum covered, but there was always a second time.

Taking a deep breath, I prepared to switch within the blink of an eye. I screamed into the gag, making sure he would wake up to a maximum level electroshock.

An hour after I had left Ed, Jimmy sent me a link to the email address I had given him. I got to watch a video of myself gearing up on the traffic island for a much longer time that I had thought it took. Time flies when you're having fun ramming your ass on a bar in public.

It was totally obvious when I left. Even though the scream was completely muffled by the gag and Jimmy had filmed Ed from behind, the shock rocking his body was clear. And since he only kept screaming, the shocks didn't stop until he was out of breath.

With the dazing sparks suppressed, Ed had awoken without the high that all my victims had mercifully been granted. He was clearly different – able to understand the gravity and terrifying nature of his predicament immediately. I wasn't sure what kind of waking up I preferred my hosts to have.

He looked left and right with frantic motions, but people only stared. If he looked at someone for too long, they kept walking, clearly uncomfortable that this crazy pervert was fixating his eyes on them.

Of Ed's face only his side profile was occasionally visible but he had a look of utter despair and tried to pull off the pole over and over to no avail.

It was a beautiful little clip and made better by Jimmy's message telling me Ed hadn't made it home yet. I got an update the next day, telling me much the same. Only on the third night was Ed finally back at the dorm. He begged Jimmy to help him, but the first victim only vaguely implied to have crucial information about the whole deal without revealing anything.

Having memorized the dorm's address I sent a few gifts to Jimmy. All coupons I figured a student might find useful, plus one from an erotic underwear store so he would know it was from me. I hoped to keep in contact with him.

Speaking of old contacts, I checked back with little Lewis. Even after the weeks since the torment of Tony, the older brother was still broken and tame. I got a few fresh pics of Tony sucking his brother's dick, which had apparently become a daily ritual.

I sent Lewis a whip, restraints and a few other trinkets to make sure Tony knew I was still looking out for the younger one.

I had done a lot of humiliations lately, but Tony had reminded me of the lack of pain related situations I had created for a while. Some more car battery swinging was in order, although I wasn't fixated on just one possibility. No, I was flexible.

My next chance came with Ruben Harris, a 35 year old man who stood in his gym locker with my goodie back in hand.

Ruben was a tall, athletic man with a nice muscle tone. He had steel blue eyes, which wasn't something I was used to seeing in the mirror. He had a chin beard and an undercut. I was already half undressed on arrival, so I dropped the remaining clothes together with the bag and stepped into the showers for a quick body hair removal. I got rid of everything below the neck, but left his pubic hair in a thin strip as a dick-mohawk I had decided to add to my style.

There was only one item I needed from my bag – the razor that turned the undercut into a mohawk. The hairstyle was badly done on purpose, to get back to the truly humiliating look I wanted. Then I spared a second to register where I really was.

The gym was the same I had let Damon Pena get fucked in. Maybe he was here.

After slipping back into street clothes and with my goodie bag held firm, I looked into the gym area.

Jackpot, Damon was using the biceps curl machine. He had decided to go along with the hairstyle I had gifted him and wore a patch of hair on the exact top of his head. He had even grown it out to make it look purposeful and turned it into a palm tree shape with a black band.

Otherwise he was still perfectly hairless. I noticed he didn't have eyebrows. Oops, I had not realized I had gotten rid of those, too. Normally I wasn't so sloppy. But it suited him – kind of.

The whole look was gorgeously perverted and made him look comically stupid. I loved it. From now on, this haircut was an official variation on my trademark.

Ruben Harris left the building.

On his phone I figured out the best course of action. Since he had car keys I pressed the lock button to find out which car was his. Ruben owned a mate black one, custom painted.

It had been a while since I had driven someone else's car, so I took it slow and enjoyed the scenery. Also, I was kind of stuck in traffic. Apparently everybody wanted to get out of town right now. My ultimate destination was outside the city as well, but I had another goal before that.

By now I was so used to getting pierced that I didn't even flinch anymore. I donated Ruben a lot of rings. One for each nipple, one for the belly button, one on the tip of his tongue, one for his frenulum, one on each lower lip corner, five in his right ear and one on the left eyebrow for good measure.

I drove out as the sun was already low on the horizon and found a faraway place, which wasn't densely enough crowded with trees to be called forest but nonetheless looked like wilderness. I maneuvered the dark car to a lake.

To my satisfaction, I found Ruben had his laptop and tablet in the car, together with a bunch of folders for work, dated to be important this week. I left his phone and wallet on the backseat and drove up to the pier.

It had been a while but I felt the same thrill as last time I had done this. I lowered all windows and got out. Fortunately I remembered to rescue the car battery.

With the driver's door open, I steered the car in neutral along the pier and over the edge. It landed with a splash and floated for a minute. I watched it slowly fill with water until it had sunken enough for the windows to meet the water level. The rest happened quickly and soon there was nothing more to see than bubbles rising.

I dropped all clothes right there, since I had no need for them. With only my goodie bag, I walked off the path to find a nice spot. Carrying the battery was quite the chore, but I managed with breaks.

Once the lake was well out of sight I paused atop a small hill and emptied my bag.

First, the simple stuff. A put on a collar and a ring gag, followed by the usual leather-metal bands on all four joints. If only I could explain to the sales people that I was always the same person buying these things, I might get a discount. Not that I needed one, I just felt like it would be funny.

A cock ring and a ball stretcher followed, helping me get hard without having to pay attention to Ruben's package.

While I fed a few sparks of both kind to his holed up mind to add some edge to his awaking, I prepared thin metal chains. Then I started connecting stuff.

Ruben's nipples were individually chained to his tongue ring, making his tongue hang out a bit, through the gag. The chains then ran from the nipples – through the belly button ring – to his frenulum. I chose all length in such a way that he could not stand upright.

Then I added heavy jumper cable clamps to his nipples – two each – and his balls, making sure they were firmly crushed. I did not yet tighten them by their screws. Oh no, I had learned my lesson on that.

Two more chains were added, running from the ball stretcher to his ankle cuffs. Naturally they were too short to allow a straight stance, making me bend my knees at almost ninety degree. Next came another addition to his feet, namely a chain between the cuffs to keep his step length short.

My addition of the car battery was also through a chain to his ball stretcher. He'd have to pull the thing along somehow if he wanted to move.

The next part was tricky. I fixed a spreader bar to the back of my collar with carabiners on the sides where the wrists would eventually go. It was fiddly work but paid off.

My greatest worry was what came next. I spread extra spicy hot sauce on a huge anal hook, which was connected to the back of the collar, too.

It took some arching to get it in. Now I stood with my back bent, forcing my tongue out further while still pulling my nipples up. After a second, the burning in my ass set in.

Tears streamed down my face and I breathed more deeply than even when I had carried the battery before. The burn was making me jumpy. Sweat broke out all over me within moments. I could barely control my movements. I had clearly underestimated the pain this anal torture would cause.

With shaky hands, I tightened the clamps to pinch the tips of Ruben's nipples beyond reason, and made sickening ball pain join the ass torment.

I practically tore on his dick to get it to orgasm. Once I began to shoot cum onto his pecs and abs, I didn't bother to finish and let go of the tool to finalize my plan.

It took me way too long to get my wrists into the carabiners. I couldn't see through the tears. Several times I thought about giving up and just leaving him this way, but I knew I would feel nothing of the cruel sensation in just a few seconds and this kept me going.

With a deep sigh of relieve I managed to fix my hands to the spreader. Then I said goodbye to Ruben Harris and switched back out within a split-second.

Ed or Ruben? Who got the better deal? There's still a revisit in store for them both.

Next: Chapter 15

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