
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 10, 2023



I switched into my next victim on a Saturday morning. It was a teenager's room and I saw a mirror above the dresser. So I got up from his desk chair to take a look.

All my plans went out the window immediately. My new host was perfect. The boy – who I later found out was named Ralph Love – had a deeply tanned body that was lean muscled in a way that went a bit beyond an athletic build but didn't speak of excessive amounts of lifetime wasted in a gym. He was of average height, making him look a little more stocky than he probably was, but with an incredible shoulder-waist-ratio that gave him a graceful swagger like a bodybuilder on stage.

His face was also exactly my type. Ralph had an extremely masculine jaw – more pronounced than I had thought was possible without looking weird. It was complemented and compensated by his sharp, feminine features like high cheekbones, long lashes and extra thick lips.

Ralph had dyed his dark hair with blond strands. It was too pretty to ruin. I wanted to give him a mohawk, but not one of mine, which were disheveled at best. He deserved to see a hairdresser.

Even so, I wasn't sure I wanted to do anything to him. He was my type all around. No! If I had imagined my ideal, perfect type he would not have come close to Ralph's amazing hotness.

I wanted to fuck him, sure. But more so I wanted to become him – to live life as Ralph Love and forever take care of his physique, meet his friends, play his games, read his books. I needed to know more about him.

First I wanted to document his exterior. I stripped and took pictures with his phone. His body was just as mouthwatering as I had imagined. His thick dick hung between beefy thighs and hardened quickly as I looked at my current body.

After sending Ralph's pics to myself, I sent them to Bobby, too, so he would know what I had been up to lately. We hadn't spoken since the Marvin incident.

Ralph: Hey Bobby. It's me, your Liberator. Look what a hot bod I have ended up in this time. Quite the looker, huh?

While taking some more pictures, I went around the room to get an idea of what it meant to be Ralph Love. He had a few awards for sports competitions, but those were from years ago. He was 16 years old and, going by the surroundings, his family was decently wealthy. He had a stylish wardrobe consisting of expensive, but simple designer clothes – jockish with a hint of douchbag.

I got a message on his phone.

Bobby: r u FUCKING serious!?!?!

Ralph: I sure am, boy. An impressive catch I made, no?

Bobby: u really are INSIDE ralph fucking love right now?!

Ralph: is that so strange?

Bobby: that's the boy I have a massive crush on. I told u about him.

The revelation made me burst out laughing. Ralph had a great laugh – boyish and a bit dumb sounding. I checked on the map app and found out that Bobby lived about twenty blocks away. They had to be in the same school district after all.

A minute later Bobby had agreed to a date with me. I got rid of all evidence on Ralph's phone and left, wearing camouflage-shorts, a wife beater, a red snapback, matching red sneakers and a gold chain.

After a few blocks I was leaving the rich neighborhood and entering the merely well-off neighborhood where the Thomas residence stood. Bobby met me a block before his home, looking like a deer in the headlights when he spotted me.

The teen had just refreshed his haircut and was still brightly pinkhaired. He wore a leather jacket and washed out jeans that were more holes than fabric.

"Hey, Bobby."

"H-Hi, um. Hey, R-Ralph. Can I... call you Ralph?"


I grabbed the flustered, older boy and kissed him with passion. It took a while for him to kiss back properly – like a horny teen slut instead of a shy, prude star-struck boy with a crush, which he had seemingly become.

We took a walk and I got Bobby to tell me all about his crush. How he had felt the butterflies in his stomach, how he had clumsily approached Ralph a few times, how his feelings had been obliterated when Ralph found a girlfriend, and then another one, and another and another.

I let the boy ramble for a bit, it was quite cute. We walked hand in hand and I placed chaste kisses on him whenever I felt like it.

Despite how much I loved humiliation and causing pain, this had to be the best switch ever. Or at least it was somewhere in the top three.

We ended up back at the Love residence. I let Bobby in and his previously unseen shy nature returned. He hadn't been half as coy when he had fucked his own brother.

I simply pulled him along, to Ralph's room and stripped as soon as we were inside. Bobby was shaking a bit but his deep, heavy breaths let me know he was ready.

Once the teen's senses returned, he tore his clothes off as if they were on fire. He was rock hard and I was getting there quickly, too.

We dropped on Ralph's sizeable bed and dry humped each other while making out. Bobby whimpered adorably, clearly wanting more.

Since I had stupidly not prepared anything, we had to look through Ralph's stuff for lube. There were a lot of condoms which we didn't care for, but also a couple of absurdly tiny lube packs. It seemed he indeed didn't fuck guys.

I rubbed a pack on Ralph's dick and used my slick fingers to slide between Bobby's buns. The boy took a position on all fours and poked his ass out. I pushed my fingers in, three at once, and slowly drove them further. The older teen's groans let me know when I had to go slower or when I could go on. Eventually I figured his ass was sufficiently spread and wiped my fingers on the mattress to have a better grip on Bobby's hip.

With a single stroke, I shoved Ralph's dick in all the way. It slid inside the ass just fine but Bobby whined at the sudden pain. After ten seconds to let the bottom get used to the thick meat, I began to fuck. I didn't bother to start slow – there would be time for romance later. Right now I just wanted to brutalize some ass. I leaned forward and wrapped my buff arms around the bottom's muscular torso.

The combination of having Bobby under me and being inside him – and being inside Ralph in a different way – let me lose control quickly and I shot a hot load into my favorite boy-whore's guts in no time.

This was not the end, though. I pulled out, letting Ralph's cum drizzle from the fucked teen's hole and slapped Bobby's cheeks until he turned over.

Not waiting for permission, I rubbed a new lube package on Bobby's dick and sat down on it. Not interested in feeling the pain myself that I had doubtlessly caused, I took it slow.

Bobby didn't complain but moved eagerly to fuck as far as I allowed him to enter. He made his way deeper and deeper until he was fully buried in Ralph's hole.

I let Bobby under me do the work of humping upward and gave him a show by flexing and caressing my own muscles. Then I returned my attention to the older teen and we kissed while fucking.

Once Bobby shot his cum into me with a massive whole-body-tremble, I slipped off him. We kept laying side by side and talked. Every half hour or so, we fucked. When we ran out of lube, we showered together and from then on sixty-nined between conversations. Way into the afternoon, we were simply cuddling, sexual energy totally spent.

"What now?" Bobby asked. "When will I see you again? And who will you be?"

I sighed. I wished I had better answers. "Maybe I can find a way for us to be together. I'll check by as Ralph once again, soon, so keep your calendar empty. I'll be Marvin pretty soon afterwards so let's think of something for him, too."

"One day you'll have to explain to me how that works."

"One day I might know it myself. I'm sorry, but you should go. I won't stay in this body much longer. Anything I can do for you?"

Bobby looked at me with sad eyes but cheered up quickly. "Nah, today was the best day of my life. Even better than when you were in me and had me naked, horny and cum-dripping in front of an audience."

I chuckled. "Well, let me hear from you occasionally. You still have my email address."

"Right. I'm just busy right now, saving up my salary."

"Why? Do you want to move out?"

"Nah, I wanna get a bike. Something black and fast."

"What brand?"

"Well I figured..." Bobby hesitated. "You're not- You wouldn't buy me a bike, right?"

I winked. "Send me the details to my mail. And attach a couple pics of you I might like."

"Y-you can't- you've bought so much stuff for me!"

"And you fuck good. Now get out of here. I can feel it pulling me back."

Bobby hurried into his clothes and I got dressed as well. I kissed the teen goodbye and sat down at the desk to let Ralph wake up exactly as I had found him. I had done nothing to his mind in its cocoon but with all the sex I just had, he would wake up super horny anyway – regular horny, not the supercharged kind. I wondered if he would be able to tell that the sensation in his ass came from having gotten fucked three times.

I had lied to Bobby on one account. I didn't feel any pull yet. With my careful alternating use of caffeine and sleeping pills I was sure to be here for another two hours or so.

Once I was sure Bobby had left, so did I – but not completely. I lingered.

For the next two hours I observed Ralph's mannerisms. How he masturbated, how he spoke to his parents when they arrived, how he chatted with friends in text, how he trained abs on his floor, how he masturbated again, how he showered, how he played games, how he finished his Spanish homework, how he went to bed and masturbated twice more.

All of the boy's actions were endearing him even more to me. He would have been a great match for Bobby. If I couldn't have Bobby in the end, I would have gladly gifted him a life with Ralph Love. Too bad I couldn't alter minds that way.

Once back in my body, I wrote my eighteen year old boy-slut a message. He told me what sort of motorcycle he wanted to buy, not even hinting at the fact that I had offered to purchase it for him. He left me the option to do it or ignore it without obligation, although his pick was clearly more expensive than what he would likely have been saving up for. He was cute, but not clever.

Within the hour I confirmed the order to the Thomas residence address.

The next time I went to sleep I followed the pull right away into Ralph's head. It was a school day, so I could meet up with Bobby at mealtime. We retreated to the washrooms and fucked each other goodbye, before having to part again. We would have loved to spend the day together but Bobby couldn't afford to miss more classes if he wanted to graduate – which he in fact wanted – as he was barely getting by with his grades.

I used much of the day to linger in Ralph's head and observe how he did in his classes, where he was strong and where he was weak, who he spoke to and in what way. It was my favorite entertainment. Too bad I couldn't stay forever.

When school ended, I left.

Caterer Miquel Toro was at home, in his small apartment. I grabbed his stuff and hurried outside to buy what I needed. The man had shaved his head, destroying the re-style I had given him. This demanded punishment.

There were two ways to leave someone tied up. Number one was in plain sight of people which would be intensely humiliating but also allow them to get help quickly. Number two was to leave them far from any assistance, which on the other hand meant there was no audience.

A not-public spot in the middle of the city was a good compromise. It made sure the victim didn't have someone nearby to free them, but still had to encounter a crowd as soon as they were free.

After buying what I wanted to use, I drove to the right spot where people wandered along to shop right next to a construction site where nothing was going on right now.

I dropped Miquel's phone, keys and wallet. Then I forced my way between two fence pieces and hid behind a container. I got rid of Miquel's clothes and placed them under a corrugated iron plate, which looked like a million others around, making them impossible to find again.

First order of business was body oil to make sure he got hot and sweaty with no way of cooling down. I also tried something new this time.

I had been drinking an insane amount of water and even now I emptied another bottle. Miquel would have a bladder ready to burst.

Next was a ball ring and a zip tie on each ankle and wrist for later use. To finish the preparation stage, I slipped into thin, white shorts as well as a tank top of the same material. Due to the oil, the fabric turned transparent right away and clung to me, but that was only step one.

I wandered inward to find a good place to set up camp. There was a deep ditch for the building's future foundation, where I hopped in. It wouldn't be impossible to get out but it would be tough.

My trusty zip ties served me well in tying his ankles together, then his toes, then his knees. I added the only metal chain I had brought to his ties and attached it to the ball ring, running through the left pant leg. I made the chain a little too short so I had to stay with my knees a tiny bit bent. It was important that he was almost allowed to stand because it made sure he would constantly straighten up by accident and tug on his balls. Also, the minor deviation from a normal stance was guaranteed to wreak havoc on his knees.

The urge to piss was overwhelming but I couldn't give in yet. Knowing what terror and embarrassment I was about to cause made me rock hard, so pissing would be a nuisance anyway. I had to breathe through the pressure to keep myself from letting loose.

Almost done now. I found a solid bar in the ground and zip tied the toe ties to it, so Miquel would be stuck in place.

Both wrists were quickly tied together by three more zip ties behind my back where I pulled them shut.

With my hard dick tugged into my waistband, it poked up under the shirt. Fully prepared to fuck Miquel up, I let loose and, in a nearly orgasmic sensation, piss sprayed up my chest. The shirt and shorts would be completely soaked soon.

I said goodbye. Knowing my victims woke up being aware of the last minute or so before I left, Miquel would remember himself starting to piss. I had also added a little bit of the confusion sparks to his mind so he would take a bit longer to figure out what to do. It wasn't as if he could die of dehydration.

Marvin went out on school nights. It was disappointing that I wouldn't see Bobby twice in one day, but I had gotten my dose. I wrote Bobby to let him know I was Marvin right now and said goodnight.

The sixteen year old homophobe who had recently woken up in his own basement, horny beyond reason, was in someone else's basement now. There were five more boys, all about his age and absurdly loud. Four played foosball with the fifth guy taking score. Marvin was in the process of getting himself another coke.

There were skateboards everywhere and the floor was littered with chips and dorito packs. In the background was a huge PC screen, showing two fake-lesbians fucking with exaggerated noises. A few bottles of beer were on the table, appearing to be empty, even though the present company was far from the legal drinking age.

Really, they could have the word "straight" tattooed on their foreheads and it wouldn't be more obvious.

I made sure no one was looking my way and rushed upstairs to see if there was anything useful for me. Whichever boy's place it was, his parents were home. I knocked them out to avoid having to explain anything.

Fortunately, the family had a garden shack with all the rope I could have wished for. Then I grabbed the razor from the bathroom as well as some scissors from the kitchen and walked back downstairs.

I stunned all of them for the full three minutes. It was an annoying task to undress all of them but with the scissors it was half bad. Once the five – plus Marvin – were naked, I took some time to admire the sixteen year old bodies from all angles and judge their fuckability. That wasn't what I was here to do, though.

Naturally, I gave all six boys the mohawks they deserved. I have to say at that point I was practiced enough to create some decently shaped ones. It helped that I was only doing one from inside his own body and five more on others. Repeated stuns were necessary.

After getting rid of the hairs on the floor as best I could, using their tattered clothes for the purpose – I pulled the foosball table away to give myself an area between them to work with.

I arranged them in a circle, leaving some space for Marvin. Each boy got a rope around his neck with a knot that made sure they wouldn't get strangled. The other end of each one was tied to the ball sack of the boy in front of him.

Bending them over, I made the ropes so short that each boy's balls were already painfully stretched even if the one behind, who was tied to them, pressed his mouth firmly on the front boy's ass hole. Any attempt to pull away would result in serious ball tugging.

The lesbian porn became too annoying so I took some precious time off my task to switch to a nicely brutal gay porn film with lots of grunting and deep moans.

Each boy was bend over, but their hands were free to untie themselves. I had to correct that. Under repeated stuns, I connected each wrist with the ankles of the one in front.

On Marvin's phone I took pictures and sent them to myself.

Lastly I added Marvin himself to the circle. I had picked the boy with the cutes, perkiest butt to be in front of me. Once I had tied Marvin into the beautiful, intricate web, I chose stuns of lesser strength.

I was totally erect and had been feeding Marvin a few horniness-spark here and there to make sure he stayed that way. I hoped they would notice that he was the only one with a raging boner.

The stuns had grown so weak that I had to go round and round between the victims' minds constantly to keep them sedated. This was the only way to coordinate their simultaneous awakening. It was time to leave.

Surely the boys would panic right away and then be found screaming by the parents of whichever boy lived here. Still, it would take some time to undo my difficult knots and even then there would be some explaining to do. And they would have no explanations. It would look like an experiment of six boy-ass hungry teens having gone wrong.

There was one thing left to do. Before finishing the last knot, I used my one free hand to shoot some more photos – including one that made it clear Marvin was taking selfies. I sent them to myself and deleted the evidence. Then I tied Marvin's last free limb up as well.

With force, I shoved Marvin's tongue into the ass hole right at his lips and left.

During my adventure in the straight boy basement I had already felt the pull. This night was coming to a close so I couldn't spend too much time on my last revisit. Fortunately, I knew what to do right when I arrived in his body.

Cruz Main was having a hearing. It seemed he had been found out and they were trying to see if he had in fact stolen all that money, which I now had on my accounts.

There was basically no doubt he was guilty but several things spoke in his favor. The judge was tired, as it was late and he probably wanted to go home already. Cruz' layer was highly competent and spread out the details of weird things that had gone on in the bank that day, including the boss's office being used for the crime with the boss apparently inside.

The circumstances were confusing enough to let Cruz get away with a slap on the wrist.

I reached into my pants and jerked myself hard while everybody paid attention to the layer. Once I was close to orgasm, I stood up and tore my pants off. I jumped onto the table and groaned with pleasure as I shot my load into a dead quiet courtroom.

As an afterthought I tore off his suit and shirt, too. Then I left him to be judged properly.

Once back at my place, I sent Marvin's pictures to Bobby and let him know that he was free to use them to shut Marvin up if he ever made trouble.

So we didn't do much with Cruz but Marvin got a nice treatment, right? Though the highlight here is clearly Ralph. Will we see him again? He's just too pretty to waste.

Next: Chapter 14

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