
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 7, 2023



Cruz Main was a handsome 21 year old and under different circumstances I would have had a lot of fun with him, but his situation gave me the opportunity to ruin his life in a totally different way.

He worked at a bank, as an unimportant assistant. The man personally had no access to all that fine money but his higher ups sure did. I figured out the way to some really important seeming office. There was only one guy inside and by his age and the expensive nature of his suit he may well have been the manager.

With the big boss on repeated knock out and the door locked, I took my time figuring out how to make unauthorized transfers. Big boss had the last say in any transaction so his computer gave me access to everything going on in his bank.

I rerouted more money than reasonable to my own accounts and wiped my traces to the best of my abilities. Well, I wiped my own traces – not Cruz'. I didn't care enough about him. When I had collected so much income that the ongoing transactions didn't even seem worth my time, I decided to call it a day.

Too exhausted from all the number crunching I didn't bother with Cruz in any other way. I would revisit him soon after all.

When I woke up and realized where I was I received a shock. How was that possible?

The room was perfectly familiar even though I had only been there a couple of times. It belonged to the three sons of the Thomas family. For a second I thought I was back in Bobby's head since I was seeing his place.

I looked down on my borrowed body. Then I understood. I was in one of his brothers. Exhilarating.

The short, buff boy turned out to be Marvin Thomas and was at the age of sixteen. I needed a plan. Should I simply ruin him? Give him a choice? Get him the same treatment as Bobby and see if he responded just as well?

Then it struck me. I could ask someone for advice.

My hands shook as I texted a number in Marvin's phone.

Marvin: Greetings Bobby. As luck may have it, I am currently residing in the head of someone near and dear to you. –YSL

Bobby: UR KIDDING?!?!?!

Marvin: Nope. I have taken over your brother for a couple hours. Any ideas how to spend the time?

Bobby: r u home?

Marvin: at YOUR home, yes

Bobby: im coming in

Seconds later I heard heavy steps outside and, before long, Bobby burst into the room. He was as gorgeous as always, with cut shorts, a tank top and a gold chain.

He stared in disbelieve, so I took it upon me to greet first.

"Good to see you went back to bubble gum pink. I like my boys looking like perverted anal whores."

"Holy fuck! It's really you."

"As I told you. Now how about y- What are you doing?"

Bobby tore off his shirt with one hand and pulled his pants down with the other. "Don't you want me like this?"

"I... Yes, I just didn't expect you to be so... direct."

Bobby – now naked – dropped to his knees. "I owe you so much, I'll do anything to please you."

"Wow, that's good to know but I was actually wondering what we should do to little Marvin here."

Bobby rose back up, grinning madly. "He's an asshole. He's the only one who gave me shit after coming out. I hope you're not gonna give him any gifts, will ya?"

I stripped Marvin naked. "You know him better than me. Any ideas to ruin his day?"

"Well," Bobby looked up and down his brother's body. "I have an idea about how to make our day better."

The teen stepped up to me and wrapped his arms around my torso. We were pressed against each other with our heat seeping from skin to skin. We both got hard in no time.

I didn't expect Bobby to kiss his own brother's mouth, but when he did, I felt no need to ask questions and simply let his tongue in. Now that he was sober, he turned out to be much more coordinated with his tongue and hands than I had thought.

The boy pulled lube from his drawer and handed it to me, but I didn't take it for myself. Instead I distributed it on Bobby's dick. Without any more words we dropped on Marvin's bed – me on my back, legs in the air – and Bobby shoved his dick in slowly.

I took the pain, knowing how much Marvin would hate everything about this.

"No one's home," Bobby said and from then on neither of us held back with our moans.

The teen fucked me with loud slaps of his beefy hips hitting the younger one's beefy ass. After a few minutes I leaned up and wrapped my arms around Bobby's neck to draw him in.

We rolled over on the bed bringing Bobby into a sitting position with me riding him. We kissed while I rubbed Marvin's dick between their abs.

As I came, my sphincter clenched hard enough to make the top shoot his load too. I slipped off and kept kneeling on the bed. Cum dropped from my ass onto Marvin's bedsheets.

I had used the sparks from the encounter. Marvin's brain was more flooded than Damon's had been. I had a plan and Bobby would help me.

"And they won't come home?"

Bobby shook his head. "They always stay the full weekend. I stayed here because I'd rather take on a shift at the club than have dinner with the relatives and Marvin kept getting home after curfew so he's grounded."

We were still naked, but had moved to the basement. I held my arms spread and my lover tied my wrists and ankles to pipes along the walls. We had made sure they could survive any attempt to tear them out so Marvin would be spread for as long as Bobby kept him that way.

My lover hid the camera under a box so Marvin wouldn't know he was being watched and recorded. "When will I see you again?"

"Soon," I said. "I don't know the exact mechanics of it but I'll always keep coming back to you."

Bobby looked away, grinning.

"Maybe one day," I continued, "you can stay with me forever. Would you want that?"

He sighed. "There was someone I've always hoped I'd end up with. A boy from my school, a year below me. But I'm sure by now that he's straight. Or at least not into me. Not the way I am now at any rate. I guess as long as I'm happy with how I am it'll be okay."

That didn't really answer my question but I didn't want to end on a sad note. I licked my lips as a signal. He leaned in and kissed me goodbye.

"Are we ready?" I asked.

Bobby nodded and raised the gag. "How long do you think the effect'll last?"

I shrugged against the restraints. "With the guy I tested it on, well... He was too horny to think straight. Literally, he stopped being straight and took it up the ass. The horniness seemed to go down after four hours. I have no idea about after effects. May take days, potentially. Also, by now Marvin has gotten double the dose the last guy did."

Bobby chuckled. "Till next time, then."

"Yeah. See you Bobby."

The boy applied the gag and turned to leave. "See you, my Spiritual Liberator."

Back in my own body, I wrote Bobby an email to make sure he knew Marvin was in his own head again.

An hour later I got a file from the boy and spent the next hour watching Marvin's torment. He woke up alone and in dim light. As expected he was too horny to panic. He tried to escape of course but only so he could touch his dick.

It was a pointless struggle. Marvin's erection went untouched. The horniness must have been turning him braindead. He screamed into his gag and shook. If anyone had seen the despair in his erratic motions or heard the urgency in his muffled screams they would certainly have believed the boy was in enough pain to require anesthesia.

Fascinating how much pure sexual energy could hurt if it went unreleased. In total despair, Marvin twerked to let his dick slap against his abs in a quick rhythm. He was tied up in a dark place but his only thought was to cum.

It was kind of weird, actually. No one acted like that, no matter how horny they were. Not even after a long time in chastity. It seemed like the sparks could push people way beyond however much sexual frustration they were normally able to achieve – to the point where basic functions like the fight-flight reflex were overwritten.

Why had so many sparks even fit into his brain? Was it because he was a horny teenager? I remembered I had wanted to be more subtle with the ability. Oh well, there would be other opportunities.

I got three more videos that night, each an hour long. Poor Marvin was covered with dry cum drops from flinging his dick around so much. No matter how many times he orgasmed, he didn't seem to get any less madly horny.

In the final clip, Bobby joined him in the basement and took the gag out. Marvin apparently tried to beg for his release but couldn't form coherent statements.

Eventually Bobby untied the victim and Marvin fucked his own fists even while he walked back up the stairs, not caring that he was naked and hard in front of his gay brother.

I caught my next victim at a party. That was unusual. Mostly I found them at home, at school or at work. I had a suspicion that it was impossible for me to switch into someone in a moving vehicle. At least, I hoped that was the case or things could get messy.

The party was happening in somebody's loft and people wore reasonably fancy attire. I, too, was in a simple suit. The package I had wanted to teleport along was not in my hand. It must have fallen from my grip before I had switched. Too bad.

Something about the loft was familiar. With all those people around it was hard to say, but it resembled a place I vaguely remembered from somewhere.

I retreated to a bathroom and locked the door. The man's ID told me he was 34 year old Miquel Toro, but more importantly I understood he was no guest – he worked for catering. So I had actually caught him at work, then.

Miquel was fairly tall, dark, and athletic. Catering alone wasn't going to have given him such great muscle definition. I stripped all the way, used the loft owner's razor to put my trademark mohawk on Miquel`s head and entered the huge, high-tech shower, where I got rid of the thick body hair Miquel had all over.

I slipped back into the suit because I still hadn't figured out what to do with the man. I left the bathroom and looked around a bit. There were black-and-white portraits on the walls. I recognized the face. Russel Coleman aka Nameless was the guy who lived here and whose party it was. Fate had given me another chance to fuck him up.

My search among the guests was successful, Russel was chatting with a young, long-legged, blonde in a red cocktail dress. Before he could notice a caterer checking him out, I roamed through the other parts of the loft. The open floorplan made it difficult to do things in secret. The only space really separated – other than the bathroom – was the huge bed, which hid behind a wall made from moveable view screens.

No way for me to prepare something. I had to hope the party would last a while longer. It was fortunately quite early still. I navigated Miquel to the exit and pulled open drawers as if I was actually supposed to do so. I found Russel's spare keys. With those, I left the place to roam the city and hoped to find the ingredients for two men's humiliation.

This time I hadn't bothered to buy things. I walked in, took what I needed and stunned the cashiers. My real target was Russel, since I would not get another shot at ruining his day, but I'd see Miquel again during the next pull.

Back on the top floor of the restaurated warehouse, I entered Russel's loft as if I had never left. There was a plastic bag in my hand, so I had to be quick before anyone asked questions. Someone here probably knew I was actually supposed to carry champagne glasses on a tray. If I was interrogated with too many people around... Well, how fast could I knock out a crowd?

That was a good question. I'd have to try at some point. Now, however, I carried my gift bag into the lower bathroom where I had been earlier and unpacked. Then I waited back out at the door until Russel was walking by closely. He moved a lot, to talk to everyone for a minute or so, which made it easy to let him come to me.

When the buff, rich man was only a few steps away I stunned him and grabbed his wrist. Quickly, I dragged Russel into the bathroom with me and locked it.

First I stripped myself, then him, and finally got to give him the mohawk he deserved. I put cock rings on both of us and rubbed the head of Russel's dick until he got hard while I got erect without even having to touch myself. I tied ropes on each one of the unconscious man's wrists and then oiled us both up for good measure.

Russel was heavy and Miquel was barely strong enough to lift the stunned man flung across his shoulders. I had to stand quite hunched over to keep Russel from slipping off. I should maybe have waited with the oil, but I knew it had to be quick.

I opened the door a tiny bit and glanced through. As quickly as possible I stunned everyone in sight. I only stunned them lightly so I could be fast – every time I pushed someone's mind out of their head it took some time for my power to snap back from that person. There had to be at least twenty people I turned into blankly staring zombies.

When I figured the coast was clear, I rushed outside and behind the view screens. I would not be seen here but it was only a matter of time before someone walked where they were not supposed to go, so I still had to be quick.

After dropping Russel on the bed I arranged him face up with his legs toward the pillows. This way his head was toward the people with the screen hiding him for now. I tied the ropes on his wrists to the bedposts, spreading him nicely.

His dick got a quick rub to make sure it stayed erect and I renewed his stun one last time.

I positioned Miquel at Russel's ass, lifted the rich man's legs and shoved Miquel's dick into Russel's hole with no further preparation, enjoying the extreme resistance from the never before broken sphincter.

Then I stood up, raising Russel's lower body with me. Pushing us both forward a bit, I made his head hang over the bed's edge. The look on his face was that of a stunned person. Glazed over eyes, mouth ajar – perfect to be mistaken for orgasmic bliss.

I fucked him rough. It was obvious the party guests would hear the slapping sounds, which was just my intention. I fucked as wildly as I could and after half a minute I began to grunt, too. The people on the other side grew quiet, except for the occasional childish snicker, and I hoped they were all looking towards the source of noise. Meanwhile I used one hand to jerk Russel off, too.

Once I was close to cumming, I force pushed the view screens and they fell over like dominos. A few party guests screamed in surprise as the huge pieces hit the ground, then more screams joined in – of shock mostly, but there was some immediate amusement. I had my face towards Russel's muscled body under me, but I glanced towards the people and saw that they all registered the total ecstasy ostensibly showing on Russel's face.

Miquel probably had not jerked off today because I felt a huge load build up quickly. This gave me a lot of sparks to use on him to make sure he stayed horny once I had left. I grunted deeply in pleasure – with some overacting to really sell it – and jizzed into the party host's ass. Russel cummed as well, slowly waking up. I only kept him as lightly stunned as I could to make sure he wouldn't scream for help yet but already sense what was being done to his body.

When the orgasm had subsided I pulled out slowly and let Miquel's cum shoot from Russel's hole onto my stomach where it met the body oil and ran down onto the mattress.

The stunned man fully awoke. I left. Miquel would get a better treatment when I revisited him.

Marvin must have had a lot of fun. Wouldn't you want to get overwhelmed by more horniness than the human mind can produce on his own until nothing but cumming matters? And then be kept from orgasming. Russel also got to try something new, though pretty simple.

Next: Chapter 13

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