
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Jan 4, 2023



For this Saturday I had prepared a goodie bag, because I was getting anxious. I hadn't had a switch all week. This lingering business was an annoying drain of power.

Before I could fall asleep I got an email from Lewis. After I had sent him the footage Tony had deleted as well as the footage of the same boy in torture gear, Lewis had pretty much declared me his idol. This new email contained a lovely image of Tony sucking his brother's dick with reddened eyes, telling me that the younger brother liked to make his cock slave choke and gag.

I fell asleep easily, knowing I had done a wonderful deed to enrich two boys' lives.

The body belonged to a particularly thin, short boy. Before even focusing on anything else, I realized he already had a mohawk. I hadn't even considered what I would do if I found someone like that.

His sizable room was clean, tidy and boring. He had regular clothes, regular books, regular wall art. Everything screamed upper middle class to the point of self-parody.

My excitement over his haircut subsided, but there had to be something this kid was hiding, right?

In his jacket was the wallet I was looking for. The 17 year old boy was called Lyle Hopper and apparently an honor student. The slender, delicately built teen seemed more and more undeserving of a hairstyle like that. Granted, it was almost a faux-mohawk with the shape a mere indication, but that was more than any of my other victims had shown.

Looking around a bit more, I figured I might as well start by wrecking his wardrobe. I let the computer start up while I dug through his closet, because if he had something to hide it would be on there for sure.

I would have gotten to work on the clothes, but there was a folder right on his desktop that drew my attention. It was simply titled "x".

To my joy it was full of gay porn. Lyle had to be obsessed. But it got much better. There were pictures of hot hunks like bodybuilders on stage and the like, but by far the biggest portion was punks. Even the porn videos featured mostly boys with punk style.

I wasn't going to hurt Lyle. Oh no, I was going to liberate him. However, I still wanted to test his conviction. If he was worthy of my help I would let him reach his full potential. If he rejected me, well...

The first thing I had to do was obviously to find a bathroom and rid the future cock whore of his body hair. I followed this up by giving him a proper mohawk – narrow and with the rest of his head totally shaved.

Then back in his room I laid out what I had brought with me. Four cuffs for the limbs, a butt plug and a cock ring. After putting it on his desk, I finally turned my attention to his wardrobe.

Most of it was way too normal. I picked a few items I could work with. All the pants I had chosen I cut off a quarter-way down the thigh. The few shirts I left him all lost their sleeves and became short enough to expose a line of his stomach.

I headed into the kitchen, glad I wasn't running into anyone, and got myself trash bags. In those I stuffed all clothing I wanted rid of, which included any and all underwear, his collection of socks, and any pair of shoes that wasn't sneakers.

After grabbing his personal items, I headed out in his normal clothes. No reason to bother changing since he would lose them anyway.

A few apartments over, I threw his trashed clothes away and used his phone to look up where I needed to go. My first stop was a piercing studio, just to give him two nipple rings. It wasn't much, but it was only supposed to be a starting point for Lyle.

I went shopping and enjoyed my time.

Once the day had progressed to closing hour for most stores, I headed home. In front of the house, I stripped and trashed his clothes. His parents were in but I knocked them out before walking past them. My hope was they would simply think they hadn't heard him come in.

The items I had bought were mostly thongs and jockstraps plus a pair of leather boots and a few necessities like condoms and lube.

In between the gifts from my goodie bag, I wrote the teen a message on his computer. I would print out the paper and leave it amongst the stuff.

The paper said, "Hello Lyle. You may wonder what happened to you and your room. To put it simple, you were selected for a test. Don't try to figure out who I am, there is no way for you to do that. Just know I have greater powers that you can imagine. Think of me as a supernatural friend."

Was I giving too much away? Probably not.

It continued. "To succeed at the test you have to complete a few tasks. They are simple but will make you prove your character. If you indeed succeed, I will reward you greatly and you will become what you always wanted to be. You don't know when the results will be evaluated. It could be days, it could be weeks."

Then I came up with tasks, which was the fun part.

  1. You must add a certain number of piercings to the ones I have gifted you. I will not tell you the required number. There is money in the brown bag you can use for this purpose.

  2. Wear the cock ring when you leave the house. Wear the butt plug when you are at home.

  3. Any toys you are not using must be in plain sight in your room. If they are not there upon my return, you have failed.

  4. You may only wear what is in your wardrobe. Exceptions may be allowed for items that fit in with what is already there.

  5. If you go out you have two options. Either you free ball or you wear one of the thongs or jockstraps provided. In the latter case your pants must be low enough to keep the underwear visible at all times.

  6. Dye your hair in an unnatural color.

  7. Get at least one tattoo. You can use the money from the bag for this as well. I leave the design up to you but it must be sufficiently degrading and punkish or you will fail. It cannot be too hidden on your body.

  8. Suck a dick and take a proof picture.

  9. Ride a dick and take a proof picture. It can't be the same dick as in number 8 and it must be all the way in your ass.

I had to add one more thing. "You fail if you either don't complete the tasks on time, are in a different state as described in the tasks or tell anyone about my existence. Failure will result in eternal hellish torment. Just a little motivator. See you sooner than you think. --Your Spiritual Liberator."

Of course he had to wake up cum covered, so I spent a little bit of time edging myself to his porn folder before jizzing up his stomach.

We'd see how he decided.

The punkish teen twink was followed two days later by a serious, lean muscled business man.

Jack Singleton was built to show off, with his proportions perfectly accentuated by his tailored suit. Despite being only 38, his hair was already fully gray.

I had caught him at the airport. Presumably he was about to fly off to the meeting in Toronto where he had to give the presentation for which all documents were in his suitcase.

Promptly I lost the luggage to a trash can and headed for a bathroom. It would have been too much work to strip and remove his body hair in a tight stall, so I didn't go through with it.

There was also no way to restyle his hair. Frustrating. I was toying with the idea of having him parade the airport naked when I was hit by lighting.

I was an idiot. I had the perfect opportunity right there. All my victims had woken up at most a few cities over, because I only used busses and trains. Airplanes could go anywhere in hours.

Full of excitement, I left the bathroom without having done anything to Jack, walked up to the display in a huge hall and looked for flights I could buy immediately.

Haiti! Four hours. It was possible I would forcibly switch back in the middle of the flight but I wanted to risk it.

In a hurry, I bought my ticket only to learn that the flight was delayed by twenty minutes. I was annoyed for a second but remembered I could still use the shops at the airport now.

With a fresh razor I found my way to another bathroom and gave Jack the mohawk he deserved. To my amusement I found out that his fairly long hair was strong enough to stand pretty much on its own, greatly adding to the effect.

I hoped the movie during flight would be good because four hours were a long time to do nothing. I noticed I had no idea if falling asleep would switch me back. Something to figure out eventually.

As soon as I landed, I purchased one important item I would need. Then got a rental car and started driving out of the city. My goal was to get as far away from any settlements as I could before switching back. I hoped I would feel the pull early enough to react.

Once I had left civilization behind me, I took the time to appreciate the landscape. What a gorgeous country to be supernaturally kidnapped to. With help from Jack's phone I found the farthest spot I could reach in an hour and drove there.

In a slightly mountainous area I drove off the path until it was no longer visible. Then I exited the car and kept walking. Jack's suit dropped in bits and pieces until the handsome man was fully nude.

While walking, I worked my magic over his skin to rid him of hair, including his beard. His foot soles were clearly not used to walking on rocks without shoes but he'd get over it.

Almost lazily I jerked off and squirted Jack's load over his now smooth thighs. Still, I kept walking. Even if I wanted to, I would not have been able to find my way back. I was totally lost. Perfect.

The moment I started to feel the pull back, I put the one purchase to use. It was, of course, zip ties.

Jack's wrists and ball sack each got one. Then I connected them all, tying his arms to his crotch. It wouldn't slow him down too much but it wouldn't exactly help him either.

I kept walked and walking for a few more minutes until the connection broke and I was switched back.

I figured I wanted it badly enough to take the risk. I prepared an anonymous number and texted Bobby.

Anon: Hello Bobby. It's me, your Spiritual Liberator. How are you holding up?

It was nerve wrecking but I cried out in triumph when the boy answered.

Bobby: this really u?

Anon: Yes. I'm the one who made you what you are today.

Bobby: thx I guess :p

Anon: You're very welcome. What are you doing these days?

Bobby: nothin much. dancin at the club, partyin, givin some private shows :p

I simply had to ask. I wanted to know what it was like to wake up from a night with me in one's head. I confessed to him that he was one of very few who had passed my test and told him I had never found out what the experience felt like from the "test subjects" perspective.

What Bobby told me was extremely fascinating. Apparently he remembered going to bed that night as usual and then waking up in the bar – but not like I had expected. The boy reported experiencing a state of euphoria in a dreamless sleep, coupled with arousal. The reawakening was immediately proceeded by an intense orgasm but did not lead to a drop off in horniness. There were also a few vague images of undressing and drinking but it was hard to say if his mind hadn't made those up after the fact.

The most important discovery was thus. My victims didn't come back at the second I left but got to feel the impact of the orgasm just before that. A nice touch, to be honest. I liked the idea of those boys and men coming to with a good feeling before finding themselves in their horrible situation.

Equally interesting was that their horniness stayed even afterwards. Apparently I got to experience the orgasm's proper effect – after waking up from a switch I never felt like jerking off – while my victims only got the good part and their bodies kept up the heat. I wondered if I could use that somehow, but for the moment it was yet another nice touch.

I had been a little disappointed that I had to choose between keeping my victims edged or cum covered. Now I knew I got both.

Then the teen had a question for me.

Bobby: the big guy who was my first fuck. was that u?

Anon: He was merely a tool I controlled just like I controlled you. He will have no recollection of that night.

Bobby: u were in my head twice right?

Anon: How can you tell?

Bobby: the time after my first fuck felt different. didn't get the same high. so the third time wasn't u controlling me

Anon: Correct

So not only were my victims coming back dazed from cumming and still being aroused, they were also euphoric like a gentle high. The loopier the better. This way they would take longer to get what was going on. I wondered if there was a way to increase the effect.

In the end, I had Bobby relay to me the story of that evening. Once he had woken up and – with some trouble – realized what was going on, he freaked out. At first he wanted to run, but he was too dizzy and inebriated. It had been his first time drinking.

He remembered feeling insanely horny. Once everybody in the room caught their bearings, bouncers kicked him out. Just like that, with no other repercussions.

Lacking a way to cover himself, Bobby had then fled into a side alley and jerked off in vein. With his load spent he couldn't get to orgasm again right away.

After a few minutes of panic he simply decided to play it off and walked home as if this was an everyday occurrence. Getting seen like that had been the most exciting day of his life. With a semi hard-on all the way home, he was finally ready to cum again and as soon as he had climbed into his parent's back yard, he jerked off on the lawn.

Only then did he use the spare key under the kitchen doormat to sneak in. One look at his new style had been enough for him to decide to keep it. The next day he had come out to everyone in his family. The hair had been a bigger topic than his gayness, but he got his will in the end.

All I could say to him was that he had certainly performed way beyond expectations.

Will Lyle do well? Will Jack find his way back? Will the protagonist get a new power? For that and more, tune in next time.

Next: Chapter 11

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