
By Abra Cadabra

Published on Dec 14, 2023


This is a story full of cruel humiliation of men and boys. If you don't care for such, turn away.

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I woke up in someone else's bed and in someone else's body. Naturally, I was freaking out. My heartbeat – or rather, the new body's heartbeat – went through the roof and I felt paralyzed by fear.

There had been a strange pull in my head when I had gone to sleep, but this was far from expected.

Of course, it was a different room, too. After a few minutes of calming down, I dared to look around. It was a fairly shabby place and a fairly average body. Getting up from the bed was weird, since the weight and height were not what I was used to.

After some searching a came upon a wallet, containing an ID. The body belonged to a thirty year old Hispanic guy several cities over. Could this even be real?

I wrote myself an email on his phone. Then, just to make sure, I deleted the email from his folders so it would only be on mine – if this was real.

Following a hunch, I tried to think myself back into my body. Right away, my mind was torn from the stranger's head and I could feel his dormant personality take its rightful place as I flew out.

After a second of darkness and a rushing sensation I shot up in my own bed – and my own body. My phone bleeped. I had a new email.

As it turned out I couldn't control who I was switching into. It happened randomly when I went to sleep at least once a week. After the first month I hadn't been in the same man's body twice, leading me to think who the victim would be was totally random.

However, they were always male, fairly fit, and never older than forty. After the first few times I learned how to stick around for more than a few minutes.

Since I had the perfect tool to cause mischief, my sadistic traits urged me to wreak havoc on the victim's lives. And why not?

The next man was Jimmy Hunter, a nineteen year old student at a community college, art major and track team runner – so his wallet's contents told me. To test my abilities I had gone to sleep during the day and therefore didn't catch him in bed, but rather in the middle of walking back into his dorm room. His place was nice but I didn't plan on staying.

First order of business, I dropped his bag and then all his clothes. There were two beds but his roommate wasn't home, so I could walk around in the nude without anyone questioning me.

Once I had gotten acquainted with the hunky brunet's body for a bit, I left toward the community showers in a towel and with the little bag for bathroom stuff that could have belonged to Jimmy or his roommate.

Nodding at everyone I passed in the halls, I felt exhilarated. I could do anything I wanted without consequence. There wasn't much I could do to mess with Jimmy yet, but once in the showers I saw he needed a haircut. Grinning at his reflection I pulled the razor out of the bag and gave him a mohawk. It wasn't my most precise work but that only contributed to the humiliation.

I showered to get rid of all the hairs, enjoying the feel of his fit body and returned to his room. If I hurried I could still catch some open shops. Quickly, I slipped back into the clothes I had arrived with and left, taking Jimmy's wallet, phone and keys.

After taking the bus to the commercial district nearby, I raced through shops to buy three different things, for all of which I had a good use in mind. Jimmy didn't have much of a budget and I likely had ruined a great deal of his monthly financial plans.

The first item came into play right away. I found a side alley and stripped down. The purchase was a pink, sparkly thong, definitely too small for his package. Once I had thrown every other piece of clothing in the nearest trash can, I took the bus again.

Riding the late evening bus, filled with all sorts of people, in nothing but a shrill thong was magnificent and I found it hard not to chuckle to myself the whole ride. I did however grin like an idiot. There was no helping that.

Letting my fingers run through the long mohawk I tried to imagine how violated and terrified Jimmy was going to feel. It made me go semi-hard.

Once I had reached a random place far away from the dorms, that seemed sufficiently busy at night, I got out. The asphalt was rough on Jimmy's foot soles. The night air wasn't quite cold, but any breeze gave me goosebumps.

People were staring, naturally, so I walked slower to let them take a good look. I was getting hard from the attention and from knowing I was ruining Jimmy's life.

My second purchase was body oil which I now emptied all over my muscles and distributed it nicely to make Jimmy shine in the street lights' illumination.

Lastly, I found a good spot where a lot of people walked by, right between a fast food restaurant, a liquor store and a bar.

There, I dropped his wallet into the gutter, making sure it wasn't visible from above. It would stay gone forever and he'd have no way of ID-ing himself should someone call the police. After turning off his phone I dropped it, too, and his keys as well. He was pretty fucked in general now.

The final item I had bought was a few zip ties.

With my heart pounding out of my chest, I rubbed my bulge to let it get fully erect, poking out of the thong.

I zip tied Jimmy's left wrist to a street light and then the right one by pulling the tie closed with my teeth. Once I had made sure my shiny, erect victim would not be able to slip out of his ties, I finished the night.

I grinded on the light pole. People formed an audience around me, but no one dared to get too close in case I was a dangerous nut job. With great satisfaction I saw multiple phone cams aimed at the event.

It didn't even take two minutes. I gasped in Jimmy's body. His jizz shot out of the thong and sprayed in droplets across his torso.

Right after orgasming, I left Jimmy Hunter's head. What a fun night!

The next time it happened I woke up as Pablo Rivera, a married man in his early thirties. I was in bed right next to his wife, who was sleeping soundly.

After a minute of formulating a plan specifically for Pablo's situation, I got up carefully and stepped into the bathroom. With the man's phone I looked at where I was located and what was around me.

I had decided that mohawks were going to be my signature and wanted to give him one, too. He only had the option for wet shaving, making my work even sloppier than with Jimmy, but I didn't mind at all.

As quietly as possible, I left the house in Pablo's sweatpants and took nothing but car keys with me. There was a garden shed, allowing me to retrieve a piece of rope which I would need.

His house was in a rural neighborhood, so I knew from the map there would be a forest with a lake nearby. It was simple enough to find and I got out of the car at the edge of the water in the dark of night.

My excitement at the evil I was about to inflict is hard to overstate. I put the car in neutral and pushed it along the pier. When I arrived at the end I had a second of self-doubt, but since the crime wasn't traceable to me, I had no reason to be fearful.

With one last push, the vehicle plummeted into the lake. The splashing was a beautiful sound and turned into a less beautiful gargling as the car slowly sank completely.

I wandered farther into the woods and at some point I dropped the sweatpants, leaving Pablo with nothing except for the rope still in hand.

Once I couldn't see any light coming from anywhere but the stars above, I stopped and jerked myself hard, which was a matter of seconds.

Planning in advance I had looked up what knots were especially hard to undo and tied the rope around both ankles, leaving about three inches of room between the feet.

The rope was a little longer than that, so I prepared the knots again for each end without yet closing them. I sat down into dry leaves and leaned back.

I slipped my hands into each knot, leaving again about three inches from each ankle to the respective wrist and pulled the knots tight with my teeth.

Then I jerked off. In my immensely excited state it took less than a minute until I shot Pablo's load all over his stomach with a spine-shiver-inducing orgasm.

Still a little shaky from the great climax, I dropped out of his mind.

Three days later I went to sleep fairly late on a Monday. Never knowing when I'd land my next victim, it was always a pleasant surprise to wake up opening somebody else's eyes.

I was a skinny, pale pretty-boy this time. A look around the room revealed comic books, video games, a skateboard and some terrible spray art that might have been his or a friends.

I got out of bed and searched for his ID, which was in his jacket over the desk chair. Caleb Chambers was a sixteen year old boy with nothing unusual going on in his life – until now.

Sneaking out of the room, I tried to be quiet, but it turned out that was unnecessary. His parent's bedroom door was open, revealing an empty room. I looked around some more but didn't find anyone.

Since I didn't have to be so careful anymore, I entered the parent's bathroom and borrowed Caleb's dad's razor to give the dirty blond boy a Mohawk. His boyish, youthful features matched the haircut well, making him look rebellious and like a wannabe punk. Only after that did I even consider what else to do.

I roamed the place a bit and found something nice in his mother's bottom drawer – a dildo, and a big one at that.

Taking a quick shower to get rid of the hairs, I used the opportunity to open up Caleb's hole with one, then two, then three fingers. There wasn't any lube to be found but transparent lotion would do just fine.

After some fiddling I figured out how to use the boy's iPhone to record a video, making sure it was oriented sideways to get a properly formatted image.

I activated his computer and took some time to find the online playlist I had made in advance for such an occasion.

It contained Justin Bieber's early stuff that everyone was embarrassed to like even if they honestly did, plus some party remixes of those. Any high schooler caught listening to this was done for.

With annoying pop music in the background at high volume, I set up the camera and dropped myself onto the bed.

I wanted it to hurt for as long as possible after I was gone, so I used as little "lube" as I thought I could get away with.

After some prying – Caleb was naturally super-tight – I managed to force it all past the sphincter and shivered at the intense sensation.

I didn't hold back with moans and looked at the camera with bedroom eyes between heavy breaths. It burned nicely and I knew it would feel just like that for Caleb after I was gone, as long as I fucked him hard enough.

Once accustomed to the filled ass, I went to full speed and hopped around the bed to make sure I was getting all the usual angles – from behind, from up front, on the back, on the stomach, with legs together, with legs apart...

When I was satisfied with the performance about fifteen minutes in, I dropped the dildo and jerked off my hard dick facing the camera. I made the dumbest orgasm faces I could come up with, letting Caleb look like he was a clownish idiot.

I shot my load onto Caleb's stomach and scooped it up to lick it off my fingers with my eyes firmly on the camera.

After I was done, I turned the recording off – and the music too – and made sure it had actually worked. It was perfect. His face looked utterly ridiculous when he had cummed.

First I sent the video to his own address and myself, then deleted the one to me to get rid of all evidence. I returned to his computer where the video had just arrived and opened the email program there.

Bingo! A mail from his school contained the addresses of every single student in the whole school in the CC. If I chose "answer all" I would send the video to every single boy and girl Caleb shared his student-life with.

It almost felt like orgasming again when I hit send. Granted, few would even look at an answer to a school administrative email but it would only take a few to make the thing go viral. Thank you, modern technology.

I brought the dildo back after washing it and slipped into Caleb's bed. He'd wake up to a burning in his ass he couldn't explain and the discovery of his mohawk.

When he would think it was already a terrible and weird day, he would arrive at school with the first few kids already having checked their email.

Wishing the boy sweet dreams, I switched out of his head.

When it happened again, I was glad to find myself inside a grown up. Right away I noticed the strength of this body, but he had the proportions that spoke of hard work rather than gym. The man had to be a builder or something.

I found out it was 29 year old Bert Wilkins and he lived in the middle of a medium sized city. The sun was still up, so I could still catch some open businesses.

This time I wanted to be more subtle. For a certain twisted sense of subtle.

First order of business, I found the bathroom and gave Bert a mohawk as to be expected. He had fairly short hair anyway, so bending over the sink was enough to keep the hairs off me. I didn't fully strip but made sure to get a look at his naked skin, just to gain an overall impression.

Then I looked for money. Bert had a few hundred in cash and a bunch of cards. Withdrawing some more might be necessary, but I first had to figure out where to go.

Bert's phone told me the location of the seediest place of the kind I was looking for, where I hoped no questions would be asked and service would be cheap.

I headed out and pulled money from the nearest ATM to make sure I had enough. Then I rode Bert's ugly, old car to my destination.

The tattoo parlor was indeed still open as the internet had told me, but basically empty except for the three heavily tattooed people who were in a quiet discussion. I figured they were regulars who used the place as a hangout spot and it turned out I was right, because neither of them was the artist.

They pointed me to the back where a huge woman was polishing her work equipment.

I introduced myself and told her what I wanted, making sure to ask how long it might take. It would have to be done in two parts at least so I promised to pay extra to make her work past closing time and get it done in one sitting. I simply said it was for a lost bet and I wanted to honor the word I had given my buddies. She seemed to accept it without suspicion.

The sensation of getting a tattoo was a strange one. I knew not to pick the clavicles or hip bone location since it would probably have hurt too much for my first time. Other than that I hadn't known what to expect, but it was not hard to tolerate.

It was past sundown when I made my way home. Once back at Bert's apartment, I put everything back where I had found it, like his phone, wallet, shirt and so on. He would wake up without knowing anything was wrong until he saw the mohawk.

I took one last look at my work in the bathroom mirror. Unless he looked at himself from behind he wouldn't even realize he had a tattoo across his shoulder blades, saying FAGGOT in ugly letters, drawn with some haste by the artist.

My theory was that he would go to work in one of his numerous tank tops and reveal his tattoo to his coworkers before he saw it himself.

Once he took the top off he'd find another surprise. I had given him a tramp stamp – huge and flamboyant, leading to his ass crack.

Fairly satisfied, I slipped into bed and switched back to my own body.

Is it too tame? Well, we're just starting out. I'm sure there are worse humiliations, right? See you next time.

Next: Chapter 2

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