
By Cassie Blake

Published on May 18, 2000


Thanks for all the great feedback! I love to hear from y'all. Btw, I don't know NSYNC, don't e-mail me asking me to look down JRT's pants 'k? Now on with the story!

Chapter 2

I drove past the mall, firing up the engine of our rental car. "Look at the address on the license. What does it say?" I asked, digging out my wallet and handing it to her.

Beckie opened the wallet. "Ooh, platinum. Dang, you are probably rich now. Holy cow! Look at all this money."

I shot her an impatient look. "What is the address?" I growled.

"Fine. Be that way. Did you not get your Apple Jacks this morning?" I scowled and she continued. "403 Walnut Orchard Lane in Lake Buena Vista. Where in the heck is that?"

I scratched my head. "I know where Lake Buena Vista is. Take out the city map we got from AAA and find the street." I started driving towards I-4. I heard the map rustle as Beckie looked for it.

"It is exit 68 and you make a right. Go down to the next intersection and make another right. Then at third intersection make a left. It looks like it is the 5th road on our right from there."

I nodded and kept driving. I concentrated on the road, watching the lights. I finally spotted the turn-off and I drove off the freeway and on to the off ramp. I turned around and grabbed a hat and smashed it over my afro curls.

"I see why Justin hates his curls now," I said, tucking in the trademark ringlets. I looked at my reflection in the rearview mirror and was happy since I was slightly less noticeable.

I turned onto the street Beckie had directed me to and finally turned into an elite subdivision that had multi-million dollar homes. I looked around on the street until I saw a large bus. "I can bet money that is NSYNC."

Beckie nodded. "Yeah, and you have a whole wallet full." I scowled at Beckie once again.

"Damnit, you are bound and determined to not believe me," I growled. She laughed and waved her hand. I pulled up behind the bus and we both hopped out. Beckie was laughing hysterically and my handsome face was messed up in a scowl.

I walked over to the bus and lifted my fist to bang on it. It swung open before my hand could even make contact with the door. JC stood there with an angry look on his face. "Justin, where have you been? We have some crazy girl on this bus swearing up and down that she is you. And now you show up with a girl. If you wanted to get it on with her, you could have brought her with you."

I turned to Beckie, whose face had glassed over. I leaned towards her ear and whispered, "Just breath." She scowled at me. I ignored the look on her face, took her hand and pulled her on the bus.

"Where is she?" I asked as I stepped into the lounge. Beckie slammed into me, not paying much attention to where she was going, mostly from the shock of being in this situation. Here was the man of her dreams and fantasies before her in the flesh and blood, berating her friend who now looked like Justin Timberlake.

She walked around me and stood by JC. "I totally do not believe Justin. I think he somehow got together with Cassie and cooked up this scheme." She looked up at him with her big hazel eyes.

He glanced down at her and I saw a spark, a fire in his eyes but he quickly doused it. "I don't either but she is back here. Follow me," he said, beckoning to follow him. We walked after him and I grimaced.

He opened the door and we filed into the small lounge at the back of the bus. I saw Chris, Joey and Lance sitting all in a row. Joey and Lance were eyeing me, or at least my body that was sitting across from them while Chris was playing with his sneaker.

The guys saw me and they all stood up and started speaking at once. I held up my hands and they stopped. "Please, there is something strange going on."

Justin stood up and crossed his arms. He glanced down at his chest momentarily and then looked up me. It was so weird to see my body standing there from a different viewpoint other than a video or a mirror.

"Well it is about time, you showed up. Are you stupid or blind?"

Beckie turned around. "Cassie! Hush up!" she cried. A blush spread across her high cheeks. I watched fascinated as she backed up and sat down.

"Look, I don't know what is going on, but I went into that bathroom myself and came out a girl. Look at me! I have breasts!" Justin cried. I tried to stifle a laugh.

"Yeah, it is pretty strange. I feel so skinny without those. I never quite realized what a hindrance having a large bust would be." I crossed my arms over my muscled chest and took a step backwards. I studied my body. It looked so different without me in it.

I normally had a radiant blush to my cheeks as well as I stood tall and proud. Now my body was slightly stooped and my grey eyes were dim, his whole expression told me he was upset.

Everyone watched our exchange. They were silent until Chris finally perked up. "You know guys, I think they are telling the truth. I had hoped this was a practical joke but I don't think it is."

I turned to him. "No kidding. I have no clue how to sing. I do know how to remove a super pubic catheter." Beckie turned and looked at me, shock written all over her face. The only reason I knew that was because I am an Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner.

Justin's look of defiance was clearly written on his face. "And I know every dance step to every dance we know."

Joey, Lance and JC looked at us with skepticism written on their faces. "I don't know," Joey said, eyeing Justin's bust.

I growled. "Fine, if I was Justin, would I do this?" I turned to Lance and grabbed his face. I dipped down, since the older man was a couple of inches shorter than I was now. I gave him a big kiss on the lips. I could feel him struggle against my hold but I didn't let go until I knew he knew.

When I pulled away, everyone watched us avidly. Joey raised his hand. "I believe you," he said weakly.

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