Swimming Lessons

By Cullen S

Published on Jun 1, 2012


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Swimming Lessons Chapter 3

Rob, John, and I finally return to the group for lunch after an amazing thirty minutes of passionate sex in the locker room under the warm water which just made us hornier by the minute.

We enter the break room where everyone has already begun eating their lunch. They have a lot of work to do even after their morning lessons. They offer private lessons to anyone who pays for them, and others help keep the community center cleaned.

"Where have you guys been?" asks Luke.

"Sorry, we got stuck in the locker room," says John. "It's about time the pizza arrived; it smells good."

"Where's Aaron?"

"He had a lunch date," says Luke.

"Did you save us any?" asks Rob.

"We saved plenty for you," says Luke. He looks at me and says with a smile, "We made sure to save some pieces with everything on it."

"How can you eat that stuff?" asks Rob. "How can eat all that?"

"It taste really good and as long as I burn it off I'll be fine."

I grab a plate and two pieces. This will hold me till dinner. I find a spot in the break room listening to everyone's conversation. The topics range from plans for the summer to hot gay sex which gets me hard, so I need to distract myself. It's hard for me not to get distracted when these hot guys just sit there wearing nothing but their swim trunks and half the time, their trunks are so low, you can see their ass, which I'm not complaining, but I know exactly what's going to happen after lunch.

I look outside the window and notice Chris is sitting under the small patio by the pool at the picnic table.

"Why is Chris sitting alone?"

"I don't know," says Luke. "That's what he wanted to do. We invited him to eat with us, but he didn't want to."

"I think I'll go check on him."

I exit the break room and the building and walk towards the patio. He's not just eating his pizza, but I notice him reading something.

"Hey Chris," I yell forcing him to put up what he is reading. I sit down across the table. "How are you doing? You didn't want to eat with the others." He looks so fucking hot without his shirt on. His nipples are hard and his muscles are beautiful.

He looks at me with a smile; it's like he's glowing. "No sir, I didn't. I like to have some quiet time during my lunch."

"I know what you mean. The world can get pretty noisy sometimes. I like to walk through our family farm which is loaded with trees. It gives me a calming spirit."

"That does sound nice. Would you mind if I explored it?"

"That won't be a problem. Let me know when you would like to go, and I'll take you there."

"Thanks, I appreciate that."

"Have you found an apartment yet?"

"No! I just got off the phone with the last available apartment in town, and it was already rented out."

"Have you talked with Matt about staying here?"

"I have. He told me there is no more room. The fire marshal doesn't want anyone else staying here. I'll just stay at the hotel out of town."

"I don't think so. That is the last place you want to stay. You'll come stay with us until you find a permanent place to stay."

"I appreciate it professor, but I don't want to be an inconvenience to you and Matt."

"You'll be more of an inconvenience if you don't because I'll worry about you. It's in town, and you can walk anywhere including here and the school."

"I really do appreciate it. I won't be a bother."

"I know you won't. Then it's settled. I'll go home and prepare the room for you."

"I really do appreciate this professor."

"Look Chris, just call me Scott. Everyone else does. I'm not very big on titles. I'll let Matt know so he can give you directions; it's really not hard to find."

"I really to appreciate this Scott," he says.

"It's no problem. Have you gotten your classes ready for school?"

"I'm having problems with one, but I'll take care of it."

"What class is it?"

"It's Dr. Howard's history class. I need it to complete my major, but he won't let me in the class."

"That's because Dr. Howard is a total jerk. He doesn't like transfer students. If you didn't start with his freshmen classes, he won't take you, and he makes it difficult to get into other history classes."

"I've learned that. No one will let me in."

"It's not that they won't let you, it's just that he's the chair of the history department, and he makes all the rules. I can't stand him. There is a technical school, and they offer some history classes. If you can get into those, I'll make sure they accept the credit."

"You would do that?"

"I remember what it was like being a student, and I remember having Dr. Howard when he was just starting out. They've should have retired his sorry ass a long time ago. You just get in a class, and I'll take care of the rest."

"Thank you very much."

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll leave you to your quiet time, and I'll go home and get the room ready." I stand up and grab my trash and his; he was finish. I begin to walk away but I thought of something I needed to tell him. "By the way, I would recommend not going to the break for at least thirty minutes."

"Yes, I've heard. Matt was kind enough to inform me. I'm going to take a swim real quick."

I watch his beautiful body stand up; he pulls his trunks up. He stands by the deep end of the pool and raises his arms and stands in perfect posture. He dives in the pool and begins to swim his first lap to the other side. Once he reaches the side, he turns around and swims back to the deep end. I just stand there helpless watching his beautiful body swim in the water so perfectly; it's like he was meant to be in the water. He arrives at the side of the pool and raises his head wiping the water out of his eyes; he looks so fucking hot all wet. I try to walk away before he notices me, but I stepped off the pavement falling on the grass dropping my trash.

"Scott?" He jumps out of the pool and rushes to my side. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I say angry at myself. "I'm just a clumsy fool." I sit there for a moment as he blocks the sun. His body is perfect as the water drips off of him; if I was that water, I would stay on him. The water drips on my pants, especially on my crotch.

"I'm sorry; I'm getting your pants wet."

I didn't have the nerve to tell him that it wasn't his water getting my pants wet. I look down to find my cock is hard, so I quickly grab the paper plates and cover my crotch out of embarrassment. He holds my arm and helps me get up. He begins to dust me off.

"I'm sorry, Chris. I really made a fool out of myself today, didn't I?"

"The sun is very bright today."

I look down at my pants and see that I ripped them. "Damn it! I just bought these."

He leans down and looks at my leg to find a cut. "You also cut your leg. I need to deal with that. Come here!" He walks me to the building where his bag is sitting. "Undo your pants."


"Undo your pants. I would roll them up but it would be better to look at your cut."

I'm not sure how I feel about this, but I do as he tells me. I unbutton my pants and slide them down. I try to hide my bulge in my black silk boxers, but I can't. He pulls off my boots so he can pull off my pants.

"What are you doing?"

"I know someone who can fix those. They will be like new."

"I appreciate it but it's not necessary."

"I'm going to do it whether you like it or not so don't argue with me."

"Yes sir."

He takes some rubbing alcohol out of his bag along with a cotton ball and a bandage. He rubs the alcohol over my cut which causes me to jerk.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Yes, it was just cold."

After he checks the cut, he places the bandage over it. "I think we'll be able to save the leg."

"That's great but how am I going to get home without a pair of pants."

He looks over me and smiles. I know he's noticed my bulge in my black silk boxers; I'm so embarrassed.

"Personally, I think you look pretty damn good without a pair of pants." I'm not sure how to take that. He begins to look through his bag and finds his black jogging pants. "Here, try these on and see if they fit."

I put them on and they fit perfectly. "Thanks."

"That should take care of you until you get home."

"Thank you for taking care of my leg."

"It's no problem. I'm a trained emergency technician. That's why Matt hired me."

"I'll see you at the house, Chris."

I walk away from him slowly so embarrassed that he saw me hard. There was no way I could hide it. I look back to find him putting stuff back into his bag; he looks at me and smiles. I carry our trash back into the building. I head towards the break room to find the guys sitting in a circle stroking each other's cocks and kissing. They are now completely naked pleasing each other. I don't need to stay and watch to know the outcome of this circle jerk, but I just can't take my eyes off the hot bodies in a circle. Their hands wrapped around a cock slowly sliding up and down and kissing each other passionately; my own cock throbbing desiring a hand, mouth, or hot ass; my cock has a mind of its own. They start to stroke faster and begin to play with each other's balls; they're about to cum. They begin to scream as they shoot cum all over their bodies. They begin to clean up before their lessons.

I leave the community center and finally arrive at home. My sexual tension still remains after what I've just experienced. I could have joined in with the guys, but not with some of the still in school, and it took a lot of strength and energy to not kiss Chris; fuck, he's hot!

The first thing I do is go to my bedroom and take off my clothes. I need to have a shower after what I just saw, and I want to clean my leg again. I slide my shirt off and take my t-shirt off; I slide Chris' jogging pants off leaving my black silk boxers to be the last piece of clothing to take off. I stand there and look at myself in the mirror naked, hard, and horny. I walk into my bathroom and turn on the shower; I just might spend some time in here pleasing myself.

When the water warms up, I jump inside and cover myself with the water. I wash the dirt and sweat off. I just lean against the wall and let the water pour over me thinking about how fucking hot Chris is, and how much I want him, but I can't, so instead, I'll just torture myself with fantasies about having him. I begin to wrap my hand around my hard cock and begin to stroke when a knock on my shower door scares the hell out of me.

"Hey, Scott; what are you doing in there?"

"I'm trying to relieve my sexual tension."

I open the door to find Steven standing there in his dirty work clothes, boots, and cowboy hat. He's one of our local farmers who have enrolled his child in the swimming lessons at the community center; he's been "happily" married for eleven years.

"If you would get you a boyfriend, then you wouldn't need to beat off in the shower."

"I should have never given you the key to my house. What are you doing here?"

"I'm so fucking horny for you man. When I saw you this morning, I knew I needed to have you. I thought working would distract me, but it only made me hornier."

He throws his cowboy hat on the counter. He pulls his shirt out from his jeans; he starts to unbutton and slides it off on my clean floor, and he pulls his t-shirt off revealing a nice hairy firm chest. He kicks off his boots and begins to unbutton and unzip his pants sliding them to the floor revealing his black briefs.

"Oh fuck, Steven. Do you still have those black briefs?"

"These were the greatest gift you ever gave me." He turns around and slowly slides his briefs off showing me his round and firm ass. I watch slowly with my eyes as the slide down his amazing legs. He turns back around and shows me his hard eight inch thick cock with a nice mushroom head and hanging balls. "I was hoping you would let me wash off here."

"If I must, come on in."

I open the door and let him enter.

He stands under the shower washing off the dirt. He lets the water pour over his hair, and I watch ever drop flow down his body. We look at each and give each other a kiss. We wrap our arms around each other holding each other tight. I can feel his hard cock grind against mine. I can feel his nipples touching mine. Steven and I knew each other from birth, and we became real good friends. He pushes me against the wall and begins to suck on my neck; his lips and tongue feel so good, but he's careful not to leave a mark. He raises my arms holding them kissing me passionately with his strong firm lips. His other hand rubs over my chest; he plays with my nipples squeezing them a little causing my cock to throb. He runs his hand down my stomach and slides his finger into my belly button which tickles me; he kisses me as I laugh. I then feel his hand sliding down my body to my cock. He slowly wraps his hands around my cock and begins to stroke my hard cock like a gentleman. I begin to moan in his mouth as his strokes get faster and faster. I can feel my precum leaking out. As he strokes my hard cock, I can feel his fingers massaging my balls. He slides his head down and begins to lick and suck on my nipples. My moaning gets louder and more frequent. He slides down my body kissing and licking every inch until he arrives at my hard. He slides his mouth over my cock and begins to suck; I know what he wants, and that's my cum; he's always wanted it. It doesn't take me long when he sucks my cock. I shoot my load; ever drop in his hot mouth. My scream echoes in the bathroom; I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors heard me. He stands back up and gives me a kiss, and without warning he lifts me up in his hands holding my body against the wall. I look at him with a smile and nod. My hands slide over every inch of his muscles; he's always been fucking strong. I wrap them around his neck as he begins to slide his hard cock into my hungry ass. His cock pops inside my hole causing to me scream again; it feels so fucking good to feel his mushroom head inside me once more. He slowly slides his hard cock inside my ass; I can feel his precum leaking inside me making it easier for him. He slides his hard cock all the way inside me and begins to rub his balls on my ass. He slides his cock out and thrust it back inside causing my screaming to get even louder. I hold my arms around his neck as he fucks me really hard. I lean my head back as he looks at me, and he fucks me faster and harder. His balls begin to slap my ass, and I'm enjoy every bit of his hard cock screaming and moaning wanting more and more and more of him. His cock throbbing inside me; I know he's about to cum so I lean down and kiss him as he fills my ass with his hot cum, and we both just scream out of sexual joy. He holds me and leans his head against my chest breathing heavily. I continue to just hold my arms around his neck. I look at him and kiss him.

"Thank you Steven, I needed that."

"I needed it to Scott."

I turn off the water and get out to dry ourselves off.

"When are you going to divorce your wife and marry me?"

"I would Scott, but I'm not in love with you."

"You're not in love with your wife either."

"You're right but you're not my soul mate. I know you think I'm just using you for sex, and you would be right, but we're not soul mates."

"Then who's my soul mate?"

"You've got to find that out for yourself."

"Who's yours?"

"I'm not telling."

"You're such a tease." He smiles and doesn't deny it, but I do love it when he fucks me. He starts to put his clothes on, but I stop him. "What are you doing?"

"I was getting dressed. My farm needs to be taking care of."

"Your farm is fine. I'm the one who needs taking care of. I want you to breed me for a while, and I want you to do with your cowboy hat and boots on."

"Fuck yeah, Scott. Now you're talking." He slaps my ass.

He puts his boots and cowboy hat on. We walk to my bedroom and I place my hands and knees on the bed showing him my ass ready to be fucked again by this cowboy. He walks behind me spreading my cheeks sliding his tongue in my ass. He pulls me up against him and kisses me holding me in his strong arms. He slides his cock inside my ass again; I'll never get enough of his hard cock, but I know he's not my soul mate, but I'll enjoy every part of him as long as I can.

This will be a summer of revelations.

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