Swimming for the Team

By Graphmuse

Published on Oct 30, 2022


This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males older and younger than 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story.

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For Matej.

Swimming for The Team – Chapter 8

CLANG! CLANG! CLANG! "TIME TO WAKE UP!" A voice boomed. Everyone, including Blaine and me, shot up in bed.

"Holy shit!" Sean yelped as he looked bleary eyed at the figures in the bedroom doorway.

"Language..." Orion groggily groaned as he rubbed his eyes.

"Sorry boys, its time to be UP! It's the big day!" It was 19 year old Bill standing in the doorway in a white Speedo. His 10 year old brother, Trent was standing next to him with a goofy grin on his face, amused with our reaction. He was also dressed in a tight white Speedo, holding a tray with glasses of water on it.

"What time is it?" Jason croaked as he looked around in a daze.

"Time to be up. But first, take one of these pills. It will make sure you stay up," Bill stated as Trent approached each bed with the tray.

"What is this?" Jason asked as he took a light blue pill and a glass of water off the tray.

"It will help with the shaving, and other things." Bill chuckled.

"Viagra? Really?" Sean blurted out with a goofy smirk as he inspected the pill.

"You must have taken these before if you know what they are." Geoff scoffed.

"Ha ha, you've taken them too." Sean sneered. Geoff glared at Sean then swallowed the pill with the water.

"The point is," continued Sean as he threw back his bed covers to reveal his raging morning boner, "who needs a fuckin' pill?!?!"

All the guys laughed. Bill rolled his eyes and said, "Shut up, smart ass, and take the damn pill!"

"What's Viagra?" Blaine asked me quietly so the others couldn't hear.

"It makes you hard."

"What? Really?" Blaine gasped as he looked at the pill.

"Yeah, but I trust these guys so there must be a reason we're taking it." I replied as Blaine watched me take the pill.

Blaine replied hesitantly, "Okay... if you say so." as he popped the pill in his mouth then washed it down with the water.

"Now that you've all taken your pill, hit the bathroom and clean yourselves out. Then get into your suits and head downstairs for breakfast. It will be served out at the pool house. Now hurry up, you don't want the other guys to eat all the food." Bill smiled before leaving the room.

Trent squeaked excitedly, "You guys are going to have so much fun!" then dashed out of the room.

"What did he mean clean out?" Blaine asked quizzically.

"You know, cleaning out your butt so it's ready." Sean stated in a matter of fact tone as he jumped out of bed.

"Ready... for what?" Jason asked wide eyed as he watched Sean's morning wood bob up and down.

"Duh, in case you want to get fucked!" Sean blurted out with a roll of his eyes.

Jason said under his breath, "Oh..." as he kept watching Sean's cock.

Sean grinned, "I have a feeling this is going to be a wild day," as he walked into the bathroom.

Geoff snickered, "For once, Sean might be right," as he got out of bed and boldly showed he was just as hard as Sean.

Jason also got out of bed. He looked down at his morning wood and groaned, "It's going to be so hard to pee like this! But I really need to go!" as he quickly headed into the bathroom. Blaine and I slowly got out of bed. Blaine had a worried look on his face.

"I've... I've never had an enema... or been fucked before."

I walked up to Blaine and gave him a kiss, "You'll be fine, I'll be right there with you. And he said IF you get fucked. Doesn't mean you will." Blaine smiled as his anxiety faded.

Geoff smirked as he lightly stroked his cock, "You two really make a cute couple."

I stammered, "We... uh... we haven't..." as I felt myself blush. Blaine was also blushing as he looked at me.

Goeff rolled his eyes, "Sweet Jesus, you two. Everyone knows you guys are boyfriends even if you won't admit it. The guys on the team won't care."

I stammered, "I mean... I think... I guess we are?" as I looked at Blaine.

Blaine gave me a hopeful look, "You mean it?" I stared deeply into Blaine's eyes. Taking in his smooth, sculpted body and hard cock. I stepped up to him, our morning erections lightly brushing against each other.

"Yeah," I replied in almost a whisper. Our faces slowly moved closer until our lips touched. I wrapped my arms around his body and pulled it against mine as our tongues met. Our kissing heated up, as we started making out. I loved feeling his smooth skin rub against mine. The way he smelled.

Geoff clapped his hands and shouted, "HEY! Rules!" We stopped kissing and looked at Geoff. The three of us burst into laughter as we headed into the bathroom.

Geoff added quietly, "Fuck! I'm so horny I could cum just watching you two making out!" Blaine glanced at me and giggled we entered the bathroom.

The strong smell of weed hit us, the sound of the shower running filled the room. I could see the outline of several bodies inside the fogged up glass shower. Various parts of their bodies intermittently pressing against the glass as they moved around inside. Jason was brushing his teeth, but Sean was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, Sergie darted out of the shower, followed by Matej. They shuffled across to the toilets and sat down. Sergie let out low grunt as he emptied his ass into the toilet. Matej did the same a few seconds later.

Sergie grunted, "Hey Parker, can you grab the pipe and the weed?" as more splashing started in the toilet. I walked over and grabbed the pipe and the small grinder off the counter, then brought it over to Sergie. Blaine following me the whole time, not sure what to make of everything going on. Sergie packed a fresh bowl and fired up the pipe. Geoff and Jason joined us as we watched Sergie take a big hit off the pipe. He handed the pipe off to Matej sitting on the toilet next to him.

"Wanna hit?" Matej asked as he offered the pipe to me.

"You bet I do!" I replied as I took the pipe and sucked in a large hit. I handed the pipe to Geoff, then turned and pulled Blaine into me, pressing my lips against his. Blaine remembered from yesterday as he opened his mouth and let me push the smoke into his lungs. We swapped the smoke back and forth for a minute then pulled back. Blaine had a wild look in his eyes.

"How was that?" I asked as the weed started to hit me.

Blaine smiled, "That was good."

Sergie grinned mischievously at Blaine, "Is this your first wake and bake?"

Duncan darted out of the shower and sat down on the third toilet. "No wonder there are three toilets," I thought to myself.

"Oooohh fuuuckkkk..." he groaned as his ass released. Sergie and Matej wiped their butts then moved off the toilets, flushing them.

"All ready," Sergie chuckled as he gave his uncut cock a twist.


Our attention quickly returned to the shower as we heard a low moan over the noise of the water. The door was open. And we could see John braced against one of the glass walls as Sean held one of the wands deep inside the other boy's ass.

Jason gasped, "What's he doing to him?" as more moans emanated from the shower.

Geoff stuttered, "He's giving him... an enema." as he tried to hold in his second hit off the pipe.

Jason asked cautiously, "What's it... feel like?" By this time all of us were now staring at the two boys inside the shower.

"It actually feels great," Geoff responded as he moved to the shower and stepped in joining John and Sean.

Matej grinned, "It feels really good to get cleaned out... especially if they're about to have... a big meal." as he followed Sergie to the sinks.

John scrambled out of the shower and sat down on one of the toilets. He let out a long grunt as the sound of gushing water could be heard splashing into the toilet bowl beneath him. Two muffled moans grabbed our attention. Sean and Geoff were hugging and kissing. Each had a wand in their hand as they pushed them into each other's asses. It was surprisingly hot to watch this all unfold.

"Did you want to try it?" I whispered to Blaine. He looked at me and sheepishly nodded his head yes. My hard cock throbbed at Blaine's response.

"Let's do it then," as we started walking to the shower.

"Can I do it with you guys?" Jason said in hushed voice. I think he was just as turned on as we were.

"Yeah, of course," as I grabbed his hand. I entered the shower with Blaine and Jason, the warm water flowing over our bodies.

"Oh fuck," Sean blurted out as he ran out of the shower to the toilets. Geoff followed right behind him.

By this time John had finished with the toilet and had returned to the shower. Matej and Duncan also entered the large glass shower room and closed the door. Amazingly, we could all fit inside comfortably.

"You freshies ready?" Duncan asked. I looked back and could see John, Matej, and Duncan holding wands, ready to insert them into us.

"Do it to me. I wanna see what it's like," Jason gasped as he bent forward, arching his ass up, preparing himself for what was to come.

"Do it to all of us," I replied, as I assumed the position. Blaine copied me as he did the same. I could see Sean and Geoff slowly stroking their hard cocks as they watched from the toilets.

The three sophomores ran their hands all over our freshman butts, a look of lust on their faces as they felt us up. Blaine's eyes suddenly grew wide just as he felt the water splash against the crease of his butt cheeks. Then he made a slight grunt, signaling Duncan had penetrated him with a wand. Blaine looked at me with a far off stare, a mixture of lust and weed. I smiled back, knowing this weekend was going to open up a whole new world for him. Then I felt Matej slowly push a wand between my butt cheeks. I felt the tip pop in, followed by the sensation of warm water filling me up.

"This feels... so weird," I heard Jason gasp as John pushed a wand into his hole. Then I felt Matej start to manipulate the wand, moving it all around inside me. Stimulating the walls of my ass. Ugh, he was fucking me with it!

"Uuuuugh..." I heard both Blaine and Jason gasp on either side of me. The two other sophomores were doing the same to them as well.

Blaine looked over at me with heavy eyes and sighed, "Is this what getting fucked feels like?" I knew Blaine was still a virgin, and had never been fucked before.

I moaned, "Kinda; but a cock is thicker."

Blaine cracked a smile and groaned, "I think... ooohh... I'd like that..."

Jason moaned in agreement, "Me toooo... uuugghh..."

Soon we all were moaning incoherently as they fucked our holes with the enema wands.

Duncan groaned, "Yeah, gotta get you freshmen clean," as he pushed his wand deeper into Blaine's butt, causing Blaine to grown louder. The pressure in my stomach was growing more and more as the water kept flowing in.

"I think... I think we're ready..." I panted.

"Okay." One of the sophomores acknowledged as John pulled his wand out of Jason first. He quickly dashed out of the shower and sat on the far toilet. I felt Matej remove his wand from me and I immediately headed for the second toilet.

Duncan held his wand in longer, causing Blaine to moan from the fullness he was feeling. I felt my ass relax as a gush of water and poop emptied into the toilet below.

Just as the last of the water emptied out of me Duncan finally removed his wand from Blaine's butt. He immediately scrambled out of the shower and sat on the toilet next to me. Blaine let out a long groan as I heard water and an occasional plop hit the toilet bowl. Blaine looked over and grinned at me.

"What do you think?" I smiled.

"That was... weird, but I liked it." He smirked, his face was flushed.

"I liked it too." I blushed.

As we wiped our asses Sergie approached us with a fully packed pipe, "One for the road?" he grinned.

I glanced at Blaine, he smirked at me, "I wouldn't mind."

"Yeah, we will." I replied as I stood up took the pipe from Sergie. Blaine stood up and approached me as I lit the pipe and took a huge hit off it. I turned to Blaine as we kissed. He opened his mouth and let me push the hit in his lungs. We embraced each other, our hard cocks pressed between us as we kept passing the hit between us. I loved feeling Blaine's body as I ran my hand up and down his back and down to his perfectly shaped ass. For his part, Blaine followed my lead and also ran his hands all over my body. Soon we were gently humping our cocks against our bodies, lost in out moment.

"Damn, I'm really hungry." Sean announced to everyone.

Blaine and I broke off our kiss just as I heard my stomach growl, "Yeah, me too."

"Let's get our suits on and head down," Geoff said as he headed back into the bedroom.

"We'll met you guys down there," Duncan said as he and the sophomores headed into their bedroom. The rest of the freshman left the bathroom, leaving Blaine and I alone.

"I have a confession to make." I said to Blaine, "that wasn't my first time having an enema."


"Yeah, I like giving them to myself."

Blaine grinned, "It was way better than I thought it would be," then paused, "Actually, I really liked it."

I stepped closer to Blaine and put my hands on his waist, "Maybe we should do it... to each other... in the future?"

Blaine looked down and watched our hard cocks brush against each other. He looked up and asked, "Did you mean what you said earlier?"

"You mean... us being boyfriends?"

"Uh huh."

"I wanted to ask you last night by the pool, but I got distracted by Hunter's cock."

Blaine chuckled, "Oh yeah, we both did. He has a big one...." Blaine paused again, as if summoning the courage to ask me his next question.

"Soooo... if we're really boyfriends... does that mean we're going to... do it?"

"Do you want to?"

"Yeah... I keep asking you about all this stuff I don't understand... and I'm glad you know the answers." Blaine paused, "Even though I did some stuff with Sean and Geoff.... it wasn't as hot as when I'm with you."

Blaine hugged me and whispered, "I want you to start showing me what it's like to do all this stuff. I want to do all the stuff you've done. Well... at least the stuff you like to do," he smirked as I felt him grind his bare cock against me. I remembered the moment he was talking about. And how hot it was seeing him in showers with Sean and Geoff.

"I'd love that," I smiled as I kissed him. Blaine moaned into my mouth as he kissed me back. I ran my hands down and cupped Blaine's ass as I rubbed my erection against his body. Blaine leaned into me as he humped his cock against mine. This was a side of Blaine I'd never seen before. He was definitely becoming more confident sexually, and eager to start gaining experience.

"Hey you two love birds! Are you going to get dressed?" said a voice from the doorway. We broke off our kiss and looked. It was Sean with a shit eating grin and sporting his skimpy, pink Speedo. It strained to contain his raging erection.

"Yeah, we got distracted," I replied. I grabbed Blaine's hand and headed back into the bedroom.

"I'm so hard," Jason gasped as he looked at his erection straining inside his suit. He kept fumbling with it, trying to get it into a comfortable position. Blaine and I found our suits and slipped them on. I fumbled to find a good position for my raging boner, too.

"Now I know what Jason was complaining about," Blaine chuckled as he also fumbled with his cock inside his suit. After a few moments we looked at each other and laughed. There was no comfortable position. At least not a position that would hide it.

"We're ready." I announced as Blaine and I joined the other three.

"One for the road?" Sean said as he took yet another hit off the pipe and passed it to Blaine. I was surprised when he quickly took a hit off the pipe, then passed it to me. I heard Blaine cough a bit as I took a hit. I passed the pipe to Jason who also took a hit. Geoff was the last as he finished off the bowl

"This is kinda hot," Jason gasped as he looked at the five of us. I had to admit he was right. The five of us standing there in skimpy Speedos. Our raging teen erections bursting at the seams, trying to escape the tight confines of our suits.

Sean suddenly blurted out, "I just wanted to say, I'm glad you guys are here."

"Look at you being all sincere," Geoff smiled.

Sean frowned, "Maybe not you."

Geoff pulled Sean into a kiss then whispered, "You know I love you." Sean cracked a smile. It was weird seeing Sean revealing his true feelings. He always kept up his smart-ass persona.

"I see we're not the only ones who have boyfriends," I smiled. Sean and Geoff looked at me and smiled.

"Do I need a boyfriend?" Jason piped up.

"You have us," Blaine replied.

"That's not the same."

The four of us moved in on Jason and circled him in a group hug. It wasn't so much a hug but a grope fest. Jason moaned as we ran our hands all over his body, feeling him up. I realized the five of us were becoming a team.

"Thanks guys. Can I get a blow job?" Jason smirked. The five of us started laughing.

"Okay, let's go eat," I announced as I took Blaine's hand and headed out of the bedroom.

"What about my blow job?" Jason stood in mock protest in the middle of the bedroom as he gestured at his straining Speedo.

"You haven't earned it yet," Sean laughed as we entered the hallway.

"You guys are mean." We all laughed as Jason caught up to us.

It felt like a repeat of last night as we stumbled down the ornate hallway once again. Giggling and laughing as we headed downstairs. Our shyness, if we had any, now completely gone. Not caring our erections were bulging out the front of our skimpy Speedos.

We finally emerged from the opulent house and onto the veranda. I could see most of the team were gathered at the pool house. A line had formed at the buffet table set up inside. The alumni guys were wearing aprons and setting up the food. The aprons were covering them from the chest down. I could see they were shirtless, their bare chests showing underneath. Were they naked under the aprons? My question was soon answered as I caught I glimpse of Gunner's bare ass as he turned to grab another tray of food. I kept watching and noticed more bare asses as each alumni turned. I also noticed prominent bulges underneath the front of their aprons. Knowing the alumni guys were naked and hard under those aprons made my cock throb.

As we walked across the pool area, I noticed there were six mats laid out on the deck. Next to each mat were large plastic tubs and towels. I glanced into one of the tubs as we walked across the deck to the pool house. I noticed there were several cans of shaving cream, along with several packages of disposable razors. Each area was like a mini shaving station.

"They weren't kidding about the shaving thing," Blaine whispered to me.

"Does it bother you?" I asked, curious to what Blaine was thinking.

"Nah, just... different," Blaine replied with a sly smirk. I was getting the feeling Blaine was looking forward to this, and I was glad.

We joined the line, right behind Cody and Robert. I noticed their Speedos were bulging out just like ours. Then realized everyone on the team had bulging erections in their suits. They had all taken a Viagra pill!

Robert smiled, "Good morning, hope you guys got some sleep."

"Yeah, we did," Geoff smiled, "and surprisingly, everyone kept their hands off each other."

"Good, you'll need the energy for today," Robert replied as he winked at Blaine and me.

"I am fucking starved!" Sean blurted out.

"The only thing you think of more than sex is eating." Geoff laughed.

Sean snarled back, "Ha Ha, very funny,"

I chuckled, "You sure you two aren't married?"

Sean glared at me, "No!"

Geoff jumped on Sean's back, hugging him from behind. Then said teasingly, "You don't think I'd make a good husband?"

"Just because we're boyfriends.... " Sean froze, his face blushing as he realized what he just said.

Jason gasped, "Wait, you guys are boyfriends? For real?"

Geoff snickered, "Yeah, Sean just won't let me say it out loud," as he kissed Sean's cheek.

Sean grumbled, "Great, now everybody knows,"

Robert laughed, "Oh please, you two are just as bad as Parker and Blaine!" I felt myself blush as I looked at Blaine. He was blushing too.

"Hey, it's okay. Cody and I are boyfriends. We've been boyfriends since we were sophomores," Robert smiled reassuringly.

I leaned into Robert and whispered, "But... you both have had sex with me..." I knew Blaine, Sean, and Geoff were aware of this; but I didn't want to announce it to the whole team and alumni who were nearby. But Jason overheard this and showed his surprise. Obviously he was the only one in our little group who didn't already know about my experiences with Robert and Cody.

Robert understood what I was wondering, and replied, "Yes we have. Cody and I have an open relationship. You already know we are committed to supporting our brother teammates. I talked with you about that. You know that includes an open attitude towards sex with each other. But other than teammates, we sometimes enjoy sex with others, too. We love sex, and we let each other explore. But it doesn't mean we don't love each other."

"Cool," I said. "Blaine and I have been kinda worried that having sex with others might make the other one mad or jealous. We both definitely want to have more sex with some of the other guys. But we've been wondering if that is a bad idea... I mean especially if we are boyfriends."

Cody snickered and then whispered, "I'm glad to hear you wanna fuck around with some of the other guys. I know a few of them want to hook up with you and Blaine."

Blaine looked at Robert and Cody, glanced at their bulging Speedos, and then said, "Yeah, I won't mind."

We all laughed as Blaine blushed about his surprisingly honest confession. Rob winked at me, silently crediting me again with drawing Blaine out of his shyness.

Blaine turned to Geoff and Sean, and asked, "So you guys are boyfriends, too? And I guess you have an open relationship like Rob and Cody; right? I mean after what the three of us did in the shower room...?"

Again, Jason reacted with surprise, but this time he spoke up. He very quietly, but emphatically interrupted, "Wait a fuckin' minute! You guys are all fuckin' around with each other? I want in on this!"

The guys in our little group laughed again.

Cody whispered with a smirk, "No problem Jason, as long as you can take it," as he groped his crotch. Jason turned deep red and quietly said, "I... I can try."

Sean snickered, "I hope you will," as he hugged Jason from behind. Grinding his erection into Jason's ass.

Geoff answered Blaine's question. "Yeah, Sean and I are pretty open, too. Although I'm not an uber slut like Sean is." Sean flipped him the finger as he kept grinding against Jason, but otherwise didn't interrupt what he was saying. "What I usually like, is finding another partner for Sean and me to play with together... like we did with you. I'd REALLY like to do a four-way with you and Parker."

Sean added, "We can add Jason and make it a five-way," as he reached around and gripped Jason's straining erection through his skimpy swim suit.

"Fuck yeah..." Jason moaned in a low whisper, then blushed again. "But you better stop now... or you're gonna make me shoot." Sean giggled as he released Jason's cock and backed away from him.

Robert laughed and said, "Well before you five start making definite plans, let's see what happens during this retreat. I think you're all going to have lots of fun here. Even some of Jason's dirty little dreams may come true!" We all laughed more loudly. Then the line for breakfast finally started moving and everybody cheered.

Breakfast was surprisingly uneventful. We made small talk, but everyone chowed down like a bunch of starving teenagers. The alumni guys cleaned up the buffet area as Coach approached us.

He clapped his hands, getting our attention, "Okay, its time to start the shaving!" Coach announced, "But first, I want to announce that Coach's rule is now rescinded. Which means you all can do anything you like. But make sure you don't force yourself on someone who doesn't want it."

"Which means no one here," Cody chuckled as he nudged Blaine with a wink before he walked off with Robert to where the mats were set up. I had to stifle my laugh as Blaine started blushing again.

"Are you ready?" I asked Blaine, who had a look of both apprehension and anticipation on his face as Cody and Robert motioned us to join them at one of the mats.

"Yeah..." he responded eagerly as we joined Cody and Robert.

Coach approached with little Trent behind him. Both in their Speedos. Coach and Trent were also sporting erections in their suits.

"For the shaving, I don't want to see one hair on anyone. Want to show them Trent?" The boy smiled and pushed his suit off in one quick movement. His smooth prepubescent body, along with his hard, hairless boy cock was on full display for the entire team.

"This is what I want to see," as he ran his hands down the boy's chest, and down past his stomach until he reached Trent's hard boy nail, cupping it with his hand. The boy shuddered as Coach rubbed his hand over it.

"I think we're too old for you Coach," someone snickered.

"He nailed you last year," another voice responded followed by laughs from the team.

Coach cleared his voice, "Okay boys, get shaving!" as he picked up Trent and walked off towards the house with the boy draped over his shoulder.

"You know he's about to get fucked good," Cody whispered, "...by a HUGE cock!"

Blaine looked at Cody with a puzzled look, "What do you mean? The boy?"

"Yup, Trent is very... experienced. He spent the night with the alumni guys last night," he replied with a grin. "I heard they all had a hot time... sharing him."

"You mean... even his brother, Bill?" Blaine replied. Cody and Robert smiled at Blaine's innocence as they both nodded their heads.

Blaine gasped, "Wow, really?" as he squeezed the front of his straining Speedo as he watched Coach and the boy sit down on the terrace next to Mr Peterson.

"Let's do this," someone said as the juniors and seniors started stripping off their suits. Blaine's eyes grew wide once again as he finally got to see Cody's cock in all its hard glory. Then he started looking around at the other upperclassmen, their hard cocks now free and bobbing obscenely in front of us. The sophomores followed, pushing their suits off.

Of course Sean was the first of us freshman to strip his Speedo off. Geoff and I followed, leaving Jason and Blaine standing there in stunned silence, watching. I couldn't blame them. It was pretty hot seeing everyone standing around naked with hard and throbbing cocks. The Viagra was doing its job.

Cody turned to Blaine, "I think you need help," as he untied Blaine's suit and pulled the boy's tight swim suit off. Blaine stood still as his suit slipped down his legs and pooled around his ankles. Cody cupped his balls and erection causing Blaine to moan. He looked up into Cody's eyes with a look of pure lust.

Cody smiled, "You're so sexy, Blaine," as he gave Blaine's cock a soft twist with his hand. Blaine shuddered as Cody tenderly kissed Blaine on the lips.

"Hey, stop making moves on my boyfriend," I joked. Cody released Blaine's cock then turned and cupped my cock and balls.

Cody grinned, "I guess I'll have to take care of both of you then?" as he stroked my throbbing erection.

I made eye contact with Blaine and grinned, then I looked back at Cody, "You promise?"

Cody whispered, "You know I never break a promise..." before he kissed me.

Robert snickered, "Okay, you three. Break it up, we still need to shave," as he grabbed a can of shaving cream and a razor and handed it to me. He took another can and a razor and handed it to Blaine.

Robert smiled, "Okay you two, get shaving." as he stood in front of me with a wide stance as Cody moved in front of Blaine. Both of their impressive erections were standing proud inches from our faces. Their hairy groins ready for our attention.

Cody winked at Blaine, "I know you're nervous, but don't cut me." as he started to lather up his crotch. I began lathering up Robert's groin, gripping the base of his 8 inch erection. I gave it a squeezed before moving down to his legs.

Robert whispered, "I want to fuck you so bad," as he watched me start to shave him.

I glanced over at Jason who was with Victor and Sergie. He looked totally captivated as he lathered up the older brother while Sergie watched and gave him shaving advice. Geoff and Sean were lathering up Trevor and James as Duncan and John paired off with Max and Matej. John was lathering up Max as Duncan lathered up Matej. I could hear murmurs of small talk happening in the groups, with an occasional low moan or groan escaping here and there. I could feel the sexual tension in the air rising, and knew we were one step away from a full blown orgy.

I focused back on Robert and slowly drew my razor across his crotch, shaving the hair off around his shaft. Robert spread his legs and arched his hips up as I started on his balls. I was so tempted to lean in and suck on his cock, but figured it wasn't a good idea while holding a sharp razor. I could see Robert grinning like a Cheshire Cat as he watched me handle his sack. Once finished with his balls, I moved on to his legs. Robert raised his legs a few times allowing me to get underneath.

Meanwhile, Blaine had finished with shaving Cody's balls and was now gingerly shaving his legs. He looked overwhelmed by Cody's huge 9 inch cock looming over him. I could tell he desperately wanted to take it in his hands and stroke it. Blaine and I both resisted doing any more and moved up and lathered their chests. It was so hot shaving Robert's chest clean and smooth. Thankfully, neither one had any back hair. Now that I thought about it, no one had any real significant upper body hair.

Cody, noticing Blaine had finished with his upper body, flipped over onto his hands and knees and rested his chests on the mat, causing his ass to arch up. I heard Blaine gasp as Cody reached back and spread his ass cheeks apart, exposing his butt hole to Blaine. Robert did the same, exposing his hole to me. Blaine watched me lather up his ass crack then start to shave.

Blaine gasped, "You want me... to shave your ass?" as he stared at Cody's pucker.

"Don't worry, you'll love it." I whispered.

Blaine looked at me in shock and whispered back, "You... you shave your ass?"

Cody interjected, "Yeah, nothing like a smooth butt hole," as he waited for Blaine to start shaving. Blaine looked around and noticed the other upperclassmen had also assumed the position, and were also getting their ass cracks shaved.

I noticed Blaine's erection twitch as he lathered up Cody's ass crack. I sensed from Blaine that the thought of getting his own butt shaved was turning him on. It didn't take long for me to shave Robert's ass, but Blaine was a bit more timid about it as he carefully shaved the crevice of Cody's muscular ass. The concentration and awe on Blaine's face showed how much he adored that jock ass. I was sure he'd soon worship it in ways that will pleasure Cody a lot.

After finishing Robert's sexy ass, I gently massaged the lips of his tight hole with my thumb... causing him to groan softly. I noticed he wasn't the only swimmer with his ass in the air and moaning. Obviously, some of our other teammates were starting to work some sex-play into the shaving tasks. On the mat next to us, I saw Sean was actually finger-fucking James with two fingers. The Senior just sighed in pleasure as his eyes met mine.

Once Blaine finally finished shaving Cody's ass, Cody and Robert stood up. Blaine and I were in awe of their muscular bodies... now completely smooth... and their impressive cocks throbbing in front of our faces.

"Okay you two, it's your turn," Robert grinned looking down at us.

Blaine and I stood up and moved into position on the mats. Robert and Cody grabbed the shaving cream and lathered up our legs and went to work shaving our legs.

"Aren't you going to start up here?" Blaine asked, gesturing at his crotch.

"Patience, I'll get to it," Cody said with with a grin and a wink. By this point Blaine's cock was drooling pre-cum like crazy as Cody finished lathering up his legs.

"Cody is having a lot of fun teasing him," Robert snickered just loud enough for me to hear him. Then he noticed my drooling erection, "Looks like you're enjoying this too."

"You have no idea," I moaned as I enjoyed the feeling of Robert's hands applying the shaving cream. My cock felt harder than it had ever been thanks to the Viagra.

Robert and Cody took their time, making sure every last inch of our legs were devoid of hair. Once they were finished with our legs they had us lay on our backs and spread our legs wide open.

Then, as if they were synchronized perfectly, the two knelt between our legs and started to lather up our crotches. Blaine let out a gasp as Cody's hands worked the shaving cream around the base of his leaking cock and down around his balls. I totally understood Blaine's reaction as I felt Robert's hands do the same. Then the two older teens started to carefully shave our crotches. I propped myself up on my elbow and watched Robert carefully work the razor around my crotch, leaving it completely smooth.

I glanced around and could see the other freshmen were also laying on their backs. The older guys kneeling between their legs, busy shaving the other freshman's pubes off.

"Ooohh!" I heard Blaine gasp. I glanced over and noticed Cody was sucking on Blaine's bulbous cock head, but quickly pulled back. Blaine had a wild look in his eyes as he gasped for air.

Cody chuckled, "You were leaking," then added, "but I don't want you popping just yet," before moving down to shave Blaine's balls. Robert also moved down and started shaving my balls. We were so worked up that our balls had pulled up, making it easier for them to be shaved. I was so close to cumming it wasn't even funny.

Once they were done Cody commanded, "Flip over, on your hands and knees." Blaine and I complied, turning over and getting into position. I immediately spread my legs wide apart, and laid my chest flat on the mat just like Robert and Cody had done. My ass crack was now wide open and ready for Robert to start his shaving. Blaine noticed my position and copied me, placing his chest flat on the mat and arching his butt up in the air for Cody. We stared at each other as we felt them apply the shaving cream. A weird satisfied look washed across Blaine's face as he felt Cody's hands coat his inner crevice with shaving cream. I glanced around and noticed the other freshmen were also in the same position. Their asses were also arched up and being shaved clean.

Trent walked up naked and hard, holding a basket. He stopped next to us and placed a clear squeeze bottle next to Robert, then one next to Cody. It was the same type of squeeze bottle Robert had when he fucked me in the kitchen at home. The blonde 10 year old stared at what Cody was doing, as if in a daze. His hard 4 inch boy nail looked painfully erect.

I heard Bill's voice boom from the pool house, "Keep going, Trent. Don't get distracted," Trent refocused and moved on to the other groups, dropping off a squeeze bottle with each of them. As Trent walked away, I heard him let out a wet fart. It was then that I noticed cum dribbling down the inside of his leg. The boy had been freshly fucked. Probably by Mr. Peterson.

After a few moments the shaving was finished. Robert and Cody wasted no time and grabbed the squeeze bottles and dribbled the lube over our butt holes, getting them nice and coated with the stuff. Then I felt Robert rub his finger over my hole. I shivered and let out a soft moan as he kept working his lubed finger all around, massaging my sphincter. I heard Blaine let out a soft moan as he felt Cody start to do the same thing. Low moans also started to emanate from the other groups as well. I realized all the freshmen boys were having their holes massaged and played with.

I relaxed my hole and let Robert's finger easily slip in. Then I felt the familiar burning sensation start. It was the same burning I had with Robert when he used that same lube to fuck me.

I heard Blaine gasp, "Ugh! Cody... It's burning..."

Cody soothingly replied, "It's only temporary," as he slowly sunk his finger all the way in. Blaine let out a guttural moan as the burning sensations transitioned into a need. I pushed back on Robert's finger. He quickly added a second finger.

I groaned approvingly, "Oooh yeeahhh..." Blaine looked at me with a far off look and smiled. Then his face contorted as he let out a low grunt.

Cody moaned, "Two," as he slowly finger fucked Blaine with two fingers.

Blaine moaned and looked at me with pure bliss on his face, "Oohhh, Parker... it feels so good..."

The grunts and moans grew louder all over the pool deck as the other freshmen felt their sphincters being stretched open for the fuck that was about to happen. Whatever was in the lube, it was making me want a cock in me, any cock!

I heard Blaine let out a low moan as Cody cooed, "Three..."

Robert took his cue and slipped a third finger inside me. I gasped as I felt his fingers stretch out, then start to twist around inside me. Stimulating my hole even more.

Robert mumbled, "Let's show them how its done." I immediately felt him pull his fingers out and press the tip of his cock against my dilated hole. I felt pressure, then the feeling of his large head popping inside me. Even with my hole nice and stretched, I still let out a gasp as his cock sunk into me. Robert bottomed out and laid his weight onto me. Fuck, I loved feeling him inside me!

I heard Cody mumble, "Time for what you always wanted." I glanced over to see Cody coating his cock with the special lube with one hand, then moved over Blaine as he kept finger fucking him with the other. Once in position, Cody quickly removed his fingers and lined up his huge shaft with Blaine's dilated hole, nudging the tip against Blaine's tingling butt hole.

Blaine looked over his shoulder and whimpered, "Please... put it in me..."

Cody grinned as he slowly pushed in. He could feel Blaine's hole resisting. Then suddenly, Blaine's body jerked as he felt Cody's fat cock head pop inside him. The first moan was from Cody's shaft penetrating him.


Blaine's second moan was lower and more guttural as the burning sensations from the lube kicked in.


Blaine arched his back like a cat in heat as he started to push back hard.

Robert started slowly fucking me as we silently watched Cody's 9 inch cock slowly sink deeper and deeper into Blaine's upturned ass.

"Ooooooohhhh..." they both moaned blissfully as Cody's hips pressed flat against Blaine's butt.

Robert whispered into my ear, "Cody's inside your boyfriend," as he started fucking me harder. God, I loved Robert's cock and how it felt inside me. I also loved the fact that Cody had his cock buried in Blaine's no longer virgin ass.

Blaine let out a string of low grunts as Cody ground his muscular hips against the younger freshman's butt. Moving his massive cock all around inside the younger teen, opening him up to a new life.

Logan kept whimpering, "Ugh... oh God... Cody... don't stop! ugh... more!!!"

Cody groaned, "Whatever it takes, no regrets," then started fucking Blaine hard with short sharp jabs. Blaine furrowed his brow as his mouth dropped open like a fish gasping for air. I knew that expression. It was an expression of pure euphoria. Then I heard moans, yelps, and whimpers spring up from the other shaving groups around the pool deck. All the sounds coming from the Freshman boys.


The pool deck was now one big orgy as we Freshman became the fuck toys for the entire team. The moans and groans grew louder and faster as the fucking increased in tempo.

I looked over and noticed Jason had been flipped onto his back. The Freshman's arms and legs were wrapped tightly around the older teen as Victor's muscular teen body wildly humped and contracted on top of him. Their tongues clumsily dueled as Sergie moved behind his older brother. Victor mashed his mouth down on Jason's mouth in a lip locking kiss as he kept fucking the young teen. Sergie wasted no time as he lined up his cock and pushed into his older brother. Victor moaned into Justin's mouth as he felt his brother's cock sink all the way into him.

Then the two brothers started fucking into Justin like a well oiled machine. Justin let out a long moan as he felt their combined force. Victor moved off of Justin's mouth and started sucking and licking his neck as the three of them continued to bump and grind against each other.

I looked past Justin and could see Geoff and Sean. They were face down with their asses up in the air as Trevor and James savagely pumped their cocks in and of their holes. Both boys looked so into it as they pushed back, meeting the thrusts of the two upperclassmen. Duncan and John were also getting the same treatment from Max and Matej.

"Boys!" Coach shouted. We all paused and looked at Coach. He was naked stroking his cock as he looked down at all of us.

"I want you to fuck as a team, on my command, I want you to push." I felt Robert ready himself as he adjusted his cock, pulling almost completely out of me.

"STROKE!" Coach shouted. I felt Robert push his cock all the way into me as the upperclassmen around us also pushed in.

All the Freshman, including me, let out a low groan, "UUUGH!"

"STROKE!" Coach repeated.


Then Coach continued his chanting, as if he was running a practice, "STROKE!" "UUUGH!" "STROKE!" "UUUGH!" "STROKE!" "UUUGH!"

All of us were now relying on our instincts as the upperclassmen started pulling out and pushing back in at a steady and swift pace. With ever push in Robert got a little more forceful and I could feel my cock twitching in response.

Then Coach sped up his chanting, "STROKE! STROKE! STROKE!"

I felt Robert's pumping increase matching Coach's chants. My mind was spinning as I heard my fellow classmates moaning along with me. I glanced over at Blaine who had a glassy, far off stare as he pushed back against Cody's thrusts.

I lost track of time, like one of those long swim sets were you zone out, but this zoning out was pure sexual bliss. Then a familiar feeling started creeping in behind my balls as each thrust from Robert kept hitting my prostate. Then I heard Coach moan out.

"Cum for me boys! Breed them! Make the new boys a part of the team!" I glanced up and noticed Coach was stroking his cock as he watched us, his team, his boys, fuck even harder.

Hearing Coach's command threw us all into a frenzy. The fucking intensified all around me as the final few thrusts from Robert pushed me over the edge causing my ass to tighten around Robert's pumping shaft like a vice.

I heard Robert grunt, "OH FUCK!" as I felt his hips slam hard against my ass then hold it there. Then I felt his cock wildly twitching inside me as he filled me up with his cum. Robert's eruption caused my cock to involuntarily ejaculate onto the mat below, making a pool below me.

I heard Blaine groan as Cody slammed his entire 9 inches deep into him, his eyes growing heavy as he felt his insides being flooded with Cody's potent seed. This continued all over the pool deck as the lower class boys were pumped full of the older teens seed.

I smiled at the thought of how much cum was swimming around inside me and all the other Freshman and Sophomores. Robert collapsed on top of me as we regained our breath.

"That was hot." I heard Robert whisper in my ear.

"I love your cock in me." I smiled.

Robert chuckled in between kisses on my neck, "I love my cock in you too, but you have a boyfriend now."

"Are you jealous?"

"No, but I think Blaine loved getting fucked by Cody." I glanced over at Blaine who had his head turned and was making out with Cody over his shoulder. The Senior still had his cock fully impaled in the Freshman, and was still making short little thrusts into him, causing Blaine to whimper with each movement. I knew what Cody's cock felt like, and I had to admit I was feeling a bit jealous. But only because I wanted to be the one under Cody.

"Who doesn't?" I smirked as I watched Blaine loose himself in the moment.

We heard Coach suddenly announce, "Okay boys, jump in the pool and rinse off. And remember, what happens here, stays here." The announcement snapped us back to reality as everyone started to disentangle themselves from their couplings.

Cody slowly lifted himself off of Blaine, his long wet cock slipping out of Blaine's used hole. I felt Robert's deflating cock slowly exit out of me as he also lifted himself off. Of course Sophomores, Duncan and John jumped in, they knew what would happen from being Freshman last year. Geoff and Sean jumped in as well, they'd been fucking since middle school, so what just happened wasn't too much of a stretch for them.

But Blaine and Jason didn't move, they still looked stunned from what just happened. I scooted next to Blaine and laid down next to him as we watched the team swim and splash around in the pool. Jason moved next to us and laid down next to Blaine.

Blaine looked at me as I looked into his eyes, "So? How was it?"

Blaine grinned, "That was amazing. Cody is a good fuck."

I heard Jason speak up as he watched the team splash around, "I... I think I want more cock in me."

"Yeah, I do too." I heard Blaine whisper.

Blaine smiled, "I can't remember a more intense orgasm. I don't think I've ever came that much before in my life?"

I smiled, "Hope I can do that for you one day."

Blaine grinned, "We can keep trying until you do."

"I'd love that challenge," I replied as I leaned in and kissed Blaine tenderly. He eagerly returned the kiss.

I heard Jason whisper, "Parker?"

"Yeah?" I replied as I looked over at Jason over Blaine.

"I hope you fuck me too." Jason said with a shy smirk. I smiled at the blonde 14 year old, his blue eyes looking for approval. I had to admit, he was a handsome boy. The perfect blonde.

"I hope so too." as I smiled back. Jason grinned as I felt my cock start to chub up again.

Sean swam up to us, "You guys going to lay there like old ladys? Or are you gonna get in?" The three of us looked at each other and smiled, then we jumped up and dove into the water.

The cold pool felt so good as it washed the sex off of me. I surfaced right in front of Gunner, the hot alumni who teased me and Blaine with his big cock. I was surprised to see him as he pulled me into a hug against his naked slippery body. I could feel his hard 10 inch cock trapped in between us.

"There you are Freshy. I enjoyed watching you getting fucked." he chuckled as I felt his hands move down to my ass and cupped them, giving my butt cheeks a squeeze. He covered my mouth with his as I felt his tongue meet mine. As we made out I felt his fingers move into the crease of my ass and finger my puffy boy hole.

He pulled back from his kiss as two of his fingers pushed into my hole. I let out a soft whimper as he sunk them in deep and wiggled them around.

"Yeah... I want to fuck both you and Blaine all night."

My cock instantly hardened as I gasped in reply, "Yes..."

This was already a wild day, I wondered how this would all turn out.

To be continued... ;)

  • Comments: * dark_angel969@runbox.com * Please Donate to Support Nifty! Keep it free! * * * * * Other stories: * Checkmated (Adult-youth) * Watching the Boys (Adult-youth) * Thumping Time (Adult-youth) * I Want You To Watch (Adult-youth) * Hot Summer Daze (Adult-youth) * West By Southwest (Adult/Youth) * Incestsemilla (Incest) * Squeezing the Periphery (Adult-youth) * The Thirsty Boy (Sci-Fi) * The Merger (Sci-Fi) * An Agreement Between Brothers (Incest) * * And in the Bi-sexual section: My Maddie

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