Swimming at Sams House

By sean smith

Published on Apr 23, 2001


Sam and I had been pretty good friends for a few months now. We'd met at work while he was on a break from University. I guess we were the new guys. Sam was 22 with brown eyes and hair, and what looked like a tight body under his suit. I think the first thing we noticed about each other is how much alike we looked. So much so in fact, that people kept getting our names mixed up.

Sam and I had been to the pub a few times together and had really started to get to know one other. We realized that we lived in neighbouring suburbs, and so started socializing and playing sport together. It was after a game of tennis that it all began.

We'd played doubles against a couple of girls we knew, and had beaten them easily. We were all buggered so we said good night to the girls and took off back to Sam's house. Sam still lived at his parent's, but is was a very large house and everyone seemed to have their own space.

When we arrived, only his brother was there, but he was busy in his room. We got a couple of beers out of the fridge and sat outside on the reclining chairs by the pool. I was still hot from the tennis so I took off my shirt and took a long swig of my beer. As I was doing this I caught Sam sort of looking at my chest. He realized that I'd seen him so he gave me some throw away line about what a good effect all the sport we'd been playing had had on my body. The fact is that I thought so too, and almost said something to Sam when I'd seen him change his shirt tonight before our game.

The night was not cooling down, so Sam suggested that we take a swim. I was just about to say that the idea sounded good, but I didn't have any togs, when Sam ran off to his room. He came back shortly after wearing nothing but a pair of red speedos. He flung a second black pair in my direction. I thought it would be kind of weird wearing someone else's speedos, but decided that since they belonged to my good mate, it would be alright. I went into the house and changed quickly into them. The fit me tight and snug, and showed off my body nicely. I'd chubbed up a bit getting them on, so the front of the togs were looking very full.

When I came back outside, I found Sam standing legs wide, finishing off his beer, and rubbing his flat stomach absently with his other hand. I started to realize that Sam was a very good looking guy, and I felt good being here with him. He saw me coming, and said, 'They're a snug fit', referring to the speedos he'd lent me.

'Just happy to see you, mate', I joked. With that he ran to the pools edge and dove into the water. I followed closely behind.

We swam around for a while, just chatting, until we were in a corner talking quietly to each other. Being so close, our legs kept bumping together, which felt kind of good. I guess at this point I realized what a great guy Sam was, and just how hot he looked. My cock was straining at the elastic and was beginning to want out. I looked down at Sam's swimmers, and although his body was distorted by the water, I thought that his red package was very full as well.

Then I did something that I'd never considered before, or ever thought I would ever do. I reached over and brushed my hand over his mound.

'It's about bloody time you did that mate', Sam said with a wink and a cheeky grin.

With that he pulled me over to him so we were facing each other with our chests and hard cocks touching. My mind was racing and my body was on fire. Sam leant in until his full pink lips touched mine, so gently. My lips parted and our tongues met. Sam ran his hand down my back and onto my arse. He pulled me tighter to him and our dicks mashed together like the indestructible meeting the immovable.

Sam whispered into my ear that we should loose the speedos. In a second they were floating towards the other end of the pool. My cock was finally free from its lycra prison, and was free to extend to its full length and girth. I let my hands roam over Sam's strong chest and arms and move downwards to what I now knew I'd been wanting to feel for a few weeks now. I found his meaty balls and cupped them firmly in my hand. I continued upward and grabbed a hold of his hefty shaft. Even under water, I could feel the heat from his dick. I slowly moved my hand up to meet his exposed angry knob.

'Let's get out of the water', Sam whispered. And with that he broke free from our embrace and lifted himself effortlessly out of the pool, so that his arse was on the concrete edge. This gave me my first close up look at his equipment. His legs were spread apart and I could see his big bull balls hanging between them. His cock stretched up and battled at his navel, as he leant slightly forward. His shaft was thick and had strong veins trailing up to his turgid purple knob. Sam's body was glistening and he moaned deeply as I pressed my face into his crotch. I inhaled him deeply, and licked all the way from his balls to his shiny knob.

I stretched my lips and took his dick into my mouth. He was leaking precum all over the glossy head, and I tasted it all. I pushed him back so he was lying down, and proceeded to give my studly mate the best blow job he'd ever had. I let my hands roam over his legs, his balls, and especially his perfectly formed abs. This guy was sex on a stick, and that's exactly what I had in mind.

That is until we heard the bottle fall to the ground and smash. We both were shocked out of our state of ecstacy with the realization that Sam's brother Ben was staring at us, mouth agape.

Email me at scooterwax@yahoo.com with your thoughts.

Next: Chapter 2

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