
By Kevin Thompson

Published on Aug 2, 2003


I had been gone for several weeks, working at a summer job out of town. While I enjoyed that, I kept thinking about returning to Greg's pool and just enjoying the cool clear water, the hot summer afternoons, and skinny dipping and all the other playing around. I did get to do some playing around while gone but it was very different. There were plenty of opportunities with boys, much younger, but there were the girls. The girls were after me.

It did have something to do with that I was tanned and hard bodied, not bad looking at all, but it was also that we were pretty much locked away from most other civilization. There were almost twice as many girls my age than boys and the girls sought out boys they could claim as boyfriends. I did spend a lot of time at the pool, teaching swimming or just being the lifeguard when a lot of kids were in the pool. Than meant I got to dress like I wanted to, in swim suit and flip-flops, with my shirt and towel tossed over my shoulder. I sure got enough attention that way. I'd walk back from the pool and be escorted along the way by the girls chasing me.

There were several late night sessions of kissing, hugging, and groping. The most that ever happened was I would end up walking back to my cabin with a raging boner, balls aching, and maybe some stinky finger. I had to just go to bed horny, there really wasn't a bit of privacy to be had. The showers were open with 3 shower heads on each side, the toilets were open, sitting side by side, close enough that if two guys used them together, their knees touched as they grunted. And my bed was right in the middle of the room, surrounded by other guys, some I don't think ever slept. As a result, I went all those weeks without jacking, although one wet dream did provide some release, I just wish I could have enjoyed that.

Even my trip home prevented me from enjoying myself. I stopped at this huge natural spring pool, I wanted to get cooled down and planned on jacking. I couldn't wait to drive the rest of the way home. After swimming a little, I locked myself in a stall in the changing room, boner already stressing the cloth as I removed my swim suit, boner in hand and stroking. I was really good back then at jacking very fast, it was all in the release then. But I started slow, stroking my dick and massaging my balls. It was the first time I was alone in weeks and I was really loving it.

Then I had to hold it, about 8 or 9 little local boys burst into the room. I thought I could wait them out but they played all around the room. First peeking through the cracks into the stall, then popping their heads under the stall door, and even hanging and peering over the top. It seemed like they would never leave and I just wasn't into playing their games. I drove the rest of the way home in my swim suit, with a chubby, about 3/4 hard. It felt like my balls and dick weren't even fitting between my legs anymore.

I knew that I could go lock myself in my bathroom and jack until I was all back to normal and looked forward to getting home. When I got there, my parents were there to welcome me and help me unload my car and get the dirty clothes loaded into the washer. I had to tell them all kinds of stories of my adventures. I got a great meal, all my favorites from my mother. It was so nice and comfortable to be home. I went to my room, now determined to strip down and grab my boner and jack until I couldn't get another drop out.

I flopped down on my bed, for just a moment. Not even putting my head on the pillow. Not getting under the covers. Just going to relax just a second. Just going to stop for a little bit then go jack. Then all of a sudden, it was the next morning, closer to noon. I had barely moved from when I fell on the bed. If it hadn't been for the phone ringing, I could have slept several more hours.

Greg was calling. He invited me over, or told me to get my butt over to his house. He did ask me a few questions but then cut it all off and told me we could talk about it over there. It didn't take me long, I was still in my swim suit, no reason to change. The inside of the car didn't even cool down a bit with the AC blasting by the time I got to Greg's. I walked around to the back, directly to the pool. My boner was hardening with each step, I adjust my balls and let my dick point straight out. If I didn't let it point out, it would have pointed straight up and emerge from the top of my swim suit. I also did it to get Greg's attention. And it did, as well as Missy's and Kathy's.

I covered up, putting my hands in front of me. It was just the initial shock. Those three people had seen me hard more than anybody else. In fact, it was their goal to get me in that condition many many times. They all hooted when they saw me. I blushed but it quickly faded as they jumped out of the pool to greet me. Greg wrapped his arms around me and gave me a great strong hug, lifting me off the ground a little. He still had me in his arms as he looked me over, happy to see his bud. He said he was amazed at me, I had gotten bigger. He tried to wrap his hands around my thighs, exclaiming the size of them. I just sent shivers through me, his hands were just too close to my boner and balls.

Missy gave me a hug and kiss and pressed her body up against me, making sure she pressed against my boner. Then Kathy, waiting for her turn, grabbed me hard, wrapping herself all over me. A hard long kiss was joined with some grinding and a little humping. I had never been so horny in my life. I was feeling in through out my body, tingling, quivering, shaking. My balls were just aching, I was sure they would explode. My dick just demanded attention. I would have been happy if I could have shot with about 2 strokes, I was just so ready.

And I was thinking jacking, either myself, getting rid of the girls and let Greg work on me, or getting Kathy to rub me. They wanted to talk, to hear about what I was doing. I told them all I could. It was hard to concentrate though. Not only was most of my blood inside my swim suit, I got looking at the girls bikinis. For the last several years, they wore cute things with flowers or squiggles. In yellow or blue, with plenty of cloth. Very appropriate for an afternoon swim at that country club. But now, they had on little sexy black bikinis. The bottoms were cut high on their hips, just a strap connected back and front. The front was cut low too, low enough that she had to shave a pubes. Kathy's top seemed to cover only her nipples, I saw more tittie then when she had nothing on. She had real tits, magazine size, full blown, more than I could hold in my hand, more than a mouthful tits. And Missy, she had less on, and exposed even more.

My vision blurred, my eyes crossed, my heart pounded, I was so absolutely horny I couldn't even think straight. As we talked, I got behind Kathy as she held on to a float. I had pulled down the front of my suit and my boner was pressing against her butt. I twisted and moved so that my dick was touching and rubbing all of her as I could. I even got my dick to slide inside the little bit of fabric covering her butt. Kathy was moving so perfectly, just making it feel even better. As she was saying something, I got her to stutter as my hands filled with her tits and my boner slid along her crack.

I was watching Greg and Missy as she undid her top and let the white part of her tits fall open. Greg's hands were pulled directly too them. Caressing and squeezing her tits. I barely noticed Kathy removing he top, but when my hands felt bare nipple, excitement shot right through me again. I managed to slide out of my swim suit and now completely naked hanging on to a topless girl. We stopped talking and just moved around the pool, Kathy and Missy were steering, I was hanging and rubbing. When my naked butt rubbed on Greg, he quickly pulled off his suit and tossed it out. I was moaning and making more noise than I ever really had before.

As we drifted close to Greg and Missy again, Greg leaned back and told me that he wasn't going to waste that boner. I could see it all hard and pointing out in the water, just aiming for Missy's little tight butt. I shook my head as they headed out of the water. I got Kathy to follow directly. We didn't bother with a towel, didn't stop to drip off, we went right into the house and Greg's room, Kathy and I never separated. The two couples stood there wet in hot tight embraces. Greg and I was as naked as could be and the girls still had on their bikini bottoms. My hands roamed all over Kathy, mostly pulling her to me as close as I could. My hands were slightly pulling her down to my dick, I really wanted, no, needed her to jack me, or suck me.

I almost forgot that Greg and Missy were in the room, but then Kathy leaned over to Missy and they said something to each other. The next thing I know, I was being led out of the room. I looked back as Greg and Missy began piling up on his bed. Kathy led me by the hand as we walked to Greg's parents room, we looked in, and then my hand was jerk around again. We walked rapidly and my dick bounced with each step. We walked right into Greg's brother's room. Kathy kicked the door shut and went toward the little bed in the room.

Thankfully, Kathy's hands were all over me. She cupped and pulled on my balls, rubbed her tits on my belly and chest. She grabbed handfulls of my butt and pulled me tight. My hands did the same and I loved the feel of her tight butt in my strong grip. I was a little more gentle and I squeezed her tits over and over. My boner was pressing into her belly. I humped her belly and pressed hard so that my balls would touch her bikini bottom. Then she backed off enough and slid her bottoms off. I got a glimpse of her pussy, and I just wanted to look even more. It looked so sexy, all trimmed so that it could be hidden in her bikini. I wasn't even thinking as my right hand was slowly jacking my boner. Kathy said something about that doing it myself was not going to happen and she grabbed me and we crashed into the bed.

David's bed was strewn with t-shirts, and shorts, and even his undies. We tossed them to the floor, threw back the cowboy sheets and made a flat nest for our gyrations. We tangled and kissed hard and deep. My hips were moving and desperately trying to get my boner inside her pussy. I had her legs trapped inside of mine and there was no way I could get in. Quickly though, she told me to hang on as she spread her legs around me and grabbed my dick. She carefully guided me inside her. I felt the head of my dick press against her pubes, I pushed into her. My dick head felt the lips of her pussy part and allow me to start to enter her. Then I pushed my hips forward and I felt that hot wet pussy surround me. Kathy gasped and took handfulls of my back into her grasp. She pulled me deeper into her. I never knew I had that much feeling in my dick, I could feel her heat and wetness all along my dick.

I kept deep in her, pushing my dick deep, feeling our pubes grind and mesh together. Then I felt my balls, they were in contact with her pussy. Even with my dick in her pussy, I was amazed at how fantastic my balls were feeling. I was in her wet pussy, so absolutely close to her, grinding, feeling my balls on her, my heart pounding, and I actually forgot to start humping. I was so thrilled to get in her, I was too excited to pump my dick in and out. Kathy was begging me to fuck her, moaning almost screaming it. It wasn't long at all, I wasn't inside her long, but just as I started to move, I felt that burning, that urgency, that imminent explosion. I lost all control as my hips slammed into her hard and cum rushed through my boner and out. I could feel months of cum rush out of me. I could feel it pump through me, I felt the cum flow down my dick, I felt the explosion as it entered her. Everything but my hips and dick were paralyzed. I couldn't believe that I had that much cum in me, or that I could shoot that much.

With only a shot or two left to go, Kathy warned me not to shoot in her. I had to get her to repeat it a couple of times before I heard her. I promised I wouldn't. Then without even getting a little bit softer, remembered to start humping. I thrust a few times and came out. Kathy guided me back in, only to fall out of her again. I was still as horny as ever and I was growing so frustrated. I was almost crying, I had finally gotten inside a girl after several years and here I was unable to stay in. I stayed at it, got my stroke perfected and loved the feeling of my dick sliding in and out of her pussy. I got faster and longer, I could even feel the head of my dick come out but then drive deep inside of her again.

I could feel her wetness and my cum flow out of her and cover my balls and soak into the sheets. She could barely stay on the bed, and we had to move back on the mattress several times. She grabbed my back and hips even tighter, her fingernails scratching deep. Her hips bucked back hard with each of my downstrokes. She got loud and thrashing. I could feel my own cum beginning to build again. I warned her, told her I was going to cum, told her I couldn't hold it any longer, and tried to pull out. She didn't care, and said so. She wanted to feel me cum in her. I had to shoot and as I did, she started to quiver, she arched her back up, grabbed the sheets and pulled. I could feel her pussy squeeze my dick. That made every shot feel even better. I slammed my hips into her. My dick thrust deep into her pussy. When the last of my cum spurted into her, she grabbed me and held me tight.

I tried to hump another time or two but she would plead with me not to move.

She jumped when I simply contracted my muscles and made my dick jump a little. She made me lay there and not more for a little bit. My dick was softer but sill inside her. I stayed that way for a long time until I just had to roll over. Kathy stayed with me, my dick still in her. I was catching my breath, and my dick was getting soft for the first time in what seemed like months. Then I felt my little softie flop out of her. She jumped and laughed at the feel of that. Then she rolled over, almost right out of the little bed. We stayed in the bed and talked a little while. It was hard for me to talk, with my heart beating so fast still and trying to catch my breath.

Kathy asked me about my sexual adventures during the last few weeks and she was pleased when I told her the truth. That I was horny the entire time but couldn't do a thing about it. While we talked her hand drifted to my dick and balls. I think she really liked how wet they were. She fondled me like I would have been playing with myself while just laying around. I was hard after a few minutes of that. I would have been happy with just being jacked but I am so happy that she wanted more.

As she rolled me over, she split her legs again and guided me right into her again. I humped her slow, as slow as I could stand at that time. As Kathy got into more, I really got humping, I would thrust so nice and hard and feel our pubic bones bang together. I don't think she cumed again, but when I got close to cuming, she at least acted like she was. I didn't have near the volume of cum in me to explode or even the next time that afternoon. After each fuck, we would lay together and recover and talk.

My dick was almost ready to go for another, the skin was raw, it was as red and slick. Kathy's pubes had sanded off at least one layer of skin. We were covered in cum and sweat. Kathy was shaking my dick, building up the blood and getting me hard. Greg and Missy all of a sudden appeared and told us that we couldn't do it again. It startled me, but I was glad, at least a little that we saved some for later. To Greg and Missy, there was no mistake what we were doing, but I found out a few months later, they let Kathy and I entertain them as they sat at the doorway and watched.

Poor David's bed was soaked. It was wet with sweat from top to bottom, and the middle was full of cum and pussy juices. We cleaned it up, well, we just really just threw the top sheet over the bed, tossed his shirts and shorts back up top. I took a pair of his undies and wiped some of the wet cum right at the spot I thought his dick would touch. He didn't complain too much and didn't change his sheets until school started again.

We would do it again, not nearly as often as I thought possible. Although, it was on some special occasions. Greg and Missy practiced much more often.

Well, so did Greg and I.

I hope this was good. I appreciate the comments from you guys. I did this story much more about the girls and all, because I got comments to do so. So please let me know if you liked it. Kebo_t@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 7

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