
By Kevin Thompson

Published on May 25, 2003


If someone was to start reading about Greg and me, and the girls, without reading the earlier parts, they might assume that it was just pull out our dicks and start jacking off. Greg and I grew up together, and things just developed slowly. Once they did reach a stage while we were hot and horny teenagers, things did seem to go a whole lot faster.

We did have a beginning that went way back. I'll go back, just briefly. As I was sitting on a plane, drifting in an out of sleep, I recalled a little incident that really foreshadowed our activities several years later. We must have been in first or second grade. Just after lunch, Greg and I were sitting next to each other as we sang songs. All of a sudden, Greg looks at me, puts his hand to his mouth, then let loose with a stream of vomit that exploded from his little body. He covered me. I couldn't move, I couldn't comprehend what had just happened. Greg cried, I looked for help.

Held at arm's length, we were taken to the nurse's office and hosed down in the shower. Our teacher, the nurse, and some old lady from the principal's office all had a hand in stripping us down and directing the showerhead in our direction. Neither of us resisted the stripping but it did bother me for years that I was so naked in the presence of three women. Then Greg and I sat on a bench in the shower, towels wrapped around our shoulders, dripping dry.

Greg's hand went directly to my naked little dick. At that age, I had no interest in sex, I know I did get boners but with what I had, it just didn't matter. This was the first time I ever got an erection by intent. Greg pinched it, squeezed it, flicked it in his fingers. All the time, encouraging me to play with his. Two little naked boys, giggling in a shower surely must have raised interest in the women waiting for our mothers to bring us clothes.

Not much more happened then or for years to come. I just think back and realize that Greg had an interest all the way back then, and I sure enjoyed it too. It wasn't until that day of swimming and showering that I described in the first part of the story, that really anything more happened. It seemed like we used swimming as an excuse to start jacking off, or to go on beyond that. Swimming also got us more excitement with the girls, but even that ended up with Greg and I jacking much of the time. Once in the pool, it was almost a certainty that we would end up in his shower and jacking off. After a while, we started to skip the shower part and get to the good jacking part.

Greg and I also took advantage of every time we could lose the swimsuits and swim and sun without them. It was only when we were sure that his parents would be gone for a good long time. The presence of Greg's little brother hampered it a little, the jacking off had to wait, but getting naked around the pool was just fine with David as well. David's little mushroom cap of a dick just didn't take all that long to look at.

As Greg and grew braver, we would jack off right out in the open of the backyard. Laying back on lounges, sitting on the pool's edge, or standing hip-to-hip, we would stroke and watch each other. Most of the time our only contact was at the hip and shoulder, our rhythms and speed clashing with each others, the heat of the Texas summer, it all made for an intense experience. It was the most daring thing I did at that time. Being nekkid outside, jacking off, and with another nekkid boy, with just a fence separating us from the world, and then cumming, it was just great!

Then there was a day when Greg had several of the football team over. There was no way that we could be playing with all of them around. It was still a great day, a whole lot of wrestling and jumping on each other. My shoulders were rubbed raw by all the swimsuit covered butts that rode them in the chicken fights. I was waterlogged and sunburned. It started early, just before lunch. It didn't slow down until long after Greg's father cooked huge amounts of hamburgers and hotdogs for the dozen or so of us. Then finally it was just the two of us. I was hanging around because I knew we would be jacking off as soon as it cleared out.

There was no showering, there were hardly any words spoken, Greg and I went right to it. The house was completely quiet, every one else was asleep and we shut the door and turned the stereo on, the rock music station into the late night lighter stuff. I was reaching for something hidden behind some books on a top shelf, when Greg pulled my swimsuit all the way down to my ankles. I did jerk at the surprise, but didn't really show much concern at all. I loved walking around his room as I grew harder and longer. My dick was throbbing as it filled with blood and started its rise to point slightly upward. I shook my hips hard back and forth and let my dick slap against my hips. That got me as hard as I could be. My pink boner standing out straight out from my brown pubes. My head was a little redder, and stood out uncovered by any foreskin. The slightest happy trail of light brown hair found my belly button. As I walked, I loved the way my unconstrained balls could sway back and forth.

Greg had one hand on his swimsuit-covered dick and the other on his nipple, pinching just a little as he concentrated on me. I moved up next to him, it was time for him to pull off his suit and to start jacking off. He playfully gave my dick a few swats, I loved any touch I could get from him. He then stood up and bent over taking his swimsuit off as he did. Then standing in front of me was his beautiful dick. Hard and thick, darker brown than mine. I even noticed his nipples even more, dime sized cute little things but hard as a rock then.

I started stroking, slowly for me. And Greg pulled on his. I watched his hand go back and forth and started to jack off with the same rhythm. Then Greg reached up to my shoulder and guided me back to his bed. As he did, the tips of our dicks touched, I even moaned a little at the touch. We sat on the bed, facing each other closely. As we jacked off, our hands would collide. Then Greg scooted up even closer, I was so aware of the heat coming from his crotch. His stroke was fast and hard. I stopped and just kept my hand tight around the base of my dick. Greg's dick started to smack mine. His dick head slamming into the underside of my dick. I tried to hold my dick still as I could, to make it a good target. The slapping and smacking of his dick on mine was a new and fantastic experience to me. It was a great sound. I loved the instantaneous burst of heat each time we made contact. The smooth skin on Greg's dick was as smooth as silk. Barely a vein could be seen in his dick. The silky smooth skin with a dick as hard as steel was thumping on mine. I was building to cumming without stroking my own dick at all.

I was moaning and groaning. I had been a quiet jacker since I invented jacking off several years before. (Yea, I think I invented it then because I had never even heard of it when I started it.) As I moaned, Greg was giggling at me and I even had to laugh some. Our bodies shook as we laughed. And I groaned even louder as I tried to hold off from cumming. That tapping of his dick on mine was just too much. I felt the orgasm through out my body and I shot high into the air. Several shots of hot cum went straight up, I was amazed to watch it shoot out. Since I wasn't stroking, I felt the muscles contract, and felt the cum flow through my dick and out.

Greg laughed loudly, one of those surprised laughs as he watched me cum. He scooted up even closer, still stroking. I got only a little softer and stayed pointing up and a target for his dick. But then I felt his balls pressing into my balls. It was a different feel, soft, warm, almost greasy.

I had never thought about balls touching balls but right then all my senses were focused on my balls. I was getting hard again, but my balls in control now. They mashed together with Greg's. I could even feel the few pubes he had on his sack play against mine.

Then I felt them disappear, I pushed up closer to feel them again. Then Greg began to explode. I felt the extreme heat from his cum start to cover my dick and belly. Greg never shot like I did, his cum would come in hot overflowing waves, plenty of cum, plenty of heat, and that great aroma. Hot sexy musky boy cum.

I pushed up closer to Greg, wanting more and more of the feel. Greg's dick would get even more sensitive then mine after cumming and it was a little too much for him. He pushed back a little, then planted his head on my chest and took a playful bite.

We fell back on the bed. All the cum was blending in between us. My heart was beating fast, I was breathing deep and with each breath it brought another aroma, another scent. The chlorine from the pool mixed with the sweat and the sunbaked skin. The musky smell of a teen boy accentuated the scent of loads of cum. I could even smell more of Greg's scent that wafted from the bedding still with a hint of detergent, and even a touch of zit cream that rubbed off on the pillow.

We laid there, catching our breaths, regaining strength and we talked softly. Mixed with little giggles and snickers, we talked about how I was able to cum without stroking. Wondering if we could do it again, wondering if I could make Greg cum like that. And we stayed in physical contact for a long time. Our chests and bellies pressed together. Our dicks touching a little as they relaxed and softened. That made us both jump, just a little.

Somewhere, we fell asleep. I woke up with my head on the pillow. Cum dried on my belly and in my pubes. The hard smell of old cum hung in the room. Greg was sound asleep, stretched out the wrong direction, between my legs. He used my calf as a pillow and my other leg was draped over his hip. It took a while to untangle and get out of bed.

I thought about writing about when Greg and I really slept together, close that is. I thought I would even incorporate it with this part of the story, making two occasions into one. It is distinct to me, a great occasion for me, I think I will wait and write about that next time. If there are people who like it enough for me to continue. I do hope people like these stories. They can always let me know at kebo_t@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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