
By Kevin Thompson

Published on Apr 12, 2003


It was the start of something, not exactly what I thought it would be. It was the result of decisions I made yet not completely in control. It was just part of growing up and finding out who I was.

While I enjoyed school, loved to play football in the fall, basketball in the winter and track in the spring, there was nothing quite as enjoyable as the summer. The heat of the west Texas summers allowed for the shedding of clothes and building a suntan that would last all year. The long days enabled friendships to grow while sitting on the warm sidewalks or laying back of soft green lawns. Pools just called out for me. What a better way to spend a summer day than by running on the hot decks and diving into the cool clear water, than by floating almost weightless and letting the sun bake your body, than by playing with your friends with barely any clothes on?

I did love the feel of skin on skin. Smooth boy bodies rubbing up against each other just felt so good to me. When I would get behind a friend and grab him to dunk him, I really loved that feeling of my belly on his back. Chicken fights, where you would have another boy on your shoulder and fight to unseat another rider, were the best. The struggles going on above you would pull you face to face with another boy. As the top boys wrestled, my face would be surrounded by thighs and crotches. It was like a box full of faces, dicks, and balls, with laughter echoing loudly.

I loved the coolness that penetrated my body. Loved the hunger that would build in my belly and the hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, snow-cones, and colas that ravenously wolfed down to quell that hunger. I loved stretching out in jumps and dives with knowing the water would catch my crashes. I felt so much freer in the water.

Even though I would usually have a chubby, and occasionally a full blown boner, the entire time I was in the pool I never really never thought of it in terms of sexuality. Although, as I reached puberty, I included a session of jacking off after swimming in my routine. It was jacking off the first thing in the morning as I woke up with my morning wood. It was jacking off anytime I took a shower other than lockerrooms. It was jacking off when I was alone at home. The quicker I could start jacking off after getting out of the pool the better. I had "shrinkage" to contend with and it was actually kind of fun dealing with a small little shrunken dick. I did like the warmth that built in my dick and right arm. It felt strange and good to re-emerge from the after the pool jacking off with the only things warm and full of blood being my arm and dick.

There were days that I would spend at the country club pool and then evening would find me at a friend's pool. I was just barely 15 when Greg's pool was my primary environ for the summer. The pool was brand new and Greg's and his brother's friends used it like they intended to wear it out in a single summer. The younger kids would join Greg's brother during the day but in the evening and sometimes late into the night usually belonged to Greg. The late night swims were often limited to me and Greg and sometime his brother, but more and more two girls would join Greg and me. Missy had started claiming the title of Greg's girlfriend, although Greg really never acknowledged nor denied it. Kathy and I just seemed to hookup naturally. It was hard not to do something as Greg and Missy were in full blown huggin' and gropin' sessions. The make-out sessions were started after some going to the movie together dates. We continued them at Greg's pool but with all the close contact, my hands never got fully under her clothes or swim suit. I was thrilled when I had one finger worked her nipple under her top. I always thought I was lucky when our grubbin' would allow me to press my boner against her body.

It was a late evening at the pool that started things. Greg's parents had left us all alone at the house, Missy and Kathy were with us and we were just floating and talking. The talk had taken a turn to the goings-on of other couples, which boys had gotten into the pants of some sweet girl or nasty whore. The girls started naming names of those who had been known to have gone skinny- dipping. We came closer and closer to coming right out and suggesting that we do it right then. They asked Greg to tell them about his skinny-dipping in his own pool. He had, but only with his little brother and only for a little bit so they wouldn't get caught. Missy and Kathy wouldn't believe us when we told them that Greg and I had never skinny-dipped together with as many late night swims we did.

I don't think we could have avoided it. We would be skinny-dipping in no time.

Greg was just 15 as well, with a great body. His face was thin and angular. His face was tan most of the year and set off his green eyes. He fought zits pretty good, but one would pop up every once in a while. He didn't do any weight training but worked out with the school sports teams. He was skinny and muscular for as far back as I remember him in elementary school. He was lithe and so well coordinated. He never had the baby fat that you saw on boys, the muscles on his stomach were always well defined. The tight abs directed your gaze down to what was between his legs. He had grown a thick bush of jet black hair over a dick that swung and balls that hung low. I had never seen him hard but noticed the bulge that grew in his swim suit.

The girls were really typical of 15 year olds. They were truly pretty. Light brown hair that they both lightened especially in the summer. They wore tight blue jeans that showed off their butts. The tops they wore then never tried to hide the tits they developed the last couple of years. They talked constantly, especially compared to me and my friends who could go hours with a few nods and grunts sufficing for communication. In their swim suits they showed a lot of skin, but still their butts were all covered and the bra-like tops provided high security against all but a fleeting view.

I was built more like a football player than Greg. I was heavier with denser muscles. I was probably the best shape I was ever in my life but still had a little roll of baby fat around my middle. My legs and arms had the lightest coating of hair on my arms and legs. I had to search to find the few chest hairs. My pubes were light brown and only topped my dick. A little fuzz could be felt on my balls. I had a dick that I thought was normal size but that night I was not real sure.

Our skinny-dipping started with us throwing our suits off while still staying in the water. The pool light was on but it obscured the view under the water. Still, I could see the big brown nipples of the girls and could make out the triangle of each bush of pubes. I wasn't sure how much of my dick was visible, I was hard as a rock and pointing straight out. I watched the girls eyes looking down into the water at me and Greg. And I looked to see what Greg was sporting. I was shaking like I was cold in the water because I was so excited about not only seeing tits and pussy but also seeing Greg's boner.

We started tossing a ball around and it was up to be to get out and retrieve it from the bushes. I was careful as I got out, trying to hide my boner. Each time I got out, it felt like I had a huge dick. It seemed like it was bigger than normal. I tried to stay bent over as I hopped out, I could feel the tip of my dick hit me in the chest. When I moved around, my elbows made contact with my boner. I was really trying to be cool about it and each time I got a little braver in how much they could see. I got to the point that I stood up straight and let my boner be exposed for all its worth. I let them get a great view, to me it felt like my boner was as long straight out as I was tall. It felt awkward being so long, and it was as stiff as it ever was. It bounced with ever step and movement.

I started insisting that they get out some, I wanted to see! Kathy and Missy got out several times, I was amazed at the natural inverted triangle they had. I was surprised at how big their nipples really were. The view of an entirely naked girl was thrilling.

It was the views I got of Greg that thrilled me even more. I know I was a little confused by the thoughts I was having. Thoughts of being gay had never gone through my head even when I was younger and took interest in seeing what other little boys had. I was paying much more attention to Greg every chance I got. And taking advantage of any physical contact that could be had as the play went on in the pool. I would tingle each time our bodies would touch and the few times that his dick brushed my body I would literally shiver. The hardened spear that my dick had become tapped Greg's hip and butt a few times, I thought I would cum each time.

The play slowed down considerable. Greg and Missy started to tangle up and it wasn't long before Kathy followed the example. We grabbed each other in a hug, she wrapped her legs around behind me. My dick was pressed between us, I moved my hips just enough to enhance the feeling. And tellingly, my dick actually started to soften. I was hoping all along that Kathy would touch my dick, fondle my balls, give my head a squeeze, anything to excite my condition. We just stayed hugging like that, kissing deeply. She pulled my close and mashed her tits into my chest, squirming a little to get more out of it. I could feel her pubes rubbing against the underside of my dick.

It might have gone further, I might have enjoyed sexual contact with a girl more, I might have actually fucked her, but apparently Greg went a little too far. I'm really not sure what was going on, but Missy was ready to go right away. Greg explained it that his parents would be home soon and the girls needed to get out of there. Greg and I stayed naked as the girls got dressed and gathered their stuff. They even dared us to walk them out front and down the street a little way as they went home. We were at least 2 houses away, using the girls to shield our nakedness when we said goodbye and ran back to the house.

I loved the way that my boner was slapping my belly. The slapping sound seemed very loud and the physical impact was great on my own body. I had never run that far naked, and never with a boner. I would do that in the years to come, mostly in the alley behind my house, in the very early hours. Mostly when I couldn't sleep, I would go into the alley, toss my underwear to the side and run up and down the alley, doing my best to have my dick hit my belly each step. Normally ending up jacking out in the open or in the corner of my yard near the gate.

While my nude sprints started that night, it was what happened next that I think started a lot more in my life. Greg asked me to sleep over, something that I had done a few times there but not in a long time. A quick call to my parents confirmed it and it was set. We raided the kitchen, eating handfuls of sliced roast beef and cans of Coke. The cold coming out of the refrigerator was felt along the length of my boner which was returning to that almost impossible length. It was exciting enough to be naked, but I was in some one else's house and naked. I don't think I was naked in my own kitchen.

My eyes were fixed on Greg. Either I could see his little tight butt, his muscles flexing as he bent over into the fridge, or I could see his boner pointing straight out. Thoughts kept going through my head of draping some of the roast beef over his dick and eating it off. I don't think I had really thought about sucking another boy's dick before that time. I could do my own, but I never got serious about that.

It was really late and Greg wanted to go to bed. I didn't even have shorts or underwear, Greg's house was close enough to go to in my swimsuit. That lack of clothing didn't even come up as Greg jumped into his bed naked and scooted over to let me in. There was plenty of space for me and I stayed on that edge. I did say to Greg that I apologized for still having a boner. I had a plan of directing the conversation to jacking off. I was hurting and aching and need the relief that jacking off and cumming would provide and I was also aching to see Greg jacking off as well. I knew other boys did it, but this would not only provide initial proof, I just wanted to see him do it.

I was a little disappointed when he cut off discussion and had us heading off to sleep. I was all but completely asleep when I felt Greg roll up and look over me, like checking to see if I was asleep. I didn't move and a little bit later, I felt Greg scoot back over towards me. There was no contact at first until I felt what I thought were his fingers searching for my butt crack. I stayed still but ever so slightly lifted my top leg up just a little. I could feel his hand on my butt, his thumb pulling my cheek up. I stopped breathing when I felt the tip of his dick slide in between my cheeks. Greg just stopped and stayed that way. My dick was hardening again, I was anticipating something. I wanted to see what Greg would do, interested in any contact that could be coming.

Instead, I ended up falling asleep. I woke up just enough to roll over, forgetting I was in a strange bed, naked and with another naked boy. I was reminded when I felt Greg's breath on my cheek and chest and figured out that the warm spot I was feeling on my dick was Greg. I was still horny, I moved my hips around and let my dick slide over his body and then over his dick. I did it slow and easy, trying not to wake Greg up, and I got to the point that I had to quit or would shoot all over his bed and sheets. I fell asleep with my first real case of blue-balls, they ached for release.

It was morning before I remember anything. I was just barely awake, I felt warm and comfortable, my first thought was I was much younger and had my old teddy in my arms. Greg's mother opened the door to the bedroom and loudly woke us up, telling us boys it was way late enough to sleep and to get our lazy butts out of bed. That sent a shock through my body, I realized where I was and who I was hugging on. I had rolled over, my arm over the top of Greg, touching from the top of my chest, all the way down to our knees. The need to pee and the feeling of my morning wood was stranger than most mornings. My dick was squarely lodged between Greg legs. I could feel the tip of my dick pressing into the back of his balls. The sheet covered only part of me, my whole back side was exposed.

The side that Greg's mother had to have seen. It hit me even more that she could see us in this naked hug, me all but envelope Greg's body. I tried to roll over and my dick was a little stuck between Greg's legs. It felt great as I pulled it free and laughed as Greg let out a little moan of pleasure. I rolled out of bed and stood there with what was starting to seem like my ever-present boner. I was fuzzy-headed and didn't really have a plan as what to do. I looked down as Greg was smiling back at me and stretching loudly under the sheets. The sheets flat against his firm body expect for the tent his boner was making.

It didn't phase me right then when I found my swim suit and t-shirt draped over the chair next to the bed. I knew Greg would never had picked it up from outside, he didn't even pick up all the underwear, jeans, and t-shirts laying around his room. I knew that his mother had been in the room earlier, placing the clothes near me, and probably studying our position in bed. Later that morning, I couldn't tell how she felt about it at all.

Greg and I talked a little bit, very little about last night and I was about to go. He talked me into taking a shower before I left, saying that I smelled like pussy. I went into the bathroom, leaned over the toilet and trying to relax enough to let my boner go down so I could piss. I wasn't even completely limp but could manage to piss, one that seemed like it took 5 minutes to finish. I started the shower, letting it warm up, Greg came in, brushed his teeth and did the same leaning against the wall to piss with a boner trick. I was in the shower, when Greg told me to slide over, there was enough room for both of us. We had taken dozens of showers together in the school lockerroom, but in a shower room bigger than Greg's bedroom. We just took turns getting wet and soaping up. My boner was growing harder again as I saw Greg almost intentionally getting himself hard again.

Greg shocked me when he asked me if I wanted to jack off. It seemed appropriate after sleeping together but we guys just didn't do that, not even admitting that we jacked off in the first place. I didn't put up too much protest but I was loving the idea by the time he convinced me. We started stroking, matching each other's pace, my eyes fixed on his hand and dick. Water was splashing up, I could hear the rhythm that the falling water was making, no doubt that some jacking off was going on in the shower. I had been so close to cumming for so many hours that the first time Greg asked me to tell him when I was going to cum, to let him know, I said I was ready. He was too. I gritted my teeth, tried to hold it, then let it fly. I saw a long strand of cum fly in the air, then another, and I felt warm cum on my belly. I shot again and again, each one high, at least to my shoulder. Greg shot, but not so high, hitting me squarely on my belly. I milked all the cum I had, jerking each time my hand touched the very sensitive tip of my dick.

Greg was almost breathless as he leaned into me and held on. I thought about his cum being rubbed in between us. It helped me stand as Greg leaned against me. I felt so good, the blood pumping hard in my body, and the feel of another body against mine. I rarely went limp after jacking and I was ready to go when Greg said it was a rule that we had to cum twice.

The second time was no less pleasant and it included some dick to dick banging. I watched Greg shoot completely out, before I started cumming myself. Greg laughed hard when he saw how high I was shooting. I was so relaxed now. I didn't realize it then that something had started, but as I think back, I always remember that night and morning.

So, what ya'll think about this one? Email if you liked it. Kebo_t@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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