Swimmer Boy Randy

By moc.oohay@0211ttemme

Published on Jun 7, 2014


AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is work of fiction involving consensual gay sex between a mid-30's adult and a college-aged boy over 18 years of age, and involves oral and anal sex. The characters are fictional, except for myself. If this sort of material offends you, is illegal where you live, or you are under 18 years of age, PLEASE LEAVE THIS SITE NOW!

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Swimmer Boy Randy, Part 2

Lying on the floor was this perfect, nude, swimmer's, toned, smooth body. I was already fully erect myself, and wondered if he was as well. My hands were trembling as I went to his feet to begin another massage, going from his feet to his calf muscles, then his thighs, then his ass. He spread his legs a bit as I got up to his ass, and i could see that he was smooth between his ass cheeks too. I massaged his ass, and the back up his back, to his shoulders and then his neck. As I got to his neck, Randy pushed himself up on his elbows, and turned to me, and said that I need to strip too, that it wasn't fair that he was naked and I wasn't.

I was uncomfortable. I didn't feel like I had a "hot" body. And even though I was in good shape for a guy in his mid-30's who only walked for exercise, I felt slightly self conscious about stripping in front of a hot 19 year old perfect swimmer guy. But, I decided to do it. I figured if anything were to happen between Randy and I, I had to strip. So, I leaned back from Randy, and he rested his head on his hands while still reclining on his side. I pulled down my baggy gym shorts to my knees, and then sat on the floor to pull them off. I sat there in just my briefs, the bulge from my cock showing. Randy looked and said quietly that I needed to get fully naked. I shifted myself, and pulled the waistband of my briefs over my cock and down, past my butt, my thighs, my feet, and off. I sat there in the dim light of the room, fully naked and fully erect. Randy breathed in deeply and said that was what he wanted. He pushed himself up and crawled over to me, his cock dangling down. It was beautiful - cut, slightly curved up like mine, and his balls hung down nicely too. He came over to me, laying himself belly down on the floor, with his chin resting on my hip. He reached out with his left hand and started to touch my cock. His gentle touch made it jump, and I almost felt ready to explode my load. He spent a good mintue or two touching it gently, running his fingers up and down the shaft, touching my balls, and then the tip of the cock head. He dipped off my precum with his finger and put it to his mouth, kissing it off. He commented that I tasted salty. Then, in one confident move, he pushed himself up, and, tucking his knees under his chest, bent down, and slowly took me into his mouth. GOD! What a feeling. The warmth of his mouth on me, the wetness. It was unbelievable! I'd never felt this before! He pulled off of me, and started to lick my hard shaft, occasionally swirling his tongue around the head of my cock. He gave me some good strokes, and then took me in his mouth again. I laid back on the floor, cursing the rough carpet under my breath as it scratched my back. I was trying NOT to allow myself to cum, worried that if I shot too early he'd be disappointed. But he pulled off of me and stroked me for a bit, and I raised up my head and looked at him. I smiled at him, and he smiled back. I pushed myself up further, and reached out to touch him. I started by touching his right nipple, then I moved my hand down to his fully erect and wet cock. I put my finger in the precum leaking from his cock head, and brought it to my mouth, licking it off. He now released my cock and sat down, leaning himself across my body. I moved forward into him, placing my face near his. He moved his face toward me, and leaned in, and softly kissed my cheek. As he did this I reached back down to his cock, and grasped it, taking him in my hand. I began to slowly stroke his cock, with firm strokes. We parted and he moaned softly as I did this. I then made a comment about never having done anything like this before, and Randy smiled, saying he was glad to be my first. I continued to stroke his cock, feeling the full hardness in my hand. I reached down to his trimmed balls, and cupped them. He kissed me on the cheek again. I continued to stroke him, varying my firmness or length, and he'd moan softly at each change. By now, though, I was getting uncomfortable on the scratchy carpet, and whispered in his ear (I don't know why I whispered it) that maybe we should go to my room. He agreed, and quickly got up to his feet - I had to quickly release his balls - and in one motion reached down to me, and lifted me up to him. He was strong. We ended up pressed together and he reached around and started to massage my ass. I did the same, noticing again how firm it was. I giggled as he squeezed mine, and he asked why I was giggling. When I told him it was because I had such a flat ass he smiled and said he didn't care - it was my cock and me that he liked, not my ass. He then reached in and kissed me on the cheek again, and then kissed my neck, and then my shoulder, all the time squeezing my ass as I squeezed his. He then separated himself from me, releasing my ass and taking me by the hand, led me down the hallway to my bedroom.

The room was dark except for the outdoor landscape lights that shined on the blinds. Randy took both my hands in his and walked backwards into my room, backing his way over to my queen-sized waterbed. Soon, he was backed up against it, and in one motion he sat on the edge of the bed, giggling as it gave way to him and bounced him back up. He was still holding both my hands. He asked what it was like to fuck on a waterbed, to which I replied I had only fucked one person, a girlfriend, on it, and it was OK. He said it was a good thing he was a swimmer, because he'd be used to water, and having sex on a waterbed would be fun. He released my hands and laid back on the bed, spreading his legs slightly as he did. His balls fell between his open thighs, and I realized it was too dark to really see him. But I didn't want to put on a light. Quickly I went back into the living room and grabbed the fire starter, hurrying back to the bedroom, where Randy was now laying on his side. He asked where I'd gone, but was satisfied when he saw me light a candle. I picked one that was at the end of the dresser so it wouldn't cast a shadow on the blinds, but gave us light. As I turned to look at Randy, the warm glow from the candle lit his naked tanned body beautifully. His back was to the candle, so the toned shape of his back, his ass, his legs, his shoulders, became a work of art. It was all I could do to keep from attacking him with the hunger that I felt for him. Instead, I lay next to him, behind him, and reached down, slowly moving my fingertips from his thigh up to his hip, then down his left ass cheek to his ass crack, then back up to his hip, then up along his waist - there was no fat there either - up his side to his shoulder. He giggled again as I passed his waist, and turned to me to tell me he was ticklish. I giggled back, and continued to touch his shoulder, then moved down his toned arm. As I did, I pulled my body closer to him, pressing my cock against his ass. Then I moved my hand down his arm further, and leaned into him, kissing him on his neck. I was now pressed against him, and I felt him push his ass against me. Soon, my arm was around him, as I spooned him on the bed. I found myself enjoying this too much to stop, but Randy got things going by reaching around behind him and grabbing my cock again. He shifted himself forward a bit, creating a gap between us, and then took my cock and moved it down his ass cheek, placing it between his ass cheeks. It was not too comfortable, being bent down, and obviously my little moan of pain let him know that. He turned to me and whispered a sorry, and then shifted up the bed, so my cock lined up with his ass crack better. Still holding on to my cock, he lined it up to hole, and then backed himself slowly into me. I didn't go into him, but instead, I slipped between his thighs. He continued to push himself against me, forcing my now fully stiffened cock deeper between his legs. Then he started to hump against me, and whispered that he actually DID want me to fuck him in the ass. I found myself wanting to do so badly, but actually wanted to suck his dick more. As he humped against me, and whispered again that he wanted me to fuck him, I reached down and grasped his cock. I began to stroke it vigorously, and whispered in his ear that I wanted to suck him first. All of a sudden he turned his face towards mine and fully kissed me on the lips, forcing his tongue in my mouth, and then told me he wanted that too, but wanted me to fuck him more. So, he moved quickly and laid himself flat on his belly. The bed moved as the water shifted under us. He spread his legs and then reached around to his ass cheeks and spread them apart. In the dim of the candlelight I could just make out his hole. I looked down at him, feeling the strong urge to do as he asked, but still wanting his cock in my mouth much more. I could feel my own cock aching, knowing that if I slipped into him I'd definitely shoot my load in seconds. I placed my hand between his ass cheeks, and laid next to him, whispering again that I wanted to suck him more than fuck him. He responded that if I wanted his cock, I'd have to fuck him. I asked if I could finger him instead and he replied I could start with that, but he still wanted me to fuck him. So, realizing that he was wanting me to do that, I gave in, and started to work my fingers around his hole. I did ask if he was clean, and he replied that was why he went to the bathroom at the Del Taco and the theater - to clean himself out. So, with that assurance, I slipped a finger in his asshole. It went in easily - he wasn't tight. Soon, I slipped in another finger, and then a 3rd finger. By now Randy was moaning and saying fuck repeatedly, both in pain but also in pleasure. I felt though that he needed to be lubed up, and I whispered that in his ear. He told me to lick his hole, which I flatly refused to do. Then he suggested that I spit on my fingers and put them back in, which I felt funny about. So, then I suggested the maybe we go in the shower and get wet in there, and that might make it easier to get in there. He liked that idea.

We got off the bed and moved to the bathroom. I quickly found another candle so we had just candlelight in there as well, and Randy made a comment that it was so romantic. He giggled after he said that, and I made a fake French accent saying something that sounded French. I turned on the shower, and looked at him. He was so perfect, and looked so good in the candlelight. I reached for his cock again, and told him I really wanted to suck it. He leaned into me, kissed me on the cheek and said after I fucked him I could. We stepped into the shower. The water was warm, so we let it course down out bodies for a bit. Seeing Randy wet again, but naked this time, really turned me on, and I found myself really wanting to do what he wanted me to do. So, I turned him away from me, and he leaned over, placing his hands against the wall of the shower, with his ass facing me. I let the water run down his back to his ass crack, opening his ass cheeks to allow it to wet his hole. I then saw the bar of soap sitting on the little soap shelf, and realized that would probably be a good lubricant. So, I picked it up and then rubbed it around and as far into his hole as I could. I then also covered my own fully hard cock with the soap. I had to change the water stream, because it was rinsing away where I'd just lubed. Finally, I was able to keep soap on both his hole and my cock, so I put the bar of soap down, and pressed my purple cock head against his hole.

The sensation was so different than fucking pussy. I had to push my cock head in a little bit harder than what I had done with my girlfriend, even though she had been tight. It slipped in and Randy gave a little moan of pleasurable pain. I started to push in further, going in just a bit at a time. Randy reached around and held onto his ass cheek to help keep it spread. That eased up the pressure a bit, and I slipped further into him. Soon, I had at least 2" of me in his hole, and that's when he turned and told me to push in further and fuck him. That got me going, and I pushed harder, getting my cock in him. He made a shout, and that made me shush him, worried that my upstairs neighbors might hear. He apologized, but turned again to me and told me to fuck him. So, I pushed in further, and slipped deeper into his hole. By now, 3" of me was in his ass. Randy moved his hand from his ass cheek to my cock, and, grasping it firmly, pushed me into him even deeper. By now I was 4" into his ass. Then he pushed me out. Holding on to my cock he repeated this by pushing me in, then pushing me out. I knew that was what he wanted, so I started to do it myself, slowly fucking him. He now reached down and started to stroke himself, and I had to remind him not to - I wanted to make sure that he didn't cum anywhere but in my mouth. He loved that, and stopped stroking. And I loved it too, because the next thing I knew I started to shoot. I felt like pulling out, but as I did, Randy told me to stay in him. I felt the full force of the climax as I shot my load in his ass. He moaned softly for a while and commented how good it felt to feel my cum in his ass. After several seconds of just staying in him, he moved forward, and I felt myself released from his ass. I looked down at my cock, red with irritation from fucking his tight ass. He leaned into me and kissed me again on the lips, and we stood in the shower under the water, making out for a few minutes. I suggested then that maybe we take a bath, but looked and saw the tub was too small for that. So, we turned off the shower, stepped out, and grabbed towels to dry off. For a minute we didn't speak. I then asked him if he'd ever been fucked before, and he told me I was the first guy to ever fuck him. After we were dry, I took the candle and led Randy back to the bed.

We laid on the bed, our naked bodies next to each other. Randy asked me if I'd ever done that with a guy before and I confessed I hadn't. I started to share with him my desires for guys, and how I'd been into teen guys since I was a teen myself. I told him about my boy crush on our 13 year old paper boy. I told him about my buddy Brian who I played with when I was almost 13. I shared a lot with him, all the time laying next to him. He turned and cuddled with me, and shared that he'd only been with that one fellow swimming teammate, but he'd been into guys since he was 11. He shared how his desire for guys was what really got him into swimming and diving, and that he'd never shared this with anyone else. He knew his parents thought he was non-social with guys his age, but he confessed that he was sexually attracted to guys, and for fear his parents would find out he was gay, he kept away from guys his age. I asked if he was sure he was gay, and he assured me he was. He said he figured I was bi earlier that summer, when I had attended one of his swim meets and he observed me checking him and other guys out. He confessed that was when he developed a crush on me. He also told me that every time we had worked in my dad's darkroom he'd wanted to make a move on me, but felt funny doing it at my parent's house. And he also confessed that every time he stayed at my place he'd hoped we'd have sex. I started to caress his shoulder as all these confessions came out, and soon found myself feeling good about being with Randy. I still wanted to suck his cock but felt that this was good - that just talking was good - for now. Soon, we stopped talking, and in a few minutes I could hear the slow breathing from Randy as he fell asleep. I laid there too, just relaxing, thinking of what had just happened, and what I still WANTED to have happen. Soon, I fell asleep too.

I woke up to the flickering candlelight, and feeling the warmth of Randy's body near mine, but we were no longer cuddling. I pushed myself up to see what time it was - nearly 2 AM. I was a bit chilled, lying on top of the bed. I tried to gently wake up Randy so we could get under the covers, and he woke up, stretching his arms out and arching his back. As he did this he asked me when I was going to suck him. I reached down to his cock, which was limp, and started to touch it. I suggested that now would be good by me, and he agreed. So, I moved myself around on the bed as Randy pulled himself up higher up the bed. In the dim of the candlelight I could see him, in all his semi-stiffness. I started to play with him, touching and squeezing, getting him hard. At the same time he reached over and started to play with my growing cock. I continued to play with him as his cock started to grow bigger and bigger. Soon, I knew he was fully hard, so I started to kiss the tip of his cock head. At the same time I felt him move and start to take me into his mouth again. I followed his lead, mimicking every move he made. As he licked me, I licked his shaft and cock head. As he ran his tongue up and down my growing shaft, I did the same to him. Finally he took me into fully into his mouth, I did the same to him. The feel of his cock on my tongue made me hungrier for it than I'd been the entire night. I wanted to gobble him up, take it in as far as I could. I could feel him suck my cock, but now I did what I wanted to do, sucking him and slobbering all over him. I'd pull off of him and stroke him, then go back down on him. I did this for several minutes, alternating between sucking him and licking him, pulling off of him and stroking him. I'd move down his shaft and lick his balls, or back up and run my tongue up and down his cock shaft. He stopped sucking me and lay back, just enjoying what I was doing. He ran his fingers through my hair and held onto my head as I continued to suck him.

I felt such a hunger for his cock as I sucked on it. God! I wanted it in my mouth. I went as far down on him as I could, trying to ignore my gag reflex so I could take him in. He now was moaning and squirming as I continued my sucking. He was firmly gripping my head to keep me on him and I moved my free hand down to his hole and started to insert my finger and then fingers into his still lubed up asshole. Then he really started to squirm as did a little humming with my sucking, so that my lips vibrated on his shaft. All of a sudden he arched his back, and held my head firmly, and then I felt the pulse as he exploded in my mouth. I felt the warmth of his cum fill my mouth. I could taste his juice all in my mouth, bathing my tongue with sweet teen cum. After several pulses the cum stopped shooting, and I slowly pulled off of him, his cum still in my mouth. I was just about to swallow when, since he was still holding my head, he pulled himself towards me and pulled towards him, and fully kissed me open mouth on my mouth. I opened my mouth and felt his tongue in there, swirling around and taking some of his cum out of my mouth. We kissed like this for almost a minute, combining our saliva and his cum into a single tasty liquid. As I pulled from him there was a puckering sound, the sound of our lips parting. I instinctively wiped some cum from my lips and chin. I noticed he did the same. I leaned down and kissed him again quickly - just a little peck. I then pulled the cover back over us, and felt him cuddle into me. In a few minutes we both were asleep......

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