Swim Jock and Econ Nerd

By Ryan Smith

Published on Sep 28, 2023


This is just a semi-autobiographical and about 75% truthful account of an experience I had in college. Some names have been changed to protect the horny. Comments and questions are always welcome to ryanswim83@gmail.com. And of course, please consider a donation to Nifty to help keep this archive and resource going.

And thanks to everyone who wrote in and told me how much they are enjoying my story. Hearing from readers is a great pleasure so please keep the comments coming! It certainly helps inspire me to keep writing!

Hope you enjoy!

As Ryan's lungs expanded and contracted, as his sculpted pecs rose and fell with each deep breath he took, the oxygen once again began to flow and nourish his addled brain. The cock that had so recently been lodged down his throat, face fucking him, denying him the nourishing air his body needed, bobbed in front of him, as if it were taunting him. As Ryan's haggard breaths were once again beginning to return to normal, his mind began to comprehend Eugene's warning, the words he had been told once already tonight to be careful with. Ryan's failure to heed that warning the first time had resulted in the nerd revealing his massive dick which had set this whole night in motion and had upended the comfortable image of himself being a jock stud which had for so long governed his sexual role. Maybe he did need to choose his words more carefully.

Eugene smirked at the slightly concerned and quizzical look he saw on the stud's face. Clearly his words were not lost on the jock; undoubtedly Ryan knew the chain reaction that had been set off the last time that warning had been issued. As he surveyed the naked jock that was seated on the side of the bed, Eugene's cock pulsated with desire. Ryan was one hot piece of ass. His muscles swelled with each breath he took as he attempted to regulate his breathing, his cock semi-erect between his toned thighs, having subsided a bit as the panic and concern of being face-fucked put a temporary damper on the pleasure he had earlier experienced stroking his own dick while learning how to properly suck cock.

But any delay would be folly. To allow the jock the time to think about what he had just been through, to allow him the opportunity to comprehend what had been done to him and what was likely to be done to him before the end of the night, to regroup and allow his ego and masculinity a resurgence, threatened to upend Eugene's plans for the egotistical jock. If Eugene didn't act quickly while Ryan was still reeling from the experience, he risked Ryan putting a stop to their rendezvous and spoiling Eugene's fun. After all, if the two engaged in a physical altercation, there would be no contest; Ryan was bigger and stronger. But Eugene wasn't relaying on strength or brawn to overcome his jock nemesis. He was engaged in psychological warfare with this reckless jock, a war he had no plans on losing. No, he had to act quickly to once again smother the jock spirit that still flickered within Ryan and instead provide fuel to the submissive bitch flame that he was attempting to bring to life.

"Lay down on the bed. On your stomach" Eugene stated, his words icy and stern. There was no room for interpretation, they were a command. The desire to obey, to conform, to do what was expected of him once again overwhelmed any thought of hesitancy or indecision that was rattling around in Ryan's befuddled brain. He quickly moved to lay down as directed, moving so that his body would be parallel on the bed, his head at the top of the bed.

"No, not like that you fucking idiot" Eugene snapped. "Like this". Though he was physically no match for Ryan in musculature and stature, Ryan felt that the nerd possessed an implausible strength as he felt Eugene's hand wrap around his ankle and pull. Ryan's body was quickly manipulated into a position of the nerd's choosing as the jock soon found himself lying face down, perpendicular across the bed, his body at a 90-degree angle; his top half laying across the bed while his lower half hung off the side. All of this effectively putting Ryan's ass on display like it was a piece of art hanging in a gallery as it hung off the bed and was presented like a trussed-up prize on the edge of the mattress.

The silence of the room was pierced by a long and low whistle Eugene let out, not unlike a catcall that a group of construction workers would give an attractive woman as she walked by their work site. The lewd gesture made Ryan feel almost cheap and tawdry, like he was nothing but a piece of meat for Eugene to eyeball and enjoy, the whistle continuing to chip away at the jock's quickly faltering edifice of dominant stud.

As the whistle faded into silence, Eugene's eyes were glued onto the delicious ass of his jock quarry. He had seen Ryan's ass clad in speedo's dozens of times as he watched the swimming captain train and compete in the pool. Had seen the thin fabric of his paper swimsuits cling to every curve of his rounded ass during his relay races. But to see Ryan's bare ass, up close and in such an intimate and revealing pose was almost too much for Eugene. Ryan's ass was plump and round, his buns high and tight. The skin paler than the rest of his bronzed body, the tan lines from his speedo clearly demarcating which parts of Ryan were exposed to the sun's ray and which had not. Smooth without a trace of hair, muscular and toned, it almost defied description, his two cheeks clenched tightly to form a perfect crevice protecting Ryan's must intimate places. Eugene knew the time had come for him to begin the final subjugation of this arrogant and cocky jock, to strip from Ryan all his preconceived notions of what he thought himself to be. When Eugene was done with him, Ryan would no longer be the proud and boastful jock, so pleased with his muscles and cock, so eager to have his ego stroked and cultivated by the legions of adoring sycophants and horny coeds that came his way. No, all of what Ryan was would be stripped away and broken down until he was but a shell of himself, a pile of clay that Eugene could sculpt and mold as he saw fit. He would build a new Ryan, one that knew his place in the world, knew that his inferior cock, handsome face and chiseled muscles were just playthings for his new nerd master, were features that served no other purpose but to be pleasant things for his new nerd overload to view and examine, to both arose and please Eugene. To discover for himself that pleasure was no longer brought by having his cock sucked or buried in a tight pussy, but instead by providing that pleasure to his nerd dominant however he saw fit.

Dropping to his knees before Ryan's ass, as a pilgrim would drop before a saint's holy relic, Eugene reached out his hands with an almost reverent touch as he ran his hands over Ryan's firm thighs and shapely ass. Ryan's posterior was somehow both firm and supple, a perfect recipe of genetics and hours spent in the pool and gym. The fleshy globes of his ass had some give to them, clearly felt as Eugene began to knead the muscled cheeks before him, the way a baker would shape and develop his bread before baking. As he worked the cheeks in his hands, he caught a glimpse of what awaited him between the cheeks; while the rest of Ryan was smooth and hairless save for the small patch of pubes that remained above his insignificant cock, the cleft of his ass appeared to be dusted with dark hairs surrounding his perfectly formed and untouched asshole, the contrast between the dark hair and pinkness of his cherry forming a striking juxtaposition. Apparently, Coach didn't check to make sure his swimmers shaved everywhere

Eugene couldn't resist the temptation any longer. Taking the two cheeks, one in each hand, the nerd spread the jock's muscled ass apart, revealing a sight that caused his breath to catch in his throat. Prying the ass apart as one would open an oyster to get to the pearl inside, Eugene was dazzled the way a pirate might be enchanted by gazing at their ill-gotten booty, and the nerd was just as eager to plunder the treasure that lay before him. Ryan's rosebud was puckered and tight; Eugene wasn't sure if his eyes were deceiving but he could swear the tight ring of muscle was flexing in time with the undoubtedly racing heartbeat of his genuflecting jock. Moving his head forward and extending his tongue, the nerd licked the jock's ass upward, beginning at the jock's delicious taint.

No sooner had the nerd's tongue run itself up Ryan's crack, the way a plough would furrow an untilled field, then did Ryan begin to panic. Immediately his body tensed and seized up the way an animal might if it senses danger, his ass snapping shut to deny any intruder access to his forbidden hole. Ryan's head lifted off the mattress at the same time as he began to lift his upper body up and off the bed, ready to finally confront the nerd, to put an end to this madness.

Whether it was adrenaline or lust, the desire to so fully humiliate and break his jock toy, he would never know, but some force once again provided Eugene with such strength as to quickly overpower Ryan, a hand applying pressure to the small of Ryan's back and forcing him to once again lie prone on the bed, while another hand yanked on the jock's ankle, spreading his legs, and by design, also spreading his ass open to further exploration. Removing his glasses and putting them on the side table while simultaneously licking his lips, Eugene proceeded to bury his face between the muscled mounds. The nerd wasted no time in beginning to vigorously rim Ryan's virgin hole, licking up and down the crack but focusing his time and efforts on the throbbing opening. Using his tongue like a wedge, Eugene applied pressure against the tightly shut hole, trying to wrest control over Ryan's rosebud. As Eugene proceeded to rim Ryan's anus, he found himself producing copious amounts of saliva, most of it being scooped up by his tongue to serve as lubrication to assist with breaching the resisting hole, but some of it smearing itself across Eugene's hungry face and dripping down Ryan's crack, trickling down the taint and onto the balls and cock that hung there. The irony wasn't lost on Eugene. As he continued to feast on the virgin opening before him, mere inches away from him was Ryan's dangling prize-winning cock, a dick that countless others lusted for and coveted. But Eugene completely ignored the hanging cock. Ryan's dick was no prize that Eugene desired, especially when compared to his own massive dick. No, Ryan's real prize was his previously untouched hole; a prize that Eugene intended to claim.

A struggle within Ryan raged. Disbelief at the current predicament he found himself, undeniable pleasure from the tongue bathing his hole, disgust for allowing himself to be put in such a compromising position, insecurity and doubt in himself and everything he thought about who he was and how the world viewed him, fright at the nerd's unexpected strength and unflinching determination to get what he wanted. The myriad of feelings bombarding him akin to waves slamming against the side of a floundering ship, threatening to swamp the vessel and pull it down under the sea. Each emotion washing over Ryan completely, filling his mind, only to be displaced by yet another wave of potent thought. He was a jock, and not just any jock, but the senior captain of the swim team. A jock who had bedded some of the hottest and most desirable co-eds on campus, the envy of every guy on campus, each who would have given their left nut for the opportunity to hook up with a fraction of the girls Ryan had over the course of his four years at college. How the fuck did he end up in this predicament!?

But here he found himself at the mercy of a freshman nerd. Laying on his stomach, his legs spread wide apart, while Eugene devoured his hole, slathering his heretofore untouched virgin hole with his talented tongue. He had seen enough porn and eaten out enough girls to know that this was merely a prequel, an act to warm him up for the main event. Forced to confront the inevitability of what was about to happen to him, Ryan had an almost full-on panic attack. He had always taken pride in his looks and reputation, proud of his muscles, cock, accomplishments in both the bedroom and the pool. And the reaction he had received from others, the sincere compliments and jealous glares, fueled him, drove him to continue to succeed, to achieve more, to reach ever loftier goals. But how would they react if they ever found out about the swim team captain and the nerd? How would their looks change? The way they acted around him? His ego was fueled by the envy and accolades that were continually fed his way by both his contemporaries and his coaches. And that was contingent upon him being viewed as the stud that he had seen himself as, always thought of himself as. But how could he carry himself with the same swagger, portray himself with the same arrogance, strut around campus like the alpha of all alphas when he knew he was about to have his virgin hole fucked by Eugene, a hung freshman nerd?

As the conflicting thoughts swirled around in Ryan's head, Eugene continued to flick his tongue against the now fluttering hole, as his capable tongue continued to assault Ryan's formerly unassailable ass the same way a besieging army encircled and weakened a fortified city, and weakening it was. The hole had been clenched tight like a vice, but Eugene's relentless efforts to tempt the clenching entrance to his advances were having the desired effect. But even as Ryan, either intentionally or unintentionally was attempting to clench his hole to deny Eugene's tongue entrance, it was a losing battle. The ministrations Eugene's tongue was performing on Ryan's hole were just too much for his tight anal ring to endure and in an instant, Ryan's defenses were breached, let down by his own body which had been coaxed and cajoled to relax and open like a flower to Eugene's hungry tongue.

As Eugene's tongue finally penetrated past the sphincter, his ears were met with a most unexpected sound; a single, soft, solitary and yet unmistakable moan involuntarily escaped Ryan's lips. To both of the men, that soft moan acted like a white flag; to Ryan, it was a sign of surrender, that no matter how much he resisted and was conflicted by what was happening, his body was enjoying it to such a degree that his brain reacted against his will, had sent out an auditory signal of gratification, had betrayed him. For Eugene, it was a sign to redouble his efforts in his quest to deflower the jock.

As Eugene's tongue began to dig around in Ryan's hole, as he began to quickly dart his skilled appendage in and out of the quivering hole, he could feel Ryan began to twist and turn on the bed with pleasure, his tongue producing the desired effect on the jock. As he munched on Ryan's hole, his chin was bumping against the jock's balls; the testicles tightening in their sac as Ryan's soft cock once again began to plump up under the skilled tongue. Ryan's body could no longer deny displaying the pleasure it was experiencing as his cock, coupled with the infrequent but audible moans, were clear evidence that he enjoyed being eaten out. But Ryan's hole was tight, and though the outer ring had been breached, Eugene knew additional efforts were necessary to further open the jock up.

Eugene had a sneaking suspicion that Ryan would be like any typical college jock and have all the necessary supplies for him to continue his exploration of his hole nearby. Extracting his tongue from Ryan's now winking aperture, Eugene opened the drawer of Ryan's bedside side table hoping to find what he was looking for. He wasn't disappointed. Inside was a container of lube, undoubtedly used by Ryan to jerk off when he couldn't otherwise find a hot hole to fuck. But it was what Eugene saw next to the lube that really caught his attention.

Ryan had turned his head and looked over his broad shoulder to see what was going as, to see why the pleasurable tongue had been withdrawn from his hole. Lifting the small black and gold box up and out of the drawer, Eugene presented it to the prone jock, a smug look plastered on his face.

"Magnums? Seriously? Who the fuck do you think you're fooling? With that little dick? The condom probably slides off mid-pump. Fuck, you really are a narcissist, aren't you? Think you're dick is actually special. These are meant for cocks like mine, not little dicklets like yours" Eugene jeered. The nerd could see a look of shame and embarrassment come across Ryan's face for having been called out, for being treated like a fraud, like his jock dick was some sort of scam. And what could he say in rebuttal? Both knew that Eugene was clearly the larger man between the two of them. Ryan just had to take the verbal hit that Eugene had delivered, a blow that continued to whittle down and fracture any remaining resistance the jock had against the nerd's advances.

Tossing the box of condoms back into the drawer, Eugene flipped open the lube and applied a liberal amount to his index finger before squirting some directly into Ryan's crack, letting it drip and drool down into the still slightly dilated hole, the coolness of the liquid causing Ryan to shudder.

"Spread those cheeks for me. I want to see that hole" Eugene snarled, pouncing on the still reeling jock who had yet to recover from the verbal jab at his cock size, his source of his masculine pride. Conflicted but still recalling the pleasure Eugene's tongue had brought him, his body responded and he spread his legs; it had become clear that in the battle of jock pride and nerd pleasure, one side clearly had the advantage.

"I said spread them, reach back here and spread them. Use your fucking hands." The familiar command to action once again having the desired effect as the jocks hands were now doing the nerd's own dirty work, willfully aiding Eugene in the jock's own deflowering. Reaching behind him and taking hold of his muscled ass, Ryan spread his own butt to allow Eugene unfettered access.

The trembling asshole looked almost as it was flirting with Eugene, as he took his index finger, slick with lube, and began to rub it around the rim of Ryan's hole in an attempt to persuade it with pleasure to further open, to unfold before his very eyes. Placing his lubed finger against the rosebud, Eugene began to nudge it against the hole, applying a little more pressure each and every time until Ryan's defenses once again yielded and his finger slid in.

Eugene wished he had a camera to capture the image of the captain of the swim team holding open his own ass while the nerd had his index finger inserted into the virgin hole; the view was mesmerizing. As Eugene continued to rock his finger back and forth, feeling the heat radiating from Ryan's hole, he heard the jock begin to grunt each time his finger slid in a little deeper.

"Don't tell me the big, strong jock can't handle a little finger up his ass. Fuck, I thought you jocks were made to fight through a little pain. You're such a pussy" Eugene grumbled, clearly unhappy with the slight sounds of discomfort Ryan was making.

Once again, the verbal assault landed yet another blow on Ryan's fragile psyche. A physical challenge had just been issued, one that both set out a trial and also questioned his own strength and toughness. Never one to be called out without wanting to proving his own ability, Ryan bit down on his swollen bottom lip and used his big strong hands to spread his ass even further open.

"Good boy, really spread those cheeks. Yeah. That's it." Eugene whispered, happy to see his challenge had been more than met. Taking his index finger out of the clenching hole, and wanting to take advantage of the jock who was too stubborn and proud not to want to prove his physical toughness, Eugene liberally applied more lube to both his index and middle finger. Twisting the two digits together, so one was on top of the other, Eugene pushed them into the still trembling hole. Though his combined fingers were thicker, the hole yielded to the nerd's touch as a warm knife gliding through butter, the lube and already compromised hole aiding Eugene's entrance.

No sooner had his fingers slid in up to the first knuckle, that Eugene felt the body under him clench and tighten, felt the hole constrict around his fingers, saw the muscles spread across Ryan's back rippling and contracting, popping out as the jock's body instinctually reacting against the now thicker and uncomfortable intruder.

Pausing with his fingers still being griped by Ryan's panicking hole, Eugene once again waged psychological warfare against the jock. "Fuck, toughen up. All these muscles and you can't even handle a little discomfort? Just fucking relax, you're making this harder on yourself than it has to be."

Eugene knew that if he could just get a little deeper into Ryan's hole, if he could just convince the narcissistic jock to grin and bear a little more discomfort, that he would have the jock exactly where he wanted. Eugene continued to apply more pressure, ignoring the ever-increasing grunts of discomfort that were emanating from Ryan, eager to dig around in the jock's hole and find the treasure he was seeking. Tired of being gentle and considerate, Eugene jabbed his fingers, his digits going deeper into Ryan's trench. Ryan once again sprang up, his body rising up off the bed, only to be met once again by the nerd's hand, forcing him back down onto the bed, forced to endure the exploring fingers in his ass.

But Eugene, knew he had him. Knew he finally had the ammunition to finally break the arrogant and obstinate jock. Sensing that his fingers were exactly where they needed to be buried in Ryan's still resisting hole, he slowly began to curl his fingers, rooting around, searching and seeking for his goal.

Ryan saw stars; literal stars. As the probing fingers made first contact with the jock's heretofore untouched prostate, the jock's eyes rolled back into his head, like marbles, his hands grasped and clawed at the sheets, and his body tensed up as wave after wave of pleasure flowed though him, all emanating from Eugene's fingers playing in his ass.

"Oooohhh fuck." Ryan moaned out, having to bury his face against the mattress in a futile attempt to hide the obvious pleasure that he was experiencing. And it didn't let up. Eugene smiled as he knew his fingers had found Ryan's g-spot, his experienced digits beging to dance over the sensitive spot, each gentle stroke rewarded with another set of moans and whimpers from the now lust-crazed jock.

As he continued the assault on Ryan's swollen prostate, Eugene now knew that the ultimate prize was within reach, the honor of being the one to pop the swim captain's virgin cherry. A trophy that he was eager to claim as his own and that he wasn't about to let slip away. Each poke and prod at the pulsating prostate proving the control and command the nerd had over the jock; smirking as he saw the jock's cock begin to swell and grow, each touch of the prostate causing the jock's cock to lengthen and harden as though it had a life of its own, as the jock writhed and squirmed under his touch, as he wiggled his delicious buns against the nerd's burrowing digits, eager for the pleasure of having his prostate massaged to continue.

Yes, now was the time, Eugene thought to himself. The moment he had been waiting for. Ryan had been sufficiently prepped. The proud and narcissistic jock who only earlier this night had demanded Eugene to suck his cock, was now naked on his own bed, willfully spreading his ass to allow Eugene's fingers to show him was real pleasure felt like. Yes, the time had come. Now was the time for the nerd to fuck the jock.

Well, that's it for chapter 4! Did you love it and want to see the conclusion of this encounter? Did you hate it and are upset you wasted yet another 15 minutes of your life reading this story?

Write me at ryanswim83@gmail.com and let me know. I'd love to hear what you think and what you'd like to see.

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