Swim Jock and Econ Nerd

By Ryan Smith

Published on Sep 7, 2023


This is just a semi-autobiographical and about 75% truthful account of an experience I had in college. Some names have been changed to protect the horny. Comments and questions are always welcome to ryanswim83@gmail.com. And of course, please consider a donation to Nifty to help keep this archive and resource going.

Hope you enjoy!

It was getting late and the study group was breaking up. Wednesday night had turned into early Thursday morning as the group had reviewed and re-reviewed a number of concepts that were likely to come up on the Economics 101 final exam; competition, scarcity, opportunity cost, inflation and resource allocation to name just a few. The exam was scheduled for Friday morning but the group had decided that tonight would be their final meeting and they'd each study individually going forward. At this point, it was up to each of them to just review their notes and commit them to memory in the hopes of recalling them when the time came on Friday morning.

As the other members said their good-byes, wished each other luck, and trickled out of the apartment and into the hallway, Ryan sat there staring at his notes, flipping back and forth between pages.

"Shit, where is it? Didn't we just go over this?" he silently thought to himself. Why wasn't price determination in his notes?

He looked around to see who was left in his apartment. His buddy Chris had just left; the only two people left in his apartment were Sean and Eugene. Judging from the last couple of hours, Sean was in worse shape than Ryan in his studying, struggling to understand the basic difference between micro and macroeconomics. Eugene on the other hand was hands down the smartest member of their study group. He was only a freshman but had aced every pop quiz and paper that had been assigned to them throughout the semester. Ryan was a senior and didn't frequently socialize with freshmen but since he was pulling a C average in the class going into the final exam, he made an exception and invited the smartest kid in his class to join their study group.

Both Sean and Eugene were packing their things up when Ryan piped up.

"Hey, Eugene, you gotta second? I'm looking at my notes and can't seem to find anything about price determination. You mind sticking around for a second so I can copy your notes on that?"

Eugene legitimately looked shocked that Ryan was talking to him. They had been in the same class all semester but the two had never really directly spoken before. Sure, he had gotten an email from Ryan inviting him to this study group, but that was the extent of their communication. But being ignored by Ryan wasn't a surprise. After all, Ryan was one of the most popular people on campus.

"Ummmm. Sure. I can stick around for a few minutes to let you look at my notes" Eugene stammered, swallowing the lump in his throat and pushing his glasses back up onto his face after they had slipped down while he had been packing his books up.

Sean waved to the both of them as he let himself out of the apartment as Ryan plopped down next to Eugene on the couch. Eugene found himself tilting toward Ryan as the cushion of the couch sank under Ryan's frame. Unable to correct his position in enough time, Eugene felt his body tilt and press against Ryan's torso.

A wave of sheer panic mixed with unbridled euphoria swept through Eugene's body. Eugene was gay and had a crush on Ryan since first seeing him across the dining hall during his first week of school. Eugene was discussing Dungeons & Dragons with some of the new acquaintances he had met in his freshman dorm when his attention was grabbed by a male adonis who had just walked into the dining room. The man looked to be about 6'1" tall with short, thick dark hair and brown eyes; a classically handsome face. He was wearing shorts and a t-shirt but they did little to conceal the fact that the man was well-built and muscled, the sleeves of his t-shirt stretching around his biceps. Eugene was even more in awe when the mystery man raised his arm to wave to a friend across the dining room, inadvertently lifting the hem of his shirt up and letting Eugene get a quick peek at his abs and defined Apollo's belt, the furrowed V leading down into and past the waistband of his shorts.

Eugene felt a stirring in his own shorts as he watched the guy cross the hall and sit down at a table with what appeared to be upperclassmen. Eugene had known for a while that he was gay. It was during his freshman year of high school when he found himself in the locker room after gym class surrounded by a myriad of guys in various stages of undress that he first felt that now familiar stirring in his dick. Subsequent internet searches of naked men and gay porn confirmed what he suspected; that he was gay himself and very much attracted to other men.

Being gay wasn't cool at his high school, even more so as he was already teased for being a "nerd". Eugene wasn't into sports or cars or girls...the things that all the popular guys were into. Instead, he was focused on his studies, role playing games, and getting his hands on the latest anime comics coming out of Japan. His looks didn't help either. Though he stood a respectable 5'10" with blond hair and blue eyes, he had a slim and thin frame, pale and slender from the hours he spent inside reading books instead of chasing a ball up and down a sports field. Add to that the pair of glasses he needed to wear to correct his abysmal eyesight and his very unfortunate name that his parents had given him in honor of his paternal grandfather, and he was the picture of a stereotypical nerd - a fact that his high school classmates never seemed to let him forget with their incessant teasing.

So his time in high school was mainly spent trying to blend into the background and conceal the fact that he was gay. After gym class, he would wait until the other guys had changed and left the locker room before he changed, or would find an out of the way corner where he could have some privacy, afraid that his semi-hard cock would betray him and out him as gay to his fellow students. He never dated girls (not that any of them in his high school would have given him the time) but he had had a couple of experiences with guys that he had discreetly met and fooled around with, but never had he messed around with anyone as hot as this stud he had just laid eyes on.

It didn't take long for Eugene to figure out who the mystery man was. Ryan Smith, the captain of the swim team, a member of the most popular fraternity at the university, all with killer good looks and a ton of charisma that gained him a shitload of friends. Oh, and the stories of his skill with the ladies was almost legendary. If Eugene was the stereotypical nerd, Ryan was 100% a bonafide stereotypical jock. Eugene made a point of finding out when swimming practices were held and marked the dates and times of every swim meet on his calendar, doing his best never to miss one while trying to make his attendance as anonymous and discreet as possible. If seeing Ryan in a t-shirt and shorts had peeked Eugene's interest, seeing the object of his fantasies in a speedo was something else; the skimpy swimwear left little to the imagination.

Eugene was even more excited to see Ryan enter the Economics 101 classroom on the first day of second semester, his eyes following Ryan across the classroom as he found and took a seat next to one of his jock friends, Chris. Eugene couldn't believe his luck that his fantasy man would be taking the same class as him. For the whole semester Eugene kept sneaking peeks and cautious looks at Ryan, lost in daydreams of him and his college crush, while trying to avoid being detected. Imagine his surprise when he saw Ryan's email inviting him to join the study group for the final exam. Which all had led him to this moment, finding himself leaning into Ryan on the couch of the jock's apartment and feeling the hard muscles and inhaling the intoxicating scent of the man he had been crushing on since his very first week of college.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry, the couch....the cushion sank....I didn't mean to..." Eugene stumbled over his words trying to explain that the unexpected body contact was an honest mistake and not of his own doing. He fumbled to push himself out of the prone position he found himself in against Ryan and back to an upright position on the other end of the couch.

Ryan just laughed "No harm, no foul man. No sweat. Fuck, with all the action this couch has seen the fucking springs are shot. I'm surprised you didn't fall on the floor".

"God, I'm so sorry, really...listen, just keep my notes, I don't need them, just keep them until after the exam. I'm really sorry for being so clumsy, really. I'll leave you alone, I'll get out of your place and let you study" Eugene rambled, still reeling from the combination of thrill and embarrassment that feeling himself pressed against Ryan's body had brought him.

"Fuck, no way man. If I keep your notes, what are you going to use to study? I know you're smart but c'mon. Just chill for a couple minutes and I'll be done. Relax man." Ryan said in a soothing, deep voice.

As Ryan sat on the couch copying the notes from Eugene's notebook into his own, he could feel the awkward energy radiating from the nerd seated at the other end of the couch. Ryan chuckled silently to himself, fully aware of why the nerd was acting so jittery. It had become apparent to Ryan after the first week of class that the nerd had a major crush on him. Not that he could blame Eugene; if anything it showed he had good taste. But Ryan had felt Eugene's eyes burning a hole into him every time he entered the economics classroom, every time he walked to his desk, every time he bent down to pick up his backpack; his staring was incessant. And once Ryan recognized Eugene from his class, he began to see him show up at other places too, like his swim practice. The nerd always tried to remain as covert as possible, showing up after practice had begun, leaving before it ended, sitting alone and as far in the shadows in the bleachers as possible, but Ryan took note of his presence and felt the eyes watching him every time he lined up on the block or toweled off after his laps. There was no denying that Eugene was into him.

And to be honest, maybe the nerd was kinda cute in his own way. Sure he was skinny and pale but his face was cute behind those glasses. While Ryan definitely got his fair share of pussy from the legion of adoring girls who followed him around campus, the attractiveness of the male body wasn't lost on him either. Spending as much time with guys in various stages of undress in locker rooms as Ryan had provided him ample opportunity to appreciate the male form, and while he was certainly attracted to women and their soft, supple bodies, he couldn't deny that the hard, defined, and powerful body on some of his male teammates and competitors were just as much of a turn on for him. There had even been a couple of times when Ryan had engaged in the tradition of college exploration and indulged in fooling around with guys. Nothing too serious, really just getting a few discreet blowjobs and handjobs from a couple of the guys on his swim team who were gay and proudly out of the closest, and only when he needed to work out some tension, like before a big swim meet or exam, and one of his female sycophants weren't readily accessible.

As he continued to jot down notes in his notebook that lay across his lap, Ryan felt a familiar twitch in his crotch. He had been stressed out over the impending Economics exam all week. He was a biology major and had put off taking this required class until his very last semester of college. He had no interest in economics and it was evident with his C-average showing. And he had to probably pull at least a B+ on the exam or better to salvage his GPA. It was the whole reason he had pulled together this study group and had made sure to reach out to the smartest kid in his class, Eugene. But now that he found himself alone in his apartment with the tense and jumpy nerd, his mind began to formulate another way that Eugene could help him out. After all, his roommates had cleared out for the night not wanting to be around while a bunch of strangers came over to discuss supply and demand, and he could probably do with some relief to offset the pressure he felt from studying for his exams.

Glancing up from the notebooks and over to Eugene, the nerd gave him a goofy grin while pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, waiting patiently for Ryan to finish with his notebook. Ryan gave him a quick once over and quickly came to a conclusion in his head. He was going to have some fun tonight.

Finishing the notes, he tossed the notebooks off his lap and onto the coffee table. Ryan raised his arms above his head in a long and exaggerated stretch, just long and deep enough to ensure his abs were showing as his shirt raised above his bellybutton and that Eugene had had a moment or two to appreciate the view.

"Fuck man, I'm beat" Ryan exclaimed as he stood up off the couch. "I really appreciate you coming to the group tonight, Eugene. Really appreciate you sticking around and letting me copy those notes."

"No problem, I just hope they were helpful. Were you able to read my handwriting? I have awful handwriting. I remember in third-grade when they were teaching us cursive Mrs. Murdoch told me..." Eugene began to ramble off on a random non-sequitur.

"Woah man, take it easy" Ryan said as he walked over to the still seated Eugene and put his big hand on his shoulder, feeling the body underneath him tense with the contact as he gently squeezed. "You are way too wound up. You gotta relax. You of all people shouldn't be too worried about this stuff. You got it, you know it. It's me who has to worry..." Ryan trailed off.

Feeling almost faint at feeling the strong and reaffirming grip Ryan had given him on his shoulder, Eugene had to take a moment to recover and process what Ryan was telling him.

Ryan continued "I'm pulling a C in the class and it's really going to drag down my GPA if I don't do well enough on the final to bump my average up to at least a B-. It's just that economics is not my thing. It's really stressing me out"

Eugene had sufficiently recovered to try and assuage Ryan's self-doubts "What? You'll do fine. I have no doubt in your abilities to excel on Friday's examination and propel your grade to a point where you'll be..."

Ryan could only laugh again "Damn, man, I already know you're smart, no need to prove it with your vocabulary. Just relax. I don't bite. I have a feeling we could both blow off some steam." the jock said as he walked over to the small kitchen directly adjacent to the living room.

Coming back into the living room with two beers, Ryan offered one to Eugene who legitimately looked unsure how to respond.

"Oh fuck man, don't tell me you don't drink. This is college!" Ryan teased. Eugene quickly reached out and accepted the beer.

"No, it's um, I definitely drink, I just don't do it that often, and never with upper classmen" Eugene mumbled.

"Well consider it your lucky day Eugene. After all, you're the one helping me out with your notes so it's the least I can do. And judging from how fucking tense you look, a beer is probably exactly what you need to relax and loosen up, so join me man" Ryan said as he cracked open his beer and raised it in a cheers motion towards Eugene. The jock plopped down in the armchair directly across from Eugene, before spreading his legs as wide as they would go in front of him.

Eugene's eyes grew wide as his eyes darted to Ryan's legs, hoping that the loose fitting shorts and sitting position Ryan was currently in would allow him a view up Ryan's strong thighs and help him determine if the swimming jock was wearing anything under those shorts.

Even with his head tilted back while taking a long sip of his beer, Ryan saw Eugene's eyes dart and intently focus on his leg. He knew Eugene was trying to spot if he was going commando under his shorts and he now knew he had the nerd exactly where he wanted him; it was going to be a fun night.

The two of them sat there like that for the next half-hour, chatting about mundane topics, things like the professors each of them had had, the size of the freshman dorms, the quality of the cafeteria food, and so on. Ryan could tell that Eugene was getting a little more comfortable as the two spoke but there certainly was an air of uneasiness surrounding the nerd. It was only as they were finishing up their second beer each that Ryan turned the conversation to something of more interest.

"You get a lot of pussy here on campus, Eugene" he bluntly asked, causing the nerd to nearly spit up his beer. "Sorry, don't mean to be rude man, but I speak from experience that there's nothing better than getting your nut off to relieve stress. I highly recommend it if you're not already doing it, as often as you can get it. You're too tense"

Eugene wasn't sure how to respond. How would this macho jock who was a known playboy around campus with girls respond if Eugene told him the truth. How could he tell the man he had been fantasizing over day and night and had a huge crush on that he was gay.

"No...girls don't really go for guys like me..." Eugene said softly, not able to tell the truth to the object of his desires.

Ryan decided it was time to take off the kid gloves. He was too horny and too in need of release to beat around the bush. Putting his beer down, the jock leaned forward towards Eugene, putting his elbows on his knees so that his face was inches from Eugene's face. "Listen man, you don't have to play coy with me. I know what you are. You think I'm just some dumb jock? That I don't notice the obvious? I see how you look at me when I'm in the room; I've seen you watching me from the stands at my swim practices. You're not the first guy I've caught checking me out. You're gay man and you have a fucking hard on for me" Ryan said plainly.

Ryan could see Eugene visibly tense, a bead or two of sweat break out on the nerd's forehead, the panic in his eyes as he was called out as gay, as his secret was exposed by the hottest guy at his college.

Ryan continued "And while I usually prefer the company of a woman, I've made exceptions man. I've allowed a guy or two in my time the pleasure of my company, the honor of showing me a good time. Fuck, a mouth is a mouth and a hand is a hand, right? And seeing as my roommates are out for the night and I could really use some release before Friday's exam, I think we can help each other out. What do you say we go back to my bedroom and you help me destress and relax? You wanna help a brother out man?"

The power of speech had seemingly temporarily left Eugene, the usually eloquent and well-spoken nerd now unable to form a simple phrase let alone utter a single word. Was he dreaming? Did Ryan Smith, the captain of the swim team and the guy he had been lusting over for the better part of a year just come on to him? To seduce him? Did he hear what Ryan had said correctly? Eugene's overloaded psyche couldn't work out if he should leap up in celebration for possibly having a chance to fool around with the muscled jock of his dreams or run for the door as this all might be some cruel joke that was being played at his expense.

"So what do you say, want to show me a good time?" Ryan cooed one more time, waiting for some indication of a response from the shell-shocked nerd. Enough of Eugene's motor skills had returned to allow him to meekly nod.

"Now that's a good boy" Ryan said with a shit-eating grin, his teeth perfect and white. "Why don't you follow me back to the bedroom so we can get you a little more comfortable with the idea. A little more relaxed so you're in a better frame of mind to help me relax, sound good?"

In an almost trance-like state, Eugene picked himself off the couch and followed Ryan as he walked into what he now knew was his bedroom. Even though Ryan's shorts were on the looser side, Eugene took note of the swimmer's toned legs as he confidently strode into his bedroom and flipped on the light switch. The room was typical for a college athlete's bedroom; posters on the wall, an overflowing hamper in one corner, a small set of barbells and resistance bands in another. The small room was dominated by the full bed, a bed that Ryan motioned for Eugene to have a seat on, and which he did even though he was still in his near catatonic state.

With Eugene seated on his bed, Ryan decided it was time to get down to business, to get the nerd comfortable enough to be putty in his hands and willing to allow the jock free reign for the remainder of the night. Crossing his arms in front of him, Ryan took hold of the bottom hem of his t-shirt and pulled it off and over his head before tossing it across the room and onto the hamper. He followed up with a little flex just to make sure he looked as good as possible. He smirked as he heard what sounded like an involuntary but audible gasp escape from Eugene's lips. "Gets them every time" he silently thought to himself.

While Eugene had seen Ryan in just his speedos before at the various swim meets and practices he attended, never before did he have the opportunity to appreciate the view of Ryan's body in such a close and intimate way. And what a view it was. Beginning with Ryan's slightly mussed hair as a result of him pulling his own t-shirt over his head, Eugene's eyes raked up and down the flawless body that was now on full display mere inches from him.

Ryan had a classically handsome face; strong jaw, aquiline nose, full and sensuous lips, and deep brown eyes that looked like they belonged on a puppy dog. His body was text-book swimmer's; tan, unblemished, long and lean with just the right amount of muscle to help propel him through the water. His broad shoulders led down to his massive triceps. Pulling his eyes away from Ryan's swollen arms, Eugene's eyes instead focused on the pair of taut and rock-hard pecs, hairless, each one crowned with a pert nipple, each one hardened by the cool air washing over them now that the t-shirt that had been concealing them had been removed. Moving downward, the abdominals were well-defined and powerful, casually showing off a six-pack. All of this tapering down to his trim waist and furrowed Apollo's belt disappearing down into his shorts; a hint of red fabric appearing just above the waistline.

It was almost on instinct that Eugene lifted his hand and reached out towards Ryan's body. Like a baby reaching for a piece of candy. Whatever impulse control the nerd had, had been replaced with his desire to feel the jock's muscled and defined torso.

Ryan smiled. "It's okay bud. Don't be afraid to touch."

Getting the go-ahead from the stud jock, Eugene's hand came to rest across the rippling abs. The feeling of warm flesh and hard muscle against his hand caused sparks to fire across his brain and down to his crotch. Now using both of his hands, Eugene began to rub them up and down Ryan's obliques, his eyes glazed over with lust as Ryan smiled down at the seated nerd who was quickly become hypnotized by his swimmer's body.

As Eugene's hands traveled up towards his pecs, Ryan gave another flex, the hardening muscles under the nerd's hands causing the seated boy to shudder with desire.

"You like my body, don't you Eugene? Like feeling and touching my muscles, huh? Each one perfected and honed over years spent in the gym and pool. I bet you wish you could have a body like mine, wish you could get the physique that every guys wishes they had and every girl wants...well I guess in your case you want it too" Ryan softly chuckled, amusing himself with the little quip he had directed at Eugene.

"I'm a fucking stud, a fucking Adonis, Eugene" Ryan continued as he looked down at the still seated nerd, their eyes finally connecting, Ryan's penetrating eyes drilling into the lust filled eyes of Eugene. "I'm worthy of the respect and attention I get. Worthy and deserving of worship by guys like you. And I've decided to do you a favor tonight, Eugene. I've decided that you're worthy of my time and attention. Worthy of helping me get off. So you're going to get a rare treat tonight. You're going to get to suck off a real man. You're going to get to suck the cock of a true jock stud. And if you do a good job for me tonight, Eugene, you're going to get to find out how the cum of a real stud tastes when I cum down your throat. Does that sound good, Eugene?"

As he was speaking and taunting the nerd, Ryan had lowered his shorts, letting them drop down around his ankles, leaving him standing there in nothing but a pair of tight red briefs. The thin fabric sat snugly around Ryan's trim waist and clung tightly to his taut quad muscles. But what truly commanded Eugene's attention was the large and ample bulge that was clearly present, doing little to conceal the fact that the swimmer jock was packing.

Ryan paused, letting Eugene drink in the sight of his body and physique. Ryan thought it best to give Eugene a moment or two to take in what he was seeing before really blowing his mind. He took hold of his bulge through the fabric with one of his hands and adjusted it in it's pouch, both to provide him with a little bit of additional comfort as well as to equally demonstrate his size to the nerd, there was no optical illusions here, he was hung.

Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs, Ryan paused. He waited a moment...and then another moment. Relishing in making the nerd wait in anticipation before showing him his goods. He could almost feel the room vibrating in time with the elevated pounding of Eugene's heart. Ryan hoped he wasn't going to give the poor nerd a heart attack.

"You wanna see my dick, Eugene?" No response. Lowering the waistband just the slightest bit, Ryan asked the question again, this time a little louder, with a little force behind it and an edge to his voice; he wasn't messing around.

You wanna see my dick, nerd?" he repeated.

It was the first time he had called Eugene a nerd directly to his face and it gave him a thrill. The moment wasn't lost on Ryan. From time to time, when it was late at night and he was horny and alone, Ryan would look at gay erotic fiction and porn online. His tastes were varied but his favorite scenario, the one he would search for on the websites again and again was the stereotypical but still very hot "Jock & Nerd Gay Sex". The cliche was an old one but it never failed to excite Ryan. Seeing the football team's quarterback fuck the bespectacled nerd in the locker room, or the baseball team's 3rd baseman getting his dick sucked by a nerd under his desk during class always excited him. Those and a hundred other scenarios of a jock having their fun with a nerd never failed to induce a massive orgasm out of Ryan. And to think, he was now going to get to live out his own fantasy of dominating a nerd for his sexual pleasure.

As soon as the question came out of Ryan's mouth, he noticed a slight change in Eugene. With a few blinks of his eyes, it almost seemed like the nerd came out of his dick induced coma, the glazed over eyes and vapid look he had had on his face since Ryan had first come on to him back in the living room now replaced with something different. Lust? Desire? Whatever it was, Ryan couldn't quite place it, all he knew was that a very sudden and immediate change had come over Eugene.

Lifting his head to look the standing jock in the face, Eugene stated very clearly and calmly "Show me your dick."

Ryan smirked. "You'll have to do better than that. I want you to beg to see my dick, nerd. I want you to beg me to give you the honor of servicing a real man, of letting you see what a real man looks like, of letting you suck the cock of your jock superior." Ryan could almost swear he took the lines directly from one of his favorite porn scenes.

With an almost stoic look on his face, and looking Ryan directly in his eyes, Eugene just simply repeated "Show me your dick".

For a second, actually more like a split second, Ryan thought it was strange that this nerd seated before him wasn't more submissive, wasn't already on his knees begging for a look at the cock he had probably been fantasizing over for weeks, maybe even months. But no sooner had the thought entered Ryan's head did it just as quickly exit. Sure it would be great if Eugene acted the same way as the cliche nerds did in the scenes and stories Ryan enjoyed so much, but who was he kidding? Ryan conjectured that Eugene was probably a virgin, to both men and women, and overwhelmed by all that was happening. As long as Ryan got to live out his fantasy however Eugene chose to act was okay by him. With one smooth and fluid movement, Ryan lowered his briefs and stepped out of them, fully naked in front of the still fully clothed Eugene.

Ryan liked to call this his "hero pose", the pose he would take the first time a partner had the privilege of seeing him fully nude, with everything on display. Flexing just enough for his muscles to be taut and defined, he would jutt his pelvis out just enough so his cock and balls stood out from the rest of his body, the boys proudly on display. And what a display it was. Ryan kept his dark pubes neat and trim, just a small patch of them above his cock, the rest of him smooth; almost second nature to him with being a swimmer. A pronounced and stark tan line existed, evident that the time Ryan spent out in the sun wearing his speedo had kept his pelvic region pale and protected from the sun's rays that had turned the rest of his body a golden and attractive brown. But all of that paled in comparison to the cock Ryan was carrying around. Flaccid, as he was now, he had measured himself at 5.5". When fully erect, his cut cock clocked in around 7.25", even a little bigger when he was really worked up. Resting atop a pair of smooth and tight balls, his cock was a sight to behold. He puffed out his chest and waited to hear the exclamations over his size and virility flow forth from Eugene's lips, waited for the praise and adulation over his girth and length, waited to hear the pleading and begging for the honor just to touch his penis, much less the privilege for Eugene to take it in his mouth and perform fellatio.

But all the jock heard was silence.

Hope you enjoyed the first installment. Sorry for the cliffhanger but I wanted to get something out for folks to read and react to. Did you love it and want to see a second action-packed chapter? Did you hate it and are upset you wasted 15 minutes of your life reading this story?

Write me at ryanswim83@gmail.com and let me know. I'd love to hear what you think and what you'd like to see.

Next: Chapter 2

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