Swim Class Speedos

By Danny Johnson

Published on May 27, 2020


Story Themes: Best friends, manipulation, domination, straight to gay

Continuation from Part 8:

"Fuck. Look at you, buddy. You're basically wearin' my cum like it's your favorite new outfit and somehow your little dick is still hard? I don't get it. I know you're not a faggot. I know you're not some pussy who likes real dick, but man you gotta talk to that nub between your legs. Make sure your prick knows you're not a homo, man."

Matt laughed as he relaxed back against the wall. I realized I hadn't moved and got myself up and started to wash off under the shower. Matt sat back and smiled, once again enjoying the feeling of getting off. Eventually he stood and rinsed off a bit himself, then walked to me.

"Here, bro. Gimme that soap. Least I can do is wash your back again for you. You've been such a good buddy to me lately, here, let me help."

Matt took the soap and pushed me forward gently, but purposefully, so I rested again against the glass, arms out in front of me with my back angled and my ass out. He washed my whole back and then the soap found its way to my ass. Matt's hands did a thorough job on my ass, alternating the soap between them, eventually making sure he squeezed the soap between my globes to get the crack nice and slick. He set the bar of soap down and used the water to wipe away the suds on my back and ass.

"You really are doin' such great work on this fat ass, D. Don't you worry about tomorrow, man. We'll cover this fat ass up with that double x speedo and keep this hidden from everybody. Only the other dudes in the showers will see this juicy butt out in the open and that's what we've been trainin' for, right? You feel good about dudes seein' the junk in your trunk? You gonna be cool with this big butt on display?"

Matt slapped my ass twice when he asked me that.

"Yeah... I mean, I'm still not lookin' forward to it, but I honestly do feel better about it. I mean, I've got no choice, and I feel like hangin' out here the last two days without anything on... I guess it's made a difference."

"Fuck yeah, it has! Big difference, buddy. You've come a long way these last couple days, for sure."

He slapped my ass one more time and then turned off the water.

"All clean, bud. Let's towel off and chill for a while before you head home."

Matt walked out and toweled off, and I followed his lead. Matt threw on some sweatpants and a sleeveless tee, then started up a movie. I made myself comfortable in the chair, naked of course, and relaxed as the movie started. I headed home later that afternoon, bag of speedos in hand, and knew that Matt and I were ready to take on our speedo problems the next day.


Part 9:

When I got home I couldn't get to my room fast enough. My... admittedly small dick led the way. I'd been hard in my shorts since the minute I left Matt's house, horned up from two days of pent up jizz churning in my balls. I think watching the porn without getting to cum, going naked for two days, all the working out and physical contact with Matt, seeing him... well, no, not that last part. Seeing him get off didn't have anything to do with why I was so horny, did it?

I'm into pussy, not dudes. Seeing him play with his huge cock and watching Matt get his nut over and over... I mean, maybe there's something kinda hot about dudes being dudes, right? Men need to get off, and my bro getting off in front of me, well it's not like watching a woman cream her skirt - nothin' like that. But, seein' your bro get that incredible feeling of release doing what men do, it's more like the rush from winning a game. I mean, Matt is a real stud, and I get to sort of share that with him when he unloads that thick cream in front of me.

But, he also unloaded that thick cream on me... like twice. Even on my face... I can't fuckin' believe he did that. I don't know why I didn't stop him, but that HAS to be fuckin' gay - one guy cumming on another guy's face, right?

Fuck... I didn't really know what to think. All I knew is that I needed to get my own nut and get to sleep. I stripped down and hopped into bed. I immediately started surfing for porn on my phone as I started to move my right hand up and down my fully-hard dick. Fuck, it felt good to play with it. I started searching for gangbang scenes. I couldn't think of anything hotter in that moment than seeing some slut getting fucked by a bunch of dudes. I easily found a scene to do the trick. It must have been European, because they were speaking a language I didn't recognize and all the dudes were uncut. There were probably 6 guys tryin' to fuck this one slut. They took turns in her mouth, pussy, and even her ass as they pumped her full of thick uncut Euro meat. At one point, two guys even dp'd her. They both had big dicks and slicked them up good with lube before pushing them into her open cunt. Wow... two dicks sliding back and forth together inside that pussy. I mean, normally if two dudes would grind their cocks together, it would totally be gay, but the fact that their cocks were grinding against each other inside a wet fuckin' pussy - not gay at all. Hmm...

I was gettin' so into this scene that I knew I wouldn't last long. I could already feel my balls tightening up in my sack, getting ready for my cumshot. I moved ahead in the scene to get to the point where they'd all start spraying her down with their own spunk. Fuck... one after another each of those heavy uncut cocks shot cum on that hot slut - her tits, her stomach, her face, even her hair... she was getting covered in nut. Oh fuuuuck... I lost myself in the scene and my need to get off that I didn't even flip over and prepare myself to shoot on my sheets. I fuckin' exploded all over myself, shooting 3... 4... 5... full blasts of teenboy cum on my chest, abs, pubes and hand. Man, I felt great! Oh, god... I can't believe how hot that was. Shit!

I was so exhausted after the long weekend and getting that incredible nut, I just wanted to crash. I pulled my top sheet over to me, and wiped off what I could before rolling over and going to sleep.


The next morning as I did my squats and got ready for school, I thought about swim class. I was ready. Matt knew what he was doing, for sure, and I felt like I'd be ok. He'd look out for me like he always did, and I'd just have to embrace who I was, and that my fat ass is just a part of that. Honestly, I'd probably been way more self-conscious than necessary for years. Who would really care about my butt?

Matt picked me up, as usual, and we headed to school. We had about a 20 minute drive on mostly backroads between our neighborhood and the high school.

"So, how you feelin', bud?"

"Good, Matt. I really think I'm gonna be fine in swim class. I've got the biggest speedo, like we talked about, and I'm sure it'll all work out like we said."

"Great. I'm glad you're in such a good headspace bro. But, you've been in my car for 3 minutes now. Aren't you forgetting something?"

Huh? I didn't know what he meant.

"Uh, what?"

"Dude. We're alone."

"You can't be serious bro. We're in the fuckin' car, man? People could see us! They could see me!"

"Danny, whenever we're alone, bro. That's the deal. You get naked whenever we're alone. Besides, chances are very slim we'd run into a truck bigger than mine where someone could actually see in. I'll tell you what - when we're in the truck, just drop trough. Let your shorts and underwear fall to your ankles so you can pull them up quick if you need to. You can even keep the shirt on. This is all about that fat ass of yours, anyway."

I wasn't expecting this... at all. I figured the naked thing would only happen at his place. Shit. I unbuckled my belt and pushed my khaki shorts and boxer-briefs down to my ankles, letting my ass rest against the cloth bench seat of Matt's pick-up.

"There you go, buddy. Nice. Here, spread out those legs and get comfy."

Matt pulled at my left knee with his right hand, encouraging me to go into full-on manspread.

"Fuck, Matt. This is so fuckin' embarassing!"

"And that's exactly why we're doin' it, little D. That reaction right there. If you were really comfortable with yourself, you wouldn't have even hesitated to take off your shorts when I suggested it. We're just guys hangin' out here. Dudes don't give a shit about gettin' naked with other dudes around. You still get nervous like a little boy. We gotta keep pushin' you outta your comfort zone until you'd be comfortable streakin' in front of the whole damn school without a second thought."

I tried to get comfortable with my current situation and was thankful Matt changed the subject.

"God damn... I'm lookin' forward to seein' Jenny in that swimsuit today, boy. Fuck, the more I thought about it, there are some real plusses to this speedo thing. I know the girls are just in one piece suits, but still... gettin' to see some of the cheerleaders in swimsuits during school? Plus, havin' a chance to get off once a day at school before swim class - not havin' to go the whole day without cumming? That's not bad, man. Not bad at all. And the more I thought about it, there's faggots everywhere, bro. Whether Coach Summers gets his jollies from watching me strut around in that tight ass speedo or some faggot checks me out at the mall, there's not much difference. Besides, I am gonna look great in that fuckin' speedo. It'll show off my abs, my ass, and most important - this fuckin' fat nine incher. Every girl will be hot for this jock cock after seein' the preview in my speedo!"

Matt grabbed his bulge and massaged it for a minute.

"Ya know, bud, the whole point of you bein' naked is to get you to stop hidin' that fat butt. I can't really see it with you sittin' like that, and let's be honest, nobody wants to see that little boy dick you have hangin' there."

Matt chuckled.

"Dude, I'm not hidin' anything here. I'm fuckin' half-naked in your truck, Matt!"

"Yeah, you are, and you're sittin' down on that juicy ass so you might as well be dressed for winter. Just lean over a bit. Rest your weight against the arm rest on the door and prop your left leg up here on the console."

I let out a bit of a huff, and shuffled around as Matt directed. From this position, half my ass was pointed in his direction and I was basically becoming a contortionist to do it.

"Yeeeah, buddy! Perfect, D. Just fuckin' perfect. Now you got it. No hidin'."

Matt was all smiles as he maneuvered us to school, left hand on the wheel, and his right hand either resting on his bulge or touching my leg - adjusting my position from time to time, making sure he could still eye my butt from the driver's seat. When we got about a minute away from school, he told me to get dressed.

"Ok, pull up those shorts now, bud. We don't need anyone seein' you showin' off that thick tail for your bestie, do we."

I happily pulled up my shorts before we parked.

"You did great, Danny. I know that was hard for you, bro, but you just did what you had to do with no complainin'. You're gonna lick this ass thing in no time."

He had his right hand on my left thigh while he spoke, and squeezed a few times for emphasis, before getting outta the car.

We headed into school, greeted our friends, and went our separate ways until gym class. We had gym at 11am every day, just before lunch, and today was the start of our swimming requirement. We basically had about 10 minutes to change in the locker rooms before heading to the indoor pool, followed by a half hour of skill requirements, and 15 minutes of free swim at the end. There was another 15 minutes at the end to shower and get dressed.

What started as confidence this morning quickly became anxiety by the time I walked into the locker room at 11. I'd have to wear a speedo in front of friends, strangers, guys and girls for 45 minutes, and shower in front of all the dudes in the combined classes before it was over. I'd have to deal with it. I was thankful I had Matt in the class with me to help me get through this nightmare.

I headed towards the back corner of the locker room, looking for Matt in the general vicinity we talked about. The further off the beaten path we could get, we figured the easier it would be for Matt to take care of business without any uninvited visitors. As I walked around, I could tell the other guys were all spreading out in the locker room much more than usual - probably all trying to avoid standing around in speedos in front of other guys as much as they could.

"D!" I heard Matt call out.

I stopped and turned to see Matt already shirtless in front of an open locker, speedo on the bench.

"Hey, man. Fuck - you really gonna do it?" I asked him.

"Of course I am, D. No choice - like we talked about. If I don't fuckin' cum hard in the next 10 minutes, I'll be payin' the price with a rod of steel in those speedos for the next 45. Hurry up and get changed so you can stand watch and I can get started here."

I opened a locker two down from Matt, closer to the exit of the row. I got my stuff organized a bit, and by the time I was naked, Matt had already stroked himself hard, his 9 inches now fully engorged while his right hand worked the shaft and he used his left to tug on his nuts. I must have stopped for a second because he called me out.

"Danny, as much as I know you envy this thick fuckin' dick, I don't have time to teach you about the birds and the bees today. Get fuckin' dressed so you can get over there and run interference while I work out my wad."

I turned away from Matt and his monster while I pulled up my speedo, and stretched that thin suit over my fat butt. I started to tie the front, and then reached into my locker to grab my... shit. My socks. I wore sandals to school today, and I didn't pack any socks in my gym bag. The front of the speedo literally sagged with the extra fabric and made it look like I basically had no dick at all.


"D, what's the problem - you need to get movin'."

"I forgot to bring socks, Matt. What am I supposed to do with this?"

I turned and showed Matt the front of the sagging speedo while he continued to jack off.

"God damn it, Danny! That was stupid. You don't have anything else to use?"

"No. I only have the shirts, shorts, and underwear that I wore today, plus my towel."

"Stuff your underwear down the front, then."

"I can't do that, Matt. If I do, I won't have anything to wear later!"

"Fine - here."

Matt reached into his locker and flung one of his jocks at me.

"Stuff that jock down the front of your suit, D. And don't worry, I promise I haven't leaked any cum or piss in that one.. at least not for a long time!"

Matt started laughing as I awkwardly pushed his used jock down the front of my speedo. It would work well enough, filling up the space and making the speedo look more normal.

"Now get over there, asshole!"

I shut my locker and moved down towards the end of the row. Matt got serious about his jerk session now, left leg up on the bench while he stroked his heavy cock quickly. His left hand moved back to his balls, and tugged at the sack a bit. I've noticed he likes doing that. I sort of kept swiveling my neck - keeping an eye on the corridors near us and occasionally turning back to watch Matt do his work, anxious for him to finish so I knew we wouldn't get caught.

I noticed Matt would alternate between looking down at this own foot-long fuckstick, closing his eyes, and gazing down at me. I guess he was keeping an eye on me to see if I was giving any kind of signal about another kid coming our way.

And then, there was. Our buddy Tom was heading our way, looking down the aisles of lockers, probably to try and find us. Shit. I turned back to Matt and called over to him.

"Tom's coming this way, Matt. Get dressed!"

"Fuck no, D! You know the plan - go distract him while I finish getting my nut. I can't fuckin' stop now!"

Shit, shit, shit!

I got it together and stepped out into the main aisle, then started walking towards Tom so I could get some distance from Matt and the solo porn shoot he basically had goin' on back there.

"Hey, Tom!"

"Yo, Dan! I was lookin' for you and Matt. Can you believe this shit we have to wear!"

Tom sort of put his arms out and spun around, showing me his speedo as evidence of our torture. Tom was a cool guy. He had short blonde hair, light blue eyes, and a solid bod. We hung out with him a lot.

"No fuckin' kiddin', Tom! It's ridiculous."

"Where's Matt? Is he back there hidin', afraid to come out in this tiny fuckin' banana hammock?"

Tom started to move forward around me, renewing his search.

"Wait!" I called out.

"What is it, Dan?"

Tom looked at me, while I struggled to think of what to say that would keep him standing here and not make this awkward. I wasn't coming up with a whole lot of ideas. Fuck.

"Listen, Tom. I'm kinda worried about my speedo. Like, for real. You know how I usually dress... baggy clothes and all? I just... I'm kind of embarrassed about my butt."

This certainly got Tom's attention. What guy says something like that?

"Uh... embarrassed about your butt. Huh. Like..."


I turned away from him so he could see my speedo covered behind, and I leaned against the locker in front of me... sort of out of habit I guess.

"Damn! What the fuck, Dan? Is that a padded suit? There's no fuckin' way that your ass is that fat, dude. Impossible!"

As Tom said that, Matt came strolling down the aisle and jumped into the conversation.

"Oh, yeah, Tom. That's all Danny. 100% fat ass - no padding."

"Dude, I just can't believe that," Tom replied.

"Seriously. Here, check this out."

When I was about to jump back into the discussion myself, Matt yanked the speedo down, exposing my naked ass to Tom.

"What the hell, dude? I don't want to check out some guy's ass!"

"Tom, look. I'm just showin' you that this is really his ass - no padding."

Matt slapped my exposed ass a couple times while Tom stood there.

"See? This fat butt is the one thing Danny has that's bigger than me. Cop a feel, bro. Danny won't mind. He's really generous like that."

They both started laughing.

"Come on, Matt. Get off!" I said over my shoulder.

"Yeah, Matt. I get it. I've never seen a butt like that on a bro, but I see it's the real deal. Like, it's definitely the fattest ass I've ever seen on a dude. I can see why you're embarrassed, Dan, but there's really nothin' you can do about it, right? Let's get to the pool and get this over with guys."

Tom didn't seem too fazed by what happened here.

"Hold on. Tom, can you buy us a few minutes with that faggot Coach Summers? D and I have to finish talkin' about something real quick."

"Sure thing. Just hurry up, bro."

As Tom walked toward the locker room exit that led to the pool, Matt pulled me into the closest row of lockers.

"Dude, why'd you do that with Tom? What the hell man? You know I hate my ass. You didn't need to pull..."

"Shut up, D! I'm still fuckin' battlin' with my dick, man! I haven't nutted yet. I was about two minutes from nirvana when I realized I didn't have anywhere to cum. I gave you my only spare jock and didn't have anywhere to shoot. I need your help, buddy, and we only have a minute."

Matt pulled his bone out of his speedo and stared workin' it hard in front of me.

"What the hell do you want from me, Matt?"

"Look, you don't mind cum, right?"

"Fuck no, man! You can't cum on me when we're about to..."

"Listen! I'm not sayin' that. I know I can't fuckin' cum on you here when we're about to go out there and swim. With the amount I spray, people would see it on you. Fuck, they'd probably smell my hot cum on you first. I know all that, man, but I'm low on choices and high on the need to nut. I'm sayin' when I get close, you pull open your speedo a bit and let me nut on my jock. It'll soak up my cum, and if anything, just a little bit will get on your little prick. Maybe your pubes. But, seriously, we got no other choice here, buddy."

"Dude! Just fuckin' cum on the floor, or in a locker, or anywhere!"

"Yeah, that's smart, D. Leave my cum here in the locker room so they can expel my ass and arrest me when I get caught."

Matt was beating off fast and furious right in front of me. He was actually using both of his hands on his oversized teen cock while I watched, and I stressed about how close he was getting.

"Come on, D. Look at my hard meat, man. Look how close I am to shooting my sticky juice. I need a place to shoot, D. I need a place to release my full balls and spray this nut. We got like no time, buddy. No time. And I need to get off. You see that, right?"

"Yeah, Matt, but let me go find a spare towel, or even some god damned tissues..."

"No. Just help me out. Help your bro get what he needs. He needs to cum. He needs your help. Help your bro to cum. Help your bro by giving him a place to unload. There's no time for plan B, Danny. Besides, it's my fuckin' jock anyway, man. I've already shot my load in that jock 15 times over the years, I'm sure. You've already got my fuckin' stud cum soakin' that jock around your little prick, buddy. My cum covered jock is already stuffed down the front of your speedo. All you need to do is pull open that speedo and let me add a little bit more. Well... more than a little. You know I cum buckets. You've seen how much I cum. You've felt how much I cum. I need somewhere to put all that hot jock cum, little D. You gonna help your bro?"

Fuck. We were out of time. I could tell Matt was about to cum. I didn't know what to do.

"Fuck! Just do it, Matt! Here..."

I untied my speedo, and pulled the front away from my body. Matt's jock in clear view padding the front of my crotch.

"Yeah, man. Yeah, buddy! Just like that. Hold open your speedo and let me make a sticky mess right inside there. I'll get most of it on my jock, man. I'll empty these nuts right down the front of your speedo. Nobody will know. Just you and me, boy. Just you and me will know that my fuckin' nasty jock is paddin' your tiny ass crotch and that it's got a fresh batch of my boiling hot ball cream to swim in, while you're swimmin' in that pool, D. Your little prick will be covered up by my old jock and covered in a load of my boy butter. Fuck... gotta point my delicious dick down now, buddy. Gotta aim it right at the target and spray down that jock with this fuckin'... hot... cum!"

Matt's cock erupted, and his first shot hit the top of my pubes. His second shot hit lower, at the base of my soft shaft. The other four shots hit the target, and landed right on his jock that I was using to make my pouch look fuller. Fuck, he came so much the jock was practically soaked, along with my now matted down pubes..

"Fuck, yeah, Danny! Fuckin' best bud takin' my load off my hands. Fuckin' takin' my hot nasty cum right on your pathetic little prick. Yeah, buddy. Let that man sauce soak right into your cock, bro. Fuckin' huge nut, buddy. Look at all that jizz on that jock. Sorry I got some on you, bud, but really it's not going to matter when we tie your speedo back up. Here, let me help."

Matt let go of his hard bone and let it bob in the air while he batted my hands away and pulled tight the string in the speedo, knotting it back up tight with my dick, his now wet jock, and his still hot nut cream covering my pubes and... well, everything.

"There you go, buddy. Nobody will know. Nobody will know you're walkin' around with my jock juice covering your boy dick while my cum soaked jock pads your speedo. People will just see your tight bod, fat ass, and maybe... maybe just a little of this jizz soakin' through here."

Matt pressed his palm against the front of my speedo, and it looked like some of his cum was showing as wet spots on the front of my pouch.

"Yeah... sorry, Danny. Maybe my jock juice really is too much to keep contained."

He laughed and I started trying to brush away the wet spots on the front of my speedo. I saw Matt tuck his deflating cock back into his own speedo.

"Shit, Matt! It looks like I pissed my pants a little!"

"Ha! Yeah, bud. But don't sweat it. I'm sure nobody will notice, and if they do, fuck it! Speedos are meant to get wet, right? We'll just play it off that it's water. I got your back, D."

Matt was ushering me towards the entrance to the pool, with his right arm around me to... comfort me? When he said he had my back, his hand snaked down to my ass and gently smacked it a few times. I realized we were going to need to talk about a new plan for Matt to handle his speedo problem before the next swim class tomorrow. He can't bust his nut down my speedo again. He just can't.

End of part 9.

Message from the author:

I'd love to hear any feedback you have about the story. Email me at dannyj7200@outlook.com. Thanks for those of you who have already sent me a note -- I really appreciate it. If you've written anything that plays on the same themes or have favorite stories along these lines, let me know that, too! I'm always on the lookout for something that plays with manipulation, domination, and especially two "straight" friends where one gradually takes control.

This is my only story so far, and it will take me some time to get through.

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Next: Chapter 10

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