Swim Class Speedos

By Danny Johnson

Published on May 11, 2020


Story Themes: Best friends, manipulation, domination, straight to gay

Continuation from Part 7:

"What the actual fuck, Matt!? You just fuckin' came all over me!" I screamed.

"Dude! Keep it the fuck down, ok! You want my Dad to come in here with you covered in my spunk? My fuckin' cocksnot all over you, bro? Chill out... and let me enjoy the fuckin' high from gettin' off. Fuck!"

Matt's left hand landed on my chest, steadying him while he was actually still stroking his big jock dick with his right hand, slowly working out that last bit of jizz from the shaft. He squeezed it from his uncut cockhead and shook his hand over my chest, flinging it onto me.

"Oh my god, D. You are such a good buddy, man. I was so fuckin' horny I needed to unload like you wouldn't believe. Thanks for takin' that load off my hands, man. Well, takin' that load out of my nuts and onto your abs and tiny fuckin' baby dick! Ha!"

"Jesus Christ, Matt! Why would you do that? Ugh, this is so disgusting. You can't seriously think this was ok?"

"Bro - we talked yesterday about the fact that you don't mind cum. You fuckin' roll around in your own mess every night, right? What's the difference? I needed to get off. You yourself said you know how much it sux to stop the jizz wagon from rolling down the tracks if you need to grab a cumrag. I'm tellin' you. Bustin' this burning load on you let me totally focus on the act of the nut, ya' know? I didn't need to worry about keepin' this beast focused on a tiny ass tissue, or rag or whatever. I just let my boys fly free and you just got a little wet."

"Matt... listen, man. Me doin' my own thing at home has nothin' to do with..."

"Yes, it does. Don't fuckin' start whinin' like a bitch. You told me you're down with cum, so stop twistin' shit around now to make it look like I did somethin' wrong. There's nothin' wrong about a man bustin' his nut. There's nothin' wrong about a real man emptyin' his balls whenever he needs to. It's what we're wired for. Just get over it and get in the shower. You might be cool with my cum soakin' into your skin, but honestly I don't want you gettin' it all over my stuff the rest of the day. Let's go."

Matt was already half-way to his bathroom by the time I got up off the bench. His thick cream was starting to run, so I needed to hustle to that shower before it fell onto his rug. He'd kill me if I got cum on his stuff.


Part 8:

When I walked into the bathroom, Matt was already in the shower getting the water going from the two shower heads. I felt the heat hit me as I entered the large tiled glass box and Matt was starting to soap up.

"Ahhh... nothin' like a hot shower after a hot cumshot, man."

Matt was in a great mood as he began to work the soap across his toned chest and tight abs. And why shouldn't he be? He just got in a good workout and beat his sweaty cock inches above my face before letting his cum coat my chest, stomach, and dick. He got off, and now he was uber relaxed. I, on the other hand, was covered in second hand nut and felt tenser than ever. Matt's gotten off a few times in the last 24 hours, and I haven't cum since Friday night. I can't remember the last time I didn't beat off before bed, at a minimum.

I stepped into the second shower head and felt the hot water begin to rinse me clean. It did feel good. The hot water always felt good, and did help to relax my mind and body a bit. I started soaping up, too, remembering to keep my back towards Matt so he knew I wasn't trying to hide my rump from him.

"Fuck, man. I gotta say... like, now that I'm thinkin' about it, I feel like I should apologize to you. For, ya know, cumming on you. But, like I know you said cum doesn't really bother you, so I guess I shouldn't worry about it. Weird. I guess I just need to keep in mind the fact that getting cum splashed on you isn't like, a thing for you, like it would be for me. I'd fuckin' hate it. I'd knock a guy out for jizzing on me like that, but you're not me, right? I know you were like shocked from it, but you got over that real quick and you're just in here showerin' with me and it's no big deal, right? No big deal, D?"

"Let's just forget about it, Matt. I don't really want to think about it, and I don't want to make a big thing outta this," I replied.

"Yeah, man. No worries. It's no big thing, like you said."

That's not exactly what I said, but I didn't want to keep discussing this with Matt. I just wanted to get it outta my mind.

"I love takin' a hot shower in here after workin' out, bud. It's great to relax the muscles, too. Sometimes my muscles get real tense. Like right now, my left leg is super tight, bro."

"Sorry, Matt. That happen from the run?"

"Yeah, I think so. It's really tense, man. Come here for a sec?"

I turned towards Matt and looked at him after he said that.


"Just come here."

I walked the foot or two towards him, and he grabbed my right hand when I got close. He started to pull it down, forcing me to hunch a bit, and he placed it on his left thigh.

"Feel that? It's fuckin' tense, bud. I need a hand. I've tried workin' out knots myself before, but it never works. Just help me out with this one, k? It'll take five minutes."

"For real, Matt? This is startin' to get fuckin' weird, bro. We're here in the shower and you want me to massage your thigh? That's like, over the line, dude."

"First of all, I want you to work the muscles in my quad, not fuckin' massage my thigh like this is some dirty happy-ending massage parlor, bro. Second, who gives a shit? I'm in pain, and you're my best bud. You can help me feel better. Sounds pretty simple."

"But, dude. It just feels like... kinda... gay, man."

"Kinda gay? Are you callin' me a fag, D? What are you tryin' to say?"

"NO! No way, man. I know you're no fag, Matt. I just mean..."

"You just said that helpin' me with my leg was kinda gay. If I'm not gay... are you gay? Are you a faggot, Danny? Is that what you're sayin'?"

"Damn it, Matt. No, I'm not a fag, either! I just meant the situation seemed kinda gay... not you or me."

"I must be real fuckin' dumb, D, because you're tellin' me you're not gay. I KNOW I'm not gay. So, how is you helpin' me out, gay? It can't be, right?"

"I... I guess... no. No, I... I don't know what I was thinkin'."

"Good! You're startin' to get fuckin' crazy, bro. Just sit on the bench."

I moved over and sat on the built-in tiled shower bench that ran along the back wall. Matt came closer, and stood a bit to my side while he lifted his left leg and placed it on the bench next to me. This put this thigh at my eye level, and easily within reach. Being this close, his low-hangin' balls and uncut cock were directly in my field of vision.

"Here, bud. Now you can get to work on my leg. Help me out."

I cautiously started to work my hands over the part of his upper leg just above his knee, kneading his muscle as I worked to ease the tension he'd built up there during our run.

"Nice, man. Fuckin' great, D. Your hands feel so fuckin' nice, bro. Thanks for helpin' me out."

I kept working on his leg with him standing in front of me and I couldn't keep his dick outta my view. It was RIGHT there, and because he's hung like a horse, there's just no pretending otherwise. It was completely limp, of course, but I still felt uneasy with him towering over me like this. I was only working on a small part of his leg, honestly, because I was doing everything I could to avoid looking any closer at that dick, and avoid getting my hands any closer to that whole region. How do I keep ending up this close to Matt's cock?

"Danny work this spot here."

Matt grabbed my hands and slid them further up his thigh, and underneath this leg.

"It's just kinda awkward, Matt."

"Oh, is this position not workin'? I thought this would be more comfortable for you, but if you can't get at the muscle this way... here. Get up."

That's not really what I was trying to say, but I stood up, relieved as he put his leg down and started to move. He ended up seated on the bench where I was, and stretched out his left leg in front of him.

"Here ya go, D. Now you can get down and work on it up close."

I looked at him, like he was speaking another language.

"What? You said it was awkward working on it in that position, so let's try this one. You can get right at the muscle. Just get down here on the floor and you can get at it from whatever angle you need to."

Shit. I guess I did sort of say that?

"Come on, man. I don't want to be messin' around in here all day."

I moved to the floor, basically sitting down with my legs crossed and facing the inside of his left leg. I was essentially between his legs now, and kept my face focused forward on his inner thigh because if I turned left I'd be... well... I'd have a bird's eye view of my buddy's woodpecker.

"Yeah, D... that's so good. Work that knot out for your bro. Thanks, buddy. That feels so good. And I'm much more comfortable now sittin' on the bench and just lettin' you work on my leg. Just don't turn left or you'll get an eyeful of my fuckin' shlong, dude, and then you might start to feel gay again. I know it has that effect on people."

Matt chuckled and I ignored him. I wanted to get this knot out of his leg as quickly as possible. I was applying pressure to his leg, and covering more of is quad with my hands than I had been before. I did my best to apply strong pressure to his leg, especially where I felt it was a little tight.

"Thanks, D. Thanks for helpin' me out. You're really gettin' in there, good. My leg is starting to feel so much better with you workin' your magic there, between my legs. This is the fuckin' life, bro. Two buds, workin' out, chillin', now here in the shower just takin' in the steam while you're workin' my leg muscles. Fuck. I gotta be honest; I never thought the first time someone was in his shower, on their knees between my legs that they'd be massaging my leg, man. As many times as I've thought about someone in that position, there was one BIG difference, ya know, bro? This big fuckin' difference here... this fuckin' fat cock, man. My fuckin' hard wood is what was gettin' worked over... not my leg, bud. All the times I've thought about someone on their knees for me in this shower, they were suckin' my fuckin' hard ass dick, buddy. Not like now. Nothin' like now when you're just helpin' me out with my leg, bro. No homo, like we said. You're just helpin' me out with my leg. But, god damn it, D, I've fantasized like a million times about chillin' out here on this bench, steam fogging up the glass, while some willing slut would be on their knees guzzlin' down my ball cream after they sucked on my thick uncut cock for a while. Fuck... so hot, buddy."

While Matt verbalized his apparent long-time fantasy, I was working on his leg. I was doing my best to make him feel better after our workout. I didn't pay a lot of attention when he started talking about his daydreams, but my eye did catch this heavy meat start to stiffen as he spoke. While I was working on his leg, I saw his covered head start to peak out from his foreskin as his cock lengthened and stared to stand. The way we were positioned, his cock started to rise up, jutting out from his seated position on the bench, lengthening over my shoulder, and a few hard inches coming directly into view as I tried to look past it to his left thigh.

"Sorry, man. I know my sleeping giant is waking up again, stretchin' out in your face, buddy. My bad. I can't help it. Thinkin' about that fantasy I've had for so long gets this thick dick so fuckin' hard, bro. God. I just fuckin' unloaded my balls all over you out there and I'm already hard as fuck again. You know I'm not actually tryin' to bone up like this right in your face, bro, right? You know this is just how my oversexed bod demands release, right buddy?"

"Y.. yeah, bro. I get it. I can literally see how your dick just... just gets fuckin' hard, man."

"Yeah, buddy. You see how my long dick gets so fuckin' hard. You see it right now in front of you. You see those veins down the length of that thick shaft just pulse with my teenage drive. You see how my sheath just pulls back away from my mushroom head as my pre-cum starts to leak from this rock hard cock. You see I got no control over this pussy killer, right? You see?"

"... I see, Matt."

"Now you know there's only one way this huge hard-on is gonna relax, right buddy? There's only one way this massive cock is gonna settle back down, right? You know I need to shoot another load of my jock juice so this huge cock in front of you will start to go down, right, little D?"

"Yeah... you gotta cum, Matt. Like... you gotta cum again..."

"Yeah, man. You get me! You totally get what I'm goin' through here. That's why you're my best bro, right?"

"Yeah, man. Always your best bro."

"So I'm gonna need to cum now, buddy. I'm gonna need to cum again. You've got my leg so relaxed, feelin' so good. It's almost better, bro. Just keep workin' on my leg. You focus on helpin' your buddy out. Help work that muscled thigh in your hands. Now, you know I gotta cum, buddy. I just gotta shoot my teen jock load. I gotta. Is that cool with you, D? Are you cool with me workin' this thick cock in my hand, just like I'm doin' now? You cool with me workin' on this fuckin' fat ass man-dick while you work on my thick thigh? I'm not gonna lie... when I nut, it's probably goin' to end up on you again. You cool with that, D? I don't want to deal with your bitching... I want to fuckin' shoot my load and I don't want you to complain about it. I wanna empty my nuts and know that you're cool with my sugar dripping down your face. You know I need to cum, right buddy?"

Matt was pumping his cock. He was workin' his cock inches from my face for the second time in an hour and he needed to cum. Somewhere in my mind I was aware of this. Some part of me knew I was breathing in his jock scent, heavy in the air here between his legs. Some part of me knew that while my hands work massaging his thigh, his hand was stroking his cock basically in front of my face. Some part of me registered that he'd occasionally slow his pumping to squeeze out a strand of sticky pre- that would drip down and land on my legs.

"Yeah, I know you need to cum."

"Right. I need to cum, right buddy?"

"Yeah, you need to cum."

"And you know when I cum, I'm not gonna be cumming in a cumrag, or a sock, or even here on the tiles. You know that I'm gonna bust this fuckin' nut and empty these balls right here. I'm gonna work my delicious dick right here and when I fuckin' shoot I'm gonna shoot right here, right buddy?"

"Yeah... you're gonna shoot, man. You're gonna cum."

"I'm gonna cum right here with you between my legs. I'm gonna fling my fuck juice from the head of this 9 inch dick while you're here between my legs. I'm gonna shoot, and you're gonna feel my hot load again, buddy. You're gonna feel my heavy ballcream on your skin... on your chest... on your neck... wherever it goes, right?"


Matt was really workin' his meat at this point. He was strokin' his cock like it was the first time he'd discovered jacking off. He was pumping his dick hard in front of my face, and I realized I couldn't really keep workin' on his leg. It was too hard with his cock between my face and his thigh. I sort of sat there, while my eyes refocused on this huge uncut boner bein' worked over by my best buddy.

"You need to tell me, D. Tell your buddy Matt what he needs to hear. Tell your buddy Matt what's gonna happen and that it's no big deal."

"You're gonna cum... You're gonna cum and some of it might end up on me."

"Yeah, buddy! FUCK! I'm gonna cum on you and that's cool, right? No big deal... fuckin' nut on you and that's cool, right?"

"Yeah, Matt. No big deal. Just bros. You're my fuckin' bro, and I'm just helpin' you out with your leg and you need to cum. No big deal."

"And it's no big deal when I fuckin' empty these balls out all over you, buddy, right? Tell me."

"Yeah... I.. yeah. No big deal... you've gotta cum on me and it's no big deal."

"Holy SHIT! FUCK!"

I heard Matt yell out, and felt his right hand on the back of my head. He tilted my head back just slightly while his left hand continued stroking his huge cock that was shooting cum on my chest, neck, and... mostly my face. I was getting a facial from my best friend. His balls churned out his second load of the hour while his cock sprayed that load on my face. I instinctually closed my eyes while Matt's right hand held my head tightly, his fingers taking hold of my hair with his left hand pumping that load of teen cum out of his cock all over my face. I felt that hot nut on my cheeks, forehead, chin, and closed lips.

"God damn it... fuck! Fuckin' hosing you down with my hot fuckin' cum, buddy. I'm fuckin' cumming on your face.. my fuckin' thick spunk all over you, boy. Damn, Danny! You're the best fuckin' friend. Fuck, D! I just emptied these fuckin' balls on you."

Matt grabbed his balls and teabagged me.

"Oh, god! I'm the luckiest teen jock in the fuckin' world, bro, I swear. Who else has a best friend that's cool with gettin' a fuckin' face-ful of ball cream straight from his massive cock? No one! Fuck! That was intense. And look at that little boy dick, D. Your fuckin' little dick is hard as it's ever been, man. You sure you're not a faggot? You weren't jerkin' that tiny prick while I was in the middle of gettin' off were you?"

"No... no man. I swear... I wasn't touching it. I just... I'm not a fuckin' faggot either, man. I'm just fuckin' horny. It's like all this fuckin' cum and you gettin' off and... I haven't cum at all. My dick just wants to get off, too, bro."

"Fuck. Look at you, buddy. You're basically wearin' my cum like it's your favorite new outfit and somehow your little dick is still hard? I don't get it. I know you're not a faggot. I know you're not some pussy who likes real dick, but man you gotta talk to that nub between your legs. Make sure your prick knows you're not a homo, man."

Matt laughed as he relaxed back against the wall. I realized I hadn't moved and got myself up and started to wash off under the shower. Matt sat back and smiled, once again enjoying the feeling of getting off. Eventually he stood and rinsed off a bit himself, then walked to me.

"Here, bro. Gimme that soap. Least I can do is wash your back again for you. You've been such a good buddy to me lately, here, let me help."

Matt took the soap and pushed me forward gently, but purposefully, so I rested again against the glass, arms out in front of me with my back angled and my ass out. He washed my whole back and then the soap found its way to my ass. Matt's hands did a thorough job on my ass, alternating the soap between them, eventually making sure he squeezed the soap between my globes to get the crack nice and slick. He set the bar of soap down and used the water to wipe away the suds on my back and ass.

"You really are doin' such great work on this fat ass, D. Don't you worry about tomorrow, man. We'll cover this fat ass up with that double x speedo and keep this hidden from everybody. Only the other dudes in the showers will see this juicy butt out in the open and that's what we've been trainin' for, right? You feel good about dudes seein' the junk in your trunk? You gonna be cool with this big butt on display?"

Matt slapped my ass twice when he asked me that.

"Yeah... I mean, I'm still not lookin' forward to it, but I honestly do feel better about it. I mean, I've got no choice, and I feel like hangin' out here the last two days without anything on... I guess it's made a difference."

"Fuck yeah, it has! Big difference, buddy. You've come a long way these last couple days, for sure."

He slapped my ass one more time and then turned off the water.

"All clean, bud. Let's towel off and chill for a while before you head home."

Matt walked out and toweled off, and I followed his lead. Matt threw on some sweatpants and a sleeveless tee, then started up a movie. I made myself comfortable in the chair, naked of course, and relaxed as the movie started. I headed home later that afternoon, bag of speedos in hand, and knew that Matt and I were ready to take on our speedo problems the next day.

End of part 8.

Message from the author:

I'd love to hear any feedback you have about the story. Email me at dannyj7200@outlook.com. Thanks for those of you who have already sent me a note -- I really appreciate it. If you've written anything that plays on the same themes or have favorite stories along these lines, let me know that, too! I'm always on the lookout for something that plays with manipulation, domination, and especially two "straight" friends where one gradually takes control.

This is my only story so far, and it will take me some time to get through.

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Next: Chapter 9

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