Swim Class Speedos

By Danny Johnson

Published on Apr 13, 2020


Story Themes: Best friends, manipulation, domination, straight to gay

Continuation from Part 3:

I didn't make it any further in the scene, and felt my dick go rock hard when I let my load loose on my sheets, flipping over and propping myself up with one arm, resting on my knees, just in time to empty my balls straight down in front of me.

Fuck. That felt good. I don't know why, but it was the best release I've had in a while.

I used my top sheet to wipe up my cum. Some of it getting absorbed by the fitted sheet I slept on, and some getting soaked up by the top sheet. I pretty much always came in my sheets when I was in my bedroom. For a while, I was busting right on the carpet next to the bed, but over time the carpet wasn't really soaking in my jizz anymore and you could tell it was getting crusty. I got that out with some carpet cleaner, but then I just started blasting my juice all over the sheets. I washed them once a week and they came out of the wash like new. It didn't bother me that I was sleeping in some of my own mess. The sheets picked everything up and, if there was a little bit that got on my skin somehow, it was gone in the morning when I jumped in the shower.

I know most guys probably us tissues like Matt, or have some kind of cum rag like a wash cloth, or maybe even shoot their cocksnot into a sock. I just loved the feeling of unloading on my bed without worrying where it went or having to grab something right when I was on the verge. Seemed like a buzzkill to me. There was also something that made me feel really macho about spraying my cum right on the bed. Like who gives a fuck, you know? It's what they do in porn. Well, most of the time they're cumming in someone or on someone, not exactly shooting at the sheets, but still.

I squeezed out the bit of cum still in my tube, right into the top sheet. I flipped myself back over, butt back down on the bed, untucked my underwear from behind my sack and snapped it back up around my waist.

I fell asleep pretty easily then, mind clear, ready for the rest of the weekend with my bro, Matt. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

Part 4:

The next day I woke up refreshed, and looking forward to the weekend before school on Monday - and our first swim class. I also had a great sense of relief, since Matt came up with a few ideas to help me out with my speedo problem.

I got out of bed and got started on my daily squats, still in the boxer-briefs I had on the day before. I always did my squats first thing so I wouldn't forget, and it got them out of the way, anyhow. As I got into the routine, I started to feel the burn in my quads and ass much earlier in the set than usual. I remembered that I ended up doing an extra 50 pretty late in the day yesterday so Matt could check out my progress and offer some feedback.

He had me spread my legs wider about half way through the routine, so that reminded me I needed to really get a wide stance now. I moved my feet further apart, and also did my best to arch my back and push out my big butt the way he showed me. I couldn't really replicate the resistance he started applying during the routine, so I just tried to imagine him standing behind me, pushing his hips and pouch into my flexed ass while I pushed a little further back with my butt.

I finished up, and did some stretching since my muscles were tighter than normal. I pulled my legs together and bent down with my hands touching the floor. I kept my knees locked, thankful that as I built up these legs I still had a good amount of flexibility.

I threw on some gym shorts and a tee, and got to work on my chores for the morning.

I ended up getting to Matt's house a little before noon, and saw him shooting hoops in the driveway. His shirt was off, and he had on a pair of baggy red basketball shorts with black stripes running down the side, a pair of beat up black converse high tops, and looked like he'd already worked up a bit of a sweat. I had to laugh, because I noticed that the woman jogging across the street seemed to slow down a little when she noticed him, and she definitely turned her neck to keep him in view as she ran by.

"Yo, Matt. You know it's dangerous for you to go shirtless out here before noon. These neighborhood soccer Moms are likely to run into a mailbox checkin' you out, man," I called out to him as I was coming up the long driveway.

"Hey, who am I to deny them the opportunity to check out my hard work? Besides, I'm sure while they're out jogging, their husbands are home drinking beer and beating off their tiny dicks, forgetting that they're supposed to be takin' care of business with their women."

Matt stopped for a minute, wiped the sweat from his brow with his right arm, revealing his thick brown hair under his arm and gave a smile and a wink to the jogger just before going out of view. She waved back and picked up speed, probably embarrassed he caught her scoping out his teen physique. Matt was unfazed by any of it: accustomed to having people check him out and having no time to think about it, unless he was interested in some action at that moment.

"So, Danny boy. Ready to play some ball? I figured we'd get a quick game of one on one in, grab a shower, and go back to the mall to pick up your extra suits."

"Sure, dude. Sounds like a plan to me."

"Alright, lose the shirt and let's get goin'," Matt responded.

I pulled off my t-shirt and hung it on the flag pole hanging from the side of the house. It always felt good to be shirtless in the sunny weather, hangin' out with my bro, playin' around.

We got started on the game, and both got a nice sheen of sweat going. Usually we're pretty evenly matched; maybe Matt's a bit better, but typically the score is pretty close and we've each got our hands on the ball about half the time.

Today, I was doin' great. I don't know why, but all of a sudden I was able to steal the ball from Matt way more often, and ended up racking up the points. What's strange is that Matt is pretty competitive, and usually if he was losing early on, he'd really dial up his game and get pretty intense to make a comeback. That didn't seem to be happening.

While I was thinking about all this, I shuffled my feet and tripped.

"Danny, your shoe is untied man. You just stepped on it and went right down," Matt pointed out.

Matt grabbed the basketball while I got myself up to one knee and started tying my lace. Matt moved back over to me and stood right in front of me. Like, RIGHT in front of me. He started stretching, lifting the ball high overhead with his two hands, moving his hips around, side to side and front to back. His fuckin' bulge was like less than an inch from my face, and I could easily smell the scent of his jock nuts through his shorts.

I got totally disoriented and forgot what I was doing for a sec, because I had a fuckin dick in my face - wouldn't you get a little distracted? On his last stretch, he actually bent his shoulders back and pushed his hips out so far, his covered mountain of bro cock thrust right into my face, slightly into my half open mouth.

That motion knocked me back on my ass right as I finished tying my shoe.

"What the fuck, Matt!?" I yelled at him as I wiped my hand across my mouth.

"Dude! D, I'm sorry, man. I didn't realize how close my fuckin' crotch was to your mouth. Totally no homo, bro. I was just gettin' in a stretch while you were messin' around with your shoe. Here, let me help you up, bro, so we can get back to the game and you can forget about the feel of my cotton-covered cock in your mouth!"

Matt started laughing really hard as he reached his arm out and grabbed my hand to pull me up. I didn't think it was funny - at all.

We got back to playing while I tried to shake off that close encounter. We resumed our rhythm, and again I picked up my good luck streak, getting more baskets than Matt. He was constantly ending up on defense, body behind mine, stretching his arms around to reach the ball in front to try and knock it away. I was using all of my assets to keep him back, pushing back against him to try and move closer to the basket, before spinning around him and shooting the ball into the net.

Round and around we went, and time and again, I'd feel his chest on my back, his sweaty pits brushing against my sides as he reached forward. Sometimes he used his hands to try and manipulate my body to better position him to grab the ball. I felt his left hand on my hip, pulling at me as his right hand stretched for the ball. I'd feel his right hand on my inner thigh, grabbing to bring him closer to my body as he used his left to try and swipe the ball from my hands. I couldn't ignore the placement of his dick, pushing up against my fat ass as I bucked backwards with each attempt to move us closer to the hoop. I mean, that wasn't exactly unusual in b-ball, but with as much time as I had the ball in my hands, he spent a lot of time with his junk bouncing against my butt.

We finished up the game, and he congratulated me on my win.

"Well, I got to give it to you, bro. You had me beat today, Danny. Your moves on the court were just better than mine, and I couldn't seem to find my way to the ball around your fat ass. Maybe I needed a map, huh?" He chuckled.

"Whatever dude - you can't blame my loss on my ass. It's been in your way every game we've played and never been a problem for you before," I responded.

"You did good today. I'm sure it wasn't easy for you to recover after you were on your knees with a taste of my jock in your mouth, faggot!"

"Fuck off! You can't just let that go - gotta bring it back up. I almost forgot that happened," I answered, pissed that he already brought this up again.

Matt continued to laugh at me as we walked around the side of the house and opened the door to his room.

"Fuck, I really worked up a sweat - the man stink is intense bro. Get a whiff!"

Matt grabbed my head as he raised his arm, and shoved my face into his pit. He only held it for a second before letting me go, like he always did. You know, bro stuff. I pushed back at him as he released me.

"Ok, let's get that shower and get ready, dude. I was thinkin' it's probably not a bad idea to shower together. You're gonna need to get used to showering in front of the other guys in the locker room after we get outta the pool. It'll probably be easier for you if it's just us the first time."

Matt kicked off his sneaks and dropped his shorts as he was talking. That's when I realized he was wearing one of his red jocks instead of regular underwear while we were playing the game. Made sense that it seemed like his dick was extra large today and unavoidable during the game. His jocks give his cock and balls a little extra lift, and they pushed his johnson out a little more in his shorts. The straps of the jock also really framed his naturally tanned ass - muscular and round without being too much, like mine. I was always jealous of his ass. More than his arms, or his abs, I really wish my ass looked like his. Seeing it left me just a little deflated even coming off of that win.

"Yo, Danny. You like spaced out," Matt called my attention back to our discussion, then pulled off his jock and flung it at me, hitting me right in the face.

"Ew, Matt! You're so fuckin' gross!"

"Yeah yeah, dude. Thought you might have missed my jock already."

He gave me his signature wink and a smile and headed in to his private bathroom to start the shower, his man-sized wang swinging back and forth, leading the way.

That's when I realized what he said: that we should shower together. The scent of his jock sweat still lingered in the room while I stripped off the rest of my clothes and followed him into the bathroom. He was already in the shower when I called out.

"Matt, I'll just wait until you're done. I know I'm gonna need to shower in front of the guys, but it's not like I need to practice that."

"Bullshit, D," Matt called back over the glass. His bathroom was really fuckin' awesome, I have to say. The shower was centered against the tile wall, with three panes of glass making up the other three walls, so it was basically a glass box. It made for a clear view of Matt showering under one of the two rainfall shower heads. The room also had a massive jacuzzi tub that I know can fit at least three people from the story he told me about fucking Sarah and Karen in his first threesome. I was so jealous when he told me about that, and couldn't believe how he talked them into it.

"Listen, there's plenty of room in here, and you got to get rid of this shy shit. We're fuckin' men, and there's no reason to hide from me. You're gonna need to shower in a room full of other naked dudes in two days. Just get that bubble butt in here. Consider this part of your process for building up that self-confidence like we talked about last night," Matt explained.

I opened the glass door and stepped into the shower. Matt already started the water under the second shower head, so it was already hot when I felt the water hit my head and shoulders. It did feel good to wash off the sweat from the game.

Matt was positioned so he was facing me as he soaped up his chest and abs.

"See, bud. No big deal, right? Just dudes gettin' scrubbed up after puttin' in some hard work on the court. Fuck, the water feels nice, right? I love the feel of the hot water workin' its way down my muscles. Don't you?"

"Yeah, Matt. I have to admit it does feel really nice. And I guess you're right, it's really not a big deal."

I was still actually a little self-conscious when I said that. I was just trying to push through it. I was also facing Matt head on because I was still nervous specifically about showing off my butt. I didn't want anyone to see it any more than absolutely necessary. Of course, Matt saw right through me.

"Danny. Come on. Just relax and enjoy the shower. Don't even think about me bein' here right now. Just chill."

I exhaled a bit and started to get more comfortable. I tried to clear my mind and eventually it worked. I picked up the extra bar of soap, and worked up a good lather. I put my foot up on the built in bench in the shower and soaped up my legs.

"There you go, bud. Perfect. Just some shower time with your bro."

Matt had copied my posture and put his right leg up on the bench. Except, he wasn't soaping up his leg. He was giving his nuts a good work over with that bar of soap, then taking care of his heavy uncut dick, making sure he scrubbed that clean. He took his time, running his finger under the hood, caring for his cock like a prized possession. I realized I was staring a bit because I'd never seen him or anyone interact with an uncut cock like this, and I quickly turned my attention back to myself. I was about to start on my left leg when Matt spoke.

"Hey D, come do my back, man."

I dropped my foot back to the ground and turned towards Matt. I put my own bar of soap down as he handed me the one he was using, extending his hand back as he faced away from me. I took the soap from his hand, and started soaping up his upper back, shoulder blades, and neck, then worked my way down.

"That feels nice, man. Nice to have someone else doing that for me. You're such a good friend, bro. Such a good buddy to take care of me like this."

"Yeah, man. No problem. Happy to help," I replied.

"You don't mind, D? You don't mind helping me clean off - takin' care of me?"

"No worries. I mean, this is... cool, right? I'm just doin' you a solid?" I wasn't so sure at this point if maybe I was crossing a line.

"Of course it's cool, buddy boy. It's so fuckin' cool. You're literally just scratchin' my back, and I'll scratch yours - that's what friends are for, right?"

"Yeah, exactly, man."

It was easy to say yes to Matt. It's just the way it was between us, and he always took care of me. Now I was just taking care of him, helping him wash off what he couldn't really reach.

"Great, bud. Turn around and I'll do you."

I handed him back the soap, and turned away. He turned back around to face me, too, now getting an up close view of my backside as I waited for him to start.

"Move forward, Danny. If you put your hands on the glass and lean forward, it'll help you relax."

I did what he said, and kind of had to spread my legs a bit to steady myself against the glass wall of the shower.

"Perfect, D. Perfect."

Matt moved closer and started to wash the top of my back, reaching up to my shoulders and neck. He was going much slower, circling much longer with the soap in each spot than I did. It really did feel good.

"See man. Feels good for a buddy to help you out. Feels great havin' that hot water pour down on your stiff muscles, letting me scrub you good and clean. Don't worry about how close I am, bro. Just focus on the water and the free massage you're getting from the most popular stud jock in school."

I really was fully relaxed. I didn't even flinch when his flaccid 9 incher pressed against my round butt. At first, it seemed to just graze my left cheek when he was stretching up to do my neck. Then I felt it on my right when he circled over my right shoulder blade. Eventually, I felt it settle in the center of my ass, right along my crack, and it stayed there while he washed the upper and mid sections of my back. I was so calm I didn't even think about it.

"You're so fuckin' tense man, you really needed this. You're so worried about chicks and other dudes scopin' out this jello butt, you just get yourself all worked up. Leave that to Matt. Leave that fat ass to your bro to worry about. See, feels good havin' me help you, right? You're not even worried about stickin' this ass out at me with your arms pressed against the glass. You're not even thinking about my heavy fuckin' meat stick growing against your juicy butt, bro. Right? You're just totally chill, lettin' me help you out, scrubbing your back and making friends with that fine ass you got."

It's like I was in another world. I didn't answer. Fuck, I barely heard what he was saying, let alone feel his massive jock dick filling out, creeping its way along the crack of my ass.

Matt was working his way lower along my back with the bar of soap. Eventually he started soaping up the top of my cheeks, blurring the line between my back and my ample ass. I felt him pull back a bit, and we lost body contact. He must've been making room for his hands, and his slow circles with the soap found their way off my back and fully onto my ass. It felt so good under the steaming hot water, letting go, resting against the glass while my best bud manipulated that soap around my muscles and coated my ass with suds.

"Mmmm." That sound must've come from me.

"Yeah, Danny boy. Just let your bro take care of you. Let me wash this ass nice and clean. Your ass needs attention, too, boy. Your bud is gonna help you out with this ass. You'll learn to love it. You'll learn to love this fat ass. You'll love havin' your buddy take care of you, and you'll love takin' care of me, too, right? You'll take care of your bro?"

"mm.. Yeah, I'll take care of you, bro..." I mumbled out.

Matt moved his hands all over my ass. Soap in one, nothing in the other. He was making me feel great, though.

"I thing I missed a spot, D. I never really did your neck right. Gotta take care of you."

Matt stretched his arms back up my back. Using one hand to pull on my left shoulder a bit, scooting himself closer to me so he could use the other hand to soap up my neck. He ended up firmly pressed against my back side again. The difference was, this time my ass was covered in soap.

"Yeah, D. Gotta get that neck. Gotta get you nice in clean, little buddy. Feels like your ass is spic 'n span now, bro. Like a fuckin' slip 'n slide. Sorry about my dick. Just nowhere else for it to be, but that's cool, right? Cus I'm helping you out. I'm washin' this neck nice and clean, D."

Danny's put down the soap and just worked the suds on the back of my neck with his right hand like a skilled masseur. His left was keeping him steady, tight on my shoulder, pulling his butt and hips forward. His cock was making itself a new home between my massive globes, and it felt like he lost his balance a few times because I could feel his cock moving up and down a bit in the crack of my ass.

I was lost in this strange haze in the hands of my best friend, when he let go of my neck and shoulder, backed away from me, and gave my ass a slap.

"All clean, buddy. I'm really pruning up in here. Cleaning that fat ass of yours took for-fuckin'-ever, bro. But hey, I'm happy to help out my little buddy."

Matt slapped my ass again as I shook the water out of my eyes and turned around. It took me a sec to really remember what was goin' on.

"We should get outta the shower, bro. We need to hit the mall and pick you out those extra speedos."

Matt shut off the water to both shower heads, opened the glass door and moved over to the shelf with the stack of clean towels. He tossed one back in the shower at me and started drying off his golden muscle-boy body. I realized, then, that his dick was hard. Hard as fuckin' steel, shooting straight up from his thick, matted wet pubes.

I started to realize that he totally boned up while he was washing me off. And... did he really have that thick bone sandwiched between the two halves of my bubble butt? Fuck - what?

"Dude, I... dude, you're like, hard, man," I stammered out.

"Oh, sorry, bud. It's got a mind of its own. You know I can't really control this thing."

Matt stopped drying off and through his towel over his shoulder, wrapped his right hand around his fully loaded jock dick and shook it at me, laughing like he just told a joke that would bring down the house.

"But, seriously. Matt. Did you like, have that thing..." I still didn't know exactly what to ask.

"Did I have this massive man-dick nestled between your sweet cheeks, Danny? Is that what you're asking your buddy?"

"... yeah..."

"I don't know. I wasn't paying attention to my dick, bro. I was payin' attention to you. I was focused on scrubbin' you down, just like you did me. You must've loved it, because you were like on another planet, dude. I'm sure my cock brushed against you at some point. Trust me. If I was payin' attention to this gorgeous dick hangin' between my legs, it wouldn't still be hard. If I was payin' attention to it, I'd have gotten my nut and would feel a lot less horny than I do right now, bro, to be honest with you."

Danny resumed toweling off, threw the towel in the hamper, and walked back into his room.

I stood there frozen for a minute, tryin' to figure out some puzzle in my head without knowing what it was supposed to look like once complete. I shook my head, toweled myself dry, and glanced in the mirror. My soft dick wasn't really much to look at, but my ass. That fuckin' fat ass. I rubbed my right cheek where Matt's red hand print was fading. I really wished he wouldn't slap my ass.

I tossed my towel on top of Matt's, and followed him back into his bedroom.

End of part 4.

Message from the author:

I'd love to hear any feedback you have about the story. Email me at dannyj7200@outlook.com. Thanks for those of you who have already sent me a note -- I really appreciate it. If you haven't gotten a response from me yet, you will! If you've written anything that plays on the same themes or have favorite stories along these lines, let me know that, too! I'm always on the lookout for something that plays with manipulation, domination, and especially two "straight" friends where one gradually takes control.

This is my only story so far, and it will take me some time to get through.

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Next: Chapter 5

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