Swim Class Speedos

By Danny Johnson

Published on Apr 10, 2020


Continuation from Part 2:

"So that's it. I can't come up with anything else to do for you, bro. You'll keep workin' out that ass, we'll baby step your way down on the speedo front, and in the meantime we work on your body shame issues you've got goin' on by havin' you get used to bein' naked. 1, 2, 3, man."

I sat down in Matt's armchair, thinking for a minute, while he picked up his phone and started playing around on Insta.

"I guess I all makes sense, Matt. Honestly I think I'm gonna have a hard time, but I feel good about you helping me out with all this."

"For sure, little D. I got your ass covered -- literally." He started to laugh at that, and so did I. Yes, I sat in Matt's armchair, naked, laughing with him while he was chillin' on his bed in his t-shirt and gym shorts, fully clothed. This was gonna take some getting used to.

"So, that was all about my speedo problem. What are we gonna do about yours?" I asked Matt.

"Right. I still have this massive bulge that will probably bust the seams on that speedo if I start to bone up. And I don't want that faggot Coach Summers using the look of my dick for his spank bank."

He grabbed his cock over his shorts to make a point about that massive bulge.

"The only thing that's gonna make any difference for my speedo problem, is for me to bust my nut before swim class, every single time. That's the only way I'll be able to keep the beast under control when that cunt Jenny comes wavin' her magic pussy in my face when we get out to the pool area." Matt sat up and put his feet on the floor as he got more serious.

"And I'm not gonna be able to make that happen with your help, Danny." ........................................................................................................................................................................................

Part 3:

I instantly wondered what the hell he meant by needing my help... to bust his nut. I was about to open my mouth when he beat me to it.

"And before you get your panties in a bunch, Danny, no- I don't mean you're gonna help me get off. Jesus, I knew you'd start to lose your shit about this," Matt explained.

"I'm not losing my shit, man, I didn't even say anything!"

"Ok, ok, well just listen. Like I said, the only way I'm gonna be pussy-resistant for an hour in that god damn pool is if I empty my cum sack right before. That should buy me at least 30 minutes of soft-dick, and then I can probably manage the rest of the class while we're in the water. It'll be hard for anyone to see what's goin' on under the surface of the water. The problem is cover, right? I need to be able to get my rocks off and know that some other dude isn't gonna waltz on over and catch me while I'm mid-nut. It's not like it's gonna be the easiest place for me to work myself up to shooting - a nasty men's locker room, smelling like balls and ass, no chicks. Seriously, I'm gonna need to focus on working my meat for a good 10 minutes easy."

I thought about what he said, listening to the dilemma while sitting naked on his comfy chair. I'd relaxed a bit since stripping totally down, and since I was paying attention to Matt. I didn't really feel out of place anymore, even with my own cock and balls on display for my best friend while he talked about his needs for getting off.

"So, you'll basically need me to stand watch and warn you if anyone is heading our way while you're workin' your dick?," I asked.

"Right. Just keep an eye out and give me a heads up if someone's gettin' close to us. Then you'll distract them so I can finish up. Once I get started, it would be 10 times worse than not beating off at all if I start and can't finish. Right?"

"Yeah, Matt. That part makes sense. I guess I can try and smooth talk whoever comes up long enough for you to finish. Talk about pussy or the game or whatever."

"Right, D. You just know that you're really helping me keep control of my crotch rocket and helping me get to blast off!"

Matt started cracking up, and so did I. I could do this pretty easily, I think. It would help him out, and feel good to do something for him as he's helping me with my own speedo problem.

"Ok man, it's gettin' late, and I'm beat after all this problem solving I've been doin'. What time are you comin' over tomorrow?," Matt asked.

I looked at the time and realized it was about 11. We'd gone to the mall after school to look for these fuckin' banana hammocks, had dinner there, flirted with some babes, and came back to his place to try these things on. It was Friday, and as usual I'd probably spend most of the weekend with Matt hangin' out. We were supposed to get together with some of our bros on Saturday night, but Tom told us today that he couldn't score the beer and his parents might end up not going out anyway, so we kind of just left that up in the air.

"I've got to mow the lawn in the morning, and help my Mom with a couple of things around the house. Guessing I'll be over here around noon?"

"Sounds good, little D. I guess you'd better get dressed, unless you want to show off that fine ass to half the town on your walk home, bro!"

"Fuck you, Matt." I said back as he laughed out loud and I started to get dressed.

"Hold up, bro."

I'd barely picked up my underwear before he stopped me. He walked over to me and pulled me in tight in a bear hug, fully embracing my naked bod. Then he spoke directly into my ear again.

"Seriously, Danny. I'm gonna be so proud of you. We're gonna kick this confidence thing you have goin' on, and you won't care one bit about your tiny fuckin' prick by the time we're done. Let alone this ass."

Matt moved his right hand down my back to squeeze my left ass cheek when he said that. I squirmed a bit, also irritated he kept goin' on about my dick being small, when it was fuckin' above average!

"Easy, bro, easy. I'm just showin' you that you got nothin' to be ashamed of and that you're gonna be chill when we're done. You are gonna be proud to show off, just like a man. Just like me. Right? I know this will be hard, but I'll help you push through. I'll help you. Bein' naked with me is gonna be a great start. You trust me, right?"

It didn't take long for me to respond. I did trust him. Of course I trusted him. You don't have a friendship like we do for practically our whole fuckin' lives and not trust each other. Besides, he was always the leader between the two of us, and I've been along for the ride. It's just how things were. The reminder that I needed to respond was the pressure he was putting on my back and ass with his hands, pulling me tight, feeling that huge lump in his shorts against my own smaller bulge.

"Of course, Matt. 100%." I replied back over his shoulder.

"Good. Really good, D."

Matt squeezed me tight, patted my ass a few times, and let me go.

I started to get dressed as Matt went back to his bed. He picked up his phone again and started flipping through things. As I pulled on my shirt, I heard the unmistakable sound of porn.

"Dude, is that porn you pulled up?" I questioned him while pulling on my sneaks.

"Yeah, Danny. Got to drop a load before bed, bro."

"You couldn't wait another minute for me to leave? Come on, Matt."

"Dude, whatever. You'll be gone before the show really gets started. Why are you even still here?"

He pulled off his tee, and then came down his shorts and boxer-briefs. He shucked them off the foot of the bed, and sat back against his headboard, while turning towards his night stand to pick-up the box of tissues. His soft dick had already started to fill out.

"Later, dude. See you tomorrow." I called back over my shoulder as I opened his side door and headed out.

Matt's house was built on a hill, and his bedroom was actually part of what would be the basement. It made for a really nice setup since he had his own door that opened up to ground level on the side of the house. There were plenty of times growing up that I came back to his place after his father had ordered me home because it'd gotten so late. It was really easy to do with that separate door.

I headed home for the night, and stripped down to my boxer-briefs for bed after tossing the bag with the speedo on my desk. I started to process everything that happened tonight. I was worried about being naked in front of Matt constantly, and really wrestling with that idea. But, I just had to think through what he said. Eventually it would get much more comfortable for me. I would just get used to it. Even tonight, once we started talking about helping him out in the locker room, I wasn't half as self-concious about being buck ass naked in his bedroom.

His idea about downsizing the speedo over time was pretty smart. I just hoped that would all work out the way he said it would. I wondered if people would notice the change in speedo sizes somehow?

I fell asleep with all this on my mind. I had the weirdest dreams that night, and woke up a couple of times with a hard on. I finally pulled up some porn on my phone, searching for scenes with girls in bikinis. A lot of the ones that came up were lesbians, which has just never been my thing. Like I said, I love eating pussy, and certainly love watching it, but it just seems off not to have a man in the scene. Like, if the girls don't need dick, then what am I good for, right?

I found the material I needed, landing on a scene that must have been Brazilian. I pulled the front of my slim fitting boxer-briefs down, tucked them under my balls, and started stroking my stiff prick. The girls were hot, tanned, and had the tiniest string bikinis I've ever seen. I loved the part where the one girl sat on the guys face, while the other one massaged the bulge the dude was showing in his own tight brief-style speedo. I shouldn't even call the guy a dude, like he was some teenager friend of mine. He was maybe 10 years older than me, buff, bronze, and had what had to be trimmed hair covering his chest and abs.

The second girl was really teasing him, and the camera kept panning to different angles, showing her pussy and hot ass from behind one minute, then focusing on his scruffy face covered in wet cunt, and back to his thick meat trapped in the speedo while she teased it with her mouth and hands.

I didn't make it any further in the scene, and felt my dick go rock hard when I let my load loose on my sheets, flipping over and propping myself up with one arm, resting on my knees, just in time to empty my balls straight down in front of me.

Fuck. That felt good. I don't know why, but it was the best release I've had in a while.

I used my top sheet to wipe up my cum. Some of it getting absorbed by the fitted sheet I slept on, and some getting soaked up by the top sheet. I pretty much always came in my sheets when I was in my bedroom. For a while, I was busting right on the carpet next to the bed, but over time the carpet wasn't really soaking in my jizz anymore and you could tell it was getting crusty. I got that out with some carpet cleaner, but then I just started blasting my juice all over the sheets. I washed them once a week, and they came out of the wash like new. It didn't bother me that I was sleeping in some of my own mess. The sheets picked everything up and, if there was a little bit that got on my skin somehow, it was gone in the morning when I jumped in the shower.

I know most guys probably us tissues like Matt, or have some kind of cum rag like a wash cloth, or maybe even shoot their cocksnot into a sock. I just loved the feeling of unloading on my bed without worrying where it went or having to grab something right when I was on the verge. Seemed like a buzzkill to me. There was also something that made me feel really macho about spraying my cum right on the bed. Like who gives a fuck, you know? It's what they do in porn. Well, most of the time they're cumming in someone or on someone, not exactly shooting at the sheets, but still.

I squeezed out the bit of cum still in my tube, right into the top sheet. I flipped myself back over, butt back down on the bed, untucked my underwear from behind my sack and snapped it back up around my waist.

I fell asleep pretty easily then, mind clear, ready for the rest of the weekend with my bro, Matt.

End of part 3.

Message from the author:

I'd love to hear any feedback you have about the story. Email me at dannyj7200@outlook.com. Thanks for those of you who have already sent me a note -- I really appreciate it. If you haven't gotten a response from me yet, you will! If you've written anything that plays on the same themes, let me know that, too! I'm always on the lookout for something that plays with manipulation, domination, and especially two "straight" friends where one gradually takes control.

This is my only story so far, and it will take me some time to get through.

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Next: Chapter 4

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