Swim Class Speedos

By Danny Johnson

Published on Jan 18, 2021


Story Themes: Best friends, manipulation, domination, straight to gay

Continuation from Part 12:

Coach Summers was crouched down, with his open jacket falling against the outsides of his spread knees. I continued working my buddy's cock while my eyes caught sight of the bulge in the coach's own speedo. Fuck if it didn't look like the coach was packing 7 or 8 inches in that suit...

"Yeah, coach. Danny and take our time here really seriously... we want to, ya' know, make the most of it. It can be hard to focus, sometimes, at our age."

I could tell Matt was getting close. I pumped his ready cock for all I was worth.

"I hear you, Matt. I know it can be really hard. You just need to keep at it, and pay attention to what really matters in life. You two will be fine. Swimming can be a really great way to de-stress, too, you know. Sometimes it's important to just let go and burn off that excess energy."

That was it. When the coach talked about how hard it can be, I felt the pulse of Matt's hot jock jizz work its way through his cum-tube and blast out into the water. Matt's left hand came off the wall and gripped my shoulder tightly as his draw dropped open and he tried not to make a sound while he fuckin' blasted that hot teenage cream out into the water while our coach talked about focusing on what matters in life. In this moment, nothing mattered more than Matt shooting his load... for either of us.

"Matt, you ok? I feel like I lost you there for a minute."

Coach Summers did lose Matt to the sensation of a public ejaculation... a sensation enjoyed right in front of a man Matt was convinced was a faggot, and who would love to swallow that load right down his own pussy mouth.

When Matt's 5 blasts of ball juice finished squirting from the head of his wet dick, he eased up his grip on my shoulder, relaxed, and focused his attention back on the coach.

"Sorry, Coach Summers. I did get distracted there for a second. Like you said, I need to focus on what's really important in life. I'll remember that. If it's cool with you Coach, I think I need to hit the head. All of a sudden I gotta take a piss like you wouldn't believe."

As he was talking, Matt dropped his right arm into the water, brushed my hand away from his cock, and tucked his junk back in his speedo. He turned around and hoisted himself up over the wall of the pool and walked over to where the coach was still crouched down.

"See coach, when this bad boy demands attention, I can't fight it. Ya' know?"

Matt grabbed hold of his still oversized, though not quite hard, teen-boy meat while about a foot away from our coach, whose eyes were in perfect line-up with Matt's crotch. With his right hand on his package, Matt patted the coach's right arm with his left hand a few times, then walked past him towards the locker room.

The coach paused for a few seconds. He didn't really move or say anything. I took the opportunity to pull myself over the pool wall to follow Matt and realized when I turned around that the coach must've caught sight of my fat ass as I was coming out of the water. He was looking right at me as I turned, and once my less impressive front was in his line of sight, he seemed to shake himself back to reality and stood up.

"Danny, go ahead. You may as well just hit the showers at this point. Class is just about over."

"Thanks, Coach."

As I passed him, the coach turned, and although I couldn't really see him... I knew he was taking another look at my juicy boy-butt packed tight in the smaller sized speedo Matt put me in for this class. I flushed red on my walk back to the locker room and realized he wasn't the only guy looking my way.

End of part 12.


Part 13:

Over the next few days we sort of settled into a routine. Matt didn't have a lot of time that week to hang out with me outside of school, but every day he picked me up, I rode to and from school naked from the waist down, and I jacked Matt off. Twice. Each day. I stroked his cock in the locker room before we hit the pool, and I stroked his slick cock under the water's surface during swim class. The coach didn't come over to us to talk like he had that first day, and we weren't really approached by any of our classmates as I worked his uncut cock in my hand each day.

One thing I did notice is that I was attracting more attention in the pool, locker room, and especially the showers than I did in the first day or two. I think the other guys were getting more comfortably with having to wear speedos every day, and with less apprehension they became more relaxed. They started joking around more with each other when they were getting changed or when they were walking into or out of the shower room.

It was after Friday's swim class that shit hit the fan. Matt and I were in the shower room, under our usual heads in the middle of the room, and three of the other dudes were messin' around not far from us. Scott and Dave were teasin' Mike, making cat calls and carrying on about how "sexy" his ass was. The three of these guys were pretty tight so it was clear they were just having fun. Mike was laughing along with them as they sized him up and asked if he'd be their date to the prom. I saw Matt had his eye on them, too, and a smirk, like he was watching a funny scene on tv.

Scott realized they attracted some attention from the other guys, and starts to talk more loudly.

"Aww, man, Mikey. Don't get mad at me, baby. I hope you'll forgive me, but you know I'm a butt man and nobody's got Danny beat in that department. Ain't that right, Dave?"

"Hell no, man. Danny's got the fat ass trophy on lock down, man."

The two of them walked over to where I was showering.

"Come on, Danny. Show us that big booty you got. Turn around, big boy."

Scott grabbed my arm and turned me around so I was facing the wall, and Dave was cracking up. Matt stepped in closer before the guys got any farther.

"Hey! Guys... chill. Hands off, ok? Danny's just tryin' to take a fuckin' shower, dudes. He's just tryin' to scrub his fat... juicy ass clean... ain't that right, Danny?"

I looked over my shoulder at Matt, who had his hand pressed against my back and forced me to lean against the shower wall. He had a huge grin on his face. He was enjoying this. He was enjoying that these other guys were giving me a hard time about my butt, and he was going to play along. Fuck.

"Come on, Matt! Get off me and let me fuckin' shower in peace!"

"Woah, woah, bro. Scott and Dave are just payin' you a compliment man. Jeez! Just learn to accept when a guy has somethin' nice to say to you. They said you deserve a trophy for this ass. I think they're right. Check this out, guys."

Smack! Smack! Matt slapped my ass twice.

"Look at that ass bounce, boys! Fuckin' great, right?"

That was it. Matt crossed a line. I came away from the shower wall and pushed my way past Matt and the guys. I grabbed a towel and was back at our lockers drying off when Matt caught up to me.

"Come on, Danny! I was just messin' around! It was all in good fun, bro. You gotta just lighten up!"

"Fuck off, man. You just fuckin' humiliated me back there in front of every dude in those showers!"

"Danny, listen, what have I been sayin'? You just gotta accept what you got. You gotta accept that you got a fat ass that is gonna draw some attention from time to time. Just own it, bro. It's better to play along with Scott and Dave than to get upset about it. You gotta accept that a smack or two on the ass is no big thing. Who gives a fuck! I don't!"

"Of course, not. It's not your ass gettin' slapped!"

"Oh, please. You sound like such a fuckin' bitch, bro. I thought we were really gettin' somewhere with everything we've been doin'. Havin' you naked at my place and in my truck. Lettin' that ass out. Maybe this ain't workin'."

The two of us got dressed in silence as the other guys made their way out of the shower room and back to their own lockers. When Matt finished up, he turned to me.

"Listen, Danny. I've got to be totally straight with you. I'm really not sorry about what happened in there. We were just messin' around. I just think this is another example of you bein' ashamed of your butt, and lettin' it take over, little buddy. We can talk more, later."

Before I could respond, Matt shut his locker and walked out.

I spent the rest of the day fixated on this. Was Matt right? Did I just need to get over my issues? Shouldn't I feel pissed about him gettin' in on that shit with the other guys? I mean nothing actually happened. Yeah, he slapped my ass, but that's not the first time. It's not even the first time he's slapped my ass in front of other people. Granted, never in a group-fuckin'-shower, but maybe I did just need to take this as another opportunity to get more comfortable with who I was... with the hand I've been dealt. I didn't really know how to feel about it.

At the end of the day, I went to meet Matt at his truck. I was running behind because I had to run to the office to turn something in and there was a line of kids waiting. By the time I got to the truck, I was about 15 minutes behind. I noticed Matt was actually getting out of his truck, and so was Jenny. She adjusted her skirt a bit, then gave him a kiss. As she walked away, Matt slapped her ass and she giggled.

"Uh, hey Matt."

"Oh, hey little D. You ready?"

We hopped in his truck. I hoped any weirdness from our conversation earlier would be gone. Sometimes it's just easiest not to keep hashing out the same shit.

"Fuck, bud. I don't know where you were, but I'm glad you didn't walk over a few minutes earlier. Well, really it's Jenny who should be glad. I just got her goin' good... fingerbanged that tight pussy for the last 20 minutes and that bitch came not once, but twice, right where your bare ass is sittin' right now, Danny."

Of course. I'm sittin' here where some cheerleader slut just got off from my buddy's magical fingers. He brought his right hand to his face and inhaled.

"Still fuckin' smells like pussy, D. Here - take a hit. I know it's been a while for you."

He laughed as he palmed my face with his sticky right hand. And fuck if it didn't smell like fresh pussy.

"She fuckin' loves when I finger that cunt. Gotta say, I'm pretty fuckin' talented with this hand. I know you've got mad skills when it comes to workin' a heavy load out of a cock based on all your years of practicin' on that little pecker, but I got the same skills when it comes to pryin' open a sweet pussy and teasin' that g-spot over and over until a girl creams the sheets, D. FUCK - she got me so hot with all that playin' around. Ok, so listen. I know we didn't see eye to eye earlier. Here's the plan. First, when we get back to my house I gotta bust a nut. Like, mandatory cumshot, buddy. Jenny's pussy just got this bad boy rock hard and I need to nut."

I glanced down as Matt grabbed his obviously boned up bulge.

"After that, D, I think we need to up the ante on your training here. Your reaction today shows your fat ass is still a sore subject, and we gotta clear that up."

"What... like what are you, uh, thinkin', Matt? I mean... with the naked thing I've already been pushin' the limit, pretty much, when we're together."

"Don't worry about it, buddy. I got you. Like I said, first I cum, then we work on your ass."

We pulled into his driveway and made our way to his room. I stripped everything off out of habit, at this point. Matt did the same. He stripped down to his boxer-briefs and walked in front of the TV. He pulled up some porn on his phone and mirrored it to the TV.

"Yeah, little D. This is the shit, right here. I found this one yesterday and near blew my balls off. It's so fuckin' hot. Come here."

I walked over to where Matt was standing and he through his arm around me while I took a look at the vid that was gettin' him riled up.

"Yeah, D. This is like 60 minutes of ass-play, buddy. Fingering, rimming, ass-fucking... look at that bitch up there right now. She's fuckin' spread that ass open so this dude can pump his thick cock in her. It's so fuckin' hot dude. You know she's a total slut if she'll let some guy stick his hard cock up her ass, D. And I hear it's tight, too. They say an ass fuckin' grips a man's cock like no pussy can. It's just a tighter hole. Fuck, bro. I'd kill for someone to let me do that, Danny. God damn, isn't this hot?"

I was hard as steel, my prick bobbing in front of me as I watched the on-screen ass play with my best bud narrating in my ear. I noticed he'd been massaging his pole in his underwear while we watched.

"Ok, D. I think it's time for some more practice. We still need to pick up the speed when you're getting me off for swim class. And with Jenny gettin' me started and this ass fuck-fest I got playin', it should be easy for you."

Matt sat on the edge of his bed facing the TV. He made pretty clear he wanted me to beat him off, so I bent my knees and kneeled in front of him. Usually Matt's heavy cock would already be staring me in the eye, but he hadn't taken off his underwear. He was leaning back on his hands a bit, so it didn't look like he was in a rush to get them off. I tucked my fingers in the waistband and started to pull them off for him. He lifted his hips enough that I could get them all the way off, as his hard beast smacked back against his muscled teen-jock abs. He said he wanted speed, so I went for it. I gripped his cock tight in my hand and started working it.

"Fuuuuck yes, D. There you go. Fuckin' helpin' your bud. God, I love this porn. Listen to this bitch moan, little buddy."

Matt turned up the volume and it was hard to ignore the moans coming from the screen.

"You know she loves this. Damn, dude. You should see this guy's cock, too. It's just about as big as my 9-inch rod, D. And she's takin' every fuckin' inch. Every inch of that fat cock disappearing right inside that tight puckered asshole. Come on, D. Go for the gold. Work that cock. Make me shoot. Make me cum, man. I told you it wouldn't take long. I've been on edge for 45 minutes, buddy. Just like that, just like that. Where you want it, D?"

I looked up from his cock, sort of surprised by the question.

"Where do you want me to shoot?"

It seems like it's been a while since I had any real option. All week at school Matt's handjobs have ended with him either shooting his swimmers in the school pool, or emptying his balls into my mouth so we didn't have to worry about the evidence. I guess I forgot there was any other choice. And I must have taken too long, because Matt made the decision for me.

"Damn it, D. Fuuck, I'm just gonna paint your face. I'm gonna give you a hot ball-butter facial, bro. Shit, I'm so close. Keep goin' - keep strokin' my thick cock, fucker! Aw, yeah... here it comes. My fuckin' balls are churnin', D. Fuuuuuuuuck..."

Matt groaned as he released his load from his thick dick. Six shots of his cum found their way to my face and hair as I continued to pump his meat for all I was worth, ignoring the burning in my arm muscles like I've learned to do, so that I can keep the strength and pace of my grip steady until he finishes up.

"Fuckin' heaven, D. Sittin' here on the edge of my bed, legs spread open, gettin' my knob worked over by a pro while I watch some slut get her ass fucked full of a man's seed... and then bein' able to just let go and release this cum all over you. It's so fuckin' sweet, D. It would be cool for you to know what it's like to feel this fuckin' good, and relaxed..."

I slowed and eventually stopped jerking Matt's deflating dick. I realized my hands, face, and hair were coated once again as a result of his latest ejaculation. Somehow some of his last volley shoot right up my nose, so I was practically drowning in my buddy's jizz.

"Ok, buddy boy. Hit the shower and clean yourself up. I'm guessing I don't need to remind you at this point that even though you keep getting hard when you stroke my dino-dick you don't wanna fag-out in the shower by jerking off now, right?"

"Yeah, yeah... I know, Matt..."

I showered in Matt's glass box by myself for the first time, and let the hot water wash away the half-gallon of jizz. My prick was still half-hard when I finished up, wrapped myself in a towel, and headed back into Matt's bedroom. He was doing some curls over on his weight bench, having thrown on a jockstrap (and nothing else) while I showered. He looked up at me when I walked in the room and finished up the set he was working through.

"Ok, D. Lose the towel and come over here to the bench."

I tossed the towel back into his bathroom and walked over to where he was, still seated on the bench.

"Listen, D. I'm gonna walk you through this. You're embarrassed by your big ass. We've tried to break that by basically having you show off for me, your best friend, here and in the truck, right? I've seen more of your ass in the last week than I have in the last five years. That doesn't seem to be helping. I also got you set for swim with a few sizes of those fuckin' speedos to try and ease your way into it, but you're on the medium size and already freakin' out about the guys messin' with you in the shower. Admittedly, the speedo size doesn't make much difference when we're buck-ass naked in the showers with all the other dudes. But, still, we gave it a go. Your reaction in the shower today made me think we need to take a more hands-on approach."

I listened to Matt as he got to the meat of this latest plan.

"I think I'm gonna need to be more physical with you. If me seein' your bubble butt routinely isn't helping your embarrassment, maybe having me put my hands on that fat ass is what we need."

I rolled my eyes and backed up, ready to contest this latest crazy-fuckin-scheme, and he cut me off.

"Wait. Think, D. Just fuckin' think. We need to get you to the point where you don't even think about your ass. Where you don't worry about it every second of the god-damned day and you don't get freaked out when a fuckin' bro slaps you on the ass after a game. Where you don't worry about who's eying up your juicy butt in the shower at school. Where it doesn't matter that you've got that massive butt stickin' outta your speedo in swim class. This is how we do it. We desensitize you...it's like fuckin' science, little buddy. We get you so used to having a hand on your big bottom that it's like second nature."

"So what, Matt. You're gonna like stand here and grab my ass? Tell me exactly how you see this playin' out..."

"Here's the plan. Tonight I'll give you a massage. You loved when I massaged your back in the shower that time, so we've already done it. It'll just be a little more full body... well, full butt. Ha! Anyway, D, it sort of eases you into getting used to my hands on you, right? Then, like, we'll figure it out from there. I'll help you out, just like I've been doin'. We'll get you to the point where you won't give a shit about me or any other dude paying attention to that big butt."

I stood there naked in front of my best friend. My prick had gone fully soft during our conversation, finally, and I thought about what he said. I could see where it kinda made sense... constantly exposing my ass to him did help a bit, and having his hands on my ass was kinda like the next level. Maybe I would get "desensitized" as he put it. But still, it seemed pretty fuckin' gay to have my buddy put his hands on my butt. And, well, if it was anyone else I'm sure I'd have doubted their motive, but Matt's no homo. I literally smelled pussy on him an hour ago.

"Ok, man. I mean, I guess we can try, Matt. You've got to promise me though that no one will ever find out about this... I mean, I know you're doin' this to help me. It's just so fuckin' embarrassing."

"Course, little buddy. Nobody will know about the massage. I can't guarantee nobody will ever see me give your ass a little pat, cus that's like kinda part of this, right, but we'll deal with that later. Just get on the bed face down and let's get started."

"Wait, what..."

I tried to get back to that part about people seeing him pat my ass.

"On the bed, D. Let's go."

I relaxed down toward the side of his bed as Matt followed and stood next to me. He started rubbing my shoulders and the back of my neck. His strong hands did feel really good working my muscles. I always felt tense in that area, and the attention did calm me down quite a bit. I closed my eyes and let him work his magic. I felt his hands break away for a minute, and then realized he was using some massage oil as I felt the cool liquid hit my back. He focused on the muscles in my upper back as I continued to relax into the massage.

"Feels nice, huh, little buddy. Let me help you out, bro. Just let your bro get deep in these muscles."

Matt continued to work on my neck and back, while I laid naked on his bed. My head was turned towards him, and I realized how close he was to me when I caught a whiff of his jock scent. I opened one eye and saw I was basically face first in his junk, as close to his cum-tube as I typically am when I jack him off before swim class. I guess I'd gotten used to his scent. It certainly didn't bother me at this point.

I'm not sure when, but Matt must have turned that porn back on at some point, because I heard the moans, grunts, and slapping of flesh coming from his TV behind me again.

Matt began to move further down my body, continuing the massage. After working my lower back a bit, I felt his hands pressing into the cheeks of my ass and started to tense up a bit.

"Easy there, little D. Remember what we're doin' here, and why we're doin' it. I'm just puttin' my hands on this big butt to help you desensitize, right? I'm helpin' you get more and more comfortable with this sweet butt and that'll make it even easier for you to be naked in the locker room, and in the showers, right? I'm just massagin' this fat ass to help you out. Need to get you used to havin' my hands on you, right? Just chill, bro. Yeah, like that. I feel you calmin' down, buddy. Nice. I even turned on some background noise for you, heh heh. Just like at a real massage studio."

I doubt that any massage studio in this town would play this kind of "background noise" for its clients. I think there were three too many x's in the rating of what he had playing on TV. Matt continued and over the next 10 or 15 minutes of him squeezing and pressing his hands into my ass, I felt like this really was working. I was totally comfortable at this point. I felt Matt reposition my legs a bit, spreading them out wide apart as he worked my upper thighs from the inside.

"Here, D. Spread these legs out a bit. Yeah, here we go. Perfect. I can get in deep now. Your squats have really paid off, buddy. These thighs and this fat butt are showin' the results, little man. I'm gonna try a different technique now, bud. Just relax."

As soon as he said that, I felt Matt slap my ass quickly three times. My eyes opened wide and I pushed up from the bed as I called out and turned my head back to where he was now standing next to my ass.

"What the hell, Matt?"

"Shhh, easy, easy, bud. Just lay back down, dude."

Matt pressed against my back firmly, pushing me back down on the bed.

"What did I say? Your reaction to that just shows us how necessary it is, right? You gonna freak out if another bro congratulates you on a good game with a little butt slap? I told you we need to get you used to havin' my hands on you, and this is part of it."

Another three quick slaps hit my ass. This time, I didn't move.

"Fuck, Matt..."

I whined a bit... he didn't care for it.

"Danny, cut the shit. Are we gonna push you past this shit or not?"


"Ok, then."

Five slaps between my two cheeks. This time I didn't jump up and I didn't complain.

"Yeah, that's more like it, D. Just let me go to work on this fat ass, little buddy."

Matt continued to massage my ass, adding in slaps every so often. He kept adjusting my legs on the bed, too, and I ended up essentially man-spreading while face down.

"I can tell you're lovin' this, D. That's real good. It's good for you to just relax and get into this. I gotta ask, though. What's happenin' downtown? Am I lookin' at the backside of yet another boy-boner here between your legs, D? Is this turnin' you on?"

It wasn't until he said something that I even realized, he was right. My dick had stiffened up and with the way I was positioned, it was pointed down between my legs in full view to Matt.

"No, I uh... man, I just get that way sometimes with massages, I mean..."

"Yeah, I got a good view of what you "mean", D. And you're not just a little turned on here. You're leakin' your boy-butter on my sheets... I think you're close to fuckin' losin' your swimmers right now."

Matt hadn't stopped massaging my ass during this discussion, and the latest bitch getting fucked on the TV behind me was particularly vocal. I suddenly became fully aware of just how hot my prick was right then... too hot.

"I gotta feelin' here, D."

Matt slapped my ass a few times and his hands were quickly back on my butt... massaging... spreading my cheeks.

"I gotta really strong feelin' that if I just..."

"Nooooo, FUUUUUCK... PLEASE... fuuuuuck... ahhhhh!!!"

I screamed out in tortured pleasure as Matt, my manly-as-fuck best friend, slipped his oiled up middle finger into my previously untouched asshole, while his other hand pulled my ass cheeks open. It happened so fast, I couldn't stop it. I couldn't control my reaction. My hands turned to fists as I gripped at his sheets beneath me, and felt his finger press hard against something inside me. My rock hard prick began firing... one, two, three... four, five, six... slowly seven, then eight volleys of my jizz. My cum shot right into his sheets. I was confused and overwhelmed with what felt like one of the strongest cumshots of my life. And just as quickly, Matt pulled his finger from my ass.

"What the actual FUCK, Danny? You just nutted all over my sheets, and it happened because a dude shoved a finger in your ass! I fuckin' knew there was somethin' up with all the hard-ons and pre-cum you've leaked when you were on your knees, hands wrapped around my fuckin' massive dong, bro. And when I touched your ass and saw that little sneaky prick stiffen up between your legs, I just fuckin' knew that you were into this for more than gettin' desensitized to a bro's touch. You fuckin' wanted my hands on your fuckin' fat ass, didn't you? Let's hear it, boy. Let's hear your latest excuse for this shit."

Matt stood there, next to the bed, his hands folded across his flexed chest. Standing above me in his filled out boxer-briefs. Waiting. Waiting to hear why his straight best friend just lost his nut with a finger buried in his open asshole.

"Listen, Matt. You know I've been hard on and off all day... I mean all week for that matter and of course I can't rub one out when you get off, so I was just like, super horny and I didn't realize it. Plus the porn was playin' and it's not like that helped. All that moaning and the sound of dudes fuckin' these babes playin' in my ears. And you just told me to relax, and I just... I wasn't really thinkin' about anything and my dick just responded to all the stimulation goin' on. I've NEVER gone anywhere near my ass... I can't understand what happened, but it's not cus I wanted something else, man. I swear, I'm so fuckin' confused. Why the hell did you do that, anyway? I... I don't..."

"Oh no, you're not puttin' this on me. I pushed my way past that wide-open, juicy butt and shoved a finger in your ASSHOLE, and you fuckin' shot off like the 4th of July. And I did it because I KNEW that you'd react that way. I KNEW that would get you off. And that's the fuckin' sick part. Here you are, my supposedly straight best friend, legs spread wide, ass up, and you get HARD while I'm tryin' to help you with your fuckin' self-esteem issues, dude. So hard, that you start leakin' pre-fuck all over my sheets, and this is after all the other times you boned up while lookin' at my jock body and my nine inch cock. So I'm lookin' down at you, and I realized that maybe what you needed help with wasn't with feelin' comfortable about your fat ass. Maybe this was all bull-shit. Maybe you loved havin' my hands on you because it made your prick hard. And I think I just proved it."

I pleaded with him.

"No, Matt, I fuckin' SWEAR, bro! It was all the other shit... bein' so horny, the porn, the massage... I just couldn't help it! I would never fuckin' perv out over your body and your dick like some faggot! I swear... come on, you gotta believe me!"

He looked at me for what felt like an hour, but was probably only a minute. He moved toward the nightstand and grabbed the remote. He turned off the porn. He grabbed the bottle of oil he was using and moved to the foot of the bed.

"Ok. You're my best friend, and I wanna believe you. I wanna believe you're not a faggot who's been using me to get his nasty little rocks off. So here it is. First, get down here and clean up this fuckin' mess you made on my sheets. And no... you can't get a fuckin' towel, D. I'm not havin' you get your fuckin' spunk all over more of my shit. You've told me you've eaten your own cum before, and you've been drinkin' mine down daily, so just lick it up."

Embarrassed by both what was happening and by the fact that what he just said about my recent cum drinking, I shifted on the bed and on my hands and knees, licked my own spent cum from his sheets while he watched.

"Good boy. Now, lay back down, on your back."

As I did that, Matt stripped off his boxer-briefs and climbed on the bed next to me. It looked like he had a chub going, even though he himself only came a little while ago.

"Here's what's gonna happen now. You're sayin' that you only came the way you did because you were horned up to start, hadn't cum in a while, there was porn playin', and massages in general get you hot. So now, it's just me and you. No porn. No massage. And you just shot off 5 minutes ago. You're gonna lie there on your back, spread your legs wide, and we're gonna try this again. I'm gonna finger your asshole just like I'd fingerfuck a tight, wet pussy. No other stimulation. And we're gonna see what you're really made of, Danny. We're gonna see if your little peter stands up at attention and if your balls empty out all over your pubes. The fact that I'm lying here naked shouldn't mean anything to you. Now... spread those legs apart, and we'll get started."

I was silent. What could I say? He wasn't wrong about the fact that I just came... and it was just me and him now. There was no way I'd cum, and this would prove to him that I'm not a faggot. I opened my legs wide, bent at the knee, with my feet flat on the bed. Matt put some of that oil on his right hand, scooted closer, and reached out. I was surprised the first time I'd felt his finger inside me, but this time I knew full well what was happening. He rubbed his middle finger directly on my asshole... in small circles. He flicked at it a bit, almost thumping his finger against my hole. I squeezed my eyes tight.

"Here, D. Pull your legs up to your chest, hold them up with your hands. There you go... good. That'll open that asshole up for me. Make it easier to slip inside and play around. Yeah, buddy. Pull those legs nice and wide. Let's keep an eye on your peter... see if he wakes up or not. Feel me knockin' on that hole? That's what I do with the chicks, D. You're gettin' to see just a little bit of how I make these bitches horny and wet before I give them what's behind the bulge in my jeans. I'm makin' this as easy on you as I can, boy. There we go... this hole feels just about ready."

I pulled my legs tight to my chest as I felt his finger press inside me. Just like the first time, he started pressing against some kind of button in my ass... and this time he started moving his finger in and out of my ass. Slowly, but steadily, and always reaching back inside to that button. I always thought faggots were crazy for takin' dick in their ass. That the pain must be too much. But, honestly, now... what the fuck is that spot he keeps hitting! I squeezed my eyes tight and hoped this would end soon, before my body had a chance to respond.

"Yeah, keep those eyes shut. Don't look at me, D. Don't look at your bro's tight muscled bod. Don't look at me while I slide my finger in and out of you. You feel that? This little nub I keep hitting? Yeah... your man knows what he's doin' right? Just like a g-spot on a girl. I make girls cream once or twice just playin' with their g-spot before I slip them the dick. Shit, dude. It feels like your ass might be reacting the same way a pussy would... I don't even need to add more oil to slip in this second finger..."

Fuck... that second god-damn finger felt like it was pulling me wide open, and it did just slip in so easy. Shit... how he's hittin' that spot with two fingers.

"You're really missin' a show here, buddy. It's ok. Open your eyes. Look down. You know what you're gonna see. Yeah, you're boy-dick woke up right before I slipped that second finger into your sweet hole, boy. See... no excuses now. I fingered you hard, little buddy. I fingered your tight virgin hole and your little prick stood up for joy. And that's not all, Danny. Look at your little cum nuggets. They're pulled up tight in that sac. We both know what that means."

I felt Matt pick up the speed with his two fingers, and he repositioned a bit so he was looking down at my face while he finger-fucked me here in his bed. I tried not to look at him.

"No, D. Don't look away. You look me right in the eyes. You look your buddy Matt right in the eyes as he finger-fucks your asshole like it's a cheerleaders wet pussy. You look me in the eyes and tell me you're not loving this. Tell me."

"I... I'm not..."

"DON'T you FUCKIN' lie to me, boy. Tell me."

"I... fuck... I don't know what..."

"Oh, you know. You know what this means. You tell me."

"It.. it feels good, Matt. Oh God! Why does it feel good?"

"It feels good to get fingered in the ass, huh? What do we call guys who like gettin' their ass opened up. What do we call guys who like feelin' another man's body pressed up against theirs while they open up their legs and let him finger-fuck their primed up holes, huh?"

"... faggots... we call them FAGGOTS... oh... fuck."

"Faggots. That's right. Fuckin' FAGGOTS who have juicy wet pussies where they should have an asshole... and what does that mean? Huh, boy? You're so hard you're gonna shoot out another five rounds of cum from that little prick, I know it. And all because I'm finger-banging your wet... fuckin'... pussy. Tell me, boy. Tell me what that means."

"I... oh fuck, please don't. Please don't make me cum this way.. please, Matt! Fuck... oh GOD...

"Just say it, D. Say what we both know already. Say it to the man who's about to make you shoot without touchin' your peter for the second time in an hour. Say it."

"I... I must be... I'm some kind... fuck... pleeease... fuck, I'm a faggot! FUCK!"

As soon as I said faggot, Matt pressed his fingers hard into that nut buried inside my ass, and I came, hand-free, while hold my legs open, with my best friend smirking at me. I came hard, and shot six rounds of jizz out of my prick and all over my abs. My God... how did it feel so good? Matt fingered my ass and I came, while telling him I was a faggot.

He kept pressing against that button until I stopped shooting juice and my prick started to shrink back down. Then, he got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom where he must have washed his hands. I was coming down from my high, and turned to see him walking back from the bathroom, nearly fully hard. He grabbed the remote, and sat down on the bed with his back against his headboard. He turned the TV back on, and along with it the porn we had on earlier. I was silent and didn't know what to do, but he certainly did.

"Ok, Danny. I don't want to talk. I don't want to talk right now about what just happened. I don't wanna talk about my best friend turnin' into a faggot right here on my bed. But, I do know you're not just gonna use me to play out your fuckin' faggot fantasies, with your hands all over my cock, drinkin' all my nut-cream, and not givin' me exactly what I want. So, get over here, and suck this fuckin' gorgeous cock. Now."

End of part 13.

Message from the author:

I'd love to hear any feedback you have about the story. Email me at dannyj7200@outlook.com. Thanks for those of you who have already sent me a note -- I really appreciate it. I don't have a lot of free time these days, so if you don't hear back from me quickly, that's why. Also, I PROMISE I will continue this story until it's finished. It's just going to be a while between chapters. You'll just have to be patient, and find other material to fuel your fantasies in the meantime.

If you've written anything that plays on the same themes or have favorite stories along these lines, let me know that, too! I'm always on the lookout for something that plays with manipulation, domination, and especially two "straight" friends where one gradually takes control.

This is my only story so far, and it will take me a while to get through.

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Next: Chapter 14

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