Swim Class Speedos

By Danny Johnson

Published on Mar 8, 2020


"God damn it! I can't believe he actually expects us to wear these things."

Matt was right. It was completely ridiculous that our high school gym teacher required that all male students wear speedos for the required semester of swimming. The school has some foolish age-old notion that they need to teach every student the basics of swimming before graduation, and they force all of us to complete one semester as a grad requirement.

"I know, man. But honestly, we don't really have a choice. Everyone has to wear them. At least we get to buy our own. I heard that in the James County district they make the students wear speedos issued by the school. You literally pick them up out of a bin at the start of every class, and hand them back in after to get washed. How fuckin' disgusting is that? Your cock and balls rubbing up against that nasty nylon speedo where other guys have rested their junk for an entire semester," I said.

"Listen Danny: I don't give one shit about that other school. Honestly, I'm sure you'd even get off on having your tiny dick in the same place as another dude's nuts, you fuckin' faggot!"

Matt loved to tease me about the size of my cock, which really wasn't small at all. It was average. Little dude wasn't much to look at when he was soft, but when I started thinking about that tight Asian snatch that Kelly loved to tease me with whenever she got the chance... bam! Almost six inches of teen boy meat ready to get to work.

The problem is that Matt's monster cock is so fuckin' big that it makes any other dick look like a joke in comparison. But, by now, I'm used to this kind of grief from him and it doesn't bother me most of the time.

Matt and I have been best friends our entire lives. We met in kindergarten and haven't separated since. Sure, things have changed a bit over the years. I mean, that's life. We've grown older, made new friends, gotten into plenty of fights, but nothing's changed the connection we have.

Honestly, I got kind of lucky here. In kindergarten, who the hell knows what you're gonna be like when you grow up, right? Well, while we both play sports, get decent grades, and love to chow down on the hottest cunt we can find, Matt is definitely more popular than me. No question about it. He's turned into the top jock in the school, and with good reason.

Matt is about 6'2", with short dark hair, a natural olive skin tone, bright blue eyes and a smile that chicks love. He puts in plenty of time at the gym, as do I, but he's naturally got a much more athletic build with a trim waist, wide chest and shoulders, thick biceps and solid quads, and that's just the PG stuff.

Seriously, I've seen him naked plenty and he's kind of intimidating, to be honest. His abs... Let's just say he's got more than six of them, and if you used them for a washboard you'd have the cleanest jockeys in town.

Then... I mean, I've already said it right? His dick. I'd say I haven't spent much time looking at it, but everyone's spent time looking at Matt's dick. You can't avoid it, and he loves to show it off any chance he gets. The fuckin' tool is six inches soft. No lie; I've been with him when he's measured it. Six inches soft, which if you remember, actually makes his soft dick bigger than mine when I'm hard. His Italian heritage also shows in the color of his dick. I call it a `self-tanning' dick. It's slightly darker than the rest of his skin, and stays that way year round.

Oh, I forgot the first thing anyone would pick up on. Matt's uncut. Fuck if I know why his parents didn't have him circumcised, but they didn't, and he's become strangely proud of that fact over the years. Says it makes him more of a man that his dick wasn't given a trim.

"I know exactly why Coach Summers makes us wear these speedos, D," Matt continued. "Dude's a total homo. I'm serious. He's an absolute faggot. There's no question about it. Think about it. He makes us studs wear tight, skimpy little speedos that show everything we got, and he has the girls wear a one piece that covers up every curve on their smokin' hot bodies."

"Come on, bro. You really think the guy's a fruit?"

"Fuck yeah, I do! Look at this setup. These swim classes are coed, right? Girls in swimsuits: splashing around in the pool while we watch. And you know those fuckin' cunts are gonna be takin' every chance they get to mess with us - especially Jenny. That bitch wants my delicious dick in her mouth so bad -- she craves it. She's gonna flirt with me like crazy and I'm gonna bone up in two seconds flat."

Matt probably wasn't wrong about that, either. Jenny has been teasing him for a few weeks now, and she knew that Matt was hot for her. I'm guessing she'll take every chance to grind her ass against his `delicious dick,' as he calls it, just to get in his head.

"So follow me here. I get boned up, my massive tube thick as hell inside this tiny ass speedo, and what's Summers doing? He's fuckin' watching the whole thing through the glass of his office, and probably beating off his tiny faggot prick like a dirty peeping Tom!"

"No way. He's a teacher. He would never risk losing his job like that." I tried to calm him down a bit.

"That's where you're wrong, Danny," Matt countered.

As soon as he told me I was wrong, he slid his thumb into the waist of the red basketball shorts he was wearing when we went shopping for our speedos. He tucked the drawstring waistband, along with the Calvin brand name stretched across the top of his red boxer-briefs, under his balls.

"When you have a nine inch beast like this, people will risk anything to get their hands on it. Sometimes they'll risk anything just to get a look at this gorgeous prick."

Matt smirked at me as I glanced at the heavy dick hanging from his trimmed auburn bush. It always fascinated me that although the hair everywhere else on his body was a true medium brown, his pubes had a shade of dark red running through them - just enough to catch the eye if you were watching when he dropped his shorts.

"Fuck man. Stop showin' off!" I've seen his dick more times than I can count, but he must think I have a bad memory because he takes any opportunity to flash me with it.

He flipped his cock back into hiding.

"Summers probably can't wait to see my uncut fatty bulging out the pouch on this swimsuit. I bet he's drooling about it right now at home. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure it's not just about me. Dude has made this the uniform requirement for years, so he's been pervin' on every jock cock that's come through that locker room."

I do kind of wonder how Matt is gonna keep his unit under control for 50 minutes at a time while he's almost naked. He gets off on girls checkin' him out, for sure. He loves to show off and make everyone jealous of the gifts he's been given, and when his ego puffs up, his dick usually does, too.

"I should get community service hours for this shit. Everyone is gonna get a chance to check me out for an hour a day for a whole semester. I don't mind it, but it's hardly fair. And Summers sure isn't the only faggot that's gonna get a free show, either. You know there's got to be more of them in our grade posing as normal dudes."

Matt took off his shirt, and tossed it on his weight bench. His parents have a pretty nice house, so his room is way bigger than mine and he's got space for a basic weight bench and some free weights that he uses when he doesn't feel like hauling it to the gym. He's helped me work on my form here, too, which is most of the reason that my build has developed in the last couple of years.

Matt was flexing like a jackass, checking himself out in the mirror. Sometimes he was just too much. "Well, let's go D. We need to try these fuckin' suits on and make sure we don't need to return them."

Matt stripped off the rest of his clothes pretty quickly. His boxer-briefs, shorts, and high black socks joined the shirt on his weight bench, before he took a few seconds to admire himself again in the floor length mirror opposite the weight bench. He mostly used it to watch himself work out, modifying his technique as he goes.

He's definitely used that mirror for other things, too. Sometimes Matt likes to check himself out while he's beating off. Weird, right? Says he wants to see what he looks like so he can `dial up the sexy' for his chicks. Without the bottle of Windex he has stashed in his closet, that mirror would probably have a two inch coat of ball juice from all the nut he's sprayed on it in the last three years.

I took off my t-shirt, glancing at my own form while I went. My biceps have come a long way, but my chest is probably my best feature. I've really gotten stacked from the bench presses, and have a small patch of dirty blonde hair that's crept in. It matches what I've got on the top of my head, and what I haven't shaved off above little dude. I don't have much hair anywhere else, though.

As I pulled down my own gym shorts and jockeys, my anxiety started to pick up. It's got nothing to do with being naked in front of Matt. It's about the other feature I haven't really talked about yet: my ass. I'm nervous about the speedo and how much of my ass it's actually going to cover. I've been worried about this since I first heard we had to take swimming, and had to wear speedos. Matt knows it, too.

"Come on, Danny. You're gonna just have to try it on and see."

He could tell I was moving slowly to put off the inevitable fitting of the speedo. Matt was pulling his own cherry red speedo over his thighs as I stalled on picking my navy blue suit out of the shopping bag.

"Well, there it is," Matt proclaimed as he snapped his speedo on.

He stood with his arms up and looked at me; hips thrust forward slightly showing off that baseball sized mound in the speedo.

"What do you think, bud?"

"Well, all I gotta say is you better stay away from Jenny!"

I started laughing pretty hard, and so did he. It was nuts. No, like, I mean you could see his nuts, and his snake running down between them.

"Seriously, bro, you're pushing the limit on that pouch as it is. If you get hot, where do you think it's gonna go? There's no room for another three inches, Matt."

"Fuck -- another three inches? You're forgetting about how thick this man meat gets when it's nice and ready! There's more than an extra three inches from the girth, fucker."

I stopped laughing long enough to focus back on my own fitting session, while Matt checked his bulge and ass out from every angle in that mirror. I pulled my speedo up, pushed my package down in the front, and pulled the back up over my ass.

Well, I tried to pull it up over my ass. It only made it a little more than half-way before it came to a complete stop. There was no budging it any further.

"Damn, Danny! You've easily got three inches of crack showing above that suit," Matt called out.

He'd turned away from his own situation and watched me trying to fight for every millimeter I could stretch out of my suit. Matt walked over to me and smacked my ass while I was trying to look over my shoulder.

"Yeah baby, look at that milkshake!"

"Hey, get the fuck off, Matt!"

I hated it when he smacked my ass. The truth is my ass is way bigger than any other guy's ass I've ever seen. It's the one part of my body I'm really embarrassed about. It really is a fat ass. I've done all I can think of to trim it down, but the best I've been able to do is tone it up some.

I knew that no speedo would be able to cover up my butt, and so did Matt.

"You know I'm just playin', Danny boy. You can hide that fat ass you got under baggy jeans and gym shorts all day, but a speedo? You've got no shot. I'd say that you should go up a size or two to cover some more of it up, but we need to be real here. The bigger you go on the speedo to give yourself more cover in the back, the bigger the gap you're gonna end up with in the front. Your ass may be packin', but your pencil dick can't keep up."

Matt started laughing and carrying on at my expense. He started to play at twerking, which he often does when he wants to push my buttons about my butt. I lost it.

"FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!" I shouted at him as I pushed him over from the side.

He wasn't expecting it, so he did hit the floor briefly before he leapt back up in my direction. He quickly threw his arms around my torso and tackled me to the ground, both of us wearing only the tight speedos we've been bitching about all afternoon. He pinned me on my back in less than a minute, which was pretty much how things always went.

"You're such a stupid fucker, Danny."

Matt had me on my back with my hands held above my head, and he was sitting on my abs, leaning down into my face so he could talk directly into my right ear.

"You really should have learned by now that you got nothin' on me. Nothin'. Except your FAT ASS, bitch!"

At that, Matt repositioned the both of us and flipped me on my stomach. I got tense right away because usually when he pins me he just lets me up and now I didn't know what to expect. Matt settled in, resting his muscular ass right down on my back while he faced my legs.

"Tell me what it is you got on me, D. Tell me."

SMACK! He slapped my left ass cheek with his right hand.

"Come on and tell me."

SMACK! He hit my other cheek.

"Fuck dude! What the hell, Matt?"

I pleaded with him, but couldn't think quickly enough about how to answer his question, and growing impatient he pushed the speedo from where it was fitted half-way down my bubble butt until it came to rest at the back of my knees. SMACK! SMACK! He slapped my ass bare this time, and I knew my ass was getting red.

"FUCK! My ass! My fat ass is what I got on you, Matt!"

"That's right. This fuckin' fat, juicy, bubble butt is all you got on me. So why do you think you could ever get the jump on me and get away with it, FAGGOT!"

SMACK! He slapped my ass one more time to make his point, then stood up and started to walk away. I rolled over and kicked the speedo off, starting to get up, and before I realized it he turned back and was standing behind me. Matt grabbed me by the hips while I was still bent over and he pumped his speedo clad bulge into my bare ass three times. Then he slapped my butt again for good measure.

"That's your workout for the day, Danny. You learn your lesson now, bitch?"

I finally got to my feet and glared at him. I didn't know what to say. He was right -- I lost my temper when he was joking around about my butt, and was stupid enough to think I could get away with a cheap shot at him.

"Fuck, man! Yeah, I learned my god damn lesson."

"Good. Now show me some love."


"Come on, Matt. We're getting too old for this shit. You took me down and I learned my lesson, now let's just leave it at that."

I tried to avoid the inevitable. Probably around the time we turned 12, Matt's physique started to take shape. Puberty hit him early, starting with his crotch and quickly moving up his torso to his biceps. That's when he really began to appreciate being the center of attention and learned that if he showed off his assets, people paid him more attention. Ever since, he's made sure I know he's top dog between the two of us.

"Kiss the muscle, man. Show me some love."

And damned if I didn't kiss his flexing bicep like a bitch, as usual. Just one kiss on his right bicep was all he wanted, and I gave up fighting that a long time ago. I guess it's just part of the price I pay to be his best friend, and I can live with that. It makes him happy.

He smiled broadly at me and turned around to head back to the mirror as he said, "We still didn't figure out what we're gonna do about our speedo problem, buddy."

End of part 1.

Message from the author:

I'd love to hear any feedback you have about this first part of the story. Email me at dannyj7200@outlook.com. If you've written anything that plays on the same themes, let me know that, too! I'm always on the lookout for something that plays with manipulation, domination, and two "straight" friends.

Next: Chapter 2

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