Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jan 14, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 88. Fellinger's then punishment

Fellingers's is a unique establishment in the area.. Justin was looking forward to going there. It was gay-owned and frequented by many of the gay populations in the surrounding area. A sign at the door proudly proclaimed: This is a GAY-owned and operated establishment and most times the majority of our clientele are GAY. If this disturbs you or makes you uncomfortable, there is a lovely restaurant three miles in this direction (with an arrow!).

There is a "gay only" dining room for those who wish (although not all do), and it is rumored that there are three "private" rooms available for patrons who have need of them for up to two hours.

It is done in a rustic style, somewhat like several well-known chain steakhouses, but its menu is far more sophisticated than just slabs of beef. Waiters wear black jeans and tight t-shirts and for the most part are members of the team, although it is difficult to tell for sure who is what, and that is part of the fun of it. They are planning to hire a few women as servers as well, hoping to attract more of the Lesbian community. Two of the bartenders are FTM trans, and the floor manager is the other way around, but isn't to be trifled with.

Justin and brandon are impressed with the atmosphere and décor. brandon has never been here before either. Gary would never have brought him to a place like this because he could never afford it.

Justin's dressed brandon in an open-necked white shirt which makes the slave's collar very obvious, although sometimes even gay men don't make the connection and realize it's a slave collar. Their waiter obviously does know what it means. He's quite a hunk, that's for sure, but has apparently been around the block. As soon as we are seated he approaches the table and looks mainly at brandon on the way. When he gets to the table, he hands a menu to Justin and winks at him. Yes, indeed, he's got the picture.

Justin opens the menu on the table and brandon leans forward trying to read upside down. "Sit up straight, boi," Justin orders, so that's the end of that. He looks at the boi and says, "I would like you to have a nice juicy red steak and a Ceasar salad." "Not sure what a Ceasar salad is," says brandon. "Well, you'll know what it is when you get to eat one. And would you like French fries or be a big boi and have a baked potato?" "Me a big boy, Daddy." Justin smiles at him with that smile that makes him tremble inside.

The waiter comes by and Justin orders a Martini for himself and "a glass of house red for the boi." "Would you like drawing paper and crayons?" the waiter asks with a smirk at brandon who begins to giggle. "Yes, that would be helpful, considering," answers Justin.

"So I have good news for you," Justin says. "Oh cool. What, Sir?"

"When I was away I was able to hire a Vice President for our European sector and therefore I will not need to travel at all for hopefully the next two years. The VP will come here instead. That means only short trips away and a lot of the time I can bring you when I want so I can have constant service from you."

"Whatever You wish, Sir, whatever You think is best," brandon replies as the waiter (named Derek) brings their drinks. Justin orders immediately for both of them. And when He orders the steak for the slave, Derek asks Justin how He would like that done, not brandon. brandon thinks to himself, "Damn! That guy's tip is getting bigger and bigger."

"that is very good news for sure, Master."

"It was something I insisted on with Dad considering the fact that I will never again be willing to leave you alone for such a long period of time. Especially since you obviously can't be trusted to be attentive to your own need for safety, but we will take care of that when we get back from dinner in a way that I hope will encourage you to be more circumspect in the future."

"Understood, Sir, and it is well deserved, whatever You choose to do to motivate Your slave to be more careful."

"And now do you understand that this is a rigid restriction from now on: you may never be alone outside at night for any reason. Do you understand, brandon?"

"Yes, Master."

"It's a good thing I don't mind making up as many rules as possible to make sure you don't go off and do something stupid again. After all, you are My possession, and I don't like the idea that My possession would be put in any danger. I hope you take some to consider how much worse things could have gotten for you wandering around by yourself only a block from that frat house. You could have been beaten up or even raped by those bastards."

"The rule will protect Your slave, Master, especially when You aren't around for long."

"But I just told you . . . . . . . wait just a minute: you have some hidden agenda, don't you? Say what it is, boi. Right now."

"It was so hard, all of it, You away for so long, the assignments, Michael's issues, the Ranch, all of it without You there for any of it and Michael was blowing Austin and I had to get away from the room without being naked so I got the idea to go outside dressed and I was so preoccupied that I got lost in my head and wasn't the least bit aware of where I was walking. Not trying to make excuses, but anyway, You asked, Master."

"There were people you could have gone to: the Professor, Andy, especially. You kept all the pressure deep within yourself, didn't you?"

"yes, Master."

"I realize that I am partly at fault for leaving you alone for so long, so I am not going to punish you too severely, but I wish that by now you would have realized that even though you are My slave, you do have resources to call on, and that you should never be harboring that kind of mental distress and pressure. brandon, you are My slave. As far as I am concerned, a good slave must be transparent. Why do I make you stay naked so much? But you must be naked inside as well as outside. I've told you that so many times, and you've done well. But this situation put you in a very dangerous situation. Again, inside and outside."

Derek brings their meals and asks if the Master needs anything else.

As they are eating, Justin gets an insight and says to brandon, "Do you know, dogs really have it easy. All their needs are taken care of. They can sleep as much as they want, every day and every night. They don't have to worry about money. There is really very little things they have to be concerned about, and they live in the moment at all times."

"Lucky creatures," says brandon.

"Well then, be a dog, brandon. Air out your mind and keep it free of concern."

"I wish it were that easy," the slave says.

"I know, boi. That's why there are rules and restrictions. And why punishment is frequently needed, especially for the first few years."

"Years? Really?"

"That's what long-term couples have told me. But maybe it's just a function of your being so young.'

"That's a powerful word. Young. I mean, I know I am young, only 18 years old, but everyone has always told me that I act old for my age, maybe because I had to be the man in the family, but now everything is different. Barry's the man now. And I'm Your boi, and sometimes when with You I feel more and more like a young boy."

"And that's what you are. I attended a couple of interesting presentations while away and I heard a lot of good ideas about how to properly keep, train and discipline a slave. All slaves are bois, no matter when they were born. Always so much less than real men. Always needing someone to foster, adopt, or somehow manage to own them. So feel young. Be young. Never growing into becoming a man. No. Instead, sinking into the state of slave-ness. Finish your potato, child."

"Yes, Daddy." brandon is miffed. He hoped their first meal together when Justin got home would be more of a celebration and maybe even a bit romantic, but Justin is using it as an occasion to lecture him as if he were an irresponsible child. He knew he should confess these thoughts but he simply doesn't want that to be an occasion for another lecture and even more punishment, so he keeps it hidden and tries not to brood about it.

brandon finishes up eating.

==back home==

"Once you've gotten naked, go into the dungeon and stand by the stocks."

the slave's insides begin churning and, of course, the stocks remind it of the Ranch. Not a good association, but such are the breaks.

Justin comes in, adjusts the stakes to the height He wants and snaps His fingers. The slave quickly fits itself into the openings and Justin closes and locks the slave in so it is at a 90 degree angle.

Justin goes and gets the rawhide whip He had first begun using on the slave. He said He wasn't going to punish severely, but He also doesn't allow a warm-up but just lashes the slave with that whip as hard and fast as He can. brandon is shocked at the way Justin goes about it. "Shit," he thinks to himself, this really hurts. Badly." And for the first time ever being whipped by his Master, he isn't getting any masochistic satisfaction out of it. It just hurts. Badly. He doesn't want to take this. "RED!!!" he yells.

Justin drops the whip. "God fucking dammit," He yells! "How fucking stupid can you be. This is punishment! Have you forgotten that you have no safe words when I'm punishing you!" He goes and picks up a regular flogger, comes back and says, "Maybe this will help you remember why you're being punished. Maybe this will help you respect the safety of My property the way it should be protected." He hauls off and begins flogging the shit out of the slave. He works the flogger up and down the slave's back and then starts afresh on its ass and even works quite a bit on its upper legs. The slave is screaming and sobbing crying by the time He's finished, and the slave is unable to get out the usual words of gratitude for being punished.

"Stay there for a while. When I release you from the stocks, you are to run immediately up into Andy's room and suck His cock as the first of the three bj's you owe Him for taking such good care of you."

With that, He walks out of the room and leaves the slave bent over there, in agony and fighting the anger that is arising within it, anger that it never felt before from being punished. And now there's the disappointment that it won't immediately humble itself before the Master who whipped it, but rather had to run off to Andy because that's what the Master wants. With great struggle, the slave surrenders to what is going to happen and let's go of how it wanted things to happen.

Once Justin is off the phone with Andy, He goes back inside and unlocks the stocks and, picking up the flogger again, drives the slave out of the dungeon and upstairs to Andy. Meanwhile, Justin strips to His boxer-briefs and lies on the bed calling up a movie.

---up at Andy's---

"Master striped you good, boi. I like the feel of a boi's mouth on my dick when it's in pain. I know you'll do a nice job, brandon."

brandon kneels before Andy and take His cock into his mouth and starts to please it the way He knows Andy likes.

"Better your Master beats you up than those psychotic frat bois, you know. If you hadn't been in such bad shape Monday night I would have given you a beating myself for being so stupid. Ah, yes, boi—keep going just like that!!!!"

brandon adjusts his technique because this is something new for Andy, something he never used to like much before. Amazing, the slave thinks, how it has to keep remembering how Doms and Master like to be sucked off because they all have different preferences. He thinks back to blowing Gary and realizes how primitive that was compared to what he's been trained to do now. He chuckles to himself inside, realizing that Gary will never know how much he's improved since those days of high school fumbling. He realizes that he's actually disappointed that Master isn't allowing him to service Gary any longer.

"That's it, baby. Pleasure My dick while your back and ass are on fire. The best blowjob ever, boi, come on now, give it to Me. Worship My dick the way I like you to."

Eventually, after a good long time, Andy cums and the smoothness of what goes down brandon's throat helps soothe how sore it had become from screaming before. He keeps His cock in brandon's mouth until it softens, and is impatient for the day to come when He might be able to just stay there and pour His own piss down the slave's throat. Of course, considering how possessive Justin has become of the boi, He isn't really sure that the day will come when its Master will demand that it serve other Men that way. So finally, Andy just pats the slave's cheeks and sends it back to its Master.

AS soon as Andy dismisses him, brandon hastens downstairs and when he realizes that Justin is on the bed, he crawls in there and climbs up, hoping to end the night with the feeling of Justin's cock in his mouth rather than Andy's, but Justin orders him to get down and wash His feet. brandon bathes them gently, showing his Master how much He appreciated being disciplined, and so gently. Justin praises him for obeying His command to go take care of Andy so readily, and has him brush his teeth again before climbing back into bed No blow job. brandon is surprised. Despite everything that Justin did to him tonight, slave that he is, he still craves the feel of Justin's cock in his mouth even it means he has to swallow another load of piss.

Next: Chapter 89

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