Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jan 5, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 82. Various kinky stuff

Meanwhile, Andy gets a call from, of all people, Jonny.

"Jonny, what can I do for you?"

"How about the same thing you did last time. Been thinking about it a lot."

"And you want to feel it again now?"

"Yes, Sir, if you're willing."

"I'll be happy to thrash you again, son, but it will have to a bit more than just a spanking."

"how so, if may ask?

"I'll want to explore your naked body a bit more, as if I were examining you to purchase you as a slave."

"How will you do that?"

"Just with my fingers in various place."

"Sounds like it could be embarrassing."

"Yes, it certainly will. Rights any man should have when spanking a sub boy."

"Hey, didn't say I was a sub."

"Well, you want another spanking, so something's going on, and I plan to add in some humiliation, and I strongly suspect that you will enjoy yourself a lot. Trust me, Jonny. I'll take good care of you."

"Well, okay."

"I could see you this Friday. Come by at 8 pm."

"Okay, Sir, See you then."


Brandon is just lying on his back when the door opens and Michael comes walking in, looking sore.

"Wow, babe. Who took you over his knee tonight?"

"Andy. We went to eat and He helped me figure out what was going on with Alan; then after supper He brought me back to His place for a good thrashing and a chance to service Him."

"Good for you! I'm happy. It's okay to be happy for you, right?

"Yeah, I guess. I get so hot when Andy takes over, but it never goes too far and never gets repeated until I come to Him asking for advice."

"Seems to me that he's set some definite boundaries, Michael."

"Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries, I'm sick of the concept."

"Then use a different word: limits. Limits are set better. Like you won't go with Alan again because he broke through your limits, right?

"Correct. The entire scene the other night was way beyond my limits. That's why I got away."

"Sometimes others have limits as well. Take Andy. He's reached His limit with you, Michael. Mentoring which always ends with a spanking and you with His dick in your mouth. But that's as far as it goes."

"He must know what feelings he's awakening in me."

"Don't be too sure of that. Look at it from his perspective: you're using Him to get advice about things that are bothering you, then to get spanked and blow him to show your gratitude. Nothing suggests that He is interested in keeping you around for anything more than that. He doesn't want a relationship with someone so young. You've got face that."

"I know you're right, brandon, but I sure wish you weren't."

"So show me your ass." Michael drops his pants.

"Hey, you got away pretty easy, I'd say."

"Really? You think this is easy?"

"Sure it is, buddy. Look at my body." brandon stands up and does a 180.

"Wow! Who the hell did that to you?"

"Jack and Jake. I was completely clothed while they kept going at me with their leather straps. At first it didn't hurt at all, but the more they did it, the worse it got because they were hitting everywhere for a good long time."

"and you had your clothes on? Oh my!"

"Yes. They told me to wear jeans and a long sleeve shirt, and even with all that on, look how much I got marked up. . . . Hey, maybe you should give them a try yourself."

"Maybe, but you know what I want to do?


"I want to have a date with a guy who isn't into any kinky stuff at all, just to see what it would be like. That's why I'm going on Grindr. Wanna see what will happen. Would you take a pic for me to use?"

"Sure, buddy. Strip down and I'll take a faceless shot of you, hard or not?"

"Let's go with not for the first time."

So brandon takes the pic of Michael and then helps him compose his first Grindr ad:

"College boy ready to play with hot guy under 30 into romancing a horny freshman. Your place or my dorm room at the U. Please show a clothed pic."

"Good luck on that. And if someone wants to come here, I'll find something else to do."

All of a sudden a new text comes from Justin. "Take an uber to the Mabletree Inn and book yourself a double room. Then text me the room number. Use the debit card I gave you. I just put money on it. Go there now. Bring lube, something to read, and wear the dog collar I left you."

"hmmm, this looks interesting . . . look at this text:" He shows it to Michael.

"Sounds like he's going to rent you out or something."

"Well, I'm gonna get dressed and head out. I hope you meet up with someone interesting."

"Thanks, buddy. If nothing else, I've got a paper due."

brandon arrives at the hotel and checks in. He brought an overnight bag just to make it look genuine. As soon as he gets to the room he texts Justin the room number.

A return text comes back: "I've placed an ad offering your services on two different sites and left a couple pics with you naked, caged, and marked up. The ads read: My obedient college freshman sub is horny while I'm out of town. He's in a hotel room to service you orally. Just show up and knock. Mapletree Inn, room 138 (in the back). You can call the room to verify if you want, or just show up." Be a good boy. I've left an email for them to report back. Service anyone who shows up no matter what they want."

Text back: "Yours, Master. This is a little scary but very hot."

Justin's text: "Just realize that you're out there available to any man who wants to use you."

25 minutes later, the phone rings. brandon answers: "So is this for real? You'll suck my dick if I come over?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Hot. I'll be there in 25. Leave the door unlatched. You be naked and on your knees, faggot. I see someone smacked you around. I might do so myself."

"Whatever you want, Sir."

After the call is completed, brandon strips—nothing unusual about that. But he keeps watching the clock because he doesn't want to leave the door unlatched for too long. Finally it's time. He turns all the lights off in the room except for a small lamp so the room is pretty dark. He unlatches the door and kneels by the bed.

Just a couple minutes later, a tall thin black man walks in. "So is this white boy used to sucking big black cocks?

"Yes, Sir, this boy has served a black man before."

The man walks towards him, opens his pants and pulls out a pretty large cock. "Too big for you, faggot?"

"probably the biggest I've ever tried to suck, Sir,"

"well why don't you begin by licking it all over to get the taste of it. Maybe that will help you open your throat like a good cocksucker."

brandon does as instructed and pays special attention to the crown of the man's cock and licks off some pre-cum that formed.

"Good boy, you sure know your way around a cock. Put the tip in your mouth and play with it with your tongue. Then we'll see just how far I can slide down your throat. And maybe this will help, too." He slaps brandon's face but not too hard. "Does it scare you when I slap your face, boy?"

`no, Sir, it makes me want to do as good a job as I can possibly do."

"Good to hear. Well, have at it, faggot. Never been sucked off by a boy before. something new for each of us tonight."

brandon takes the tip of the man's cock in his mouth and plays with it as instructed, and the guy slowly puts pressure on brandon's mouth to slide in further. "That's a good boy. Open up, take my big black cock, little faggot. Show me how hungry you are for dick."

brandon is getting turned on by the way the man is speaking to him, especially by the fact that this is the first time the man ever had his cock in the mouth of a guy. The man pushes in farther and brandon starts to gag.

"I know something that will help," the guy says, and reaches down and sqeezes the hell out of the boy's nipples. brandon opens his mouth to cry out and the man slips himself more deeply into the boy's throat. Then he begins to fuck, quickly picking up the pace and brandon takes it the best way he can. This continues for a while, then the guy lets his pants fall down more and orders brandon to lick and suck on his balls while the man jerks his cock. "I want to cum on your face and down your chest, boy. Stop licking my balls when I tell you to and back off."

Finally, brandon gets the facial and a lot down his chest. The guy slaps his face a couple more times, pulls up his pants and leaves without saying a word. Just as he opens the door to leave, there's another guy there, some guy a little older than college age, who looks over at brandon and laughs. "Fucking hot, dude." The ad said you're a sub—that means submissive, right?

"Yes, Sir."

Cool. but go wash that other guy's spunk off your face and chest and then get in here and I'll put you to work."

brandon does as told, and when he gets back into the room, the guy is completely naked and lying on the bed playing with his cock. "Come on up here, boy, and lay your body against mine."

brandon obeys. "So. Is kissing allowed?" brandon nods his head and right away the guy puts his lips to brandon's and forces his mouth open with his tongue and they start making out. Meanwhile the guy runs his hand up and down brandon's back and the boy moans when he hits a couple of sore spots. The guy stops kissing him. "Who beat you up like this?" "a couple guys in my dorm." "Too bad, beating up such a sweet young lad." The guy begins kissing and licking the boy's throat and brandon cooperates by leaning his head back and offering his neck to the guy. He laughs. "Good thing I'm not a vampire, boy, the way you offered your neck to me." brandon giggles. The guy puts his hands behind his head. "Hey, why don't you lick my armpits clean? I don't use deodorant so you'll get a good taste of man-pits. Lick `em good, boy or I'll spank your ass even though it's sore."

Of course brandon loves this and dives in and does a really good job, so good in fact that the guy has to stop him and move his head over to the other one. "Holy shit, you really get into it, don't you, kid?"

"Been trained to do it."

"Who's the guy who ran the ad? Did you do that?"

"no, Sir. My Master did."


"Yes, Sir. I'm a submissive slave owned by a Master. He's out of town and set a few things up to keep me occupied. He likes making me serve other men. He says it keeps me feeling like a slave all the time."

"Well right now, you're my slave? What's your name?" "Peter, Sir." Well, Peter, why don't you suck my nipples for a while. Nibble on them, but not too hard. And start handling my cock too, get it good and hard so I can fuck your face."

brandon does as told. This guy has a nice body and it's clear that he must play with his own nipples at times.

"This is nice, Peter. Work my nipples and jerk my cock. They're connected and this feels absolutely awesome. Run your fingers over the head of my dick and play with my piss slit, boy. You drink piss?"

"Only my Master's, Sir." "Would you take a little taste of mine?"

"If it's just a little, okay, Sir." "Never mind. Take my cock in your mouth and suck it. Show me how well your Master trained you, slut. Hey, is it okay to call you names?" brandon nods his head while he's sucking. This guy has a nice dick. About 6 inches, so the kid can take it easily. "Nothing better than getting my dick sucked by a faggot cocksucker. Go on, bitch, work that cock. Make it feel real good. . . . . now get my balls... put them in your mouth one at a time . . . . . hot. lick under my balls, my taint. I'm clean. showered before I came over. . . . jerk my cock while you do that. this is so fucking hot, having you obey me like a good faggot. How about licking my asshole?"

"Yes, Sir, if you want." "if I want! Fuck yes." the guy rolls over a bit. "go ahead, Peter the faggot, get that tongue of yours in there and lick my asshole. Fuck it with your tongue, faggot. Be a good sub for me. Yeah, that's right. Eat my ass, boy. Use your entire mouth."

And while brandon does this, the guy starts to spank him lightly and that gets brandon going to town on the guy's ass. "Man, you respond well to getting spanked. Come on back over now and suck my cock again. I'm about ready to blow, so blow me good, Peter."

At just that moment, there's a knock on the door.

"Hey, go answer the door. Make sure you open it wide so whoever it is can see you naked."

brandon goes to the door and opens it. A middle-aged man is standing there and comes right into the room. The guy on the bed says, "You'll have to wait a couple minutes, dude, until I shoot my load in this faggot's mouth." The new man comes right over to get a good look. "Watch how good this faggot sucks cock! Come on, Peter, all the way up and all the way down, faster and faster. I've got a good creamy load for you to swallow. Suck me good, faggot. Do what your Master trained you to do. . . . oh shit, here it comes! ...=========== brandon takes it all and swallows it down, the guy backs out of his mouth ...too sensitive now! That was fucking great. I'll be sure to send in a good report. Maybe your Master will let me have another shot at you some day soon."

"You can always ask when you email Him, Sir."

"Well, you get a good mark from me, faggot. Help me up now so I can get dressed and you can take care of your next customer."

As soon as he leaves, the other man stands there and takes off his belt. "I've always wanted to beat some brat's ass the way my father used to do to me. Get yourself up on that bed and put a pillow under your groin. Raise your ass and stick it out for me, kid. Daddy's gonna give you the whippin you've deserved for a good long time." brandon gets in position hoping he can handle more strapping, but it turns out that this guy doesn't hit very hard. brandon decides to give him a show and yelps and moans and whimpers, and this gets the guy spanking harder while he keeps lecturing brandon as if he's a little boy who's been getting away with far too much lately. Finally, when he's done, he rubs brandon's ass and that feels pretty good. Then he wants to talk.

"What does it mean when your ad says you're a sub?"

"Sub means submissive. I do what I'm told and am obedient. If there's anything you want from me besides just spanking me, please feel free to ask."

"And did you place that ad by yourself?"

"no. My Master did. I'm an owned slave and he's out of town so He cooked this up to keep me busy serving other men. So far so good."

"Very interesting. Well, I just wanted to spank a young dude and now I've done it. Thanks a lot. Any way I can get in touch if I'm in the mood again?"

"Just write to the email at the end of the ad. That goes directly to my Master."

With that, he says goodbye and leaves.

It's pretty quiet for the next hour. Then there's a phone call.

"Hey, saw you ad. You busy now?"

"No, Sir."

"Sir? I like that. So you're a sub, eh? that means submissive, right?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Well, I'll tell you what I want. I'll want my hard cock in your mouth most of the time. I like to insult, slap, spit and otherwise humiliate a guy I can call names too, like faggot, slut, cocksucker, etc. I like to do a lot of hot talk while fucking your face and getting your face good and wet, and maybe slap you around in other parts of your body. I also like pulling on your balls and smacking them while all this is going on."

"Sounds good, Sir."

"Okay. I can be there in about 20 minutes. I'll knock three times. You be naked when you open the door."

"yes, Sir. Look forward to being used by you."

"hot. Like I said, 20 minutes. Be ready, faggot!"

"Yes, Sir."

This turns out to be an awesome scene, kind of somewhere between Gregor and Master when He's in the mood to punish brandon's balls. It lasts for an hour and a half. By the time it's done, brandon's been crying, his face is covered in spit and his balls are aching. After it's all over, the guy lies with him and smooches a little (unexpected!) then gets up and gets dressed and leaves. Promises to write the email address.

About 11:30 pm, brandon gets a text: "Call an Uber and go back to campus. Pack toiletries. Wear jeans and boots to class tomorrow and go to Professor's office when you're done." I had some good reports tonight. You're a good boy and I love you."

Next: Chapter 83

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