Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Jan 2, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 79. Aftercare and trip home. Naked and crawling in the dorm.

Kevin shows Justin where the light switch is. He goes downstairs and hears silence. Good. The slave has stopped crying and sobbing, and rests in the after-glow of its pain. He goes behind the slave and gently slides in the plug up to prevent further leaking. He wants His essence to remain deep in the body of the slaveboi. As it is, there's a lot already dripping down its legs. He uses the rag to wipe it up. He views the bright red welts everywhere and traces of blood from where the strap wrapped around. Justin finds the first aid kit. Carefully, He cleanses the blood off the slave's sides and puts on some Neosporin and then three bandaids.

In all this, the slave hasn't made a sound. "What do you have to say for yourself, slave? Has your Master whipped you enough? Do you need any more?"

"Please Mmmmmaster, give it what You think it needs so that it can continue to love You and to serve You. Bring Your slave down, Master, down into its deepest space, where there is nothing but humiliation, and obedience, and love. Please, Master, please teach Your slave what it needs to learn. Please, Master, burn Your love into its flesh.

Justin goes to the boi's mouth and gives it a reassuring kiss, letting it know that it has done well, that it has taken what it needed so much, that its punishment is complete, but further humiliation will follow. He knows how much His boi's needs and He will give it all it needs to understand what it is.

"All I want right now is to see you humble yourself as deeply as you possibly can and then stay down there until I lift you up again. I'm going to release your bonds now, slave. Fall to the ground and lie flat down so your Master can walk on you and crush you to show you where you find your meaning.

The slave throws itself to the ground and lies flat out on its front. Justin begins to walk down the slave's body starting at its neck and making His way down, even over its whipped ass. He steps off. "Now back up on your knees. I have to piss again. In you. Open your urinal mouth, slave. Drink your Master."

brandon rushes to get into position and opens wide, barely able to open its eyes. "Look into My eyes, slave, while I piss down your throat. See how much you please Me by drinking Me." Eyes open large and focus as told, and Justin lets loose. Not too much this time, but enough to get the point across. "You'll be tasting piss all the way home, slave. it will be good for you to get used to it. Soon you will crave it, and then you'll know you've become Mine. Now suck Me off. My cock is clean. Get Me hard again and see if you can work another load out of Me. But don't touch Me with your hands!"

brandon works hard on its Master's cock until Justin finally gives up and tells it to stop. "Keep that mouth open, slave." He picks up the rag He used to wipe His cum from the slave's legs and forces it into the slave's mouth. "Accept humiliation from your Master. It is good for you. Suck My cum out of that rag, slave." And the slave does its best.

"Keep the rag in your mouth but get yourself up those stairs. Keep your hands behind your back." The slave starts its way up with Justin behind it, slapping its ass to push it on faster. The slave howls inside but cannot open its mouth or it will drop the cum rag.

When they get up to Master Kevin, Justin pulls the rag out of the slave's mouth and orders it to the ground to lick Master Kevin's feet as a sign of its gratitude for His hospitality.

"It will be tasting our piss and your feet all the way home, Kev. That should keep it satisfied. No need to feed it anything else."

"I've got some leftover rice in the fridge. Good for soaking up piss if you want it."

"Not a bad idea. thanks for offering, Kevin. Slave, stop licking and keep your face on the floor."

Kevin goes over and takes out the dish of rice. "Had Chinese food last night. Always save the rice for when My slave drinks My piss." He hands the dish to Justin. Justin puts it on the floor and spits in it and invites Kevin to do the same. Between the two of them, they get the rice soaking in a nice gravy!

"Eat this up, slave and make sure you don't get any on the floor!"

Without hesitation, brandon puts its face in the dish and sucks up and licks up everything in it.

"Wow, Justin. You've beaten this slave into some real deep submission. Good for you, dude."

"Yes. It seems to me like it's slipped down a couple levels this afternoon. Never saw it like this before. I'm pleased with what we accomplished together this afternoon. I'll be enjoying the results for a long time to come. And I know My slave will be in ecstasy for a long time."

The slave finishes all the rice. Justin orders it to pick up the plate and wash it in the sink. After that, he shakes Kevin's hand and thanks him for the exciting afternoon and promises to stay in touch. Then he orders the slave to stand before Kevin and push out its balls so He can enjoy them for a bit. Kevin grabs them and squeezes, then pulls, then gives them a good hard punch. "Don't fucking bend over, slave!" Justin warns it and it fights to stand upright.

"Something I've been training it to do, to stay upright when its balls get punched. It's a favorite form of torture for Me to use."

"I'll have to try that myself. thanks for the idea."

"You're very welcome. One more punch to set us off on the road?"

"Don't mind if I do." Kevin hauls off and really punches hard. Tears come to the slave's eyes and it is obvious how hard it's fighting not to bend over.

"Crawl outside. Go to a corner of the house and raise your leg so you can piss like an animal. Then crawl to the car," order Justin. He and Kevin hug goodbye. "Good luck with your boi when it gets home. Keep me posted." And He follows the slave out to the car, gets in and backs out of the driveway.

They ride most of the way home in silence. "don't fucking fall asleep, brandon. Soon I'm going to want you to start talking about what you are and what you're feeling."

brandon thinks to himself, "How do I tell Him that He's broken me? Do I have the words to use? It's so hard to think of anything right now except the lashes and the piss and the tone Master has been using since He punished me, and how much He has turned me on. How will I be able to function in school tomorrow? How can I face Michael now that I've become this broken faggot slave with no will other than Master's? How can I tell Him that I just sucked up spit-covered rice to absorb the piss in my belly, or how much I wish I could have more piss?"

"Speak, slave."

"this slave is so grateful to You, Master. It is broken. It is craving Your piss. its whipped ass is on fire and it wishes it were completely on fire everywhere to please You. it craves Your lash, Master. it is afraid, Master.

"afraid of what?"

"how can it possibly go to school tomorrow, knowing what it has become? how could it possible wear clothing and walk upright without wanting to bow to the ground and kiss the shoes of every one of its classmates?

"It will be easy for you to do those things tomorrow, baby. You will do it because I am ordering you to do it. My will is the only thing that matters and has nothing to do with what you think or feel. Your belly full of piss and spit, your fucked ass plugged and has been whipped. That is what I have wanted for you. That is what you have been needing while away from home. Understand that. The only thing you want is what I want, and you will do all of these things tomorrow because that is what I am ordering you to do, and the only way you can have any peace in your life is if you do exactly what I order you to do."

"Master, this slave has become a different person now."

"Yes, you have. And it makes Me love you even more. And My love for you is there whether you are groveling in the dust covered with piss and welts or if you are walking upright, well-dressed and taking your place proudly among your classmates. I determine who you are, slave. Today, tonight, you are down and broken. This is temporary. It is not all that you are even though it feels like that right now. You have to place all your trust in your Master and in His will for you."

"does this slave have the right to love You, Master?"

"Yes you do, slave, because I give you that right. And because all of the things that happened at Master Kevin's house have broken through the pride that was keeping you confused and resistant. So much of that has been washed away in pain and humiliation. And you've already been punished and don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day. Everything will be better now. I know this is almost impossible for you to understand right now. That doesn't matter. You don't have to understand any longer. All you have to do is obey Me. And I am ordering you that when I drop you off on campus after wiping you down in My shower in a little while, you will become an ordinary college boi. You have My permission to tell Michael whatever you want to tell Him, but it is okay if you keep a lot of this to yourself right now. You know you are broken. You know you have broken through to a new level. You can keep this to yourself. For now. Now you may put the seat back and sleep, my love. Sleep the sleep of a well-trained slave who has pleased its Master very much."

Justin drives along in silence. He doesn't want to put any music on because it might keep brandon awake. The slave's had a harrowing day, especially after so much activity that wasn't anything like today's. And this slave really needed what happened to it today. And Justin knows that. For once, He is not mind-fucking Himself about whether He went too far. No, He is confident. He can hear it in the slave's voice, see it in its eyes, and as He listens carefully He can hear that brandon is breathing very very comfortably. He's tempted by the slave's naked body spread out there. What does its position indicate? That the slave trusts Justin so much, or that the slave is offering itself to Him in total submission? Or maybe a bit of the two.

brandon mumbles in his sleep. "Yours, Master. Yours." Is he pretending to be asleep? Well, there is only one way to tell. He speaks very softly. "I know you're awake, imp, and you're going to pay for it. Reach up and open the glove box. There's a tube of Ben Gay in there. Take it out and close the box." brandon stalls for a while but then realizes that things could get a lot worse if he's caught faking. He opens the box and takes out the tube. He grimaces at what's coming. "Take a glob of it from the tube on your finger and then rub it into your balls. I'll look and tell you when the glob is big enough."

Dreading what' to come, brandon take the top off the tube and squirts some onto his finger. "A little more," its Master says. "That's fine. Now rub it in, slave. Those balls are Mine, I want them glowing for Me. Go ahead. Don't hesitate so damn much. Get it over with, boi." brandon takes a deep breath and starts to rub it into his balls and gets ready to whimper. It doesn't take long.

"Oh, that's so sweet, the music you're making for your Master. Keep going, slave. Let Me hear how it hurts. The slave's breath speeds up and the whimpers turn to groans and the slave forces out the words, "Yours, Master."

"yes, brandon. You are Mine. My painpig slaveboi. I know your secrets, brandon. You can hide nothing from Me. That would upset you too much to hold anything back from your Master. It would mean you're a make-believe slave. But this isn't make-believe. This is your life, sweet boi."

brandon knows things he is allowed to say and things he can never say, such as "mercy." "The balls hurt, Master. Thank You, Master. "Still getting worse?" Justin asks. "Yes, Master ooooooooooo!" brandon tries to brace himself to take the pain better. "Stop that, slave. Let yourself loose. Don't tighten up. Stay loose and take what I'm giving you, slave. And Justin slaps the slave over its right nipple, a good hard slap which causes the slave to blow out its air all at once. "More, boi, more? Take more?" brandon starts to cry. "Yes, Master, please more?" WHAM!!! Down comes the hand again and the boi screams out, "Yours!"

Justin has a question to ask. "Did Gary ever share you with anybody?" "Yes, Master, but He always had me blindfolded so I didn't ever know who I was blowing unless the guy slipped and said something out loud. That only happened once, so I know one of the guys. But there were only two others and I never found out who they were. It happened a lot, too, so I was able to tell the two apart. One had what I thought was the perfect shape and the other no so much." "So what do you think is what you call `the perfect shape'? "Yours, Master. Yours is the perfect shape. Yours is the best, Master."

"So how often did this happen, you blowing two guys you never got to see, and the other one too?"

"A couple times a week, Master. And the one I knew, Eric, He liked to pull my hair and slap my face when His cock was in my mouth." "And how often did you suck Gary off?" "Every time, Master. Gary used to like it when there was someone else for me to blow so He could have me when I was well broken in and even a little tired. He really liked that, making me suck His cock when I was tired and sometimes He'd yell at me and grab my head and just jerk Himself off in my mouth. I would gag a lot."

"Hey, that's a hot idea, having you blindfolded so you don't know who I'm giving you to. I like that. If I had my way, you'd be blowing every single guy in your dorm while blindfolded so they don't have to look at your face. Or maybe have a few guys piss in your mouth and you won't know whose piss you're getting."

(AUTHOR'S NOTE: This is FICTION. In this world there are no STD's and no HIV so don't be worrying about that.)

"Master, may Your slave ask for something, please?"

"what is it, sweet boy?"

"Master, may Your slave stay with You tonight? I'll even drive my own car back to campus in the morning."

"No. But in a way you will be with me. Before I take you back to the dorm you'll be drinking another load of My piss, then I'll fuck you, give you a shower and drive you back home. You'll go from the car to your dorm room naked. I will expect an email by the end of the day tomorrow. There will be no further discussion about this."

"Yes, Master. Your slave surrenders to Your will for it."

"That's right. You have no choice. You're My slave. And that's the end of your talking for the day. One more word out of you tonight and you'll be caned before I bring you home."

Eventually, He pulls the car up to the house, hands the slave a key and orders it to get downstairs as quickly as possible, take off the shorts, sit on the toilet pull out the plug, and shit out anything within it. The slave takes the key and rushes to do what it was told to do.

Justin takes his time, brings the luggage into the house but leaves the slave's things in the car. By the time He gets downstairs, He hears the sounds coming from the slave's ass in the bathroom. He goes in, stands the slave up, bends it over, loads in two bottles of Fleets, and orders it to stay bent over and to hold in the liquid until He gives it permission to sit down again.

Once He sees the signs of cramping on the slave's face, He orders it to sit down and let out the water. While it is sitting there, He takes out His cock and orders the slave to put its mouth around the tip and He lets loose with another load of piss, ordering the slave to drink and not to spill any. Once that is finished, He has the slave stand again, bend over, and taking some lube, He fucks the slave one last time and it takes quite a while for Him to finish as He listens to the slave's grunts and moans. Once He is finished, He orders the slave to take a warm shower, get dried, and then crawl back into the bedroom.

He wraps a black leather collar around the slave's neck and attaches a leash. He goes up the stairs, leaving the house, pulling the slave on the leash. Once they get back to campus, He takes off the leash, orders the slave to continue wearing the black collar all week and orders it out of the car naked. As soon as the slave gets out of the car, Justin backs up and drives home. He's looking forward to spending time without having to deal with the presence of the slave, as cute and hot it might be. He needs a break, and after the way He just finished treating the slave, He assumes the slave needs a break as well.

Meanwhile the slave rushes into the dorm and tries to get to its room as quickly as possible, but Pablo intercepts it and laughs at the slave's humiliation with the collar, the cage and the welted ass. A couple other guys come out of their rooms, drawn by Pablo's laughter and they mockingly welcome the slave home. One of them makes the slave get down on the ground and crawl back to its dorm room and they stand there and watch it. brandon realizes that his dorm mates have missed seeing his naked body around and having chances to humiliate it again. He makes his way into his room and there is Michael, naked, sitting on the bed with Alan, who gets up to leave when brandon comes in. Neither of them look very happy. As soon as Alan leaves, Michael runs to brandon and gives him a big hug and starts to cry.

Welcome home!

Next: Chapter 80

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