Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 29, 2022


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 76. WHAT did Gary say?

Nothing to say about the rehearsal except that brandon was happy to spend time with his Mother and is excited to be giving her away to Barry. As they're driving away from the church, Gary says, "Wow, I didn't know you were the one who is giving your mother away!"

"Yes, they sprang it on me just a week ago. That's why they wanted Justin and me to have the same suits. Doesn't make much sense to me, but it is really meaningful because just think of it, I and actually giving my Mother . . . to Barry! And I'm happy for her. Barry will always honor her and be good to her, and he's just about already become a step-father to me in the best sense of all because he understands the gay scene and the Dom/sub scene as well. It's almost like someone made this all up just to make me happy!"

"It is too good to be true, you know."

"Why did I get to be so lucky?"

"Because you're my friend. That makes you lucky."

"I'm hungry. Let's put in an order." He shows Gary the very impressive menu and they make their choices and then asks Gary to call it in. "Just say you're ordering for Brandon." Gary rolls his eyes, as if to say, "Just like old times; he defers to me. It's always been this way only it's not sexual."

That accomplished, Gary tells brandon he'd like to see him naked. He wants to see the cage especially.

And so brandon strips with his eyes lowered; he doesn't want to look into Gary's awesome eyes while getting naked because Gary wants him to.

"Holy shit! There are some marks on your body. He really does beat you!"

"yes, it's part of our relationship with each other. You know Dom/sub. How many times have you always been Dom with me, and not just sexual."

"Can I touch the cage?"

"I guess, but don't pull on it; that hurts."

And so Gary examines it closely, and also note how brandon looks all shaved. He's seen guys with their pubes shaved in school, but never completely shaved, everywhere, even between his cheeks? Never. "Shit, dude!"

"Stop!" brandon yells. "Stop reacting. I can't explain anything to you if all you do is just react to everything you see."

"Okay. Sorry for judging. Explain."

"I remember several times when you told me you wished you could take me over your lap and give me a good spanking."

"Oh, yeah, I guess. But I didn't mean anything by it."

"Of course you did. You're a natural Dom Always have been with me. It worked. Dom/sub. You/me. It never crossed the line into spanking or other punishments, but it probably would have happened eventually."

"Maybe, but not to mark you up."

"Gary, hold your horses and let me keep explaining. The fact is that I am what is known as a masochist."

"Yeah, I know what that is. The opposite of sadist, right?"

"yes. So that's what I am. I get off on spankings. I get off on pain. Not an extreme amount, but it's something that Justin and I are working out. Justin is teaching me to take more and more, and the more I take, the more wonderful and turned on I feel."

"Okay, makes sense, but . . ."

"Stop again! But also in many Dom/sub relationships, the Dom sometimes has to punish the sub. For a lot of people, this is a lot of play acting, but sometimes it isn't acting. For Justin and me, it's real, Gary. When I do something wrong. Justin punishes me. Punishment hurts and doesn't respect limits. But it was true. When I deserve it He delivers it. And His hope is that it helps to modify my behavior. Some Doms use punishment as a means of teaching a sub how to behave and how not to behave."

"I'll have to think about it."

"That's fine. Thanks. But there's a good side to things as well. Justin took gentle loving care of me all day and then offered you and me this tremendous treat! That's the other side of it."

"So sometimes he's mean to you and then makes it up to you."

"Not quite. Justin is almost always very sweet to me and shows me He loves me and takes care of me in so many different ways. But when He feels it's important—some serious issue in His mind---then He punishes me. Once the punishment is over, things go back to normal. And normal means that He treats me like I'm a prince!"

"And you like all of it, don't you?"

"Ah, now you're getting it, Gary. Yes. I like all of it. I love it. I love Him. I love having Him rule over me. He's so cute when He's being butch and Dommy!"

"Well I can certainly buy the part about you being a sub and submitting to everything, because you've always been that way with me too, but we've never spoken about it before. But now it makes sense."

"Hey, good job!"

"But one thing . . . . . what did you do to get Him to rule over you?

"I didn't do anything. He made the first moves. He was totally in control. I just did what He told me to do and the more I obeyed Him the better I felt. And that's still true. Don't you realize that when Justin spoke to us and made all these plans for us tonight, I got turned on that He was doing that. And now that I think back about it, I'm thinking that a lot of times it turned me on that you were so take-charge with me."

"And the opposite true for me."


"Okay, So I've got a dream about the future: I go away and we lose touch. Meanwhile I become very successful and very rich. And so one day, I'm actually able to use my influence and my money to acquire you for myself as my slave. And you're damn straight, I'd punish the hell out of you if you gave me any lip!"

brandon screams with delight! Just like old times. Making up crazy stories together. But then he begins to wonder . . . is Gary trying to give him a message?

He thinks about it, about being Gary's slave under discipline and everything that he has with Justin. Instead of Justin. No. Not enough trust for that to happen. He has no experience of Gary ever being tender with him. He's not sure Gary even has it in him. Things had better stay the same between them.

He decides to speak up: "So Gary, do you think you might be gay, or maybe bi? Where are you at right now?"

"I'd have to say I'm leaning towards gay, but for me, being gay just means getting blow jobs from you all the time. Never felt like doing anything with another guy than you. Shit, we were playing with each other as soon as we learned what it was, remember?"

"Sure, I remember. Great fun all the time. Hated it when your parents made you stay home and sleep in your own bed. But back then, I didn't realize what I was. It was just you. I was never looking for anything until you got me to suck your cock. Then I went off looking for it all over the place. And found a lot too. More than you'd think. But always much, much older. A lot of dirty old men wanted a taste of me, but that wasn't what I was after. I wanted to be on my knees with a guy holding my head."

"You were fooling around a lot after you started with me?"

"Yup. I wanted experience."

"But before you told me that you were getting all your experience from me, no one else."

"Sorry. I wasn't comfortable enough to tell you about finding places to hang out and meet guys who would use me. But that's what I'm into and now that's what I've found. And besides, Justin always wants me to be blowing other guys because that's what slaves do."

"But not me."

"Right. But not you. Master says it would fuck my head up too much to cross that line now. But enough about me. Tell me what school is like for you up there in that college you like so much."

And from here on in, they talk mostly about studies and things they usually talk about on the phone. So basically, it seems like things are back to normal. Except for that one thing.

By 11 pm, the guys are both starting to droop. brandon is already naked so he doesn't have to do anything to get ready for Justin to come home. Gary has fallen asleep on the couch.

11:15 Not home yet. brandon goes and grovels before the door, figuring that Justin would appreciate seeing him that way.

11:20. Key card swiped. Door opens. Justin stand there looking at the sight before Him. He walks over and starts lightly kicking His slave, reminding it that He owns it. He tells the slave to stand and go wake Gary up so he can go home.

brandon and Gary embrace and kiss each other on the cheek, glad that things are settled between them now. Gary thanks Justin for allowing brandon to spend time with him, picks up his bag and leaves.

Justin stinks of beer so He goes to brush and use mouthwash. Then He strips and gets up on the bed, and snaps His fingers and points to His cock. brandon quickly gets into position and begins licking Justin's pubic area the way He likes. Much more to follow before they go to sleep.

But let's take a peek at the tavern where Barry and Justin were sipping their beers. . . .

". . . so that should give you a basic idea of how the operation runs and how I allocate human resources."

"Thank you so much, Barry. I think I've learned more from you these past few minutes than in most of the courses I have to take for this certification."

"That's always the nature of the game. I have an excellent rapport with Manion College and many of their business majors have been invited to take internships, some for credit, some paid. It's a damn shame that in this state a student cannot take credit for a paid internship. Stupid, stupid policy. A lot of students can't swing a deal if they don't have some income to sustain them. And we lose out on getting access to some quality people."

"Certainly makes sense. My father doesn't see things the way you do. He sees workers as pawns rather than as human resources. We've had many discussions of this, but since so much of his energy is given to his Asian operations, he says it's a different culture and therefore different ways of looking at things."

"how about here in the US?"

"It's much better, and several of the American managers have been through the program at the U so the ideas are beginning to spread. Ha! It's funny."

"What's funny, Justin?"

"I never thought of viewing brandon as a human resource. Not sure what that would mean for us."

"Well all I can say is that you offered brandon as a human resource to the Center yesterday."

"Interesting twist on that, Barry. The manager of the Center is a guy named Dieter. From Berlin. And, now get this . . Dieter is a Master and has two slaves who came over here to serve him. Amazing stories about each of them. so anyway, when Dieter realized that brandon was My slave, he decided that the three slavebois would be put to work doing the messy work that most people don't want to do: washing pots and dishes, garbage, that sort of thing. So He laid down the law and the three of them worked their asses off. I brought brandon home at 2, and Dieter told me that the other guys would probably be working until 6 or 7 because they are responsible for cleaning the entire facility."

"Oh, so that's why we never saw him at all."

"that's right because He locked them in and for a good part of the day made them strip, so I'm glad you didn't get to see him."

"How did he feel about what was going on?"

"He had a lot of trouble with it. I had a resentful petulant teenager to deal with when I got him home."

"Dare I ask what you did to deal with it?"

"Well, first of all, we take this very seriously, a true Master/slave relationship. That gives me the right to put him out to work any way I choose. As far as I'm concerned, that kid is far too coddled. Who the heck gets to go through college without having to work? So I decided that a good dose of slave labor would be helpful. As far as his attitude at the end of the work period. So I talked to him about what it means to be a true slave, and that if he really wants to be My slave, then I have the right to put him out to work. He can't have it both ways. If he just wants to fool around at times, that's fine, but then I'm not going to become a part of this family and a lot of things will change. I even threatened to drive him back to Mom's house to stay there until after the wedding. I stuck my neck out, but considering how far we've come, I'm not willing to back off now. It's either all the way or nothing at all except a little fooling around once in a while. But he changed is attitude pretty quickly after I laid it all that way. What really matters, is that he's fine now and in good spirits, especially since he and Gary managed to clear up some things between them after I set some boundaries."

"Ah, Now I suspect why Gary sulked off that night after talking with you . . . . you put a stop to something that was going on with them."

"Exactly. Gary got in a huff and concluded that it was the only reason he kept hanging on the past few years, which was a crock of bullshit, but he had to think his way through it all. Actually, it was Mom who finally got through to him. That woman is not to be trifled with. I hope you realize what you're getting yourself into, Barry. She chewed Gary up and then spit him out again and he didn't know which way was up for a while. But he came to his senses and hopefully they're working some things out tonight. I hope so, because I was afraid that I was going to have deal with a broken heart Wednesday night."

"I most certainly do know what I'm getting myself into, Justin. What a wonderful woman! I'm most fortunate and honored that she agreed to marry me. But let's get back to the boys. How strong are their feelings for each other?

"All I can say is that brandon's done a lot of growing up this semester and could actually have dealt with the end of their friendship. I'm just pleased that he doesn't, and again that's thanks to Mom. As for Gary, I don't know what to say. He's one mixed up kid, that's all. I wouldn't want to guess what's going on in his mind. It's significant, however, that he came back after he realized that things weren't going to be the same any more."

"Yes, Justin, that is very significant. Sheila told me that it certainly looked like Gary was taking advantage of him, using him for his own benefit."

"Correct. And he was. But here's a twist for you: actually, brandon feels that he was using Gary. Let's just say that it was a really good learning experience for him. Helped him prepare for college guys, he says."

"Wow. You never know. You never really know."

They talked about other matters not germane to this story. So we can leave it all right there.

Next: Chapter 77

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