Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 17, 2022


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 67. Role-playing at the Hotel.

They enter the room and both look around in shock! It is absolutely amazing. Posters on the walls make them feel as if they're in some bunkhouse on some ranch in the Southwest. Justin cracks up! "That Barry! He told me he was getting us the "honeymoon suite." How did he manage to come up with this? It's fucking perfect for us!!!!

"Damn, and he even provided some special gifts for the happy couple. Come look in the little closet here!" Justin comes over and laughs, while at the same time, He takes a riding crop from its place and uses it to rap brandon on the back of one of his legs."

"Ouch! thank You, Master."

"That's just to remind you that you don't have permission to be giving me orders. Think more carefully when there is something you want Me to do."

"Yes, Master. Your slave is sorry, Sir."

"Well at least one thing is true: We will most definitely be putting these things to use over the next several days."


"Gonna be an interesting week, SWEET BOY!" He says in a mocking accent. "And aren't you supposed to be naked by now?" He crops brandon's butt again."

"Sorry Sir," he says, wincing from the pain, carefully taking off his clothing. Justin has taught him to take care of nice things. And brandon is the One Nice Thing that He has to take care of. Very good care of. Justin strips down as well and then tells the boy to kneel up before Him and lick His cock until it gets hard. brandon does this eagerly because it's been a long day and he hasn't had any opportunity to taste this cock it loves so much.

"Just lick it, boy. You do not have permission to put it in your mouth, not even the tip. Lick up and down and all around and get your tongue into My piss slit and clean that out as well. Lick me like the whore you are, slave."

brandon is so happy to hear Justin speak to him this way that he loses his mind worshipping Justin's cock just the way Justin ordered him to. He realizes now how little sexual freedom he has; he can't even take care of his Master's cock the way he wants. It is always a question of exactly the way Justin wants it.

"Down to the balls, faggot. Licking only. No sucking. I know you're fucking hungry for getting them in your whoring mouth, but I determine what you get to taste and what you don't get to taste. Imagine you're just a stable boy, a straight boy that I've decided to break in. Gonna turn you into a faggot, you filthy kid. You wanna work on this ranch, you're gonna learn to satisfy a man. No bitches for you, boy. YOU'RE the bitch. Go on, lick those balls like they're the best tasting things you've ever tasted. Work that tongue, fucker. Get used to the feel of a real man's junk."

Justin reaches down and starts slapping his face, watching the reaction carefully. The boi licks even more greedily. That's it, kid, lick Me all over. Get used to the taste of a man. All over, kid!" Justin smacks brandon on the back of his head. "Get my pubes wet, boi. Ever see nice red pubes like that? Get your fucking mouth on them and spill out your mouth juice to wash them clean. Sniff them, get used to a man's smell. Do what I'm telling you, faggot, or I'm gonna string you up over there and whip the fucking shit out of you until you beg to suck My cock! And put your fucking hands behind your back." Justin pushes brandon's face right into His groin. That's the way, faggot. You've gonna be spending a lot of time with you face in men's groins on this ranch. That's why we've decided to let you stay here. You're gonna be a cocksucker for all the men around here, brat. And get used to our straps on your ass and back when you don't please us. Come on, faggot. Lick Me harder!

brandon is really enjoying this and gets into doing everything Justin tells him. He really wishes his hands were tied behind his back.

Finally Justin pushes the boi down to the ground and goes to get a piece of rope. "Sit up!" He shouts to the "kid". He gets behind the boi and grabs his arms and ties them together behind his back. "now kneel up, you wretched stable boy. Kneel up and put your fucking mouth right over the end of My cock. Now! Play with it with your tongue. Imagine someone was doing that to you and how good it would make you feel. Well, make Me feel that good with your faggot mouth and your faggot tongue. Do a good job or I swear, I'll fucking piss in your useless mouth! Work my tip, boy, work it like you've always been dreaming of cocks ever since you were a kid. From now on, you're gonna get to learn what every man's cock is like on this ranch and you'll be able tell them apart because you're gonna get to know each one of them very well! Now wait a minute. You don't realize what I can do to you, do you?" Again he pushes the boy to the ground and then goes and takes the belt out of His pants and starts hitting the boy all over with the belt (very gently: don't forget that this is brandon!). The boy rolls around, crying out. "Please don't hit me any more, Sir. I'll do what You want."

"You gonna be My cocksucker, you piece of shit! Get up here again. Get My cock in your fucking mouth again and put that faggot tongue to work! That's better. Now jerk Me off with your mouth, kid. Up and down just the way you run your hand over your own useless dick. That's it. All the way up and then all the way down. I don't care if you gag. Make sure your fucking face is all the way into My pubes when you go down on Me. We're gonna have to use some things on you to open your throat up wider. A couple of the guys around here have really big cocks and they're gonna make you take all of them into that cocksucking mouth."

Justin grabs brandon's hair and He controls the slave's mouth to get Himself a good blowjob. Finally He pulls out. "that's enough, brandon. Game over. I don't wanna cum yet. Go get yourself up on that bunk, boi. I wanna taste some more of your mouth"

brandon struggles to get up and goes over to the bed and throws himself on it on his back. Justin picks up His strap and goes over to the bed and runs the end of the strap up and down the slave's body, lightly smacking him from time to time, especially its balls. brandon yelps and cries out, "Yours, Master, Yours!"

Finally Justin throws down the strap and jumps on the boi's body and licks his neck and jaw and cheeks and spits on his face and rubs it into his face. finally He kisses His boi and the two of them make out like wild lovers, which is, after all, what they are. Since brandon's hands are tied behind his back, this gives Justin free reign to suck and chew on the boi's nipples, making him moan and cry out.

"Who do these nipples belong to, boi?"

"They belong to You, Master."

"What can I do to them, slave?"

"Anything You want, Master. You can make them hurt as much as You want. They belong to You, Master."

"Good, cause I'm in the mood to make them very very sore, boi. As sore as you can handle. All week, boi. Starting right now." And he dives onto the boi's nipple and works it until the boi screams out his safe word. then Justin goes back up to brandon's mouth and makes sweet love to Him. And brandon is so hot that he fears his dick might burst its way right through the cage! He is drowning in Justin's love and Justin's Mastery of him."

Finally, Justin rolls him over but doesn't untie His hands. He goes to His bag and pulls out the lube then goes back to the bed and gently works the boi's hole with His fingers, one, two, three, and gets the boi moaning like the whore he's meant to be. "Mine, slave, all Mine. I fucking own this hole. It's there for My pleasure!" brandon moans and spread his legs as far as he can. "Justin, fuck Your slave, PLEASE! Please fuck me, Master. Please take possession of me, all of me, Master. Please rape Your slave because it belongs to You. Master, Your slave exists for Your pleasure. Take it, please, Master." brandon keeps pushing his ass in the air, offering it to Justin.

"Okay boi, but calm down first so I don't hurt you. SSHHH!" He strokes the boi's back with His free hand while the other is working inside the boi's ass. "Calm down, sweet boy. I wanna make sweet love to you the way a Man is meant to. I wanna claim you as My own. I wanna go where no one else will ever get to go, deep inside you, sweetheart. I'm gonna fuck My slave for all its worth!"

"Please, Master, Please."

Justin removes His hand and lubes up His dick and next thing brandon knows, he's being violated by the most wonderful cock in the whole world, by his Master's cock. Justin enters and brandon moves to open all the way for Him, to get Him seated all the way inside. "Oh yes, fuck Me, Justin. Oh teach me to love You this way. Own my insides, Master."

Justin takes long gentle stokes, all the way out and then all the in again, opening the slave up again and again and again, a long gentle fuck showing His ownership of the boi. brandon is in ecstasy, feeling his Master claiming what is His.

"I love You with all my heart and all my soul and all my ass, Justin. You are my King, my Owner, my Master. Your cock rules me, Master. Your cock marries me, Justin. All of me, baby."

Justin angles Himself to hit the boi's prostate and all of a sudden brandon screams out, OH MY GOD, GONNA CUM!!! and his whole body trembles as he spills into his cage, his first anal orgasm. Justin quickly follows with a shout as He pushes Himself deep inside His slaveboi, His lover. His darling boi.

And they collapse together, and without making any effort to clean up, they lie there in the mess they've created and fall fast asleep. Eventually Justin softens and slides out of the boi, but they're hardly awake enough to take notice of it. They've literally wiped themselves out!


5 pm. Justin is the first one to stir and He extricates Himself from His slave's embrace and the slimy sheets. brandon is dead to the world, but not for long. Justin looks around the "bunkhouse" and takes a riding crop and gives the boi a couple of sharp smacks to the bottoms of its feet. brandon awakens with a cry of pain and, once the slave realizes where it is comes to its senses and says "those feet belong to You, Master. Hit them as much as You wish, please." Justin gives him a couple more whacks but doesn't want to make it difficult for the slave to walk, so works the crop back and forth across its legs, working His way up to the slave's ass and balls. "all Yours, Master, all Yours." and then, as brandon tries to dodge the blows of the crop, realizes that its lying in lube and cum and is really a mess, and gets up off the bed.

"Right into the shower, slave!" Justin orders, and takes his keys follows it the boi in and works the water to get it to the right temperature and pushes it under the shower and follows it in. For the moment they have to settle with the nice soap the hotel provided because they haven't unpacked their own soap. Justin uses the spray to get all the gunk out of the slave's cage and rinses it before He takes the key and unlocks it, then, with His own hands, washes the slave's genitals. Of course, brandon gets a hard on, but Justin slaps it down a number of times with the slave yelping. "don't you fucking touch it or I will lock you into a smaller cage for six months. Don't test Me on this, boi or you'll be very sorry indeed." He raises His hands in the air and allows the slave to bathe Him before bathing itself. The two take advantage of the wonderful hotel towels and, once dry, make their way back into the main room. Justin takes a bottle of water from the fridge, and drinks some, then fills His mouth and lets the water dribble from His mouth into the slave's open mouth and deliberately makes some of it spill on the slave's face before drying it off with another towel.

"Strip the bed," He orders the slave and while the slave does that Justin gets dressed. "Just roll up those sheets and leave them on top of the bed. I'll make arrangements for the bed to be remade and ask for extra sheets so you can take care of it yourself the rest of the week."

"Yes, Master."

"Now, we don't have time to unpack now, but see if you can manage to pull a pair of boxers out of your bag and put them on. I'm not going to cage you tonight, but if I dare catch you pulling on your pants of touching yourself there will be a sharp punishment when we get back here."

"This is more difficult than being caged, Master."

Justin chuckles. "I know. It will be good for you. Besides, I doubt you'll want Barry to see you pulling at your little dick in front of them."

"True, Sir."

Justin tells brandon to put on a pair of jeans and then picks out a shirt for the boi to wear, and socks and a comfy pair of shoes. When brandon goes to put on the shirt he winces and groans. "Nipples very sore, Master."

"I told you they'll be that way all week, boi. You need reminders that you belong to me even though our usual protocols have to be relaxed this week. And stop calling Me Master again. Although by this point, I really doubt it will matter much to Mom and Barry if you do. But let's not be too too obvious.

"Whatever you say, Justin."

"Of course, whatever I say. That's the way it is and the way it always will be. And no more talking from you now. Remember the rule: you remain silent when we are alone except in the car."

brandon knows enough not to reply to that.

"Come here and let Me see if I can to something to fix your hair a bit. Hate to think of it, but I might have to have it cut for the wedding. I'll ask Mom what she thinks about it."

brandon thinks that Mom will tell Justin to do whatever He wants but he's smart enough not to voice that opinion at the moment. The boi senses that its Master is in the mood to be delivering more pain this week than it might have expected. And what will happen when Gary gets here?

"All ready? Good. Let's leave. follow me and keep your eyes down until we get to your house."

They leave the room and on the way out Justin goes to the front desk and asks the concierge to send someone up to remake the bed and also to leave a supply of sheets and pillow cases and they'll take care of that from here in. (Which, of course, means that the slave will take care of those things.)

Once they get into the car, brandon has the right to speak. "Your slave's feet are tingling."

"Too much?"

"don't think so. It was okay to walk."

"I'm not really into bastinado myself, but I couldn't resist the temptation before. Do you know what bastinado is?"

"No, Sir."

"Beating the bottoms of the feet. Asians and Hispanic Masters are quite fond of that, but as far as I'm concerned, it can lead to some serious damage so I don't usually do it."

"Glad for that, Sir."

"As well you should be, boi. Some time this evening I want you to take me to your room so I can see how you lived before college. I might also want to throw you on your bed and make out with you for a while, so you can replace your memories of Gary on your bed with memories of your Master."

"It's really nothing special. Lots of posters of hot teen guys and a couple of girls for Gary to look at while I was sucking his cock. I wasn't big on possessions, or clothes (as You well know)."

"Well, we'll tear down those female pictures. Gary won't be sleeping with you in your bed any more. And I'll tell you right now that I've pretty well made up my mind that if he asks you to suck him off just for old time's sake, I'm not going to allow it. He's had enough of your slutty service. You're Mine now."

"Yes, Sir. All Yours."

"I love hearing you say that word, boi.---Yours. Now remind Me how to get to your house again. Oh wait, I should say `your mother's house' because you will never live there again unless I have to drop you off for babysitting some day."

brandon gives directions as Justin drives, and his mind is spinning about what his Master said about not blowing Gary any more, and his mouth begins watering thinking of the wonderful meal awaiting them at Mom's place. And the Mother hugs.

Next: Chapter 68

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