Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 16, 2022


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 65. Pete's Dungeon

When they get downstairs, they see both slaves kneeling in the center of the room, and as soon as flip sees its Master, it grovels and begs, "Master, please punish Your slave severely so that it never thinks of wanting its freedom again. Please, Master." (Pete had told Justin upstairs that His slave must always beg for severe punishment on a regular basis. It should have happened yesterday, but Pete decided to put it off for today so that Justin and His boi could witness what happens to slaves who begin to think of freedom.)

"You will be punished, slave, but first your Master need to take a piss, so kneel up here and show our guests what a good urinal you are." Pete takes out his rather large dick and the slave kneels up and opens its mouth wide. Justin orders brandon to get up close so he can observe how a good urinal serves its Master. Pete puts only the tip of His dick in flip's mouth, and shortly the flow of piss begins and flip wraps its lips over the head of its Master's dick as its Master repeatedly tells it, "swallow . . . . swallow . . . swallow . . . " and this lasts quite a long time as the slave greedily thinks down its Master's urine as it has been trained and has been doing for about ten years now. When He's finished, He takes His dick out of the slave's mouth so that the slave can lick up anything remaining on the tip. Pete chooses to address brandon: "Every good slave learns to serve its Master as His urinal. I understand you are fearful of this, but I assure you it is part of your destiny; you cannot be a worthy slave without serving this way, so submit well to your Master's training and be grateful to Him for His patience. A Master never thanks a slave for this service; it is simply expected as something ordinary. Learn what is in your future, slave."

After this, Pete attaches hanging chains to each of the slave's feet and starts the mechanism which raises the chains until the slave is hanging upside down with its legs spread wide. Pete then chains the slave's wrists together and attaches them to rings in the floor. This prevents the slave from spinning around when it is beaten. Again, Pete addresses brandon. "As part of what flip agreed to when it begged Me to take it back into My service it is severely beaten three times a week. This is punishment for seeking its freedom. If it must be punished for anything now, that is an additional punishment. Because it is beaten so frequently it is necessary to change the location of the whippings so that its skin doesn't get broken down. Tonight's beating will be between its legs since it is especially humiliating and I thought it would be good for you to witness, again so that you realize what happens to rebellious slaves."

After saying that, He picks up a vicious-looking flogger and begins lashing the slave between its legs across its cock and balls and ass, sometimes striking its inner thighs as well. It doesn't take long before the slave is crying out and screaming and apologizing to its Master for its rebellion. brandon goes pale watching this punishment and Justin goes over and kneads its shoulders to help it calm down. Finally, the whipping stops. "Thirty lashes should do the trick. Note that I do not ever need to cage this slave because most of the time its cock is so sore it never gets hard any longer." They stand there and wait quietly as the slave continues to sob and beg forgiveness and finally, thank its Master for punishing it and helping it remember what it is and promises never to seek release again.

Pete gestures to Justin and brandon to go back upstairs. He turns off the lights and leaves the slave hanging there as He goes upstairs.

"How long will you keep it hanging like that?" Justin asks. "About an hour," Pete answers. "That gives the slave a good opportunity to experience the fullness of the pain from the beating. If it moves around too soon, that serves to reduce the amount of pain, surprisingly. After I finally release it, we will have supper. I figured I would order pizza since that would be a treat for both the bois and I don't have to take any attention away from you to prepare anything. Let's go back into the living room. I'd like to question Your boi, if You don't mind, Justin."

"Be my guest, my friend. However, I would like to have it lie on the couch with its head in My lap."

"Ah, Billy's way of calming alex down."

"Precisely. My boi is a bit unsettled by what it witnessed downstairs."

They get into position and Pete sits on the floor alongside them so He can speak in a soothing voice to Justin's frightened slave.

"I know you're a good boy, brandon, and you try very hard to please your Master and He is very pleased with you. Keep in mind, boi, that flip has been a slave for over 14 years now. How long have you been a slave?"

"Ttttwo months, Sir," answers brandon in a shaky voice. Justin runs his hands through his boi's hair and massages its scalp, which always helps to calm it down.

"So, boi, it would not be wise to compare yourself to flip, now, would it?"

"No, Sir. This boi is a beginner, a baby."

"has your Master ever had to punish you, boi?"

"Yes, Sir. A few times."

"And did it hurt?"

"Oh yes, Sir, and this slave cried and sobbed."

"Just like flip did, I suppose."

"yes, Sir, just like flip."

"So you see, boi, pain is relative. It is relative to the condition of each slave, to the extent of its training, its experience and its pain threshold. flip has been a slave for a long time and it has been toughened by its experience. So when its Master needs to punish it, the punishment must be very severe to get the right result, to give it pain beyond the norm."

"And what happens when your Master punishes you, boi? What effect does it have on you?"

"It helps this boi be a better slave. it teaches this slave not to keep doing what it was punished for."

"I can see that you are very smart, boi. and that is good. And that is the reason Masters punish Their slaves. To modify their behavior."

"Yes, Sir, this slave understands that. Its Master uses punishment to help modify its behavior.

"And that is precisely what I am doing to My slave. But My slave is a lot tougher than you are because it has been a slave for so long. And My slave is being punished for something very serious, and it is begging to be punished, why?"

"So that it never does the same thing again?"

"That is right, good boi. You heard My slave begging to be punished. And you heard why, didn't you?"

"yes, Sir, so that Your slave never does what it did before; so that it never tries to claim its freedom again."

"Again, correct, boy. I am punishing My slave to help it learn that it must never again seek to be free. And the punishment was consensual. Do you know what that means, boi?"

"Yes, Sir. It means that the slave agreed to it."

"Do you agree with your Master when He punishes you?"

"Yes, Master. It even begs for the punishment."

"So basically, the only difference between you and My slave is how serious the punishment must be to get the same effect out of the both of you. do you understand now, boi?"

"Yes, Master, this slave understands. Thank You for helping it understand."

"There is one further thing I want you to understand, slave."

"What is that, Master?"

"I want you to understand that when I took flip as My slave that night when it had been left naked and alone in the club, it had already been trained to serve as a urinal several years earlier. I didn't need to do anything to train it that way. Right from the very beginning, in fact, right there in that club that night, it drank its first bellyful of My piss. If it couldn't have done that, I don't think I would have wanted to bring it home with me. I do not have the patience to piss-train a slave any more. It is a long and sometimes tedious process."

"this slave's Master is very patient with it, Sir." brandon smiles up into Justin's eyes.

"And has your Master begun training you to take piss?"

"Only a very little bit, Sir."

"And has it traumatized you, slave, made you frightened and grossed out and scared to continue to be with Him?"

"No, Master, it hasn't. Master made it simply and easy for this slave to take the first step."

"then you have a very good Master, boi."

"Oh yes, Sir, it's Master is the best of all, Sir."

"Do you want to continue to accept your Master's training in ways you can please Him?"

"Yes, Master."

"Do you trust that your Master will go about it the best way possible?"

"Yes, Master, for sure."

"So then there is nothing to be afraid about is there, boi?"

"no, Sir. this slave gets frightened from time to time, but it is never afraid of its Master."

"Then you are a very lucky boi indeed, brandon."

"Oh yes, Sir. Very lucky."

"Excuse me, now, I'm going to order the pizza and then go downstairs to let flip down and bring it upstairs. You two can simply remain the way you are."

Pete leaves the room. brandon leans up to kiss its Master, and Justin holds the slave in His arms.

brandon looks into Justin's eyes and says, "Maybe Your boi is ready to take a little more of Your piss, Master."

Justin smiles down at the slave. "That is nice to know. Of course, I will be the One to decide when and how that will happen, boi, so I want you to put it out of your mind for now."

"Yes, Master."

"Get off the couch and kneel between My legs and put your head in My crotch, boy."

brandon does as ordered. Justin continues to stroke the slave's head.

Pete comes back upstairs followed by His slave who is wearing a diaper now. Pete explains. "I've put some healing salve on the areas I whipped and the diaper prevents the grease from getting all over everything."

"I do the same with My boy," says Justin, "so it is nothing surprising. And Pete, may I ask Your slave a couple questions?"

"Of course. Kneel, flip, and answer truthfully."

With effort, flip kneels and waits for the questions Justin wants to ask.

"What did it do to you when you realized that you were being sold from your high school chums?"

"It was a major turn-on, Sir, to think that I was that low that I could be sold like a commodity. It really hit in the gut and made me realize what I was becoming. And besides, it was awful being pimped out so my friends could keep the money and the Man Who offered to buy me was someone I was happy to serve, and He was very good to me, Sir. Helped me out a lot."

"What has been the most difficult part of your life as a slave, boi?"

"Laboring on the farm, Sir. This slave got whipped a lot back then and the work was hard and hot and not something agreeable. This slave was relieved when its owner decided to give it away. That was a very scary night, Sir, because the Master who gave this slave away had it bound in the club and blind-folded so it had no idea who was looking it over and it took a lot of humiliating abuss that night. But alls well that ends well, Master."

"Now tell me, boi: have you ever searched for romantic or emotional feelings?"

"no, Sir. I think all emotional needs died when this boi was kicked out into the street. But it also thinks that now is the best time of all so far, Master. this boi enjoys being owned by Master Pete."

"Then why did you rebel and want your freedom?"

"Just wondered, sir, what it would be like since this slave never tasted that before. But now It understands, Master. it is a slave and this is the only way it can find peace and maybe even some happiness."

"Even with all the punishment?"

"Even with all the punishment, Sir. The punishment is deserved, Sir."

The doorbell rings. The Pizza is being delivered. Pete goes to the door and tells the others to take their place in the dining room.

Dinner is fine with the slaves kneeling at their Masters' sides, being fed by them. The slaves clean the kitchen after and then join the Masters inside, sitting on the floor between their legs and facing the TV. Pete has an excellent collection of realistic bdsm video clips covering a wide variety of different practices, positions and equipment. Some are real; some are acted. None are as extreme as what is usually on such site. flip has seen these many time but always enjoys watching them. Pete has clipped its hands behind its back because He knows it will get hard watching the videos and He doesn't want it touched. Of course, brandon's reactions won't matter except that he squeezes Justin's legs when he sees something that makes him uncomfortable. And not only watersports scenes. Breath control. Stim. and a few group scenes with only one sub. "Michael would like seeing this," he says to himself. Video's over, it's time to retire to their rooms and continue whatever things they have planned for the bois.

brandon takes place at Master's feet, as usual. Justin has a few things to say. "That was really wonderful the way Peter worked with you, boi, to help you process what you had seen in the dungeon. Isn't it interesting that as tough and mean as He is with an experienced slave, He can still be gentle and tender and talk to you exactly as you are, a somewhat innocent freshman just getting started out in the whole scene. Kneel up so we can both speak."

brandon kneels up and says, "Yes, He made this slave feel comfortable and safe and He really had a nice way of explaining things to me. But You would have done the same thing, Master . . um, I mean Justin."

"Start converting your language, brandon."

"Yes, understand."

"Yes, I would have done what I do when I know you need some reassurance, but it was nice to hear the way Pete could bring you down and educate you at the same time, and in a way that relieved all your anxiety about what you saw. That was very important."

"Justin, his story made me anxious. What an awful life, being used and tossed from man to man like that, with never any say about it. Man, that's close to what real slavery was like. Is that what commonly goes on? Do I have to worry that You might run into financial difficulties and have to sell me off to pay Your depts. to some construction worker who would put me out to labor?

Justin giggles. "I love My little drama queen. I strongly suspect that at any one of those "transfer" points, flip could have just and walked away from it. And think of that night in the bar: he could have screamed for someone to unbind him and then walk away. After all, he's a real intense sub. He was probably getting off on the whole thing and after all, he lucked out because Pete took him home from the bar and that was years ago." And as He's saying all this, He's undressing until He stands before brandon with just black boxer-briefs on.

"I just hope You're right." brandon looks Justin up and down, obviously pleased by what he sees.

"We'll ask tomorrow if you want, okay?"

"Yes, please, Justin. It's important."

"then it will happen. Now, meanwhile, there's the question of your punishment. And I'm going to do it here, not down in the dungeon. Get on the bed on your back, slave."

brandon does this, but its hands are still bound behind its back.

Justin blindfolds the boi and runs He hand down the slave's body, stopping a minute at each nipple, which gets the slave blubbering. Then He goes into His overnight bag and pulls out two rawhide laces and doubles them over. And from there, He proceeds to lash the slave up and down its entire body with those laces, and the accumulative effect is actually somewhat painful and the slave is making noises which almost sound like squeeks. Once He really gets the slave jumping around, He takes hold of it and flips it over, unbinds the wrists and clips them to the sides of the bed, and starts in with the laces up and down the slave's back and sides and its butt and legs, all the way up and down, over and over, faster and faster, and brandon goes from moaning and yelping and then even begins to cry a bit while Justin continues to work the laces and watches brandon writhing all over the bed, trying with all its might to get away from the rapidly falling lashes of the improvised whip Justin is using on him. Finally He stops. And stands back, saying nothing, just listening to the sounds of the slave's weeping, enjoying every second of it.

Slowly and surely, brandon stops crying and begins to settle down. Justin goes back to him and runs His finger tips over all the places the whip had struck, and brandon goes out of his mind with the mixture of pleasure and pain. Finally, He lubes Himself and His fingers and begins to enter brandon's back door and brandon's moans get louder than ever as He opens up His slave, then throws a pillow underneath its crotch, climbs up on the bed, and with one quick hard stroke, enters in and practically rapes the slave's ass and begins fucking furiously. brandon opens his mouth to scream but nothing comes out. Justin claims the slave's body as His once again, and uses that body for His own exquisite pleasure (and who can say for sure how much pleasure the slave is actually getting from all this; that's always a secret).

At last it comes to an end. Justin withdraws and immediately puts the wash cloth and towel between them and climbs off the bed. He takes a plug and shoves it into the slave's hole to prevent leakage, unbinds its hands, rolls it over, takes off the blindfold and holds the whipped boy in His arms as the boy looks into His eyes and says, "thank You, Justin, for everything that happened. I love You with all my heart and soul. I belong to You."

"Yes, indeed, you do, boy, and once again you have proved it to Me. But now you need to get off this bed and go get what you need to finish cleaning Me up. Scoot!"

brandon does as ordered, and before long, they are lying in each other's arms again, and brandon asks if he's ever get whipped as savagely as flip did, and Justin shushes him and tells him not to think of the future but to trust Him. They kiss and brandon falls asleep as they are kissing. Amazing.

Next: Chapter 66

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