Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 13, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 62. The Feast. The Departure

And a grand feast it was for the six!

The bois were mostly shy and a lot of emotions were going through them. It feels so strange to be sitting there naked among three older men, but that wasn't all. Neither of them had ever sat at table with a Master (or whatever Alan thinks he is). That instinct that's been pressed into them even in their fantasies before they met these Men is to remain silent except when spoken to. Was this a safe space? Best to keep quiet and sip the water they were given while the Men were drinking wine. At last, in the middle of their conversation about finding subs; even though there is about a 5 to 1 ratio between Doms and subs, only a few of those subs were "real," that means, had potential, knew at least something about what they were in for, and didn't think they were going to run the whole show. Very few, as the three of them well knew, in the middle of all this, Andy looks at Michael and asks him, "Michael, what do you think makes a sub worth the effort?" Michael lowered his eyes and Andy said, "No. Look up, this isn't a scene and we're not going to do anything to you. This is totally free space. So tell me what you think makes a sub worth it? Michael looks at brandon and then says, "Desire. To really really want this. Already know they need this." "Need what?" asks Lou. "Need to be inferior, to be trained, yet feel safe with the Dom." Lou is his usual caustic self: "Hell, that's why they have bdsm profile sheets to fill out. Solves a lot of mysteries and you can get right down to go to town!" Michael is about to answer when Justin cuts him off and says, "Lou, the types of things that Michael was talking about can't be found in profiles," and He stares Michael down as if to say, "Careful, boi!" Michael gets the message and, blushing, concentrates on eating his dinner.

"brandon, you must be getting excited about the week to come," says Andy, aptly changing the subject.

"Yes, very much, Sir. Not only visiting one of Billy's relatives and my mother's wedding and everything, but the best part of it all is that I get to spend all these days with Justin. Longer than we've ever had, and, um, ..." and he stops speaking. "I'm putting very strict protocols in place to keep this slave in as much sub space as possible," adds Justin. "It's going to be an interesting experiment, to say the least."

"You'll be pretty limited in brandon's house, it'd expect," says Lou. "No, Lou, brandon's future step-father has gotten us the honeymoon suite in the hotel in town," explains Justin. "Plenty of privacy."

"And a heart-shaped Jacuzzi," adds Andy, and they all crack up. "Hell, why not make it a double wedding?" says Alan, still half laughing. Brandon blushes. Justin shakes his head. "Too soon, too soon. I haven't even tried wax with the slave." Lou can't resist. "Damn, Justin, make sure you don't get any wax in the Jacuzzi. Scrape it off the boi before dunking it!"

And on and on it goes, a lovely congenial gathering of friends as the two freshmen are shown that despite their respective roles "in the lifestyle," they are considered to be part of the family. Soon enough, they'll probably both be on their knees again.

Once the meal is concluded, the bois get up to start clearing the table but Lou stops them. "Leave everything exactly the way it is. Relax. And boi's, I think you'd both be best on the floor under the table doin' what you're here for," and he dims the lights and pours cordials into the Doms' glasses. brandon quickly removes Justin's footgear and uses his tongue to show Justin what he feels for Him. Michael's a little confused, but Alan claps his lap and Michael goes over to Him and Alan has him rest his head in His lap and plays with his neck.

"Alan, I think I'd like to borrow Michael from you when you guys get back, so he can write me some ads to use on Recon and Reddit," says Andy. "He has his way with words." "I'm not the one in charge, truthfully," says Alan. "He's still a free agent—to a point. If you want a good writer, use brandon. He's got a golden pen, I swear." "Sure does," Justin agrees. "I'm going to miss getting emails from him when we're together." "This time is going to be quite a test," says Lou, "and no pressure on You: fuck, dude, why did You agree to be the Best Man?" "To tell you the truth, in a way it's to put Myself between Barry—that's the stepfather---and My boi. You know all the stories about the way stepfathers treat their new stepsons. I'm not going to see any of that at all. Besides, Barry is a really up-front guy and He gets us. His brother is a leather man in `Frisco."

"Really?" asks Lou, "man what a great family reunion You all will have to have some day!" "No kidding, Lou, and you know what I think is great? Barry completely gets that I own brandon. In fact, the past few weeks I cut off communication between the two of them and told Barry I wanted everything about the vacation and the wedding to go between him and Me until we get there, and He easily agreed. brandon was upset about Barry not contacting him until I explained that's the way I set it up."

"But shit, J," says Lou. "What if this doesn't work out? None of your others ever has." "Simple," answers Justin. "It has to work out. That's all there is to it." And as He says this, He starts moving His feet around brandon's face to make sure he played close attention to what He just said. brandon lightly bites on one of Justin's toes. "Holy shit," says Lou, "you are fucking whipped!" "I know, and damn, Lou, it feels fucking good, man. Especially since I'm the one who's holding the whip!"

Andy and Alan have gotten into a conversation as well. . . . "just don't play with his feelings, or you'll have Me to deal with," says Andy. "I guess you really don't know me that well, Andy, but I'm not that kind of guy. I usually never give any sub a second look. This one is different. I'm on My fifth look," says Alan as He reaches down to pat Michael on the back.

"Well, it's time to break up our little party," says Justin. "We're leaving early in the morning. Get out from under the table bois and stand up. brandon comes out holding Justin's shoes and socks and Justin moves sidewise on His seat so brandon can get Him dressed again. Michael stands up next to Alan and just keeps his head down. Alan speaks up. "You boys aren't going to see one another for over a week. Go on, give each other a good-bye hug." Justin nods to brandon and he goes right over to Michael and they whisper to each other and then hug and kiss. Than Alan takes Michael by the hand and leads him out of the house while Justin and His slave go back downstairs.

"Piss, please, Master?" asks brandon, and Justin gives him a little push and they go into the bathroom. Justin puts out the receptacle for brandon and brandon gets on the ground and raises his leg and lets the piss flow from the cage. "Don't you dare let me forget to pack that, boi," orders Justin. "Promise I won't, answers the slave, feeling more and more like a pup, considering the way Justin is making it piss and eat this week. He wonders whether Justin is grooming him that way. Topic for a free conversation.

Justin comes in and stands at the toilet and lets His piss rush out. "come here and look," He orders the slave, who immediately falls to its knees by the side of the toilet and watches Justin's flow. "Just watch. I'll decide when to let you have it you little pig," he says affectionately to brandon. "I'm waiting until you start to crave it." brandon read how quickly Billy turned alex into a personal urinal; Justin's nothing like that. Justin has so much more class, he thinks.

They both brush their teeth. The plan is to get up at 5, complete the packing and then head out of the area before rush hour traffic gets too thick.

Justin tells brandon to go kneel on the side of the bed. He comes in and, as He's taking off His clothes , He tells brandon, "I wanted to fuck you tonight but I don't want to risk you having any discomfort in the car tomorrow, so just give me a good blow job and we'll call it a night." Once he's stripped he sits on the bed and brandon makes love to His cock, feeling very much like by doing this he's making love to Justin. All of Justin. Heart and soul.

When they are ready to go asleep, Justin holds brandon in His arms and they kiss for a long time before Justin stops and says, "You're the thing I'm most grateful for this Thanksgiving." "And I hope for every Thanksgiving in the future too, Master," says brandon as he rests his head in his favorite place and Justin strokes him gently until He hears the boi drift off. Then and only then does He take His sleep as well.

The clock goes off and brandon quickly jumps out of bed and runs upstairs to make coffee. Justin stretches a bit and thinks about how nice it is to have someone to take care of Him out of love rather than simply out of a sense of duty or submission. He feels grateful for what has been happening to Him this semester, and grateful for the fact that He allowed Himself to investigate a new way of being sexual than what He'd been used to in the past.

Brandon comes back downstairs and brings Justin His cup and then stands on the side of the bed to sip his as well. As Justin gets up, He orders the boi to the tub and as often happens, the slave lies on the bottom of the tub and waits for its Master.

Justin comes in, sets the water temperature and turns it on, and as the water flows over His body, His piss washes the slave's face and body, which causes brandon to spill his own as he begins to wash the Master's feet with the soapy water falling from Master's body. brandon can't help thinking that every morning when he's with his Master, he ends up getting baptized this special way and there is nothing humiliating about it at all; it's just Justin giving the sub what it needs to feel loved and clean.

Justin gets out and dries and brandon takes care of himself after that. By the time he's out of the bathroom, Justin is dressed and holding a large wooden hair brush as He sits in the couch inside. "Make the bed and then get in here, baby." When brandon arrives, Justin gestures for him to take his place over its Master's knees. "You didn't think I was going to forget to send you into the car with a sore ass, did you, slave?"

"No, Master, this slave was hoping You wouldn't forget," the slave says as it gets over its Master's knees the way they usually do it. This is something different, however. Justin is using the hairbrush, and as soon as He starts spanking the slave, it realizes that this brush is quite a severe instrument and it isn't long before he's crying out his favorite phrase, "You own me, Master!" and before long he's squirming to escape the powerful bite of the brush and Justin holds him in place more tightly and starts to pepper the backs of its upper legs as well until brandon is sobbing and He drops the brush to hold brandon in His arms and baby him. "Such a good boi getting good and sore for its Master, just because the Master wants it this way." brandon, meanwhile, is thinking to himself, "because the boi wants it that way," and he wonders if he will ever get to the point where he doesn't want this any longer. And he knows that somewhere alex is looking down and smiling at him, and he wonders if alex also has a sore backside.


The previous night, when they got home, Alan let Michael know that He wanted the boi to stay over, that He wanted to talk about some issues on His mind. So when they got back to the apartment, Michael stripped himself naked and, asking permission, went to use the toilet. Alan followed him in and took out His dick and had them "cross streams" as they peed into the bowl. But before they finished, Alan moved a bit and peed over the boi's hand. "You can handle this?" Alan asked him. "I can now," answered Michael. "It's not something that hasn't been done before, Sir." "I would be very pleased indeed if you were brave enough to lick My piss off your hand with your tongue, boi, but if that isn't possible. . ." but before He finishes speaking Michael begins licking his hand clean. Alan senses how heavy the boi is breathing, and realizes that the boi is aroused by being treated this way.

"I really know so little about you," Alan says to the boi. "I would like you to tell me more while we drive to a diner. I've taken the entire week off and intend to keep you to Myself and learn many things about you. I will allow you to drive home to your parents on Wednesday."

"I really wish I could think up an excuse not to go home," says Michael wistfully. "Will probably have to spend most of the weekend in church. Such a bummer."

"And if you would stand up to them?"

"there would be hell to pay. Literally. Some day, maybe, but they're paying for school so it looks like I'll be stuck in this trap for all four years."

"I see. There are ways to work around it sometimes. I could play the role of a youth pastor here, for example."

"You'd do that?"

"If I felt it were necessary. But for now I think it best that you go home on Wednesday and submit to whatever they want. Submission is submission, even when there's no sexual payoff to it, you know?"

"Well since You've put it that way I will go home and be a good little Jesus freak, just because You told me to."

"that pleases me. And think about what I'm saying about submission. Seek it for its own sake because that's the way you're made and that's the only way you can be yourself and happy."

"Never thought of it that way, Sir. Thank You for giving this boi a new practical outlook."

"it's a good test, Michael. Are you really a submissive, or just a kinky little slut who likes to play Dom/sub games sometimes."

"But You enjoy the Dom/sub games, Sir."

"Of course I do. But I'm looking for more than that. Someone who NEEDS to be subjugated and controlled, not just someone who likes to play with it. Keep that in mind. Think of it while you kneel before Me and suck My cock now, Michael."

"Yes, Sir," Michael says, eyes lowered as his makes his way over to where Alan is seated and kneels down as Alan stands up and opens His pants to allow Michael to reach in for His reward.

"suck it good, boi, lots of licks, lots of tongue play, and play with My balls with one hand at the same time. Your only goal in life right now, Michael, is to be the best possible cocksucker I have ever had. Show me what a hungry cocksucking faggot you are at heart, boi. That's all that is on your mind as you service Me the way I like to be serviced by bois like you."

Michael loses his mind in what he is doing and in how Alan is speaking to him. There is something very powerful about Him despite His laid-back manner and Michael is falling under its spell.

Next: Chapter 63

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