Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Dec 8, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 60. Breakfast; Michael and Alan

Well, sweet boy, get your ass upstairs and bring your Master a cup of coffee, then go up and make oatmeal for the both of us, mine on the table, yours on the floor."

"Yes, Master. On the floor again?"

"You complaining?"

"No, Sir, was maybe hoping we could eat together."

"A slave should never hope and should never anticipate. Haven't you learned anything all these weeks?"

"Sorry, Master, for being so stupid at times."

"Besides we'll be eating together. Me at the table, you on the floor where you belong, boi. Now get up there. I want My coffee."

brandon rushes upstairs as best he can after getting its ass tanned. While he's up there, Justin does some more thinking. He thinks that what He's going to do is pull back a bit on the painful stuff and place more emphasis on restrictions and humiliations, especially while they're away. He has to come up with some protocols that will satisfy the boi's need to be controlled more than it already is, and maybe some things to make life difficult without making it more painful. He's only planning to bring His lighter belt and the cane with Him along with clothespins, lube, plugs and a couple different collars. And He must not forget the key to the cage. In fact, He gets up right now and puts the key into His gym bag which He intends to bring along.

The boi comes down with the Master's coffee and goes to hand it to Justin.

"Kneel while you offer Me My coffee, slave."

brandon kneels and holds up the cup for Justin. Justin takes the coffee.

"That's right. And when you kneel, eyes are on Me unless I say "down" and then you lower them. I'm going to be creating a lot of new ways for you to behave while we're away. There are a lot more ways to subjugate a slave than just beating it. You're probably not going to like it all, but I am your Master and you are meant to obey Me in all things at all times. DOWN now and don't raise your eyes again to me until I give you permission after we have breakfast. Now get yourself upstairs and get to work, slave. And DO NOT SPEAK again. Kiss My feet before getting off your knees, slave."

brandon does as it is told and goes upstairs to cook.

When Justin comes upstairs, the oatmeal is just about done and brandon is fixing Justin's the way He likes and then his as well. He puts the dish on the table for Justin and then goes to put his own on the floor like he's been ordered to do.

Justin sits at the table. brandon stands there, its eyes lowered. "Well, slave, go have your breakfast. If you thought I'd take pity on you, you were mistaken. You need this training as well as you need whippings. Everything I want you to do makes you a better slave for Me, and it's not time for you to learn your place and even though you are precious to Me and I love you, that does not mean you can continue to exist around here like a free boy. You are a slave. Slaves eat the way their Masters command. Just count yourself lucky that you and Michael will get to sit at the table for dinner tonight even though you'll both be completely naked as usual. And I think I'll put a special collar on you as well to help you remember what you are. Now get the fuck down there and eat your breakfast, and if you spill any of it on the floor you'll be licking it up afterwards so be careful."

brandon goes to the corner and kneels, puts its hands on the floor and leans in to start eating its oatmeal.

"Almost every meal like this, boi, whenever you and I are alone this week." brandon quietly sucks up the oatmeal from its dish.

While all this is going on, Andy comes into the kitchen and does a double-take when He sees how Justin is humiliating brandon. "Good for you, dude, getting tougher. This slave is far too coddled as far as I'm concerned."

"Well, it isn't your slave, Andy."

"If it were there would be a hell of a lot more marks on its pretty body, I'll say."

"I'm using a new approach after some things that happened last night," explains Justin. The boi had a little freak-out so I'm making some changes in how it is going to live. More restriction, less physical pain---for now. We'll see how things work out. Nonetheless, I am bringing the cane with me when we leave in the morning."

Brandon has finished eating and uses its hands to push the oatmeal on its face into its mouth. Nothing is on the floor. It crawls under the table and starts kissing Justin's feet, but Justin kicks it away. "Go put your bowl in the sink, slave, and clear off the table so Andy can do his cooking. Get downstairs and you can spend some quality time worshipping my body."

Without a word, brandon does what it's been told.

"doesn't the boi at least say "Yes, Master," after You give a command?"

"for the moment, Andy, it's not allowed to speak."

"Cute. Well, why don't the two of you go downstairs. I'll take care of things up here."

And so, they both go downstairs. Justin plops himself on the couch and turns on the TV and then points to His feet and the slave knows that it must do. It bathes Justin's feet in saliva and licks them clean the way it knows Justin likes. Justin doesn't seem to be the least interested in letting it up, so it simply focuses its attention on what it's doing and sinks into its sub space. Justin starts speaking to it while it's bathing His feet.

"I want you to understand, slave, that nothing has changed as far as My feelings for you, but a lot is going to change in the way I'll be treating you while we're away. This will be the longest amount of time we've ever spent together, and that will create certain pressures. I'm hoping the things I'm planning will help alleviate those pressures so you know exactly how to behave and there will be no need for you to figure out anything. Every move will be directed, and you are going to be much more restricted when we're alone than you've ever been before. Most of the time you'll be silent when we're indoors. You will be allowed only half a cup of black coffee in the mornings and no more throughout the day. The only thing you will be allowed to drink is water and My cum. You will drink your water from a bowl on the ground, the same way you will eat. Most of the time your wrists will be bound. You will look down at all times when we are inside. You will spend most of the time on your knees or simply groveling on the ground. You will have no freedom to express preferences. What I want you will do and there will be no discussion about it. If necessary to discipline you, I will put you in stress positions. I will use the cane liberally, but never enough to slash your skin. Your balls will be bound tightly and you will be caged except for when it is time to wear the suit, but even then your balls will be bound. I am bringing plenty of Ben Gay in case you displease me. You will spend a lot of time sucking My cock but I don't intend to cum too often. I'll depend on you to give Me pleasure, not My orgasms. As much as possible we will order room service. You will remain naked when staff delivers our meals, all of which you will eat from a bowl on the ground. I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say, but for now that is all I've decided. You are My slave. I own you. I will control you and you will feel a lot like a prisoner with few privileges. This is the way it will be, and if I can decide any other way to break you down, I will certainly do it. Oh, yes, and I will be bringing plenty of clothespins. Now get up here and suck My cock, slave, and make sure you keep your eyes lowered."

"For sure, There will be time for free and open chat. When we are in the car, and when we lie eyes to eyes each night in bed before we fall asleep. then you may speak of your love and devotion to your Master. For the rest of the time when we're in our rooms alone, you will always be silent and humbled to the ground and you are going to find ways you can tell Me how you feel about me with touch only. And you may touch me anywhere and anytime at all."

And while the slave is hearing its Master describe how it is to live in the days to come at the same time when it is humbling itself by licking and cleaning its Master's feet, it realizes that this it the perfect position for it to be in to hear these words, for it is in a position of total surrender, and this surrender is sweet. It brings peace. It sets the slave free from questioning or reacting or resisting. With its tongue the slave is able to say with all its heart and mind and soul, "Yes, Master. Thank You, Master. Thank you for the guidance and formation You are giving this slave. Thank You for setting it free."


"So tell Me, Michael, what kind of freedoms does a sub like you have, really?"

"I guess, Sir, safe words give a sub a certain measure of freedom."

"Very true, Michael, unless for some reason I would take your safe words away from you. For example, if I feel you need to be punished. Now tell me your honest reaction to what I just said to you, boi."

"Partly turned on Sir, that You would have that much power over me, but also scared of it as well."

"Nicely answered, boi. So the idea of My having even more power over you than I do right now would be appealing to you?"

Michael hesitates for a while, knowing that Alan is patient when He is struggling for an answer. Finally, He speaks in a shaking voice and of course, with his eyes lowered. "Yes, Sir, I realize that You having more power than right now is something I hope will happen."

"good boi. Raise your head now and look into My eyes, Michael."

Michael obeys, and Alan bores into him with His eyes and begins slapping his face.

"I am going to hit you very hard right now, boi, and then spit into your face and take My hand and rub My spit all over your face. Keep your eyes on Mine."

Alan delivers three very hard slaps to Michael's face before spitting into his face and then slamming His knee into the boi's balls as He spreads His spit around the boi's face. Michael doubles over from the pain. Alan puts his foot on the back of the boy's neck and pushes its face into the floor, forcing Michael to kneel at the same time.

"Stay like that now, boi." He removes His foot but the boi doesn't move from its position.

"I enjoy giving you pain, boi. The only freedom you have about this is to use safe words when you are allowed to, or deciding never to come back to me. Do you understand, boi?"

"Yes, Sir," Michael speaks into the floor.

"I want you to raise your head and body a little bit off the floor. Very slowly, arise until I tell you to stop. and keep your hands behind your back, boi."

Michael does as told until Alan tells him to freeze. He is now in a stress position and Alan knows he cannot hold out for long.

"I'm going to count. I want you to hold that position until I reach 20. Let's see if you can do that for Me, if you can stay that way you are for a count of 20. When I reach 20, you may bow down to the floor again." He counts slowly and sees how Michael really begins struggling by the time He reaches 10. "come on, boi, we're halfway there. If you have fall down before I reach 20, you are going to get one stroke of the cane for every second you missed." He keeps counting and Michael is beginning to sweat now. Finally, he falls to the ground after 16. "Not bad, boi. I am going to get the cane for the four strokes you deserve. Hold your position for the moment."

Alan goes to get both the cane and a butt plug that He's already lubed.

"Staying in that position I am putting a plug into your hand and I want you to shove it up your ass as quickly as you possible can. Then I will whip you with the cane. Four strokes.:

Michael has never inserted a plug with him in this position and it is even more humiliating than usual. Finally, He gets it all the way in.

"Good boi. Now raise that ass higher to receive the caning you earned for yourself. You may put your hands on the ground to help hold yourself up."

Michael does as told and it is much easier with His hands on the ground.

"Ok now, for the caning which you earned for yourself, boi."

Alan swings the cane once through the air and then lays four quick strokes on the boi's ass and Michael whimpers and moans.

"I like hearing the sounds you make when I give you pain, boi. You may stand up now, but do not touch that ass with your hands."

Michael stands. Alan puts his hand behind Michael's head and kisses him. "You please me, Michael."

"I want to please you, Sir. All the time."

"You know something, boi, I'm finding it to be a bit offensive when you use the word "I" referring to yourself. There is only one "I" here and that is Me. From now on, say "this boi" instead of I. You will be hit if you slip and use that pronoun again, here or at Master Andy's house later for dinner. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Sir, this boi understands."

"Oh, dear, that is so much better. Let's go to the bedroom now. I want you to lean over the side of the bed. I will remove the plug from your ass and then I wish to fuck you before we leave for dinner. Come on, Michael, quickly now so I can enjoy your ass for a while."

Michael rushes to get into position. Alan comes in, putting lube on His dick and then He reaches down and pulls out the plug with one quick motion and Michael cries out. Alan ignores the sound and quickly puts more lube into the boi's hole and then puts His cock into the boi's hole and slowly begins to insert it all the way. "Big breaths, boi." Once He is all the way in, He says to the boi, "I would like to claim this ass as My own. I do not want anyone else fucking you, boi. Only Me." And with that, Alan fucks the boi with long and quick strokes, all the way out and then all the way in. Michael grunts with each invasion.

"You are becoming a good slut, Michael. I want to fucking own your ass. We'll see how you feel when you get back from vacation. I'm bringing you back to the dorm tonight. We will not speak or text or email one another. Once you get back, I'll summon you. Just wait patiently. And at that time, we'll have to find out whether or not you're ready to become My slave. I'm pushing up the date because you've been doing so well lately. But you have to realize this, boi: it is okay if you're not ready. understand."

"Yes, Sir. this boy understands. this boy really wants to someday call You Master."

"well, think about it when you're away. There are a great many ways I can control you, and if you're not ready yet, we'll just continue as we are. and above all, try to suck a few cocks when you're at home, boy."

"Will, try, Sir."

"Okay. You go use the bathroom and then we both need to shower before leaving. You may talk freely while we're at dinner. I `ll use the shocker there despite the face that you'll be stripped completely naked. you and your faggot roommate."

And so they get ready for dinner, and Michael has a lot to think about. It's going to hard not to have any contact with Alan, that's for sure, but then again, does he really want to live like this under Alan's restrictions and discipline? A lot to think about while he's away.

Next: Chapter 61

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