Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 29, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 53. Saturday preparations and surprises.

When Justin wakes up in the morning, brandon is draped across His chest on his side, and what is this? He's sucking his thumb???!!!!! Justin wonders whether this is something the boy does all the time or if it's the result of feeling like a little boy in the presence of his Master. Only time will tell. He jostles the boy who wakes up smiling, embarrassed to be found with his thumb in his mouth. "Is this a regular thing with you, brandon, sucking your thumb when you sleep?"

"No, Master. Don't think it ever happened before. Never noticed it anyway."

"Interesting. Something to explore another time. But for now, slave, get your ass out of bed. Get Me coffee and fix yourself a half-cup. Black."

"Yes, Master." brandon stretches and Justin can't resist smacking him on his extended tummy with a good crisp strike. "Ouch!" brandon gets the message and jumps out of bed and actually runs to the stairs and up to the kitchen. Lou is in the kitchen with a collared and leashed slave on its knees eating from a bowl on the floor while Lou is enjoying pancakes and eggs. brandon can't help looking: the slave is well marked with criss-crossing welts over its back and sides and ass. brandon doesn't know what to do.

"Just do what your Master sent you here to do, boi, and don't worry about cleaning the kitchen. This bitch will do it after it eats its cornflakes soaking in My piss." brandon bows to Lou and goes to get the coffees, wondering if that will be him someday. Scary thought. He brings the coffee downstairs and hands his Master His cup, standing aside and sipping his own. "Master Lou was upstairs with a slave, Master."

"Really? Interesting. He hasn't had anyone back here in quite a while. How old is the slave? Could you tell?"

"Much older than us, this slave thinks. Completely bald, not built, in fact a little flabby, covered in painful looking welts all over."

"Ah. I think I know who that is. Probably severely punished because it hasn't been in touch with Lou for several months. What was it doing?"

"Eating from a bowl on the floor, Master. Master Lou said it was eating cornflakes soaked in His piss."

"Typical for Lou. Did it gross you out? Truth, now, boi."

"Yes, Master. Scary to think of ever having to do that. But if that's what You intend to train this slave to do, Master, it will manage to handle it."

"Don't scare yourself, boy. I'd cum in your food, but never piss in it."

"Master, Your cum is food for this slave."

"Not enough protein though. You need something to supplement it. Was there any blood?"

"Blood, Master?"

"On the slave's body."

"Didn't see any, Master. But some of the marks from the whip looked pretty serious."

"Lou doesn't fuck around. That's why some of His part-time slaves wait for months before calling to ask to serve Him. That's also why He can't keep any slave steadily for any length of time."

"May Your slave have permission to ask a question, Master?"

"Yes, slave. You may ask anything now without seeking more permissions."

"thank You, Master. Your slave was just wondering what a slave like that would be doing between sessions with Master Lou.

"If it's who I think it is, this slave owns its own trucking company. Often when men have great responsibilities and are over many others, their need for intense humiliation and slavery is great to balance things off. You'll never be in a position like that because you're going to become a writer; I'll not allow you any other kind of work if you still belong to Me."

"Wow. As You wish, Master. So anyway, what would a man/slave like that do for sex between sessions with Master Lou?"

"that sub most likely has several different Doms it offers itself to. And in addition, it is rich enough to hire sex workers to deliver discipline and humiliation as well. But I think it must take at least a month for this sub to recover from a weekend with Master Lou. I don't know much more than that. Lou's never told Me much about this particular piece of property."

"Master Lou would consider it as property, Master?"

"Always. I don't think Lou would ever bother with a sub not ready to be treated that way. He certainly wouldn't bother with the likes of you, baby, so don't worry. He's not going to piss in your food or make you bleed with His whips."

"Glad I'm a beginner, Master."

"Why am I not surprised? But enough talk. Take these cups back upstairs and get to work, slave boy. Our bed and Andy's bed. Sheets, towels and My stuff in the laundry—do that first to save time---Our bathroom and then clean up the mess you made in the dungeon when you tracked up all that mud and dirt in last night. Clean the entire bathroom. Get to it. No breakfast for you until after your slave labor is done."

"Slave labor, Master?"

"Well, chores actually, but I get a charge out of calling it slave labor. And legally it is. You're being made to do all this work and you're not getting paid for it, and if the work isn't done well enough you will be punished. Pretty much a good definition of slave labor."

"Hot, too, Master."

"Well get your ass to work boy or I'll take My strap to that ass to start the day. Move it, faggot!"

"Can't strip the bed until You're out of it, Master."

"Brat! Go get My riding crop."

brandon goes to the dungeon to get it. When he comes back, Master is out of bed and standing up. "Lay your back on the bed, slave and put those hands behind your head and don't fucking move or it will be worse for you."

brandon does as told.

"Close your pretty eyes, boi." Brandon does.

brandon cracks the crop once on the boi's right nipple and then quickly on its left armpit and then its right inner thigh. One after the other rapidly. The last blow makes brandon cry out loud and jump up off the bed.

"Now get your ass to work or that will only be a beginning. Get to it. The day is wasting."

brandon, breathing heavily and with tears in his eyes, strips the bed. Justin goes upstairs. Lou is still eating. The slave has finished its breakfast and is kneeling silently, its head bowed. brandon can see that the slave's chest and groin were whipped as well.

"Ah, just who I thought it was. This one hasn't been here in a long time, Lou."

"Too long. I think it learned that its visits to Me must be more frequent in the future. You want something for breakfast? Stand up, bubble, and cook this Master whatever He wants."

Justin chuckles. "I forgot you renamed this slave. Great name!"

"Appropriately humiliating for a fucker who thinks of itself as a big tough man in the outer world. Just a fucking bubble here. And I've got just what it takes to pop this bubble if it's not careful. So what would you like to eat, J?"

"Cheese omelet, bacon and toast."

bubble immediately goes to begin preparing Justin's breakfast.

"what are your plans this weekend, buddy?"

"Well, since bubble dared show itself here this weekend, I guess I'll bring it to Keaton's Club meeting tonight. You and brandon will be there, I assume."

"Definitely. And Andy's coming to give a demonstration about caning."

"Excellent. I'll have to let him know that he can use bubble to demonstrate the worst of it. Even break the skin." Justin notices that bubble doesn't even react to what Lou just said. It probably didn't dare to.

"I'm giving brandon to Him for the light whippy canes."

"It's first taste of the cane?"


"I can't fucking believe you are so happy dominating such a tender baby! Will wonders never cease!"

"Tell me about it. All I did was go to the library glory hole for a quick bj and ended up coming out with someone very special. My only problem is not to let My feelings get in the way of the fact that this beginner really needs strict control and discipline. I think I've got a good balance set so far."

"Takes a special kind of skill. Damn, Justin, if a sub ever started to get to Me that way, I'd ghost it."

At that moment, brandon comes up through the kitchen to get to Andy's room. "brandon, show Master Lou where I just cropped You for being a brat."

brandon walks up to Lou and raises his arm so Lou can see the pit, then shows the obvious damage done to his nipple and groin.

"Nice, Justin. Good balance." Lou chuckles and so does Justin.

"Why are you standing around here, boi," asks Justin. "Do you have enough work to do?"

"Sorry, Master," says brandon and quickly leaves the kitchen to go up to Andy's room. When he gets there, Andy is sitting at His desk.

"Oh brandon, tell Me about what happened with this guy named Jonny. Claims he wants to become a Dom. Speak honestly."

"He used to tease me when I showed up in the showers uncaged, and then told me that once I got caged again he'd let me blow him. it finally happened, and we got together. He took me over his knee and hit me with a hairbrush as hard as he possibly could. That was the end of that. So he told me to suck his cock, but as soon as I put my mouth on its head he shot his load. Two seconds and it was over. I told him that if he is really meant to be a Dom he still has to be a sub first."

"Good advice. Keep working. I don't want you to get in trouble with your Master, boi. So tell Me honestly what you think about this character, brandon."

"All talk, Sir. Obviously no sexual experience at all since he's shooting off so quickly the second he's touched. My humble opinion is that he needs to have his above average cock locked into a cage so he doesn't keep shooting all over the place, and also a good spanking over the lap of an expert, under the guise of teaching him how to spank, but then spanking the daylights out of him to teach him a lesson for talking like some tough Dom. Just my humble opinion, Master."

Andy laughs. "You're just too damn smart, brandon. And you know what? I'm going to follow your suggestions. We'll see if he will have the guts to show up to get caged. How big is he?"

"I'd say five inches after he got soft again. About as thick as you, Sir."

"Excellent. Know just what to tell him to buy."

"You're going to make him get his own cage himself, Sir?"

"Sure. Good test of just how much he really wants it. Why should I waste my time and money?"

brandon giggles. "Wish I could be there to see that spanking."

"I might arrange that. It would be good payback for what he tried to do to you. With your Master's permission, of course. Oh, sweetie, please get the towels in the bathroom washed as well."

"Yes, Master Andy. I'll be heading down to the laundry now."

"good boi."

brandon brings the linens into the laundry. Justin is enjoying his breakfast. Lou and bubble are gone.

"Lou said He'll be sending His slave down to take care of the kitchen so you have nothing to do here."

"Yes, Master."

"come over here and kneel and I'll give you a little treat, boy."

brandon goes immediately. Justin breaks off a piece of bacon and holds it out to the slave and it takes the bacon in its teeth and then licks its Master's fingers. "thank You, Master."

"welcome. Back to work, slave."

"Yes, Master."

"I heard you and Master Andy talking together. What were you talking about?"

"Master, Jonny has contacted Master Andy about getting some Dom training. Master Andy asked for this slave's opinion and some advice about what to do."

"and what did My slave suggest?"

"Your slave suggested locking Jonny in a cage and then giving him a really hard spanking under the guise of teaching him how to spank."

Justin laughed. "You're making sure Jonny gets paid back, aren't you, boi?"

"yes, Master. And Master Andy invited this slave to view the spanking with Your permission, Master."

"I'll think about it when the time comes. I'm not sure it will be good for you to enjoy some revenge like that. He'll still be a somewhat Superior Man undergoing some Dom training until we know differently and therefore you must show the same courtesy as you will show to any Superior Man, slave."

"Yes, Master."

"Back to work, slave."

Three hours pass. brandon has finished his "slave labor," Justin gave it some breakfast, taken off its cage, bound its hands behind its back so it wouldn't be able to touch its dick, gave it a shower, washed the groin area especially, then chained the slave's arms overhead so He could touch up the shaving of its pubes, groin and armpit hair, a relatively easy job considering how slowly this slave's hair is growing back. He's considering electrolysis but hasn't made up his mind yet. After being shaved, Justin collars the slave, clips its wrists to the collar and leads it back into the dungeon.

He binds the slave to a slanted bench, arms overhead and chained. Legs spread and chained. A thick leather strap fastened across its stomach. Then he kisses His slave giving its throat a good bath in His saliva and as usual, brandon sucks His mouth eagerly. "I should save up all my spit in a bottle every day and give it to you to bring back to the dorm so you could drink My spit every morning when brushing your teeth."

"You can do what You want to this slave, Master. You own it."

"brandon, do you know what `edging' is?"

"Not sure, Master. Think it has something to do with masturbation."

"Well, you're going to find out." Justin takes the slave's dick in His hand and using both hands, gently coaxes it to grow out of its shrunken state from the cage. Slowly the slave gets hard.

"Such a cute hardon, slave."

"It's Yours, Master."

"don't I know it." Justin pours some oil over the slave's dick and starts to give it a hand job. brandon is out of his mind. Never expected something like this today. But, of course, the slave has absolutely no idea what it's in for.

Justin continues to stroke the slave's dick as brandon moans Him a nice tune. Justin watches the slave tighten up, very close to shoot its load. At just the right time, Justin lets go of it completely. "Oh noo, brandon cries out. Why did You stop?"

"Because you can only cum with My permission and I'm not giving permission right now."

brandon groans sadly, thinking that it won't have a chance to cum after all and it's been weeks now.

"Oh please, Master? Please let this slave cum?

"Maybe. Justin puts His hand on the slave's dick again and brandon hollers out in shock as Justin proceeds to milk it again. And again, at the right time, He lets go. And again. And again. And each time He lets go now, the slave begins to holler and scream and beg for release.

"Who owns this dick, slave?"

"You own it, Master, but please, please pleeeeeeeeeeeease?"

Justin goes over and kisses the slave again. brandon groans as he sucks the Master's mouth again.

Back to the slave's dick. Justin starts again and this time when He lets go, brandon starts to cry he's so frustrated and it's beginning to hurt.

"something for My slave to learn today."

"What's that, Master?" he asks through his tears.

"that unless a slave cums from being fucked, the slave always cums in pain." And he starts in again on the slave's tortured dick, and this time brandon begs for all he's worth and this time, at long last, as brandon is shouting out from a mixture of pleasure and pain, he cums and shoots a huge load and screams out, "You own me, Master." And he doesn't know whether to focus on the pleasure or on the pain both are so intertwined.

After he's finally calmed down, Justin winks at him and says, "So now you know what edging is."

"You're a sadist!" says brandon and Justin laughs his head off.

Justin starts wiping up the slave's discharge with His hand and then makes the slave lick its own cum off Master's hand. "I told you about that the night I met you, boi. I'm all about pain. And besides, I want you completely drained before we go to that cub meeting tonight. It will help you feel weak and also set you free to focus better on what's happening. It's one of the customs we have, always to edge our slaves before the meeting. Makes them more docile."

"Docile, Master, this slave just wants to sleep now."

"So sleep. I'll bring you some lunch later." And He turns out the lights and leaves the slave alone, bound up like that, and goes to His office to call Professor Keaton."

"well, brandon has just enjoyed his very first edging."

"Splendid, Justin. How did he manage?"

"Screaming, crying, begging, and when I finally let him explode he cried out You own me! Fell asleep right after wards. Can't wait to see his face when he wakes up only to discover that he's locked up again."

"What a darling You have there, so devoted to you that when its about to lose its mind it gives itself to You all over again. Will you allow it to speak tonight? Obviously, the topic for that part of the discussion will be called emotional bondage."

"Excellent title! So much classier than simply saying anything about the L word."

The Professor laughs. "Precisely. Don't know how everyone will deal with it. It should be interesting. And, by the way, I've heard from Lou and He's bringing bubble tonight and is surrendering him for the most painful part of the caning presentation. And I had to tell him to make sure bubble's vision is totally cut off. He said He'll hood it."

"Why do You want its vision blocked?"

"Because, as it turns out, one of its managers in its company is actually a slave as well and my hope is that neither of them will recognize the other."

"what if they recognize each other's voices?"

"Neither of them is being allowed to speak. It's as simple as that. This is the first time that they are both showing up at a meeting at the same time. bubble hasn't been around for several months."

"I know, and believe me, Lou has whipped the daylights out of it for being gone for so long. Covered with welts."

"That will be good for the other slaves to see, that's for sure. Did brandon see it?"

"Yes, but didn't comment about that. brandon was a little shook when Lou told him that bubble's breakfast was cornflakes soaked in His piss. That shook the boi up a bit."

"Have you found a way to let the boi know that not everything it witnesses will necessary be a part of every relationship?"

"Not in that way, but thank You for the suggestion. I'll talk to the boi when we're on the way over."

"Justin, did you know brandon's roommate is going to be here as well?"

"No! Not at all! Who's he with, Craig?"

"No, not Craig. Actually it's one of Gregor's friends from town. Alan is His name. I know him from `Paddles'. Seen him in action. Very nice fellow. Safe. Sensitive. Caring. He and Michael just got together for the first time last night and apparently it went very well, so Alan invited him to attend tonight and he readily agreed. It's good. Michael even volunteered to be shaved by Alan this afternoon just as a way of honoring Him."

"Excellent. Michael's had a very difficult time of it so far this year. Actually had a night with Gregor. And apparently, Craig really blew it with him, so I don't think Michael will be able to trust him again. So it seems that Alan was pleased with him last night, pleased enough to invite him to the meeting tonight."

"Apparently. Have to go, Justin. Looking forward to seeing you. It's going to be a fascinating meeting. Twelve couples, now that Lou's bringing bubble and Alan's bringing Michael."

"Later, Professor. This is really going to be interesting with these surprise guests."

Next: Chapter 54

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