Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 29, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 52. Back in the dungeon

Justin has His slave spread-eagled wall-to-wall again, like not too long ago. "I like it when a slave doesn't get bored just because it's been sucking feet for more than two minutes. You did good, slave, so your punishment will stay at 6 lashes. I'm using a thin strap with a good bite. Two on the back. Two across the ass. Two on the chest near the nipples. I hope this helps you remember what you are at all times and never to get familiar with anyone other than a fellow slave. I'm starting on the back." WOW! This really bites in hard and the slave realizes once again that its Master is continuing to advance it more deeply into pain. And right now, all it does it hurt like the blazes and already there are tears in its eyes.

"Chest next, boi. Let's hope this doesn't make those nipples bleed." Again, two, each coming from the opposite direction and the lashes wrap around its sides as well and that lights a new fire in its body. Now brandon is sobbing.

"What are you, brandon?"

"a slave, Sir."

"Who do you belong to, slave?"

"this slave belongs to you, Master."

"does this slave deserve to be punished by its Master?"

"Yes, Master, please finish?" and the sobbing continues.

"Hey, baby, this is the easiest part. You're used to getting your ass whipped, slave."

Justin hauls off and gives the last two lashes which pepper the flesh with welts and very red marks.

As usual, Justin walks away at this point, turns off the lights and sits back and watches the slave gradually calm down and start breathing better again.

"I'm leaving you like this for a while so you can fully experience every little spot of pain and hopefully become a better slave after this." Justin leaves the dungeon completely and it sounds like He's on His phone.

brandon has entered so deeply into this experience that as he hangs there, constantly remembering the impact of just those few lashes, he truly is a punished slave, fully surrendered with no resentment, no wondering why the fuck he actually let someone do this to him (which would happen if brandon couldn't stay in the experience, and many an aspiring submissive has walked away at such a point as this. brandon won't walk away. brandon can't walk away. brandon would hate himself for the rest of his life if he walked away from Justin at this point, not after all Justin is doing for him, and that includes punishment when Justin feels it's needed.

Let it be made clear here: this is nothing like the famous "battered wife syndrome."

The most obvious difference is that this is completely consensual. If anything, Justin is having a harder time with all this than brandon is. Despite all his experience (which began when He was only 15, but that's a different story), Justin has never before attempted to punish a boi He's fallen in love with. "slave, slave, slave, slave, slave, He tells Himself, "willing slave, boi begging to be made into a slave, total masochist," and on top of all this, there is always the deep-seated concern every decent sadist has that this will be the last straw, that things have gone as far as they can go, and that the sub is now going to be able to say "thank You" and walk away from it all. "Oh, Billy, help me," He sighs.

As He sits there, He gets an email from His father: "JJ, I realize Thanksgiving is coming up and I want to make sure you have something set up for yourself this year. If not, I'll get you a plane ticket to come to me and we'll manage something together. Your call. We'll have two weeks over Christmas, no matter what. Proud of you, son."

He quickly replies: "Dad, I'm set up real well this year. Someone very special in my life now. Can't wait for you to meet him over the holidays. And yes, it is kinky, so don't worry that I'm trying to run from it. Please straighten out those folks over there so you won't be obsessing over it when you're back here. That's an order, boi!" and he attaches a heart.

"That's right, Justin, don't run from it," He says to himself on His way back to brandon. "there's my answer! Thanks, Billy!"

"Close your eyes, boy, I'm turning on the lights. Don't want to blind you."

"thank You, Sir." brandon's voice sounds good.

Justin applies care cream to the slave's welts and marks, then releases the slave's legs first, then it's arms and the slave falls to the ground and once Justin is seated, crawls over to him and starts licking his feet and toes the way he's been trained to do after every beating to show its gratitude for the discipline.

"About tomorrow night," Justin says while brandon is busy showing his Master his devotion at a time when most slaves would much rather just ignore the Master and nurse their own wounds. "Anywhere from 20 to 30 people, all couples. All slaves are naked. Masters have comfortable chairs, slaves on cushions between Our legs. No alcohol for anyone. General conversation, probably a couple presentations. I know Andy is doing something with caning and you'll be one of the slaves He demonstrates things with. Not sure of others. I'm going to speak about making a love relationship work and I might call on you to say some things of your own. This will be completely free so speak your mind. I'll probably punish you if you don't have anything intelligent to add to the presentation. If anyone is doing anything hard core, there might be some sort of exhibition. Nothing is engraved in stone. Not the same thing every time. After all that there is time for play and at that time we'll be leaving because I don't want anyone touching you and I'm not interested in touching any other sub or slave.

"Now come sit on this table, legs in the air, hands holding your legs back, lock fingers together. This is how I want to fuck you. Right now. Get to it, slave!"

Once the slave is in position, Justin starts breaking in its ass again with lube and fingers until brandon starts to beg Him to fuck him and then Justin enters very slowly, so slowly that the slave just keeps groaning hardly ever coming up for breath. "I own this ass! Always here for My cock. Only I can give you what you need, slave, never forget that. Only I can meet your need, you kinky little slutboy. C'mon on, slave, open for your Owner. I'm going deep now." And Justin starts fucking him like a maniac and brandon's only response is to howl like a fucked dog and it continues until at last Justin spills the first load of the night into the slave's body, and as the slave puts its legs down, Master notes that He'd fucked a load right out of the slave's locked dicklit.

"Look at that, you filthy slut! Shot a load all over the place. Master fucked it right out of you. Well, let's get in the shower!" Justin tries to lift brandon up off the table but has to give up as they both laugh at His antics. He takes brandon's hand and leads him into the bathroom.

"No piss on anything but your cage, boi. Don't wanna cause some infection."

"Piss is sterile, Master."

Justin slaps his face. "No it's not. that's a myth. There's lots of bacteria on the head of a man's dick and that gets washed along with the piss. Anywhere, stand still so I can piss the load out of your cage." And Justin lets it fly, and after that, runs the shower, makes the slave kneel on the floor and finishes washing. He tells the slave to wash itself and then gets out of the tub. And leans up against the sink watching the slave wash itself then turn the water off. He looks around for a towel and then just stands there, not knowing what to do.

"It's raining hard outside and that gives me a nice idea of how we can have some fun," Justin tells the slave. Get out of the tub and follow Me. Justin leaves him to the back door off the dungeon, opens the door and forces the slave out into the rain and tells him to run around the yard. In a couple minutes He comes out the door wearing a big rain hat and brandon runs to Him. He starts slapping the boi around and then finally tripping it so it falls down into the mud and then gives it various gentle kicks. First the slave starts crying but after Justin stamps in a puddle and splashes him, he simply ends up rolling on the ground and laughing his head off. Justin goes back inside for a minute and then comes back out and throws a bar of soap to the slave and orders it to wash off the mud and dirt and this time just leaves him to get himself clean again. Justin goes back inside and leaves the door open. When brandon finds his way in, Justin is standing there holding up one of His big fluffy towels and wraps it around His boy and starts patting him dry but notices that brandon is shivering like crazy. He tells the boy to get back in the tub and runs a warm shower. "Let me know if it gets too hot. You need to absorb the warmth into your body and you'll be fine again." He gradually increases the temperature until brandon stops him. Gradually brandon warms up and the shivers start disappearing. Justin takes the spray and sprays the slave's feet which still have some mud and dirt and leaves on them.

Justin keeps him under the shower for as long as the hot water lasts, then takes yet another big towel and dries the boi Himself all over, spending special time on his hair. He gets a flashback of a time when He was 12 years old and was showering and drying his 8 year old brother and how sweet it was. It's sweet like that now too, and once He's all finished, Justin holds him just like He had held that tender little brother of His so many years ago.

brandon loves the way his Master isn't afraid to treat the slave with tenderness when it's needed or called for. So far, this is the best part of the evening and he hopes it will last for a long time.

Justin brings brandon, still wrapped in towels, into the bedroom and has the slave scoot into bed. He takes the leather collar off the slave because it is still damp and then dries the slave's neck once again before nibbling on it and giving love bites. The biting continues down the slave's chest and over to its nipples and the slave gets its hands behind its head and quietly says, "all Yours, Justin. all Yours. You own this flesh and this heart." Justin works His way down to the slave's balls and even nicks them all around, listening to the little grunts and shouts that come out of the slave's mouth, sounds of reaction but never any sounds of resistance. Finally Justin come back up and kisses His slave and pours His juices into the slave's eager thirsty mouth. brandon rarely has his hands free at times like this and he takes advantage to it, running his fingers down his Master's torso and toying with His pubes and noticing that his Master is hard and wet.

"Please, Master, please may Your slut slave suck Your cock? It wants You so badly. It wants to drink from You down there, Master."

(Justin interprets this as a little hint that brandon is preparing himself to drink His piss but is not going to introduce that practice yet.) "Yes, slaveboy. Go down and pleasure Me. Let Me remember why I'm even allowing you to be here with Me. Use your tongue and mouth to drain your Master dry. No choking now; it would spoil the mood."

Brandon goes down and provides tender and loving service to this Man Who is convincing him how precious he is, how precious a possession, how much the Master honors its offering of Itself as part of His life now and in the future. And as brandon labors over His Master's cock, Justin is simply wondering what effect all this tenderness will have on His ability to continue to train and subjugate this slave. He raises His voice a bit: "Come on, faggot, empty out your Master's balls and swallow what comes out. That's what you're here for, slave."

Justin realizes that it's good to talk to brandon like that from time to time. They both get off on it, each for a different reason. He hasn't decided when or if He'll tell the slave what He plans to do with it tomorrow after its slave labor is completed.

Next: Chapter 53

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