Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 11, 2023


"The alex chronicles" Book 2: Sweet Submission

Chapter 5: Justin is pleased.

Dear Brandon,

I am so pleasantly surprised at the progress you are making in discovering how much you need to submit to my will and my guidance that I would like to give you a big hug right now and tell you what a good boy I think you are. You are making me very happy. I am looking forward to seeing you strip and also displaying your naked body to my friends. I guess you will be hard at the time, but if you are not, I have something to put on you which will make you hard. I want my friends to see how turned on you will be by being exposed the way I want you to be, and how you really do have what it takes to be a true sub. The sight of your naked body and your hard cock will prove to them that my suspicions about you were right. Expect to be thoroughly inspected (although neither of them will touch you; it is our house rule that we never touch other guys' subs without permission). I told you this will do you a lot of good and I'm glad you are trusting my insight on this matter. You will get rewarded by realizing how much you will be pleasing me by your willingness for me to show you off to others. Damn! I so wish you had a roommate who would allow you to be naked in your dorm room at all times. We'll have to work on that.

About that dream: it proves to me beyond any doubt at all that you ARE a sub. The Dom who appeared to you was a special angelic character named Billy and his sign of approval indicates that you have already crossed the line from being a free lonely boy to being a sub under a Dom's direction. Do you know anything about the story of Billy and alex? It's on Nifty, but I don't want you reading it just yet. I will tell you the story some day soon. Maybe when you are kneeling between my legs and resting your face in my ginger pubes.

Thank you for telling about Gary and the way he was actually dominating you without being aware how common that is, and even though he considers himself to be straight. I have some thoughts about that myself that I will speak to you about some other time. I feel somewhat grateful to him for preparing you for me, and look forward to possibly meeting him over Thanksgiving break and even giving him a demonstration of how much a faggot sub cocksucker you will have become by then and how much I will be ruling you. I'm also glad he got you to eat your own cum and now I want you to make sure you eat it every single time you get to cum. Let none of it go to waste, Let it return to your body to nourish your inner sub nature.

Yes, indeed, if that fellow you've been blowing mentions wanting to spank you again, submit to him. Make sure you don't hide your reactions to any pain he gives you, and don't hesitate to ask him to stop when you've had enough. Don't push yourself so far that you will be unwilling to have him spank you on a regular basis. I am pleased about this possibility. Too bad you are not naked. I'm wondering if he will pull down your underpants when he spanks you. I hope he does. What you have to understand is that spanking is not punishment. It is just something that Dom men enjoy doing to sub boys and is part of your sexual submission, just as you are submitting to their desires to have you service their cocks like a good sub boy. I do know of that area of the cafeteria and used to hang out there myself when I lived on campus. It's been a long standing tradition even since it became more acceptable to be gay on campus. Sometimes homophobic idiots will come over to harass you boys. I hope that still doesn't happen much any longer. Please remember to text or call me if you are in any danger.

I'm also pleased to hear that you are beginning to understand something very important for subs to get: that you have no right to cum just because you satisfy a Superior Man's cock. At this point, the only reason you should really want to jerk off is because of reading anything I send you. I'm not demanding it yet, but I am pleased that you are not just beating your meat anytime you want without thinking about whether or not it is something you can just do whenever. Subs like you must get used to the idea that only Superior Men can cum whenever they want. Please note that I am using a new phrase with you, one that you should get used to using yourself. You should consider that every male who is not a sub is a Superior Man to you. You are always the inferior, even in the presence of men who know nothing about what you are or who they are. It's what is in your mind that matters.

Irish Spring is fine. Bring your soap dish with you on Friday, empty and cleaned out. You can use it to bring home the soap I am getting for you to use. No, I most definitely do not want you to ride your bike here. I want you fresh and sweet smelling, not all sweaty from a bike ride.

Checking out guys' armpit hair, are you, you little pig? Good for you.

Stick to baby powder instead of deodorant when you're planning to meet with me. I will never use anything myself because I know how awful it is to stick one's mouth and tongue in a guy's armpits and only to end up with that horrible taste. Most Doms do not regularly used deodorant because it is a good thing for Doms to have ripe pits in case they come across a sub who needs to be humbled by cleaning their stink off of them. For you, we'll start out gently. I won't stink too much by Friday night, just enough to give you a sense of what is like to discover your Dom's scents. When you are on campus you should use deodorant just like everyone else, except when you are preparing yourself to meet with me. Make sure you wash all the deodorant out of your pits when you shower before coming to me.

Yes, dear boy, I am your protector now. You can come to me with anything at all any time, if you need advice or guidance or are feeling down or getting picked on, or fears are troubling you. Whatever. Learn to be dependent on me. That is your place, and is an advantage of being a sub. There are a lot of things that you no longer have to worry about, and as time goes on you will begin to discover that and also to discover how freeing it is to surrender all your freedom to your Dom. That might sound like a contradiction to some, but you are already learning a bit about how true it is. Once again I want to say how delighted I am about the progress you are making even though we have not had a chance to be in the same room together since the night we met.

I hope you are realizing how important these emails are right now, and reading and writing them are a far better way for you to be spending your time than trolling around the Internet and peeking into dark places. Keep your mind on me and on your submission each and every step of the way.

The next time your write me, tell me what's going on with Clyde. Interestingly enough, he is the only fellow on campus named Clyde, so it is easy for me to check up on him. I have internet skills that are very useful at times when I need information that others can't get to. I have discovered that he has been making plans to pledge a frat that is known for having a homophobic attitude and some of their members have been cruel to gay guys. All the more reason while I have to do something about that roommate situation.

Yes, bring your laptop. Just in case. I will make sure you have plenty of time to get your schoolwork done. Pack up any books or other materials you need when you come on Friday. I'm not planning to keep you here all weekend; it might be too early for something like that. However, I do not want you to ever make any weekend plans without checking with me first from now on.

Generally, it is wise for you not to leave your laptop in your room considering who your roommate is. Do you have a proper carrying case? If not, there might be something here that you can borrow. We have very good WiFi here and I will give you the password when you need it. Is your laptop locked with a password? If not, I will give you one and help you set it up if you don't know how.

I haven't asked about your finances but that is something I need you to tell me about. I have noticed that you are getting a lot of financial aid from the U, so I suspect your resources are somewhat limited. Please provide me with more information. Do you have an on-campus job?

You have said nothing about your mother yet. Does she know you are gay? It will never be necessary for her to know about your sexual activities or interests, and especially that you are becoming a sub. Most Doms and Masters make sure that families are kept in the dark about these situations. People have trouble understanding them—gee, even a lot of gay people do. So it is never advisable to have people know about this who really have no business knowing it. Be assured that I would never do anything to expose you or embarrass you in public. That isn't my style.

A brief note about punishment. You have to understand that it is inevitable and necessary, even right from the beginning. It is important to realize that I am taking enough control of your life and will continue to do so, and it is important to understand that I have the right to punish you as I see fit at any time. Another important aspect of our developing relationship. I am the one who punishes you and you have to answer to me, and not that you are crossing the line you are crossing, you are one who will always be trained and controlled through corporal punishment. I have already given you one rule for which you can be punished. It is rather silly to control your vocabulary in such a little thing, but it is important to set up these boundaries as to what you can or cannot do and what is expected of you that ordinary guys would never even think about. Now I am going to give you some more rules:

One is that whenever you type the word "you" referring to me, it should always be capitalized. Just like my name is capitalized but yours is not.

The second rule is that you must get into the habit of asking for permission for things that you used to just do without even thinking about. You must begin to understand that you are not free to run your own life any more. I can't say specifically what you should or should not ask permission for. The more you ask, the better at this point. If I find out you have done something that I think you should have asked permission for, you will be punished so that you don't forget again. Feel free to text me if you need to ask for permission for anything.

Do you drink alcohol? I prefer that you abstain. As far as pot goes, I prefer that you do not smoke it but use edibles which are available just about everywhere in this state now. Have you ever used them, or smoked pot, in the past? I want to know.

You do not have permission to accept invitations to parties on campus or off campus, even to events in your dorm. You must ask first. I am a phone junkie and will almost always be able to respond quickly to any texts you send me. Never just assume you have permission for something just because I haven't gotten back to you. "No answer" from me means NO until you hear differently. Got that?

It might seem like I am asking a lot from you, but you have repeatedly told me how much you want to be my sub now, and you express how much the way I am dealing with you is turning you on. That is why I am making more moves into your freedom. If any of these things seem too oppressive for you, or if you find yourself experiencing any resentment at all, make sure you let me know. Otherwise, I may get carried away trying to control you. That is my tendency, so be sure to speak up when necessary or I will assume that you are getting turned on by the way I continue to invade your life and take parts of it over. Communication between us is always important.

One last thing. I hope you have begun to play with your nipples as often as possible. When I see you on Friday, I expect to see that they are a bit perkier than they were the first time I saw them. Otherwise, expect to be punished, and also expect me to push nipple pain a bit beyond your current limits. I told you I am all about pain, so you know what might lie ahead. I do consider that a sub boy should always have nipples that are a little bit sore. You should always be aware of your nipples. This is true for all sub boys. In a sense, they will begin to belong to me. So get yourself in shape for me like a good boy.

That's all for now. Write soon unless it interferes with your school work.


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Next: Chapter 6

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