Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 24, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 48. Intense subjugation.

  1. An email from Justin to, of all people, Jonny!

This is brandon's Master. The slave has given me a detailed description of what transpired in your room last night. There is nothing more dangerous than a wannabe-dom who doesn't know that the fuck he is doing. There is nothing more pathetic than a virgin boi who can't control his own dick and who shoots its load the very first time it is touched.

Can't do much to help the short fuse problem. The only thing that can help that is experience. If you really want to conquer this problem, what you need to do is start looking around for other guys who will "69" with you. Eventually, you will find yourself waiting until the other guy has cum into your mouth before you cum into his. My suspicion is that you also have no real experience in cock-sucking. Too bad. You have to get used to doing it before you will even be in a position that you can make demands on subs. It is also possible that you might discover that deep down inside you are a true sub, not the Dom you've been pretending to be. If that's the case, let Me know and I will hook you up with a suitable Dom willing to train an absolute beginner who needs to learn to develop an obsession with cocks. Other men's cocks.

Now, on to the Dom part: You cannot become a Dom unless you have had the experiences you want to put a sub through. So let us begin with spanking. It's not about how hard you can hit. It's about how you can best work a sub to the point of total satisfaction, no matter where that may be. I spank My slave until it is squirming to get away from My hand and is whimpering, then crying, and finally sobbing. It's all a question of technique. Technique is something that has to be learned. Technique is best learned over the knees of a more experienced Dom. It's your call, dude. If you have the guts to learn what it is like to be spanked by an expert Dom, here is the email of a friend of mine who loves giving such a lesson. xxx@xxx. His name is Andy. He is a nice guy. He will make sure you have learned what it is like to be spanked to tears. He won't mind the fact that you will probably shoot your load onto his legs as soon as he begins. It won't stop the spanking. You might even find yourself cumming more than once during the ordeal. You might even find that you are one of those who quickly gets addicted to a good thrashing—in other words, a sub.

The choice is yours. Good day.

Master Justin.

  1. Email to Gregor

Hello, Gregor, this is Justin and, of course, we have met before. I have decided that this meeting between you and My slave cannot take place at the present time. When and if the situation changes, I will be sure to let you know. On a different note, I would like to have the opportunity to go with you to your special "club" and observe what takes place there so I know how to make use of you in the future when I have a sub who deserves to be treated the way subs are treated in your community. Please let me know when this might be possible. Thank you.

Master Justin

  1. An email to brandon, which he receives that afternoon after returning to his room after his class.

slave brandon,

you are My slave. I own you. I train you. I discipline you. I determine when and how you will serve or be worked over by other Doms and Masters. You, as My slave, will submit to My decisions about all things, knowing, of course, that with a yellow safe-word we can have a free and open discussion about what cause the safe word.

This is all fine and good, and describes the way I have always worked with subs and slaves. However, something new has happened in My life, and this is due to meeting You. I have begun to care for you very much. I realize that I truly want to own you. I realize that I might own you for a long long time to come. I take seriously my responsibility to train the boi I care for, and also to discipline and punish it whenever it is needed. I also have a responsibility to protect you and to look out for your well-being at all times. This is very different for me. In the past, I have sent a sub (rarely ever a true slave) from my chambers out into the world with little or no concern about its well-being. It is unowned. I am not interested in pursuing anything further with it. I do not care about its future.

Now all that has changed, and I don't need to go into any more detail with you about this. Nonetheless, while I consider proper "opportunities" for you to serve, My caring for your well-being is paramount. Therefore, I have made the following three decisions.

First: Concerning this sad experience with that wanna-be dom named Jonny. In the past, when someone has approached you wanting a piece of you, you have asked for permission and in all case I have given you that permission because I want you to have as much experience and spend as much time lost in a sub mentality. Now that is going to change: You no longer have permission to ask permission to service someone who has approached you. What you may do is ask Me to vet that person carefully and then make a decision about whether or not you will service that person as the slut sub you are. No further discussion is needed here. This is what I have decided. This is the way things will be from now on in your life, slave.

Second: With no explanation and no opening for further discussion, I have decided that your possible meeting with Gregor tonight will not happen.

Third: Since I have known you, I have come to understand the depth of your masochistic desires and your willingness to have them satisfied with little real consideration about timing, appropriateness, safety and your ultimate development into the type of slave I want you to become. You have in some ways, become a danger to yourself. The fact that I first met you on the other side of a glory hole in the library in a location where many gay bois have been both molested and bashed by homophobic members of our U who have learned about this location. You are no longer going there because I have taken that right from you. This is a safety issue.

However, another safety issue has arisen: the power of your drives and your obvious lack of common sense when these drives are basically running your life. From now on, therefore, I am taking responsibility for denying you permission to experiment with things that might not be wise for you, things that ultimately can damage you in both body and mind. I am taking this decision seriously because of how much I care for you and how inexperienced and naïve you can be at times. From now, don't immediately assume that a particular urge or interest is going to be fulfilled. From now on, realize the face that you are being ruled by and experienced and wise Master who has claimed ownership of you, and whose decisions are always to be accepted and submitted to you. Often the reality of what it is like to surrender to something that might disappoint your masochistic impulses is more important than those situations themselves. I continually hear you tell Me that all things are up to Me. Now you have to live that. And sometimes, that might mean that you will be frustrated, denied, limited and controlled. Let the reality of your surrender to Me help you sink more deeply into the slave mentality that your Master wants to develop in you. This is not up to you. It is up to your Owner and Master.

All that being said, however, I also want you to live as the cumdrop and cockslut you are being trained to become. Therefore tonight, you will visit the following Superior Men to suck their cocks and drink their loads. At 7:30 pm you will report to room XXX in your dorm. Two Superior Men share that room. As soon as you enter the room you are to strip naked and crawl to each of them to suck the cum out of them. Not a single word will be spoken, either by you or by them. And then at 10 pm you will be standing in front of your dorm. A Dom by the name of Roger will command you to follow Him and He will lead you to His quarters where you will strip again and crawl to him and do his bidding. He will indeed speak to you and you are to listen carefully to everything He tells you as you service His cock like the cocksucker you are. You do not have permission to speak with this Dom either.

We will explore opportunities for you to serve on Thursday tomorrow.

I understand that you will most likely be flooded with various emotions as a result of this message. Experience them; they are all part of what it means to be a slave. If necessary, grovel on the floor as they pass through you. Make sure they do not fester within you or they may need to be beaten out of you with My flogger or even cane.

Do not answer this email. Simply send Me a text which says "yes, Master." That is your only option. You have absolutely no freedom here.


brandon is out of his mind from reading this email three times, and then, after the last reading he immediately grovels on the floor while experiencing bouts of disappointment, resentment, humiliation, after realizing that sometimes even the most devoted slave wants to cut and run, and even anger as well as fear when he reads the word "cane". Groveling does indeed help. He is a slave. He is Justin's slave. He is in love with Justin. He can only find happiness by surrendering to Justin's guidance and rule at all times.

He rises from the floor with a smile on his face and his cage rattling because his little dick wants so much to get hard and isn't allowed to because it has been caged and locked by this slave's Master.

Finally, feeling suitably surrendered, He sends the required text to Justin. "Yes, Master."

All this has taken a long time and it is now 7 pm. No time for supper. Just enough time to go and shower once again, making sure it is clean and sweet smelling when it reports to that room to service the Men who live there.

Once at the room, hair still damp, barefoot, he knocks on the door lightly. The door is opened. The room is dark. Immediately he strips off the tshirt and shorts and quickly grovels before beginning to crawl to the Man on the left. When the slave gets to the Man's feet, He takes it by the hair and pulls it's head up to the tip of an uncircumsized six-inch cock with a bit of foreskin hanging off the tip. brandon hates this and realizes what it has become. As trained, the slave licks as far beneath the skin as it can and then takes the entire tip into its mouth. A hand is place on the back of its head and pushes it all the way down and holds it there for quite a while. brandon can breathe slightly and struggles to do so, all the while toying with the Man's cock with its tongue. Finally, its head is released, and the slave begins to suck the cock forcing itself to work eagerly because this is what its Master wants and also because it fears the punishment which would result from an unsatisfactory report. This man breathes heavily and is obviously enjoying the slave's ministrations, but takes a long time to cum and brandon has to remind itself to maintain constant focus on giving the Man pleasure and obeying its Master. Finally, the Man shoots a smallish load. the slave uses its tongue to clean the Man's cock, especially the foreskin. The Man pushes the slave back down to the floor and it crawls over to the second Man.

This Man stands over the slave and the slave kneels up and takes hold of the Man's cock and begins to stroke it. It is thick and about seven inches and this will be a challenge. the slave tantalizes the tip of the Man's cock and enjoys hearing the sound the Man makes. Then the slave starts to go down on the Man's thick rod, a little farther each time until it reaches the point where it begins to gag. The Man stops the slave at that point and has the slave hold the remaining part with its hand and then take up a rhythm of sucking and jerking, sucking and jerking and occasionally gagging to show the Man the quality of its efforts, knowing that most Superior Men enjoy the sound of a slave gagging on His dick. It doesn't take this Man too long to cum, but He shoots a really big load into the slave's mouth and the slave is forced to gulp rather quickly lest it spill any of the Man's seed—a punishable offense. Having completely drained the man and cleansed its cock, the slave turns around and crawls to the door, puts on its clothing, stands up and leave the room. it never got to see the faces or bodies of the men it just served. All it was about was the slut's mouth and tongue and the cocks it was ordered to service. The slave returns to its room and gets mouthwash to bring into the bathroom.

While Brandon is washing out his mouth, two jocks enter the bathroom. One of them smacks him on the behind and says, "washing cum out of your mouth, faggot?" and both laugh. "Always," answers Brandon. The two guys whisper to each other and then one of them says to brandon, "I might want to try out that mouth one of these days, bitch." Brandon politely asks him to contact his Master about making arrangements and then goes back to his room.

It's 8:45. Time to do some reading before the next "appointment."

Shortly before 10, brandon goes to the bathroom to brush his teeth; no need for another shower. He goes back to his room, puts on minimal clothing and flip-flops, and heads out to stand in front of his dorm feeling like a sleaze. As he hears the tower bell strike 10, a short Asian man walks up to him and says, "I am Roger. Follow me." brandon remembers that he has been forbidden to speak and so follows the Man who walks rather briskly to the other side of the campus and leads him up to his private room on the third floor. Brandon opens the door and strips. "Grovel," commands Roger. Once brandon is in position, Roger begins speaking.

"First of all, when I am done with you we will walk together back to your dorm. Your Master does not want you walking on campus alone late at night. That being said, on to more important matters: Feel yourself naked and humbled, groveling on the floor in front of a man you don't know, simply because Master Justin ordered you to follow Me here and obey Me even though you have never met me before, and even though you have no right to make any judgment based on this man's race or looks. To a slave like you, looks never matter. What matters is your Master's will for you to be so humiliated, so that unlike most gay bois, you don't get to choose who you find attractive; all you get to do is obey.

"I want you to know that My cock is hard just from seeing you groveling on the floor the way you are, your naked ass raised up in the air further humiliating you, and I can see all of you and the sight turns Me on. No one cares whether or not you are turned on, because you are a slave locked into chastity and the only feeling you are allowed to have is the feeling of knowing you are being used by Me because your Master has demanded it of you. The only feeling a slave should ever have is the experience of surrendering and obeying and that is the way you are made. You have no other option in life. Oh, sure, you may develop some kind of career after your education is completed, but that career will never be the center of your life. You are experiencing the true center of your life right now as you grovel naked before me. The true center of your life is whatever your Master decides it will be, whether bound to His whipping post or hanging upside down in His dungeon as He beats you, or drinking from His cock—and He's told me that you aren't ready for this level of subjugation—or doing exactly what you are doing right now: obeying like the slave you are, like a sub-man unworthy of anything but scorn and desires to use your body for another's pleasure. After all, this body groveling naked before Me doesn't belong to you; it belongs to Master Justin and is here to service Me because Master Justin has ordered you to do so and you had no right to refuse.

"Yes, boi, I know what you are. I know how low you are. I know that something within you drives you to seek the lowest place at all times. You are truly a slave, inside and out. Now press your belly to the ground and slide yourself over to Me and then rest at My feet. Your mouth is not worthy of My feet so even though I am completely aware that something inside you is making you wish you could kiss and lick My feet, you do not have permission to do so; you are not worthy.

"Back up a bit. Keep going until I tell you to stop. . . . Stop. That's fine. Now I am going to squat on the ground and I want you to stand up. . . . . .Look down and see my hard cock poking up from below. Bend down while still standing. Bend down far enough that you can get your mouth on My cock. Yes, that is fine. Use your arms to keep you from falling. I decided that if I were going to allow a slave as low as you to suck My cock, I would make sure that slave were in as humiliating a position as I could devise. And so it is in this position that your mouth is on My cock and that you will struggle to get My entire cock in your sleazy mouth. that's right, slave boi. I don't only want you to suck My cock; I want you to have to struggle to get to My cock so you can demonstrate to me how fucking desperate you are to have a cock in your mouth. Go on, cocksucker. Suck! Pay no attention to your own discomfort. It is good that you be discomforted as you suck My cock. You must pay the price for having the right to jerk off My cock with your mouth while your body is bend like a strange pretzel. Suck my cock, slave. Come on, you can do better than that, slave. Here. I'll help you by raising My body just a bit because you are so fucking worthless that you couldn't bend down far enough to suck My cock the way I wanted you to. There! Better! Suck me, you fucking piece of trash. Suck me, faggot slaveboi. Suck me, tighten your fucking mouth and suck the Asian cum out of Me. There you go, faggot. Enjoy My cock. Almost there, slave. A little tighter, a little faster. SUCK! Oh yes, slave. Feel my juices pouring into your slave mouth. Drink them down,cumdump! There. Nice. Clean My tip with your tongue, slave boi. Excellent. Now drop to the floor and grovel once more. Think over what I have just made you do. Consider how desperately you willingly humiliated yourself in order to obey your Master's wishes. One more thing before we take you back to your room. I want you to realize something, and I'm not just making this up. I fucking despise you, brandon. I despise you for what you are. I despise you for what you desire. I despise you because you have surrendered you manhood into a cage, that you need to be a slave to another man. I despise you because you are less than a man and even less than a boi. If I ever see you outside again, I will spit on the ground as a sign to you of how much I despise you.

"Now crawl over to the door and put your rags back on, slave. Then walk with me back to your room, you helpless weakling that I have to provide you with an escort so no one beats the shit out of you once they realize what you are. All dressed. Good. When you get home, send a message to your Master, and in that email demonstrated to Him how much you need to be totally surrender to Him. I'm done talking to you, pig. Come with me."

And a very subdued Brandon walks alongside this Superior Man who has driven him into the depths of his sub space and stripped him of the dignity he had even when he was serving Gary. Nothing more than Master Justin's property. Yes: he has to use that word right now because it is the lowest word he knows.

Once they get to his dorm, Roger spits on the ground and then turns around to head back to his dorm. brandon goes inside and doesn't even wash his mouth out this time. he goes right to his laptop:


your slave grovels in its mind towards You, knowing more than ever before just how low it is, just how it deserves to be humbled even further. it has learned many things tonight. Above all it has learned how devoted it is to You, Master, how much it wants to please You in all ways. For the first time in its life, it realizes that some day it will become Your urinal. It knows that You will know when it is time and You will begin its training. It is asking for nothing, Master, nothing other than to be Your slave for a long time to come, and that it be permitted to love You with all its heart. That is what makes its life such a joy and such a blessing. And gives it the strength to break through its fear and descend deeper and deeper into its slavery and its nothingness.

slave brandon

At midnight, Justin texts brandon and orders him to read the following email:

slave, pay attention to what your Master writes you:

I must sent a gift certificate to My dear friend Roger for the success He has had (once again, I must say) in guiding a slave beneath its illusions and beneath any clinging shreds of misplaced dignity, to a more real and vibrant realization of what it has become and what its future may become.

Your Master got hard and jerked off picturing the moment when you will be on your knees begging Him for His piss—eagerly begging for it, not begging in fear because that is what you think you're supposed to do. I don't want you to fear it. I want you to thirst for it with ever fibre of your slave being. That day will come and now you know it. Keep it in mind every time you have My cock in your mouth from now on.

Roger is a talented Dom. His talents are much in demand by Masters who feel that We cannot do enough Ourselves to form Our slaves' mentalities on Our own, but need outside help from those few individuals who have the necessary gifts to break a slave's proud spirit in such a way that it reorients the slave's desires and goals in life to be surrendered to its Master's vision of what the slave is meant to become. Roger has helped bring you over that line, slave, or perhaps I should say that He has helped bring you beneath the line you thought you had drawn, the line which you would never cross.

Now I desire you more than I have ever before, and this in no way means that I can no longer love or care for you as My precious sweet boi. You are so precious because you have been broken from free-man illusions. You will benefit from this so much, because you no longer will be fighting an internal battle fed by the resistance of the free bye lonely boi you once were. That is over now. I picture how desperately you will try to get as close to the ground as possible, or hopefully maybe even the dirt if we can do it outside, as you crawl painfully towards Gary, unable to raise your eyes from the dirt, to show Him what you have become under My ownership. Don't be surprised if Gary has trouble accepting it; it is so much more than He has ever been able to imagine what might happen to you under the rule of a true Master. Don't be surprised also if His natural reaction is to spit on your naked groveling body and ask Me if He can watch Me whip you to tears before you crawl over to Him to suck His cock.

For this reason I have decided that we will stay in a hotel over Thanksgiving Break. That will give your parents (I am thinking of Barry as one of them) and us the privacy we all need. For a while I thought that we could stay with your mother and I would simply act affectionate and cuddly with you for the weekend, but now I realize that is no longer possible. To act like that towards you for any extended amount of time would cause a painful amount of confusion in you. You are My slave. You are My property. You are totally owned by Me, and that is the only way you will ever find any peace or joy, because that is the type of person you are. Roger grasped that well the minute He saw you waiting outside your dorm, nervously wondering what was to happen. He knew instinctively what He would be doing to break you. How He would force you to endure pain just so that you could have the honor of holding His cock in your miserable mouth.

This is so wonderful, and you will quickly begin to realize how wonderful it is. I am more free than ever to love you simply because of what you are for Me. I look forward more than ever to the coming weekend, especially to our gathering with other Masters and slaves on Saturday evening. If I allow you to speak during our discussion period, you will naturally find yourself saying things that some of the other slaves have yet to understand. You will contribute to their descent beneath their Masters' feet. Of course, there is also a possibility that I will have you blindfolded and gagged and simply leave you lying welted on the ground as a demonstration without words as to what you are.

But I'm getting ahead of Myself. Austin will contact you during supper at the Table to make arrangements for you to suck his uncut cock and eat his ass after the meal. The GI will be by at 7:30 in fatigues but wearing the black boots He will be wearing this weekend. He will bring the necessary materials and instruct you in how to clean His boots and make them shine so that He can see His face in them. He tells me it will take a couple hours for you to complete the job to His satisfaction. He might also claim the right to use your mouth and throat for His pleasure, but at the moment He hasn't made up His mind about that yet. For some reason He seems to find it advantageous to have full balls on these training weekends of His. Nonetheless, He might still wish to fuck your mouth and throat even without reaching orgasm. Of course, He gets whatever He wants from you. Make sure you keep your legs nicely spread at all times because I've suggested to Him that He use those boots to kick your balls from time to time while you are serving Him. I've not paid much enough attention to those balls yet, I know. All things in time. My time, of course.

I take great pleasure in the fact that My control over you is now so strong that I can turn you over to others to deliver pain to your miserable body rather than having to do it Myself. In some cases this is safer for you because I am so used to an intensity that is far beyond your abilities to endure and it is sometimes exhausting work for Me to remember to hold Myself back. Expect that from here on you may be given to others to hurt you. Know that I will require you to beg them for it as well. Learn this phrase: "Hurt me please, Master." You will be using it eventually.

As soon as Sgt. Ron is finished with you tonight go directly to bed. Arise at 6 am, brush your teeth and take a cold shower with no towel. Return dripping wet and cold to the room and immediately, while still wet, answer this email and offer me some of your thoughts. After sending the email you may dry off and get dressed. Have your coffee and three soft-boiled eggs for breakfast to be eaten without salt. Be glad I am not ordering you to put your mouth into the dish and eat like that in front of your friends and acquaintances. You may use a spoon, the same spoon you used to stir your coffee. If anyone at the Table has toast with breakfast, you may beg that person for a piece of toast. Otherwise, no bread for you to go with those eggs.

Dress nicely for class, giving no sign of how lowly you are other than the collar you wear all the time. Participate fully in your classes. If you have a chance to speak with Professor Keaton, let Him know that I had given you to Roger for a session last night. The good Professor will have a good idea of how Roger has helped train you and will be pleased to be able to see that in your eyes. You will discover that the whole idea of a broken slave to be lifeless and without much interest in anything to be nothing more than a myth. In fact, you will find out just how alive and perky you feel even despite the way I am regulating your early morning activities. Every single obedience energizes you; nothing of that sort depletes you. Remember this when you happen to see a slave looking miserable on its own: that slave has not yet been trained to the point where it will discover what you are now experiencing.

That is all I have to say to you now before you finish your night's sleep. Take the pillow off your bed and throw it on the floor. Kneel on the pillow and lay your head on the bed as if you were laying it in My pubes. Sleep in that position for the rest of the night. You will not have trouble going back to sleep because that is becoming a very restful position for you. Don't forget to set your clock for 6.

You are a good boi, brandon, but you are even a better slave.


It is true: brandon does sleep well, and when the alarm goes off at 6 he feels energized, not exhausted because he was awakened in the middle of the night. He is surprised to see that Michael never came home last night.

He does everything Master ordered and sits at his laptop to answer Master's email.

bowing to You, Master, Your slave answers Your email.

Thank You so much, Master, for all the things You had to say in Your email. You greatly helped this slave to further process everything that happened last night, especially the time under Roger's care and discipline and extreme humiliation. It all makes sense, Master. perhaps because this slave is writing after it has crossed over the line, or sunk beneath it as You wisely suggested. Your slave confesses that it was unnerved, resistant and angry while submitting to Roger's demands, but its obedience seemed to wipe away those feelings and as the time continued this slave found itself simply surrendering to whatever was being ordered with no other thought in its head but to "obey. obey. obey."

Your slave thinks it learned the most of all when it realized that it had to cause itself pain in order to have Roger's cock in its mouth, that it has become that desperate a cockhound. And then at the end, as Roger expressed how much he despised this slave, each item in the litany He mentioned caused the slave's spirit to sink more deeply into the depths of its slavery, and the message it sent to You when arriving back in its room was written from those depths and every word of it is true. This slave loves You all the more, Master, when it realized that despite its willingness to receive Your piss, You say You are waiting until its fear is replaced by eagerness. It has read so many stories where the sub was subjected to brutal and humiliating treatment despite any fear it may have been feeling; it often thought that those stories were unrealistic, that no one could bear so much non-consensual treatment. Perhaps this is true. All this slave can say is that no matter how low or "broken" it may be, it has never had to endure anything from You without at least some sense of implied consent. It is so much more fortunate than the poor characters in the stories it has read. It cannot find suitable enough ways to express its gratitude to You, Master. And it is true what You wrote last night, that every single act of obedience is ending up energizing your slave, Master.

This slave has a special place in its heart for Fridays, Master. Friday means that You will come to take it to Yourself again. It is not going to anticipate, Master. All its thought will be focused on what it will feel like the second it sees You once again.

Your utter slave.

He sends it off and gets dressed to go down to breakfast.

It brings its coffee and eggs (no salt!) to the Table and finds Austin sitting there eating a full breakfast. "Heading out for a training day for a job I've taken volunteering," Austin tells him, "but we'll be back at 4. I think I'll take a quick shower and come to your room, brandon, for you to take care of My dick."

"as you wish, Austin. Will be waiting, eager to serve You."

"good boi."

"Please excuse me for asking, Austin, but to you think you could let me have just a small piece of that toast you have? Master didn't allow me to get any myself but ordered me to beg someone else for it."

"I like the way He deals with you, brandon. It's all good for you, and sure You can have a piece." He breaks off a third of one slice and hands it over to the slave.

"thanks, Austin. Appreciate it. Hard to eat soft-boiled eggs without bread."

Austin chuckles. "another thing He arranged for you to suffer?"

"Not suffer, Austin. Just to obey. A good slave experiences joy in obeying even if the obedience causes it to suffer somehow."

"Damn. I didn't bring my notebook. I'd like to make note of that. I'll tell you what? Why don't you just text it to me? Right now.

"Yessir," answers brandon automatically, thus raising Austin's status farther above him. He takes out his phone and texts the statement to Austin.

"Great. Thanks. Have a good day, boi. See you shortly after 4." Austin takes off and leaves brandon alone.

Brandon gets a long text from Michael. "sorry I didn't let you know I wouldn't be home. Craig had other plans for me. He took me to a friend's house, made me blow His friend then brought me into the garage. He stripped me and tied me down and then kissed every inch of my body, locked a cage on me (!!!) and then turned off the lights and made me sleep right there all tied up. Tried to get free but couldn't. He finally let me loose this morning and brought me back to campus. Just as I was getting out of the car I demanded he give me the key to the cage, which he did, then I told him to go fuck himself and to stay the fuck away from me from now on. Very pissed. Very sore. Very tired. Skipping classes today."

Brandon feels so badly for Michael and wonders what the future will hold for him. Is really convinced that Michael has to look elsewhere for what he needs. He can well understand why Michael is so pissed off and remember what he was writing to his Master earlier this morning.

Classes were great today, especially his English class where they are learning how to diagram sentences. Why did he never learn this earlier, he thought? It helps things make so much sense. It will definitely improve his writing skills.

During Professor Keaton's seminar they discussed the problems one of the female members of the group is having with her on-again, off-again boyfriend. She's been going through a rough time, and after all that has happened to him, he finds it easy to understand what is going on with her. Dare he speak up? He remembers what Master ordered, and so he does. "Miriam, if you don't mind me giving the opinion of a gay boi, it seems like a lot of things that happen between you and him that really bother you and upset you are all things that he tries to pull with you that you have not previously consented to. In a way, that can be considered as a form of rape if it is defined as non-consensual behavior."

Professor Keaton acts as devil's advocate to brandon: "That sounds hypocritical for you to say, brandon, since you identify yourself as another man's slave. You must be an expert at having to deal with non-consensual behavior. After all, isn't that just part of the way slaves are treated?"

The whole class puts its attention on brandon, on how he will answer this challenge.

"Professor, it's necessary to make a distinction between historical black slavery as it once existed in which virtually everything in one of those poor slaves' lives was non-consensual. My slavery is different. It is not true legal slavery, it is mainly an acting out of different roles in a sexual bdsm relationship. And in my relationship with my Master, everything is consensual. We communicate a great deal. He runs ideas by me to see what my reaction will be, and more often than not I surrender to His domination by saying "you can do whatever you want to me, Master," knowing full well that it is safe to say that because I know He knows what I would not be able to accept because of our relationship and our communication with one another. Even though I call myself His slave, and that is what I am, I can say that . And besides that, I also have safe words which I can use either to slow him down, to urge further communication, or to simply a stop to what is happening. Miriam, none of that is true in your relationship with this guy, and you don't have any safe words either. It seems to me, in my humble opinion, that this guy is either clueless or immature and definitely selfish to the max. You really have to get away from this guy, Miriam. AT least IMHO."

"Miriam cries and runs out of the room."

"Oops!" says brandon. "Must have said too much."

"You were fine, brandon, mostly. What you said made a clear distinction between three things: historical slavery (which, by the way still exists all over the world, even in this country), consensual bdsm slavery, and the way she's being treated. The fact that she acted the way she did indicates to me that she really got what you were saying, but that the reality of it all was too much for her to handle, and so she responded the only way she knew how to do. And I wouldn't be surprised to learn that there have been times in her relationship with this fellow that she also ran away crying. It's been her only defense."

Others in the class agreed. One of the guys said that this discussion made him realize that he's not been doing a good job in his own relationship and that he needed to make some changes. "Take her out to dinner, Al, and open up a safe conversation which you begin by apologizing. And Brandon, there is something about your answer that I want to discuss with you after class."

brandon always hangs back after class. The students know he and the professor are both gay, and they also know that brandon seeks mentoring from the Professor about things that they are not really privy to.

"Go to my office and wait outside the door, please, brandon. I need to send a text out and then I'll be with you."

Professor Keaton sends a text to Justin. "Your boi was brilliant in class today. Unfortunately, however, he made some pretty nasty judgments about someone we were discussing and that needs punishment immediately, but I'd rather not beat the slave myself."

Quick answer from Justin. "That's fine. Let's use a stress position. Make the slave strip and kneel on the floor with both arms extended to the sides. Put a hefty book on each hand for it to hold up. Its arms should be at the same height as its shoulders. Assign punishment lashes from Me for each time the arms drop beneath the shoulders. Keep it there like that until it begins to weep and apologize. And it's fine with me if you leave your door open so others can see it being humiliated and disciplined that way. The more people on campus who begin to recognize it as a disciplined slave, the better, as far as I'm concerned."

With that information on his phone, the Professor returns to His office and invites Brandon inside and orders him to strip and kneel. The boi becomes a slave again. The Professor orders it to hold out its arms to both sides and keep them a shoulder length. He puts a good sized book on each hand. "Do you know why you're being punished, slave?"

"No, Sir, but this slave assumes its Master ordered it."

"Yes, He did after I told Him that in your otherwise excellent speech you spoke dishonorably about a free man and you should know that such kind of talk is forbidden a slave."

The slave immediately realizes that it had done wrong and attempts to apologize.

"Silence!" says the Professor. "You may apologize later when you're weeping. Just make sure you keep those arms up or I'll assign lashes to you for Saturday night when all can see." He does leave the door open and a few people peer into the room as they're walking past. A couple of his colleagues who know him well stop in to get a look at who it is kneeling naked on the floor like that. "Justin's slave," Professor Keaton informs them. "Being punished for speaking unkindly of a free man."

As time goes by, the slave incurs three lashes for letting its arms drop too low. It obviously struggles and its face is covered with signs of struggle and real pain. Professor Keaton is impressed with Justin's ingenious punishment and resolves to use on His own slave sometime soon when punishment is warranted. Sure does save the flesh for other episodes.

"This boi is tough," Keaton thinks to himself. It takes a full 15 minutes before it has burst into tears from the pain, and when the Professor gives it the nod, the slave begins with humble apologies and promises never to do it again. Finally, the Professor takes the books off the slave's hands and then waits another two anguished minutes before He allows the slave to drop its arms and stand up. He keeps the slave standing there naked while He finishes up some work at His desk then finally gives it permission to get dressed and leave. He takes pity on the boi and gives it some tissues to dry its eyes and face.

Brandon tries massaging his arms while he walks back to his room because Austin is going to be by shortly after 4 and it's already 3:50.

As soon as he's stripped again, there's a knock on the door and it's Austin right back from the shower and wrapped in a towel. "so last time Michael sucked My cock. Let's see which of you is better," He says as He pulls off the towel and stands there naked. "over here, brandon," He orders, and the slave kneels before him. "You're lucky. It's clean under My foreskin. Lick my dick until I'm hard then get your mouth on it and let Me feel your tongue."

brandon obeys, always a bit mystified by what happens to a foreskin when a guy's dick gets hard. Austin hardly shows anything at all.

"Okay, slave, all the way down on it and then jerk Me off with your mouth."

brandon focuses on what it's been told to do and loses himself in the simple pleasure of sucking a cock like the "cockhound" he is according to his Master.

"Wrap your hands around My waist and keep pulling yourself down on My dick like a good cocksucker."

It hurts Brandon to raise his arms again but He does what He's been told and concentrates on serving Austin's cock like the cock hungry slut slave he is. "Just about all the guys in the dorm knows you're a fucking slaveboi now," says Austin. "they keep track of when your butt looks like it's been whipped. In fact, I heard some guys have started a pool to see how often it happens. I sure wish that some day I could see you getting your ass beat and then shove My dick down your throat right after. I've been told a slave sucks better after it's been whipped."

Austin continues with the dirty talk until with a hot shout He spills Himself into the slave's mouth and orders it not to swallow it but to hold it in its mouth. After He's satisfied that he's emptied everything out, He orders the slave to open its mouth so He can see His jism in the slave's mouth. Hot as fuck, he thinks.

"Okay, pig. Swallow my seed." brandon obeys, gulping since there's so much of it. Then Austin orders the slave to lick His cock clean and then turns around and orders the slave to lick His ass as well, but He doesn't keep the slave back there for too long. Obviously not used to having His ass eaten by anyone at all.

Without a word of thanks, He picks up his towel, wraps it around again and then leaves the room. He doesn't even shut the door behind him so that brandon has to get up and go to shut it himself. Although brandon really enjoyed Austin's style during their encounter, the guy lost a whole lot of points when it was all over and he couldn't manage to act civilly and with common courtesy. Brandon begins to wonder if this is something he should confess to Master. Probably wouldn't hurt.

He throws on some clothes and goes to the caf for dinner, texting Michael to see if they could eat together. Michael agrees and brandon can't wait to hear what is going on between him and Craig now.

Next: Chapter 49

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