Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 23, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 47. Still there in the morning; more to come.

When brandon wakes up, the first thing he's aware of is that Justin is still holding him. The second thing he's aware of is that there seems to be something up his ass. The third thing is that he's wearing a diaper. He's not as much dismayed about his condition as he is thinking about how adorable it was that his Master came equipped for this surprise visit.

Justin's phone goes off but He can't find it. He juggles brandon's head. "Go find My cell phone and turn off the alarm, boy." "yes, Sir," he says half-awake still and tumbles out of the bed and onto the floor and has to look through Justin's pants to get to the phone and he turns it off and gets on his knees alongside the bed and hands it to Justin. "Good boy," says Justin, nuzzling him in his neck. "Did you sleep okay, brandon?"

"Yes, Master, once Your slave got used to the butt plug. And when did You put a diaper on me, Sir? Don't remember that at all."

Justin chuckles. "I'm not surprised. You were sinking fast by the time I was done with you." He reaches out for a nipple and brandon almost pulls away but catches himself and presses into Justin's fingers even though they are hurting him so much. Damn! Those nips had some workout last night again!

Almost as if Justin can read the slave's mind, He says, "Good and sore. The way they always should be," He says. brandon closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Sore for You, Master, only You," and he kisses Justin's hand. Justin sits up on the side of the bed. "Sshh! It's only 6 am. I want to get you all set in the bathroom before anyone else is up. Go get a pair of track pants."

brandon gets the pants and comes back to Him. "Put them on over the diaper, pup, then we can get you into the bathroom." brandon does as told and Justin stands up and takes his hand, but before they leave the room, he gets a black plastic bag out of his overnight bag and brings it as He walks brandon into a stall and hands him the bag. "Take off the diaper and pull out the plug and put them in this bag right away then use the toilet." He stands guard outside the stall but it's true that no one else is in there as the usual gross noises come from the stall, and then the paper and finally brandon opens the door, hands Justin the bag, drops the track pants and goes right into the shower.

"Get yourself good and clean, boi, then come back to bed," He says, and leaves to go to the room, forgetting that brandon forgot to grab a towel. By the time he finishes his shower, Justin is standing there again holding up a towel for him. "Thank You, Master," says brandon and once he is dry they both go back to the room and Justin swallows him up in His arms again and they fall on the bed and snuggle until brandon falls asleep.

Justin manages to extricate Himself from brandon and quietly gets up, gets dressed and takes His two bags and leaves the dorm room shutting the door quietly. Nothing like making a secret getaway.

When Brandon wakes up again at 8 am for a minute he was wondering if he had dreamed that Justin visited him last night, but then he felt his nipples and butthole and some soreness from getting slapped around and he realized that his sweet Master had indeed come by because he was upset about Jonny, and that He had made significant use of His slave's body then plugged him then diapered him then trapped him in His arms until waking him up for a morning cleaning routine. Wow!

If it wasn't for all the memories of how Justin had ravaged him last night, he could actually imagine that Justin was just acting like a devoted lover, and as good as all the aftercare felt, Justin made it perfectly clear that it is Justin's slave and will always be treated like such, even in the midst of being reminded that it is precious to its Master and is not just a piece of property. The words "whipping boy" come to brandon's mind and although it sounds frightening, brandon is beginning to respond more positively to things he never thought he would be able to handle. That is because Justin is such an expert trainer, and the thought that he is indeed being trained by its Master makes it want to get hard and its cock presses up against the confinement of the cage.

He goes to brush his teeth and who the heck happens to be in there but Jonny. "Looks like you got slapped around last night. I guess your Master punished you for what you did last night," says Jonny.

"No punishment. Reward for acting smart last night," says brandon after spitting into the sink, and without another word he leaves the bathroom and heads back to his room and decides it isn't worth it to get pissed off at the creep.

He goes to the desk, sends in his book report and sees an email from Barry:

"Brandon, I would like your blessing if I ask your mother to marry me, hoping you will be here during the Christmas break to attend the wedding if everything goes the way I hope it will."

He quickly responds, "This makes me very happy and thank You for asking, Barry. This Christmas is going to be very special indeed. I have no doubt she will say yes'." He thinks to tell Justin right away but decides to wait until everything is set and his mother has said yes'.

Michael is just getting out of bed and Justin gives him the happy news. Michael heads off for the showers. Meanwhile brandon finds out the his first class of the day is cancelled. This is the class Michael is in as well. Once Michael gets the news, he and brandon decide to go out for breakfast together, but then brandon remembers that he's not allowed to drive any more, and that Justin has his car. But then Michael gets a call from Craig who is demanding his presence to service him and his roommate.

brandon is concerned. "You okay with this?" he asks. "Very okay," says Michael. "You're not the only one who has slut tendencies, you know! Besides, have you ever seen Craig's roommate? Freaking delicious. Besides, Craig and I have an agreement now, although it really is one-sided. Craig gets me whenever Craig wants me."

"Wow! So are you two officially together now?"

"Not at all. Except for that agreement. Kind of turns me on being controlled by him that way."

"I know what you mean, buddy. But you're still holding out for someone better or tougher or what?"

"brandon, to tell the truth, I don't know. I'm trying not to get too distracted by all this, but lately Craig is getting to be more demanding but also much sweeter at the same time. I think he's taking cues from Justin."

"or maybe he read the Chronicles."

"Could be. All I know is that I'm having a good time. Well, I better get up there or He'll get nasty again." He heads out.

brandon doesn't know what to make of it all. Craig seems entirely too mercurial for him. His laptop signals that something has come through. It's from Justin. A video, a 2 minute clip. He watches. It's a clip that is showing some guy's tearfilled face as he continues to get slapped and spit on and the Dom mixes the spit with the slave's tears and shoves his fingers down the sub's throat. Holy shit! Why is this turning him on so much?

A message comes through from Justin. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how hot do you find this?"

brandon is embarrassed to answer: "8 or 9."

Justin sends a "thumbs up. and then "Gregor is the Dom in this clip. I want Him to do the same thing to you. Tonight. And he has friend who will record it. The same way. Go to Gregor's at 8 pm tonight."

brandon doesn't know quite how to react. He gets up and walks around the room, thinking this over. He can't deny that the clip turned him on and that the whole idea of Gregor treating him that was because Justin wants it is intense, but shit! He does not want to be filmed. All he can think of his mother somehow seeing it. What the fuck is he going to do?

Justin sends another message: "waiting for your reply or are you safewording this?"

"Permission to ask a question."


"Master, may Your slave safe word just a part of it?"

"Depends on which part. Come on, boi, I've got to get to class. Out with it!"

"Yes Master. RED to being filmed. RED to doing it at Gregor's."

"Why not at Gregor's?"

"Afraid of a hidden camera."

"Reasonable. Smart, in fact. I'll find a place for it to happen and let you know. Can't be in your room. Too much noise for your floor. Make no other plans for tonight."

"Yes, Master."

"Just realize what you are, slave. That your Master has the right to give you to someone else to get worked over. That's how low you are. I'm willing to let Gregor see your face when you're crying and getting spit on. And don't get sassy about it. I know you dig this. You asked for slapping and spitting, remember, pig boy?"

"Your slave remembers, Master, although it was hoping it would be with You."

"And it will be sometimes. But I'm giving you to Gregor tonight, just because I can."

"Yes, Master. You own this slave."

brandon thinks all this over and suspects there is a pattern here. First, Justin goes out of his way to make sure the slave knows how precious it is to Him. Shortly after that, Justin does something to make the slave remember that it can be crushed under His boot, something to humiliate and further force it down the slaveboi rabbit hole. Yes, this is the way it is. He must always remember that. He's a yo-yo and Justin is working it up and down on the string. He reaches up and holds his collar and understands even more now of what it symbolizes in his life.

He throws on some clothing and heads to the caf for a special breakfast. Might as well treat himself good today because the evening might be quite taxing, even if he'll enjoy it. He gets himself some blueberry pancakes (his favorite) and bacon and fresh coffee and goes to sit at the Rainbow Table. A few minutes later, who shows up but Gregor, who sits down right next to him and takes a piece of his bacon and then says, "I'm looking forward to seeing the tears come out of your eyes later, slave boi, and if you're really good I might even let you suck my cock when I'm done with your face."

"Oh Gregor," brandon answers, "you sure do know how to sweet talk a girl."

Gregor cracks up. "Excellent response! You know, brandon, I really get off on talking tough but I'm just a softie inside. The tough talk is all part of my kink, the slapping and spitting and name-calling, but it's nothing more than a scenario. I'm not really like that. I think the reason your Master suggested I have a crack at you is because He knows it's something you've been asking for and I guess it isn't something that He wants to pursue on His own at this time. I'm glad I had a chance to talk to you today; I know that definite arrangements haven't been made yet, but I really hope we can pull it off. And I completely understand your objection to being filmed and even your fear that there might be hidden cameras. I'm sure Justin will find a place for us to get together, and if not, well then some other time might be more convenient."

"I'm glad to hear what you're saying, Gregor, because when the entire idea was suggested to me I thought that's really what you are like. It's nice to know there's a more civil side to you as well."

"Definitely, and I promise you that when you suck my cock, you'll see a completely different side of me. I like being affectionate to the bois who are hungry for my dick. You will be amply rewarded."

"the greatest reward for this slave, Gregor, will be a good mouthful of prime Russian sperm. Master really wants to turn me into a total cumdump."

"And that's okay with you?"

"Everything Master wants is okay with me, if not at first, well then, eventually. And when I saw that video He sent me, I was really wishing I could have been that boi getting worked over. Is he a student here?"

"Oh no. Actually, he's one of my Russian pals, one of the subs that regularly gets abused by Superior Russian men. I don't know whether or not you know this, but Russian subs really get it rough and heavy at all times, and their tears and screams are not acted at all, but are completely legal. They get very well paid, and that has to be, because usually it takes them a good long time to recover from one of these sessions. But that's also why they're so much in demand. They can take a lot, much more than pampered American bois ."

"why is that true?"

"Because most of them were totally abused as children and developed a taste for it. But enough about that. I just wanted to make sure you had the right impression before we ever get into anything together. If Justin does find a location for us to meet, I'll want you now that right from the very beginning I'll be the abusive bastard that most people suspect I am. No congeniality. Just understand that it's all role-playing, hopefully role-playing that gets us both off."

"Thanks so much for telling me all this, Gregor. It really helps me realize that it will be safe to play with you and I'm perfectly willing to endure all the humiliation you can dish out. That's my kink, you know."

"Then we will be well matched. Anyway, enjoy your breakfast, I have to be running off to class. Hopefully we'll get together later."

"Yes, Sir. Hopefully this slave will have a chance to weep for You, Sir."

Gregor winks at him and leaves.

Next: Chapter 48

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