Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 21, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 45. Serving a GI on College Avenue

Ronny closes the door and watches the slave strip naked and then grovel at His feet, something He hadn't expected but nonetheless finds hot as hell. He never ever thought of Himself as a Dom, but this is inspiring. "Take off my boots and socks, slave," He commands.

Without even straightening up, the slave works Ronny's boot laces on both boots.

"Kneel up, slave. I'll put My boot against your chest and then I want you to pull it off and then get back in position for the second one."

Ronny practically kicks brandon in the chest as He puts His foot squarely in the center of its body and presses into his flesh. "Pull, fucker, pull hard!" The boot comes off, causing the slave to fall backwards onto the floor. Ronny laughs and chuckles out "back up, slave!" Another slam to the chest and the slave pulls it off and this time manages to stay upright without falling backwards.

"I took a shower right before picking you up, boi, but sniff My socks anyway. They've probably got some boot smell on them. Sniff it up and swallow it down."

Ronny raises a foot and puts it in brandon's face, wiggling His toes and brandon gets right in there and does what he's been told.

"You like sniffing a man's socks, faggot?"

"Never did it before, Sir. What this slave really likes is obeying. Just obeying."

"I want you to fucking use your teeth to get that sock off my foot. Now!"

brandon tries to figure out how to do it. He bites the sock on the back of Ronny's foot and tries pulling it down that way with little success. He keeps trying different ways to get it off but fails.

"Fucking idiot pig doesn't know how to use its teeth. your Master will learn about that. I hope He decides to punish you while I watch." Ronny bends down and pulls the sock off and then sticks His toes in the slave's face. "I hope the fuck you know what to do now, faggot."

brandon opens its mouth and takes the toes in right away and toys with them with its tongue.

"there. that's good. never had a foot bath before. Let Me feel your teeth on My toes. Eat them up, boi. I can see you've been trained to serve this way."

Once he's been satisfied He puts His foot down and takes off the other sock and again feeds the slave His toes. "Use your tongue all over those fucking toes, faggot. Worship your commanding officer's feet!"

Once He's had enough, the Sgt. takes His foot and pushes brandon backwards and it falls to the ground and the Sgt. places pressure on the boi's chest with His foot, then toys with its balls. He kicks them once lightly. He keeps doing it and brandon grunts. "Like that boy?"

"Uh! Yes, Sir, a little."

"Your Master kick your balls for His enjoyment?"

"No, Sir. Master likes to use a wooden spoon on them, though."

Ronny keeps kicking until brandon rolls away trying to avoid it.

"Had enough, slave?"

"Please, Sir? Balls are very sore from last night, Sir."

"I see. Tell me, brandon, what would happen if your Master was working on your balls and you tried to get them away from Him?

"Slave would be punished with the strap, Sir, probably. then He'd tied my legs so I couldn't get away any more."

"Appreciate your honesty. But enough of this. Stand up, boi, so I can get a better look at you."

brandon stands

"Hands behind your head. Open your mouth."

sgt. sticks a finger in his mouth. "Show me how nicely you suck a cock. Suck my finger, faggot."

This continues until Ronny has 4 fingers in the boi's mouth and drives them far enough down that he gags.

"Yeah! I want to hear you gag on my cock, slave. This will give you some practice."

Then he takes his fingers out of brandon's mouth and spits into it. "to help lube you."

He starts to run his fingers down the boi's chest, and of course, takes hold of its nipples. Brandon groans and breathes deeply.

"Sore, huh?"

"Yes, Sir. Master says that a slave's nipples should always be sore."

"well, let me help" Ronny works the nipples and brandon cries out loudly but doesn't safe word.

"that's right, boi. Take it. let's got those nips nice and sore. I'll bet it makes you suck better."

brandon knows this is right but doesn't say anything.

Sgt. gets down to the cage and takes a close look at it. `never saw one of these before.' "so I get the idea. you can't touch it. you can't get hard. you can't cum. What other benefits?"

"Sir, it helps this slave to focus on the cock it's serving without expecting anything for its own cock."

"Makes good sense, and of course, I'm going to be checking it out." Ronny grabs the boi by the balls and pulls. "follow me." He drags the slave into the bedroom and once there, gets out of his own shirt.

"Lick my six pack, faggot." He holds brandon's face close to his chest and rubs it all around himself.

"Now the armpits, pig. You like smelly armpits, boy?" "Yes, Sir."

"Well these don't smell much but I want to feel you tongue working them good." He forces brandon's face into one pit and then the other."

"Okay, faggot. Get on your knees." Sgt. sits on the side of the bed. "Open up my pants like the hungry faggot you are. Bet you're fucking dying to see my cock, boy."

"Yes, Sir. Will be a slut for Your cock."

"you bet you will. boi. take down my pants and get them off my legs."

Finally Ronny is sitting there in his regulation boxers. "Okay, slave. time for your meal. Put your face in my crotch and suck the end of my cock through my shorts. Get them wet. Make me feel good."

Ronny lies back and just enjoys the feelings. "Yes, slave. Be a good faggot and drool before you get to see my cock."

brandon can tell it's pretty thick and he salivates over the sgt.'s cock like the cock slut he is. He loses himself with his mouth on the guy's boxers.

"Okay. that's enough. Take them off me and the lick my balls, boy."

brandon pulls down the boxers and Sgt.'s cock springs up hard and leaking. He gets his face between the guy's legs and starts to lick and play with the guy's balls.

"nice, boi, nice. Now, nice and easy, get acquainted with My cock. Slow and easy Explore it with your mouth and tongue and make me feel good." Sgt. lies back and just enjoys the sensations.

brandon, now completely high from what Andy gave him, looses himself making love to what is a really nice cock. Nice and easy. sgt. moans and keeps saying "that's it, boi. love that cock."

This goes on for quite a while. Sgt. leaks a lot and brandon keeps licking it up and swallowing it and enjoys this time he gets to worship the guy's cock with no interference and no need to get hard and heavy.

Sgt. sits up. "you can stop now, kid. I've got something else in mind." He stands up and goes into his closet and comes out with a pair of handcuffs. "Want to cuff your hands behind your back before I fuck your face, slave."

"Sir, Master doesn't want this slave wearing handcuffs because they cause marks on its wrists."

"Ok to that. I've got other things I can use." He goes into the top drawer of his dresser and comes out with some zip ties. "Ill use these and won't make them too tight. Hands behind your back, boy."

brandon obeys and Sgt. quickly binds his hands behind his back. "I want you on the bed on your back with your face hanging off the end of the bed. Best way to fuck a mouth I know of."

brandon does what's been ordered and then sgt stands over his head and sticks his cock into the boi's mouth and down its throat. "Here we go, faggot. I'm gonna fuck your mouth until I shoot down your fucking throat. Open wide."

brandon is a bit fearful about this, but has no choice but to obey and submit to what this hot guy wants. Sgt gets into position and slides as far down the slave's throat as he can get, almost all the way. "Okay, cuntmouth. Take this dick." And brandon starts forceably face-fucking the slave who gags and chokes but Sgt doesn't let up. After a while, he takes a break and gives the boi a chance to spit up the results from his thoat. Sgt gets up and runs into the kitchen, comes back with a roll of paper towels and wipes the boi's mouth but not its teary eyes.

"Okay, get back on the floor." He sits on the side of the bed like before. "Kneel between my legs, boy."

brandon obeys.

"You look so fucking hot down there drooling for a real man's dick while yours is locked up and can't react. Only one cock matters here, boi and I want you to show me how good a cocksucker you've been trained to be. Get to work!"

brandon starts sucking. "Faster and deeper, bitch!" brandon works it hard, even forcing himself to gag because he knows that pleases the Master. all of sudden, the sgt yells out "FUCK! Don't want to cum yet. Want to enjoy this some more. Work my balls some more. . . . . . " and then he rolls over. "Eat my ass, you fucking slut. Long licks up the crack and then bury your face in my fucking ass, bitch. Show me how low you are. Eat me out, slaveboy!"

brandon knows how good this can feel and he does everything he can to give as much pleasure to this man as he possible can. Once again, it is easy to get lost in this type of service and Sgt. lets him have it for a long time. "Ah, fuck, so hot. Get that tongue up my asshole you faggot pig!"

Then he calls for a break but keeps the boi's hands tied behind his back.

He tells the boi to stay there then goes into the kitchen and comes back with a bottle of water. He takes a couple hits himself and then holds it to the boi's mouth so he can drink as well. When he takes the bottle away from brandon, the slave says, "Thank You, Sir." He messes up the boi's head and says, "You're doing a good job, kid. Take a little rest now."

He picks brandon up off the floor and carries him over to his chair. He sits down and positions the boi between his legs.

"So tell me, kid: why the fuck do you like to be treated this way? Were you abused as a kid?"

"No, Sir. don't really know the reason but it's always been what I've wanted ever since I first started to jerk off at age 12. My Dad died when I was 13, Sir."

"Oh damn. Sorry to hear that. So it was just you and your mom?"

"yessir, and she's awesome. Was just up here this past weekend to see me and meet Justin—my Master."

"How did that go?"

"it went great, Sir. She doesn't know the full story about the master/slave part of things, but she's always known that I'm submissive and she says that now that she's met Justin she won't need to worry about me at all, that I'll be well taken care of."

"So what I don't get is why this Master Justin is allowing you to be slutting around like you are. I'd think he'd want exclusive use of you."

"Master only has this slave on weekends. He wants it to have a normal college life during the week, but he likes to make sure that I practice serving men when he's not around. he wants me to form a complete identity as a slave to Superior Men—that's what he calls most men. And besides, I really am a slut, so it works well for me too, although I really wish I could be with Master all the time but that's not the way He wants it."

"So you're a slave at large?"

"More or less, Sir. Except only Master kisses me and only Master fucks me."

"Wise restrictions. so tell me, boi. do you like My cock?"

"oh yes, Sir. Nice size and girth. Awesome head."

"And you get off on choking on dicks?"

"it goes with the territory, Sir. Most men I serve like to hear the sounds, I guess."

"Tell me, boi. What do you like best?"

"Kissing Master and drinking from His mouth, Sir. And kneeling before Him and resting my face in His bright red pubes, Sir."

"You like getting whipped by Him?"

"Still getting used to it, Sir, but yes. The idea more than the reality I guess, but Master knows what He is doing and is breaking this slave in slowly to the lash, Sir."

"So you do a lot of crying and screaming I guess."

"Yes, Sir. A lot."

"Well, one thing I learned in the service is that it takes all types and all tastes. We had a couple of guys who were into sucking cock a lot and we made good use of them. But I have to say, I still like fucking a good pussy, so I'd say I'm bi. Like I said, it's been a while. The students on campus are too young for my taste. I wouldn't be interested in you except I saw that way you were marked up and realized you must be some kind of slut, so I took a chance and asked. I'm glad I did."

"Pleased to service You, Sir."

"Think I can get to use you more often?"

"that's up to Master, Sir. He's in charge of every aspect of this slave's life."

"You like it that way?"

"oh yes, Sir."

"Were you like this in high school too? Were you the class faggot?"

"Oh no, Sir. My best friend Gary is straight but he kept my secret and he used to let me suck him sometimes, especially last year, Sir. Said he was preparing me to be a good slave during college."

"And that's what you've become, I see."

"Yes, Sir. Very lucky to have the Master I have, Sir."

"Well, kid. It's 9 pm now. Time to cum before your Master gets here. I'm staying right here. Get yourself up her on my dick again. Show me what a good cocksucker you can be, slaveboi. Finish Me off and be prepared to be flooded with my juice!"

brandon kneels up and starts in on Ronny's cock.

"Long fast tight strokes, slave."

brandon does what he's been told to do. Eventually Ronny grabs him by the back of the head and then takes control of the action. brandon gags a let but he doesn't hold his head down to make him choke. "Here it comes, faggot. Drink my load!" Sgt shouts out a lot as he spews into brandon's mouth and brandon has trouble getting it all down right away and some of it slips out the side of his mouth. Ronny catches it in his hand and then forces it back into the slave's mouth. Finally he pushes the slave awy. "Too sensitive now. Awesome job, cocksucker. Wait a bit and then I'll have you clean me off after the sensitivity goes away."

This is the way they finish off. Brandon still on the floor. Still hands bound. Sgt gets up and puts on a pair of fatigues and gets back into the chair. "Lick my feet, slave, until your Master comes to fetch you."

Brandon forgot to tell him that this is something he loves doing as well because he can get himself so lost in it and feel so much like the slave he is trying to be.

Eventually there is a knock on the door. Sgt gets up to open and lets Justin into the room and shakes hands with him.

"The boi do a satisfactory job?"

"More than satisfactory. I put him through his paces and he showed me what a good slave he could be. Oh, and I worked its tits some more to keep them sore for you."

"Appreciate that. The only disadvantage to having the boi life on campus is that sometimes they go back to normal. But I try to find guys who enjoy giving that kind of pain to a sub."

Sgt goes to the kitchen to get a knife and comes back and cuts the ties off the slave's hands. Brandon brings his hands in front and works his shoulders.

Justin gives an order. "Stand up, slave and come give your Master a nice hug."

brandon nestles himself in his Master's arms.

"Oh what a sweet picture!" says Sgt. "Didn't realize you let him be sweet on you. Kind of didn't expect it."

"Why not," asks Justin.

"Not too common in my experience," he says. "usually expect a slave to be treated roughly and with some disdain."

"That's only because some Masters aren't strong enough in their identity and can't manage to show any emotion in the midst of a total power exchange. Too bad, because they're missing out on a good thing. When it comes right down to it, despite all the kinky aspects of D/s dynamics, those bois and subs and slaves really need to be loved, not only ruled and disciplined."

"Interesting. Certainly not part of my past experience."

"especially not in the service, I would imagine."

brandon lets out with a huge yawn and then covers his mouth with his hand, embarrassed.

"So I can tell that my boi is tired. It must have worked hard tonight."

"Indeed it did, and it's welcome back anytime."

"I'll keep that in mind, Ronny. But I think it's time to take this boi home and tuck it in. The slave has your contact information, correct?"


"Well, it's been good to meet you, Sargeant, and I'm sure we'll see you around at times and perhaps at some gatherings of kinky folk."

"I'd enjoy that. Don't know too many people here yet."

"Well, be assured of it."

They say goodnight and brandon clings to its Master as they leave the apartment. When they get down to the street, Justin puts his arm around brandon's neck and proceeds to walk the boi home like that, occasionally planting kisses on its cheek.

"Question for you, sweet boy."

"What, Master?"

"If I planned to send you back to him, would you safe word it?"

"Oh no, Master. He's really good at hot talk and didn't hit me or anything like that. Just used slaves' mouth and tongue all over and fucked its face deep. Hot man, too."

"Good to know. Now tomorrow night you're to stay in and get caught up on work. Some night this week I'm going to let Gregor had a shot at you. He's very basic: slapping, spitting and boot cleaning. That' all he's into as you probably know from Michael."

"yes, Master. Michael told Your slave all about it."

"I'm not completely sure yet. I'd much rather have you sucking cock, so we'll see."

"Yes, Master. Permission to ask a question, Master?"

"Go ahead."

"May Your slave suck Your cock before You go home, Master?"

"No. You won't get My cock until Friday night. I want you to hunger for it."

"Am hungering for it already, Master."

They get back to the dorm and brandon strips off his clothing while Justin watches.

"never take it for granted what it's like to watch you strip, boi. Now come and stand before me. Look into My eyes."

brandon does as told and lets Justin's eyes pierce him to his soul. Justin reaches his hand up and puts His fingers on the slave's nipples. brandon immediately starts to groan and whimper.

"Look deeply into me, boy."

brandon does, and Justin plays with his nipples until there are tears in his eyes.

"That's right, boi. I own these nipples. Let them hurt for me."

"Yes, Master," brandon gets out as his voice breaks and the tears start down his cheeks.

"Get into bed, boi. Go to sleep with tears on your cheeks and remember who put them there for you."

"Yes, Master. Thank You, Sir."

Justin leans over and kisses him on the forehead and then lightly smacks his face. Then He turns around and leaves to go home.

Next: Chapter 46

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