Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 20, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 43. Pain training

The very first thing brandon does when he gets into the car is take his tie off. Justin looks over.

"Did you have permission to take that tie off the tie that your Master went to so much trouble to tie for you?"

brandon is shook, realizing how easily it was to slip away like a free boi. "No, Master, Your slave is sorry Master."

"Well, you're entitled this time. Did you have a good time with your mother?"

"Yes, Sir, the slave did. But it was disconcerted by some of the things its mother had to say."

"Explain, please, boy."

"She said that she's always realized her boy is submissive, and that she didn't like how submissive I was to Gary and he took advantage, but right now she is very happy for me because You are the type of person she would have hoped this boi would meet."

"Does that shake you up, brandon?"

"At first a lot, Sir, but it's not as bad right now since I can talk about it. But also that she feels You are right for me, and that's with me being Your submissive, Sir. God forbid she hears the word "slave." Oh, also, she made me promise that I would have a safety net of friends if anything bad happened with You and me."

"The only way anything like that would happen would be if you decided to walk away from it."

"But what if You start demanding things this slave can't handle?"

"Brandon. Are you going to tell me you are seriously afraid that something like that would happen?

"Well, no I wasn't until Mom brought it up."

"I see."

"Please don't be mad at me, Master."

"I'm not. But it is a reminder to Me that I have to be careful with You, and that is not a problem because I always am. But at the same time, brandon, you have to promise Me that you will NEVER consent to something because you were afraid to safe word or say no?

"that is easy to promise, Master. I promise."

"Good. Now you have to promise me to stop worrying that something like that would happen because it won't."

"Ok, Master. OOPS!

"Okay? That's two lashes, boi. You'd better get yourself back into shape quickly. Visiting hours are concluded and now you belong to Me.

"Sorry, Master. Deserve the punishment, Master."

"Yes you do. Baby, you can't just forget yourself and everything you've worked for with Me because something else important happens. Either you're My slave or you're not My slave.?"

"I am, Master. You own me. And Your slave promises it will be more attentive to what it is, Master."

"It's understandable that you might forget yourself with your mother, but I have to tell you that as far as Barry is concerned, he knows the entire scene and he knows what you are. We spoke about it. And he thoroughly approves. He has a brother who is a Leatherman in San Francisco, so he knows a lot about it and he said he could see right off that there was a D/s dynamic between us. He said he is happy that I'm the One Who owns you and not some psychopath."


Justin looks over and sees a tear making its way down brandon's cheek.

"What got to you, baby?"

"that he cares so much about me already."

"I'm not surprised at all. I realized that when I found out they were coming up. And I was right. He told me. He said after hearing so much about you from your mother, he felt he didn't want to have to wait until Thanksgiving to get to meet you, so together they found a way to make it happen. Brandon, I don't think you are fully aware of just how loveable you are. Just because you are a slave doesn't mean that you aren't loveable or worthy of it. You hooked Me, boy! And made Me love you."

"You love me, Master?"

"Of course, boi. You need to hear the three words so hear they are: I. love. you. Now that that's taken care of, I want you to know what I intend to do to you tonight besides the usual things. I am going to bind you to the wall and then work on your nipples and your balls, and find out how far I can take you before you have to call Yellow. They belong to Me. You've said that. Well, tonight, my sweet slaveboi, I am going to claim them for Myself."

"You own this slave's body, Master. Please use it however You want."

"Oh, I intend to, boi. I also intend to use your mouth in a couple different ways, slave."

"if anyone ever told me that I would get more pleasure out of serving another man's cock I would never have believe it."

"Only true subs can have that experience, brandon. And that's what you are: total slave meant only to serve."

They pull up to the house and when they get downstairs, Justin says that they will have three study hours before playing around, but He asks the slave if it would get punished before study hours or after them.

"Before, please, Master? Otherwise this slave will be preoccupied about the punishment to come and wouldn't do a good job on its work."

"Okay then. Give me the tie back and take off your shirt, boi. . . . . . . now shoes . . . . pants to be hung . . . socks and shirt in the laundry. . . . now get your naked ass up over My spanking stool, boi, so I can punish you."

brandon doesn't even hesitate to get into position, knowing it wouldn't help at all to take his sweet time. He waits for what is to come. 2 lashes. Not too bad.

Justin comes in stripped to his boxer brief and barefoot. He straps the boi's arms and legs down the way He likes it bound and goes to get the strap. He takes it and brings it for brandon to see and kiss. "Lick it" He commands, and the boi does.

"Why am I punishing you, slave?"

"Improper use of language, Master."

"Do you deserve to be punished, slave?"

"Master, a slave always deserves to be punished, but definitely for its bad behavior and lazy slip of the tongue."

"Ok then. Two Lashes. . . . . ONE brandon screams out. it hurt so much more than he thought it would, forgetting that he had been flogged last night.

Justin takes his time waiting until His boi has completely calmed down. Then He strikes TWO and brandon howls again and tears come flooding down its face.

"This should help you remember what you are, boi. I'm going to have to bring you places where we have to pretend we're just friends, just to give you practice switching in and out of your true identity. Otherwise, you might rack up a lot of lashes over thanksgiving break and I won't be able to beat you down there."

brandon sobs out . . . "in the woooodssss, Massster."

"I can take you into the woods to whip you, boy?"

"Yyyes, Master. very deep woods."

"hmmm... and maybe I'll bring Gary as well so he can look out for us and also see what you're like when you get punished like a slave."

brandon says nothing. Justin makes note of it.

Finally Justin unbinds the slave and goes to sit in his chair. The slave gets down on the ground and quickly scurries over to its Master so it can kiss and lick His feet to show his gratitude for the punishment.

"yeah, boi, it feels like you're back in the right mind space. suck My toes and wipe your tears on My feet then lick them off." Justin sits immovable, thinking of how hot this is, how much it makes Him feel like He possesses this boi's heart and body. He delights in its humiliation.

"Finally. Okay. Study time." He helps the boi up and they go to their separate places to work. brandon has mostly reading to do and chooses to do it while standing up.

. . .

At almost the three hour mark, Justin closes his laptop and straightens out His desk. He walks into the living room and has to chuckle. brandon has his laptop open on the couch and he is kneeling before the couch and typing on the laptop.

"How much time do you need to finish up?"

"Just a half-minute, Master."

He finishes up. Justin helps him to stand. "Come lie on Me and make out with Me before I get started on you, slave." brandon gladly obeys and why he lies against his Master's chest and they kiss, he realizes that he's often in this position because whenever he's here, his ass gets sore. Oh well! Part of the package. But also he discovers that he really likes kissing Master and sucking from His mouth after a good thrashing. Can the soreness of a whipped butt end up giving him pleasure? Too wild to think of.

"Enough now, sweet boi. Go stand up and help Me up as well." Justin leads him back into the dungeon and places him up against a wall made of iron bars and various hooks. First He binds each hand to the wall so the boi is stretched out. Then he binds the legs as well and the slave is well spread and easily displayed.

Justin lowers the lighting and decides against gagging the slave, not for this time. He wants it able to express itself when He questions it.

Using both hands, he begins to play with the slave's nipples, gently at first, looking into the slave's eyes. At one point, Brandon tries to back away a bit.

"Never back away from Me, boi. That is your free nature trying to assert itself, trying to run from the man treating it like the slave it is. Backing away can lead to punishment. Whenever I touch your nipples, boi, always offer them to Me, always push them into My fingers as much as you can. Be a good boi, and don't fear the pain. Drink from My eyes: they will help you drink in the pain and it will give you courage."

Justin holds his hands still but doesn't let up on the pressure. He can see the pain, and a bit of fear in the boi's eyes. That is to be expected. "What are you afraid of, baby boy?" "Master, Your slave is afraid of disappointing You. Your slave is afraid that it can't bear the pain."

"You can never disappoint Me, slave, if you remain honest. Don't be a hero. What are you, boy?"

"Your slave, Master." It struggles to speak through its teeth because of the pain.

"What do you want, boy?"

"Your slave wants to make You happy, Master."

"What do you need, boy?"

"Your slave needs to learn to enjoy the pain for You, Master."

"Then don't fear Me, sweet boi. Why be afraid of Me when I am the only One who can give you what you need so much. Surrender, boi. I own you; do not keep trying to take yourself back from Me. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master. You own this slave. These nipples are Yours. Help this slave be strong."

Justin kisses his forehead and takes his fingers off the boi's nipples, but rubs them with His thumb and brandon reacts by crying out. "Yours, Master, Yours. Please, Master. Please more, Master?"

"Why are you asking for more, baby?"

"To please You, Master. To become Your total slave. Please, Master? Please, a little more?"

Justin takes something from a drawer: two black clothespins connected by a chain. He holds them up before the slave's eyes. "Clothespins are the most basic types of clamps used on a slave's nipples. They won't hurt too much when I put them on you, but then the pain will continue to increase. Show Me how much you want Me to own you, brandon. One at a time, He puts them on the slave's nipples which are now getting perkier. The slave inhales sharply and winces a bit but does not try to move back.

Justin stands back and waits for any stronger reaction. It seems the slave is accepting what He is giving it although tears are forming in its eyes. Good boi, Justin thinks.

He decides to distract the slave from the pain in its nipples. He goes into the drawer again and takes out a parachute ball binder. He reaches down and pulls on the slave's balls a bit until it grunts, and then attaches the parachute and then hangs a two pound weight on it, pulling the balls down a bit. Brandon grunts.

"Who owns these balls, boy?"

"You do, Master. Those balls are Yours."

"Since I am not allowing you to cum, the only purpose these balls have is as playthings for a Master and pain for the slave. The pain down here will balance up the pain in your nipples that I'm sure is increasing by now.

"Yes, Master. All Yours, Master." He struggles to get out the words. Meanwhile, Justin takes off the two pound weight and attaches a five pounder. The slave struggles to bend its knees but of course its thighs are too bound to allow any movement. The slave begins to breathe heavily and can't locate the exact location of the pain.

"You are doing fine, slaveboi. Take what your Master wants you to have." He takes out another weight and attaches it to the chain between the clothespins, and the slave's nipples are pulled more and now tears are flowing down the slave's cheeks but it is silent.

"Your tears are beautiful, slave. Let them flow but try to be silent." He adds the two pound weight to the parachute and begins to tug on the chain a bit, watching the slave's reaction. How soon before it breaks? He takes the chain in His hands and this time lifts it, pulling the cpins and nips up in the other direction and the slave struggles to remain silent while its tears continue to flow and even drip down onto its chest. Staring into the slaves eyes, Brandon simply lets go of the chain and it drops and the weights pull the cpins down again. Brandon cries YELLOW. "Quick breaths, boy." Brandon takes the weight off the chain. The boi keeps breathing as it has been told. It struggles to speak. "yyyyours"

"I told you to be quiet, boy!" Brandon says and slaps the boi across the face and its tears fly out into the air. "Learn what you are. Learn how much I control you." He takes the cpins off the nipples and this time Brandon cries out. He can't help it. He didn't realize that releasing the cpins would give a new jolt of pain. "That's right, slave, removing them hurts too. Your pain is giving Me pleasure You are becoming even more My slave." Meanwhile, Brandon attaches the cpins to the bottom of the slave's balls, and waits for that pain to settle in. Brandon moans as the cpins bite into its balls, and at the same time, Brandon begins toying with the nipples again using His fingers. Brandon opens his mouth to cry out but Justin quickly spits into it. "Swallow, slave. Swallow My spit then open again." This distracts the slave from the pain momentarily as it continues to open for the Master to spit into its mouth. "thank You, Master. Please spit on Your slave. Please slap it. Please press Your slave deep down."

"You are doing a wonderful job, sweet slave. You are all I need." Brandon takes His fingers off the nipples and uses them to run down the sides of the slave's torso and it tickles a bit. Now there is a mixture of the tickling along with the constant pulling and biting on its balls. Finally, Justin takes off the cpins (which makes the slave cry out) and the weights, but then takes a wooden spoon and gently begins to tap the slave's balls.

"Balls are such interesting things. The offer so many opportunities to give pain to a slave and pleasure to its Master." He keeps tapping the boi's balls, gradually getting harder and the boi keeps grunting. "Let's see how you take this, slave. Submit to My touch." He keeps beating the slave's balls now until finally brandon cries out, RED, MASTER, RED! Immediately the action stops and Justin removes the parachute and soothes the slave's balls in His hand while He leans forward to give the slave a tender kiss. Right away, almost by instinct, the slave starts sucking its Master's mouth while Justin caresses its cheeks with one hand while still soothing the balls in the other hand.

"You've done real well, slave, and now I want to take you. I want to fuck you, slave."

"Please, Master. Please fuck Your slave deep." He reaches down and unbinds the slave's thighs and legs then its arms and brandon immediately throws its arms around Master's neck. "Throw your legs up around my body, boy." brandon obeys, Justin hikes him up a bit and proceeds to carry him into the bedroom and then deposit him on the bed. He reaches for the lube. "Put your legs up as close to your head as you can, boi. I want to see your hole twitching and begging for your Master's cock" Brandon does his best but Justin has to help raise the legs as He reaches down to apply lube to the slave's hole. Finally he gets up on the bed and bends brandon's legs down so He can fuck the slave while looking into its eyes.

He inserts the tip and waits for the slave to adjust. "Open up for your Master, boi. Give me your pussy. slave pussy." Slowly He continues to enter and brandon takes deep breaths and cries out, "Fuck me, Master, fuck Your slave, please Master."

Justin smiles at him and starts pistoning, each time going deeper into the boi's cavern until He is all the way in. "Open up inside and make a home for your Master's cock like a good slave slut." Once he can see in the boi's face that it is getting used to the fullness, He begins to fuck the slave in earnest, and while He is doing that, He continues to spit in the slave's face.

"You asked for spit, slave. Look at how much I give you. My cock and My spit. Turning you into my bitch, slave! My pig. My slut!" He keeps fucking until he is about to cum, then reaches with His hands and grabs the slave's nipples just as He shoots into the slave's body and the slave cries out in pain and ecstasy. "I fucking own you, brandon. I have conquered you. Brandon starts to cry now and the cries quickly turn to sobs. Brandon takes a couple more strokes and then withdraws and brandon cries out, "come back, Master, please, come back inside Your slave," but Justin is getting soft now. He reaches over on the bed and picks up a bigger butt plug than before and quickly shoves it into the slave's ass, and brandon cries out again. "Yours, Master, Yours."

Justin collapses on top of the slave and lies there while kissing it once again. brandon's legs fall down onto the bed and they stay there together for a good long time.

"I have to bring you into the bathroom, slave. I don't want you to drip My cum onto My sheets."

"Please, Master, please let Your slave stay here. So tired, Master."

"I will but that means I am going to diaper you like a baby boi. Do you understand, slave?"

"Yes, Master. Whatever You want to do to it, Master. I'll be like Your baby, Master."

"Be right back," He says, and goes into the bathroom, coming out with a diaper. "Raise your legs again, boy," He orders, and then as brandon obeys, He deftly gets the diaper under him and fastens it as tightly as He can.

"You can stay here with Me for a bit, baby boi. My piggy baby. I want you humbled after all I did to you tonight. Humbled and with sore nipples, the way a slave's nipples are supposed to be." Nap time now, until I decide to send you home."

Brandon opens his mouth to object, but Justin quickly slaps him in the face and tells him to "shut up, shut your eyes and rest! Whatever you wanted to say, write about it to Me tomorrow."

Eventually they both succumb to sleep.

About an hour later, brandon wakes up, and realizing the condition he is in, hangs on tightly to the Master who has brought him so far down into sub space that he doesn't have any coherent thoughts.

Justin wakes up and licks the slave's tear-streaked face. "You will sleep here tonight with me, slave, fucked, plugged and diapered. I will drive you back to campus in the morning. I don't want you driving any more if it can be helped. I will keep your car here."

Morning comes all too quickly. Once they awaken, Master says, "It's time to strip you down and deliver you back to the dorm." He gets off the bed and holds out a hand to the slave, who gets itself up off the bed, shivering and hanging on to its Master's arm. Brandon walks it into the bathroom and gets it close to the toilet. "As soon as I take off the diaper and pull out the plug, get right up onto the toilet and expel everything from your ass, boy." He does so, and brandon sits quickly and is embarrassed by all the noises that are coming from its mass while Justin quickly flushes the toilet. "Spread those legs," He orders, and quickly pisses on the slave's belly and lets the piss run down into its cage. brandon follows suit and empties out its bladder as well.

"Into the shower!" He orders, and gets in with the slave. He turns on the water and uses body wash over the slave's groin and ass and then proceeds to use a wash cloth to clean the slave's asshole and cage. through all of this, the slave is leaning on its Master and starts to cry again as the Master cleans its ass as if it were a toddler.

"There. All clean again" says Master, as He grabs a towel to dry off the slave.

They get out of the shower and go back into the bedroom. Justin sits the slave on the bed for a bit while He gets dressed. "No need to dress you now. You can go home naked," he says, but puts flip flops on the slave's feet and then a leather collar and leash. The humiliation continues.

"Come," He orders, and picking up the leash leads the slave through His rooms and up the stairs. The slave struggles climbing the stairs, but Justin keeps a firm hand on the lease and pulls, ignoring the fact that the slave is still struggling. Brandon is practically mindless still, although the collar and leash have brought it even more deeply into sub space. "Slip down into your slave identity," coaxes Brandon in a soft voice. He leads the slave out of the house and into His car.

"Your car will remain here from now on. I am taking away your right to drive around wherever you want. If you need to get anywhere, call and ask for permission. I will either have you beg someone else for a drive or I will take you Myself," He says as He drives the slave towards the dorm.

When they get to the dorm, Justin says, `It's a little before 7 am. No one will be around, and if anyone is, then he will know that you've become." He gets out of the car, goes to the other side and opens the door. Pulling the leash, He waits until the slave awkwardly gets out of the car. Still pulling the leash, Justin leads the slave into the dorm. One guy passes them and gives a hard look and begins to chuckle. Justin gives him a signal not to say anything. He leads the slave into its room and sits it down on the bed. Michael is already awake working on something and watches what is happening. Justin removes the collar and leash and tucks the slave in for a bit more sleep. Michael promises to make sure Brandon gets up in time for class. Justin pats him on the back and looks down on brandon, already asleep again. He leans over and kisses the slave on the lips. "Yours, Master," it utters, still asleep. On His way home, Justin realizes He took the slave a lot farther than He had wanted, but the slave keeps begging for it. He chuckles as He begins to wonder: who is really the Master and who is really the slave.? Love is a strange thing indeed. Nonetheless, He really thinks He needs to dial the slave's enthusiasm back a bit for its own good.

Next: Chapter 44

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