Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 16, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 38. At least one email

Sweet Master,

Please excuse this slave for taking so long to answer Your last email to me. This is absolutely the first chance I have had and it's already Thursday afternoon.

Master Sammy came to our table yesterday and really helped get a conversation about bdsm going. He told me afterwards that He had come just to look out for me. Sweet! Another protector, although Sammy could probably become someone really hard to submit to. And that's just this slave's humble opinion after spending a few hours as His slave for the evening. I'm glad He was pleased, because I really tried hard to just be a toy in His hands and a good obedient slave able to tolerate a lot of heavy things. But having him as a friend, that makes me happy.

And Master, this slave likes Your word better: owned. This slave is owned by Justin. It does something to me inside Sir. I made a copy of the whole paragraph and I'm going to keep it by my bed to read every night, Sir. whipped and weeping and bowed to the ground. doesn't sound nearly as scary as it first did. And I discovered that it is really a good thing to be sobbing. It cleans out the system.

Agree about everything about my mother, Sir, and always knew that You'd be Yourself. Like the way You made the decision, Sir. And would be very interested in a conversation between You and Barry.

Like the word "Brother," Sir. Very good choice.

And definitely clear about progress, about sometimes looking forward to taking pain from You, Master, because this slave can trust that You know how far to take it each and every time. It's coming slowly Sir, but it's coming definitely. Slave must confess that it is already looking forward to the Friday night spanking. Ouch!

Interesting conversation at breakfast with Michael, and thank You for that, Sir. He is very moved by the way he sees You when You are with me, and a little envious because he has none of that. Can you believe it? He says I'm the first person he has ever had a soul-bearing conversation with. So sad. The long end of it is that he's really not sure about Craig for a number of reasons. But there are also benefits. And Craig isn't really sure where he falls on the sub-Dom continuum. But he wants to explore it with Michael. The last part of the discussion was about how much affection/emotion/romance is needed above other things. I feel bad for him, but then again, we freshmen aren't supposed to be settling down too quickly. I'm the exception I guess.

And I am grateful to You, Master. Grateful to You for being the One to take this slave's virginity last night, Master, and pledge that this boi's ass belongs to You for whatever You want it for.

slave brandon

He sends it off and gets a text from Michael: "I'm staying at Craig's tonight because His roommate is away. Will you be gone all weekend?"

Answer: "I'm not sure, but definitely Friday night. I'll let you know when I know about Saturday. Have a good time. Lower your expectations."

"Good advice. Thanks."

And so much for that. Then Justin texts him the name and address of the restaurant.

"reservations for 6 pm: The Fair Lawn Inn. 18 Outer Road. An easy drive. We'll meet them there. Also what time are you done with classes tomorrow? I'm done by 1 pm."

He texts back: 2 pm.

Response: "Meet me at The Table when done with class."

"Yes, Sir."

"Blow Pablo tonight if you see him around."

"Yes, Sir."

brandon decides to do some homework before having dinner, maybe around 6 or 6:30 depending on how far he gets into his work.

. . .

Meanwhile, Michael follows Craig to His dorm and is in His room for the first time.

He looks around when Craig says, "Why aren't you naked yet, boy?" Michael strips himself as quickly as he can while Craig sits in his desk chair and spins it around so he can watch Michael get naked. Michael looks into Craig's eyes while he's stripping and stays locked there even while Craig looks around to see all the action. Finally he's completely stripped and Craig points to the ground. Michael kneels, embarrassed that he is getting hard already, giving away how turned on he is by stripping for Craig.

Using his finger, Craig gestures for Michael to come closer and eventually Michael realizes that the best way to Him is to crawl. Craig chuckles a little, watching this sub crawl to Him. Still, nothing is said. When Michael gets all the way to the chair, Craig sticks His hand under Michael's chin and pulls up, so Michael kneels straight up and when he's in position Craig slaps his face a few times and Michael lowers his eyes. Craig moves on hand to a nipple while He sticks the other thumb into Michael's mouth and explores it roughly as Michael opens up for him. The pain in the boi's nipple increases and Michael sucks Craig's thumb even more eagerly. Craig sticks in a second finger and Michael works hard to pleasure it like a cock. the pain from Craig's playing with his nipple gets pretty severe and Michael calls out "yellow" so Craig lets go and moves over to the other one and starts in on that one. Meanwhile He dries His wet fingers in Michael's hair as He continues to torture the boi's nipple until he safe-word's.

Craig nods in approval and then raises one of his legs and gets Michael right in His balls. Michael cries out and doubles over, so Greg gets up from the chair and puts his boot on Michael's back and presses him into the floor. He sits down again. "Take off My boots." Michael pulls them off without too much trouble. "Socks" says Craig. He does that too. "Sit back on your heels and massage My feet, boi. Wipe them down good with your hands. All over. Foot slave." One by one Michael takes Craig's feet and gives them the best massage he knows how to give. Craig moans with pleasure, and as Michael works down on the ground, Craig manages to get his shirt off.

After a while with Michael taking care of Craig's feet, He puts His hands behind His head and commands, "come up and clean My armpits, boi. Make yourself useful." Michael practically crawls up into Craig's lap and slides his head up Greg's right side and gets to the arm pit. "A lot of spit and a lot of tongue. Eat My stink, pic." As Michael sniffs and then starts to lick the armpit, Craig lightly slap him from his neck all the way down to below His ass. Light, quick slaps which gradually get rougher. Craig takes his left hand and pushes Michael's head more into His pit. All the way in there, you lazy shit. Show some interest in what you're doing. Eat that pit you pig, then go and eat the other. It smells nice for you too, boi, the way subs like a Man's pit to smell. Eat that stink. come on, boi, harder and faster. Lick and suck." He keeps hitting Michael's body until Michael is acting the way Craig wants him to. "That's better, boi. Keep it up fucker or I'll take out my belt."

Once Craig has had enough He orders the boi to stand and spread his legs. Craig inspects Michael's crotch more carefully and starts pulling on his balls, pulling them down, forcing Michael to bend his legs a bit more. Then Craig starts slapping or rapping Michael's balls, and it is obvious that this sub has very little experience with this type of pain. Finally Craig holds the slave by the top of its scrotum and starts rapping the balls more as Michael tries all he can to pull away and get free of the torture.

"These balls need work. You're too fucking tender, slave. Every single night I want you to start slapping your balls. Hold them in one hand and smack them with the other. Two sets of ten each night. Do it now." Craig shows the sub how to handle itself and how to get the most impact from a light slap. "go ahead, slaveboi. Ten shots then rest a bit then ten more. Let me see you hurt yourself for me, boi. Let me see you train your balls so they can be the way I like them."

Michael tries really hard and a few times he involuntarily cries out in pain and Craig shakes His head.

"yeah. That's what you need to do. Often. Now turn around and bend over and spread your cheeks so I can see the asshole that I'm gonna claim." Michael take the position. Craig runs his finger down the crack in Michael's ass and goes back to toy around the hole. "Is this virgin pussy, boy?"

"No, Sir." "how many cocks have been through this hole, boy?" "Only two, Sir." "Anybody here?"

"Not yet, Sir."

"I want it now, boi. Take My pants off." Craig stands up. Michael pulls down the Doms' pants and folds them neatly and lays them aside.

"Okay, get on the bed and kneel with your backside facing me, then bend over and hold those cheeks open the way I like, boy."

Michael exposes himself that way to Craig. "I want that hole to belong to Me, boi. You understand?"

"Yes, Sir." "Good. No one else for a while. Give Me a chance to break it in good first. then I'll rent it out to the whole fucking campus if I have to. Stay still now. Pull those cheeks back more."

Craig spits on His finger and runs it around the rim. He takes some lube and lubes up His finger and shoves it in quickly. Michael gasps out loud.

Two fingers, then three finger get louder moans. "See, boi. See how easy it is for Me to claim this ass? That's because it's pussy for a real Man. Pussy for Me." He takes out his fingers.

"What's easier for you? On your belly or on your butt with your legs raised?" "Legs raised, Sir, so I can see You."

"Well then get into position, boi. Offer Master Craig that ass"

Michael gets into position. Craig wastes no time claiming that ass with His cock. Michael endures the pain, knowing from experience that the pain quickly gives way to pleasure if he relaxes, if he surrenders. While Craig is taking the boi's ass as His own, He is also leaning over the boi's face and He starts drooling and spitting all over Michael's face and chest and all of a sudden he is fucking like a mad man until He shoots deep inside Michael with a shout of triumph. The He lays on tip of Michael and spreads the drool and spit all over.

"Open your mouth," Michael opens, eager for what He things is going to happen. Sure enough. Craig spits into Michael's open mouth and His cock softens and slips out of the sub's body. Craig quickly jumps up and gets something out of His dresser and comes back with a good sized butt plug and quickly He shoves it up the boi's ass. "Wanna keep my swimmers up there, boy." Now get up and get something to clean My dick with, boy."

Michael comes back with what he needs and gently washes Craig's dick and pubes. "Now I'm betting you probably want to cum, isn't that true, boy?"

"It's up to you, Sir."


"Yes, Sir."

"Well I'm gonna test that out. Tell you what: You only get to cum when you beg Me to let you. An hour from now. A week from now. Fuck a year from now."

"Yes, Sir. Boi understands."

"Good. Now lay with me here on this bed. Melt your body into Mine. That's a good boi. That's a lot better than yesterday. Think I'll keep you around a while more. Sleep now."

While lying there, Michael thinks critical thoughts. "Knew what He wanted and took it. My choices or desires don't matter at all to Him. Not a word of thanks. I'm just here to take orders, to submit. Nothing emotional. No verbal this time. It's good for me to keep silent like that but it was fucking hard. This was sexy and all but it didn't penetrate to my inside. I'm still a lonely fag boi. Didn't even have to be a cocksucker tonight."

Finally he falls asleep, although he didn't manage to reach any degree of peace.

. . .

Friday morning, brandon gets an email from Justin.


I knew Sammy was going to check up on you at the Table, and I'm happy to hear your report of the time He was there and how much He helped you. Keep that in mind if I ever decide to send you back to service Him. He knows the value of a good slave, and it has nothing to do with how much a slave can take. All that is nothing more than a question of strength and toughness. Good Masters, really good Masters, want to reach the inside of a potential sub, want to know what's happening in there. That is why we are using emails to keep our relationship fresh when you are not bowed at My feet where you belong.

It sounds to Me like He got you off to a good start and that you did a good job carrying the ball once He got it into play. Now don't be a pest about it because that will just turn everybody off. Choose your times and your battles carefully. It certainly doesn't have to be the main topic at the Table. Surrender to the others and let them take the lead. The best of all possible situations would be if one of them would ask you a question about your lifestyle. There's a great opening. Use it well, boi, use it well.

Your words here: "whipped and weeping and bowed to the ground. doesn't sound nearly as scary as it first did. And I discovered that it is really a good thing to be sobbing. It cleans out the system."

This delighted Me and made Me very proud of you, boi. This is why you are meant to be an owned slave. You can't get this kind of situation from one night stands. It takes a constant pressure from a Master who isn't interested in sending a boi home after He's had His fun. It takes a Master willing to bear the responsibility for training a good slave over the long run. It's not just about My getting a blowjob whenever convenient for Me. Oh, I'm looking forward so much to our time tonight, boi, all of our time, from the time I meet you at the Table until the time I finally have to allow you to fall asleep after a full evening of special events. Once I've managed to get you back into the right space after our dinner with your mother and Barry, although that will also be very special to Me. And to see the way you are with your mother. And, by the way, I'm not surprised at all to learn that you are beginning to look forward to the spanking you'll be getting tonight. I'll be able to sense your tender ass calling out for it even when we're still at dinner.

BE a good friend to Michael. You've never gone through what he's going through. Just be a good listener and provide affection if needed. Feel his feelings. Don't add your own on top of it. As far as him being envious of us, you should feel complimented about that. If nothing else, you're giving him something to reach for and it will help him deal with disappointments. As far as Craig is concerned, I don't know him well. I believe He is a sophomore. It does sound to Me, however, that Michael is thinking things through correctly and it's especially good that he realizes that Craig doesn't really know who He is Himself. Michael is much better off not expecting too much, but trying to submit to whatever Craig wants where Craig is. Very few subs could do this when it's not exactly what they want. So if Michael fails at this or decides to give up on it, so much the better. He'll then be able to pick himself up and move on. I have a couple of people in mind that would be good for him to meet. Don't speak about this. Let us just sit back and see what happens.

You are perfectly right that you are an exception to the common understanding that freshmen should not settle down too quickly but get experience of all sorts. For you, boi, all your experience will come through Me. This is very different. Your role is to become My good slave, to learn what I want you to learn, and to continually strip your mind naked for Me so that I can rule you better. You are not like the other freshmen boys in your class. They're not bois. They are free to determine things. You are not. You have been captured and taken out of their society and you are now enslaved to Me. And actually, that was your only option when you came to U. Gary had already begun preparing you. You were ready to surrender your life to your Master. And as far as I am concerned, you are the luckiest one of them all.

See you soon, boi. From here in, only call Me Justin, not Master or Sir. You'll need some practice. That's why I'm coming to get you early. don't worry about what to wear tonight. That's my decision.

Never ever, for even one minute, forget that I own you tonight when you have to act the part of a free boi with a crush on this guy he's been seeing.


Next: Chapter 39

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