Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 15, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 36. Craig gets home; brandon gets what he begs for.

That afternoon, brandon is in class and Michael is in the room, naked as usual, working on a paper when he gets a text from Craig. "After class this morning, Andy told me about what he called having fun with you. I'm looking forward to seeing the results of that fun."

"Come on over, Craig. I'm happy you're home."

To say that Michael is relieved is an understatement. He had been so worried about Craig finding out what happened with Andy, and now it turns out that they know each other and Andy already told him, and apparently, Craig doesn't have a problem with it. He was so worried Craig would be upset or jealous.

Not long after that the door opens and in walks Craig, looking hot as ever. "I'm glad you sluts are leaving the door unlocked so you're available for anyone who wants to drop by."

"We haven't been, really. I just forgot to lock it when I got in before."

"Well I think you should always keep yourselves available like good faggot cocksuckers," answers Craig. "I had a great time away and attended a workshop for new Doms. Found it interesting and made some decisions. Then I get home and Andy tells me he tanned your ass. So get up off that chair and let Me take a look at it, boy."

Michael is somewhat surprised at the way Craig is talking. He gets up and turns his back to Craig and Craig whistles. "Damn. He really got you good, boi. Bet you cried up a storm."

"Yes, I did. Never let loose like that before."

"It's good for you, Michael. Andy and I talked about it, and he said he'll be happy to thrash you whenever I want it to happen."

"Wait, wait. What's going on here? Andy . . "

Craig interrupts. "Andy's a great guy."

"I know that, Sir, but . . . "

"But what? I really don't like having to do that stuff, so this is perfect! I'll do what I like doing and Andy can take care of the rest. Good teamwork."

"What you like doing? Not sure I follow you, dude."

Craig turns him around and smacks him across the face. "Sir to you, boi. Forget your manners while I was away?"

Michael walks away from Craig, thinking. Without walking back, he says, "what's come over you?"

"What's come over me is that I made a couple decisions while I was away."

"Decisions about?"

"Decisions about you and me. Decisions about becoming more of a Dom to you. Decisions about learning more techniques to use on you when I want. But for right now, what I want is a good blow job. So get over here and get to work, bitch."

Michael is confused and a little annoyed, but as soon as Craig drops his pants and sits down with his hard cock popped up, Michael decides that things might make more sense if he just does what Craig wants him to do, so he goes and kneels before him and takes him into his mouth.

"That's right. Faggot. Know your place. Suck my cock and show me what you are, boy."

Michael concentrates on what he is doing, just like he was trained to do by Randy and the guys back home. Besides, he really likes Craig's cock and can almost take all of his 6.5 inches.

"That's right, boi. Suck me good. Stroke me all the way up and down with your faggot mouth."

Michael really doesn't like being called `faggot' but he figures they can talk about that later. he concentrates on servicing Craig just the way He likes it.

"Decided I want more control over you, boi. Turn you into a good sub for me and maybe for my friends too. Saw some things this weekend that really turned me on and I'm hot to try them." He reaches down and pulls on one of Michael's nipples, which makes Michael suck his cock even more eagerly. "Man, all I have to do is play with these nips and you turn into a real animal and suck me till my head caves in, boy." He takes hold of the other one and Michael groans out loud. "Yeah, let me hear it. I want you groaning when I shot my load down your throat, pig." He gets rougher with the nipple and it drives Michael wild. Finally, with a hefty shout, Craig starts to shoot his load. "Take my love juice, slaveboy! Drink it down like the faggot pig you are meant to be!"

Michael takes the load and swallows the licks Craig's cock the way Craig likes it until he tells Michael to stop. Michael pulls back and sits on the floor and nervously says to Craig, "We have to talk."

"Sure, baby. What's the matter? Andy was telling me how much you like to be humiliated. I was just trying to get you turned on the way you like."

"Hold on a minute, SIR."


"Craig, the way I like is the way you were with me, not the way Andy was being."

"okay. Shit. Sorry about that. I was trying to be like He is with you."

"There's no comparison. Yes, I like the way Andy treats me, but that's just Him. I like You for You."

"But I thought you thought I wasn't enough for you, baby."

"hey, I'm glad you got some ideas from that workshop you attended, but you don't need to do everything all at once. Besides, you've been away for 5 days and you come back here and you haven't even kissed me."

"I thought you'd rather that I slap you around."

"You're so fucking cute, Craig, trying to act like a bully just because you thought that's what I need. What I need is some of your affection, Craig. Haven't had any affection since you've been gone."

Craig leans over and gives Michael a help standing up. Then he enfolds him in his arms and gives him a gently and loving kiss, just the way he always used to do. Michael moans in his arms.

"Better, baby?"

"Much better. Craig, I just need you to be you, not what someone else tells you what they think I want."

"If I'm me, Michael, you're not going to get spanked hard. Not into that. Into a lot of other stuff but not that."

"We'll work it out, baby. It's all about communication about what we like and what we need from each other, not like Doms act in porn or online stories."

"So what I really like is making your nipples sore and hearing you groan. What I really like is playing with your balls and even smacking them around a little. What I like is talking dirty to you while you suck my cock. What is like is lots of sweet kisses and you calling Me Sir and you staying naked just because I told you to do it."

"Sir, I'd do anything you told me to do." Michael lies down on this bed and Craig quickly joins him.

"So, what if I told you to go visit Andy so he could whip your ass."

"Is this something you worked out with Andy?"

"Kind of. Well we talked about it. He told me how much he enjoyed spanking your ass until you cried. So I just thought . . ."

"So you thought it would be hot to send me to Andy to get disciplined?"

"Something like that."

Michael starts to laugh.

"what's so funny, baby?"

"After I was with Andy I was getting all worried about having to choose between the two of you. I love the way He is with me, but I also love the way you are with me."

"So then this works out perfect. You be my sub and sometimes you can get what Andy gives you too. I can dig that. Makes me feel like I have power over you. I can decide when I think you need to be punished and I'll have Him do it."

"Not for a good while, baby. It's going to take some time for me to recover from just one time with him."

"we will work it out. Now give me another kiss."

And they lie there and smooch for a while. Brandon comes in from class and thinks it's so cute. Craig in his clothes hugging and kissing naked Michael.

"Welcome home, Craig. Glad you're back because this guy has been a real slut lately."

"All for the good, brandon, all for the good."

"Oh, he told you about Gregor?"

"BRANDON! Give me a chance! Haven't told him everything yet."

So Craig speaks up. "Get dressed, boi, and we'll go for an early supper and we'll have time to talk more about what your weekend was like."

"Yes, Sir," Michael says as he get up off the bed. brandon reacts. "Sir? Cool, baby. So Craig is Sir too now?"

"I'll tell you later," Michael says as he gets dressed and the two of them hug brandon before they leave.

brandon gets a text from his mother: "Barry thinks it would be good if you boys picked out where we should go to eat." He replies, "Okay, Mom. I'll ask Justin. He's been here long enough to know. Any preference for food?" Her response: "Somewhere intimate and don't worry about cost." "Okay, Mom. I'll let you know."

He's just about to sit down to answer Justin's email when Justin calls him. "You busy tonight?"

"Nothing that can't wait, Sir. I was just about to answer Your email."

"Well then, why don't you get some clothes on and get your ass over here for a couple hours?" asks Justin. "I'll be over as soon as possible, Sir." Justin hangs up.

Smiling to himself, brandon puts on track pants and a t-shirt and heads out.

When he gets to the house he goes downstairs to Justin's lair and strips. "In the bedroom. Crawl over here, slave."

"Yes, Master." brandon gets down and crawls to Justin, knowing how much Justin likes to see him crawl. Justin is wearing just a pair of black boxer briefs and is sitting on the side of the bed with His feet on the floor.

"You know what to do, pig. Get down on these feet. Show Me how happy you are to be here."

brandon drools on Justin's feet and then begins to lick it off and then tongue between his Master's toes.

"that's right, boi. Show Me what you are. And after that I want to work on your body some so you're just a little sore on Friday night."

brandon concentrates on sucking Master's toes.

"Okay, slave. Follow Me from down there." Justin walks into the dungeon and brandon crawls after Him. Once they're in the room, Justin has him stand and get up on the bondage table. Quickly He ties the boi's hands and feet to the table and wraps a collar around its neck and binds it down so the slave can't raise its head. Finally, He puts on a blindfold.

"I want you to feel how much I own your entire body, slave." And he hits the boi on the nipple with His riding crop. brandon cries out, "it's Yours, Master."

"And here?" Justin asks, landing the crop on the slave's inner thigh then the bottom of its foot then the other nipple then peppers its chest with quick slaps and then hits it right in the balls." Again brandon cries out and breathes heavily. "Getting the idea, slave?"

"You own this slave, Master."

"Good. then I'm going to use the whip on you, this time on your chest and groin."

then Justin takes the rawhide whip and lays 10 lashes across the slave's chest and then 10 more above its groin and brandon keeps crying out and its voice is breaking close to tears as he thanks his Master for claiming this slave's body. "Just the way I want you, slave. Now I'm gonna flip you over."

Quickly he unties brandon and has him flip over and ties him down again. This time He uses His wooden spoon on the boi's ass until it is crying out again. Justin works down the boi's legs with his crop and then back up to its ass. He is surprised that the slave hasn't used its safe word yet. "You are taking a lot of pain, boi. You are pleasing Me very much. Now I'm going to open up your ass so I can fuck you Friday night before we go to dinner with your Mommy."

Justin takes lube and uses it liberally on the slave's asshole and then up its rectum. He takes a dildo slightly bigger than the plug He used last weekend and slowly works it up the slave's ass. "Please take Your slave's virginity, Master. Please. I want You to be the One who takes me."

Once the dildo is all the way in, Justin uses it to fuck the slave repeatedly. brandon grunts each time it is buried in its ass. Finally, Justin takes out the dildo and uses His fingers, eventually getting three of them in the boi's body and using His fingers to spread the sphincter.

"Good boi. All ready to be fucked."

"Please, Master, Please. Tonight, Master, please? You slave begs You to fuck it tonight. Even if it hurts."

"it won't hurt, but since you ask so nicely, brandon, I will take you now.

He unties brandon completely then brings the slave over to a smaller table at the wall. He has the slave lie on its back on the table with its legs hanging off at first. Then he chains the slave's cuffed wrists to the wall so its arms are spread wide. Finally, He lifts the slave's legs, one at a time, and they are also cuffed to the wall. Once both legs are cuffed, the boi's hole is at the end of the table with no obstruction. Justin takes a picture.

"Please, Master, please rape Your slave. Please turn me into Your pussyboi. Take me, Master."

"You look so fucking beautiful bound like this with your asshole hanging out waiting for Me," says Justin. "Silence now. No more begging. You are going to get what you were begging for. When your Master is ready. First, your Master wants to enjoy the sight of His virgin slave offering itself to His cock."

Justin takes off his boxers. He is as hard as He's ever been, and He puts more lube on Himself and then positions Himself right at the opening to the boi's hole. "Feel your Master about to take what belongs to Him." Very slowly He pushes the tip of His cock in and then gets it past the sphincter. The slave howls at the intrusion. "Relax it all now, slave. Don't tighten up or it will hurt. Relax that ass and bear down as if you're trying to take a shit. . . . that's a good boi, offering yourself to your Master for His pleasure."

Slowly Justin works Himself all the way in, listening to brandon's cries to make sure it's not too painful. "I'm going all the inside you now, slave. Open for your Master." He pushes the last little bit in and the boi begins to sob. Is it joy? "And now, slave, your Master is going to fuck your pussy the way He wants to." And Justin begins fucking, slowly, deep, all the way out and then all the way in again, and each time the slave cries out, "Yours, Master. Yours. You feel so good inside Your slave, Master. Fuck me, Master, please fuck me hard!"

Justin give the slave what it asked for and the slave howls like an animal as he surrenders to his Master's thrusts. Justin thinks that this is the nicest piece of ass He's ever had. "Oh this feels so good, slave. Your Master is going to do this to you all the time. Tighten your muscles when I'm all the way in. It will give Me even more pleasure." Justin keeps fucking, brandon sobs and howls and cries out thank You's all the time. Finally Justin is ready to cum. "Your Master is going to shoot Himself deep inside you, slave. Your Master is going to breed you now! Here it cums!" Justin howls Himself as He ruts deep inside the slave's ass."

"there. It is done. I have taken away your virginity. I have claimed you as Mine. "no one else will ever take this away from Me. No one else will ever enter you this way. You are Mine, slave. I am the One Who fucks you whenever He wants."

Eventually Justin softens and slips out. There is some brown on His cock but He doesn't care.

"Stay there still, brandon. I have to get something to clean us up. There's a bit of a mess because I literally fucked the shit out of you slave. Next time I'll clean you out first. But you were crying out for it so much that you drove Me to take you, not caring if you were clean or not. No problem. Easily fixed. Stay there. I'll be right out, as if you could go anywhere."

Justin goes into the bathroom, cleans Himself with soap and water, and then takes a warm wet cloth to wash the slave's hole as well. He comes back and gently bathes the slave's open hole from the residue.

"One more thing, slave, while you're offering your ass to Me the way you are. I want to whip it."

He gets the rawhide and starts whipping the boi's ass and continues whipping it until it safewords Yellow." He stops immediately. "wanted to make sure I hit your limit, boy." He takes some ointment and gently anoints the slave's whipped ass.

Finally, He uncuffs the slave's hands first. "Put your hands behind your knees, boi, and when I uncuff your legs, you hold them up as best you can yourself."

He uncuffs the legs and the slave does a good job holding itself.

"Good boi. Now slowly, let your legs come down until they are all the way down." He does so and then Justin helps the slave stand and wraps it in His arms. brandon sobs into Justin's chest.

"Thank You, Master. I am Yours. Completely."

Justin says, "it's a good thing you begged Me to do this now. If I had done it Friday your face would look like you'd been crying and sobbing. Better it happens now when I can let you let it all out. Kneel down now, slave."

Justin goes to sit in His chair. "Crawl over here and bury your face in My pubes, boi, the way you always said you wanted to. Cry into my pubes and get them all wet. Your tears are your gift to your Master. You please Me very much."

brandon obeys its Master and is happy to be crying into the Master's bright red beautiful pubes like a good boi. Finally its sobs subside.

"Now you have go to the bathroom and sit on the toilet and eject as much as you can. Then I'll wipe your ass for you, boi. that ass that I just made Mine."

brandon goes and is embarrassed by the sounds its butthole makes. Justin just laughs. "It's just anatomy, boi. Nothing weird." He flushed the toilet. "Now stand up and bend over a little" brandon obeys, then Justin gently wipes his ass and then puts some crème on it, and then puts a diaper on him.

"A diaper? What's happening, Sir?"

"Just to protect you. You're gonna be leaking tonight. Keep your sheets clean."

Then he asks, "Now do you know what happens to My slave boi after I fuck him?"

"Um...You make it kiss Your feet?"

"Nope. After I fuck my slave boi, I take it to My bed and snuggle with it until it uses its safe words because it has to go home. So come with Me, sweet boy."

Together they go lie on the bed and Justin makes love to the boi's face and lips and mouth and snuggles into his neck and the boi falls in love with this sweet sadist who just took his virginity. He almost falls asleep, but Justin keeps him awake. "I think I'm going to drive you home. I don't want you driving when you're all a little weepy. You can just leave your car here. You won't need it before Friday, right?"

"You're right, Master."

"So let's throw on some clothes and I'll take you home and tuck you into bed."

On the way back to campus, an exhausted brandon lays his head on Justin's thigh and falls asleep. Justin toys with the boi's hair and can't help thinking of him as a tender child for whom He has a tremendous responsibility. Once at the dorm, He gently coaxes the boi to wake up and He helps it into the dorm and tucks it into its bed. He stays there watching His boi until He falls sound asleep. Justin kisses his forehead and when He opens the door, Michael comes in. Justin gives Michael the "be silent" signal and points to the boi fast asleep. He takes out His wallet and gives Michael some money and whispers, "Diner breakfast tomorrow." Michael nods; Justin pats him on the back and takes His leave. Michael feels pangs of jealousy, seeing how much Justin loves brandon even when he's sleeping and unaware of what's happening. Will he ever find such love?

Next: Chapter 37

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