Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 13, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 34. What does it mean to be a "possession"?

Dear Master,

Your slave bows before You and submits to Your wisdom and understands that it is inexperienced and ignorant and is just learning its place in the bdsm world, just sticking its toe in the water, like You described. It confesses to You what when it identified itself as a "possession," it had never really given any thought or consideration as to what that word actually means. Like You pointed out, Master, that an English major above all should be very attentive to the meaning of the words it uses, and in this case, Master, Your slave has been lazy and negligent and used the word simply because it felt like an emotional turn-on to use that word.

If this slave was a possession, it would probably mean that it wouldn't have the freedom to be making its way around the U almost as a free person despite the restrictions and rules You have laid upon it. It imagines that it would be bound in Your dungeon and taken out only when You wished for it to be doing something to serve You, and then put away again, maybe in bondage, maybe in some kind of cell in which it could be imprisoned. It looked up the word in the Cambridge English Dictionary and the first meaning given was "something that you own." It looked up the word "possess" and this meaning appeared: "have complete power over (someone) and be manifested through their speech or actions." This definition was suggested to refer to some kind of demonic possession, but that is not the case here. Nonetheless, Your slave liked this definition of the verb because it seems to refer to what has been happening since You first had this slave strip off its clothing so You could inspect it.

There is no doubt in Your slave's mind that You do have power over it. More power than anyone else has ever had over it. Not complete power, at least not yet, but power nonetheless, and the second part of that definition definitely is in harmony with what has been happening in this slave's life: Your power over it is being demonstrated in both speech and in action. At the moment, Your slave is naked and will remain naked for good on this floor of the dorm, no matter how humiliating or embarrassing it may be. Why? Because You have ordered it, Master, and this slave needs to obey. Master, You are also demonstrating power over the way this slave speaks, about words it cannot use or must use, about how it refers to itself even in private with You, and in so many other ways as well.

Master, You do have power over this boy; You do "own" it, although we haven't yet worked out what that might mean exactly. Not only that, but this slave has repeatedly asked for You to control its life in as many creative ways as You can think up. This slave needs to be controlled, needs to have its lifestyle determined by You, needs to be restricted or even ordered to do things it probably otherwise never would think of doing. Tonight this slave is going to present itself to a complete stranger in order to satisfy Him sexually, and since You have given this stranger permission, this slave might also experience being slapped around or disciplined during the encounter. And why? Because You have ordered it to do so, Master.

These are just the thoughts this slave has had in response to Your correction in Your last email, Master. It bows to Your correction, Master, and even is tempted to ask for punishment. The only thing that is preventing it from asking for punishment is that You have said You did not want to have to punish this slave the next time we meet.

Concerning affection: Master, this slave craves Your affection, and it didn't realize how important that would be in a Dom/sub relationship until it experienced it with You. The occasional affectionate moments with You have a definite effect: they are causing this slave to have emotional feelings towards You, and they are also inspiring the slave to be the best slave it can possibly be in order to please You and receive even more affection. And it understands what You are saying about this slave feeling like a little boi at times, but not actually being a little boi. These feelings are so powerful when it is with You, Master, and are all mixed in with the feeling of inferiority which must characterize its life and its way of relating to others.

Master, Your slave loves the fact that we are corresponding when we are not together. It agrees that the emails are making a big difference. In a way, Master, it is quality time for the two of us. And then, when I am with You, Master, Your slave can remain silent when You order it to because we have already communicated.

Master, although Your slave still fears pain, it also knows that You have all power over it and You alone decide how You are going to train this slave to become the pain pig You are searching for. Thank You, Master, for letting Your slave know what awaits it the next time it crawls into Your dungeon and gives itself into Your hands. Your slave realizes that You have all rights over its body and You are the One Who determines how to train it and guides its progress in accepting the pain that Your slave will learn to accept. Master, this slave's body is Yours and it surrenders to Your decisions about how much pain and what kind of pain it must accept. Master, Your slave must confess that there are times now when it begins to look forward to being Your whipping boi event though the pain seems like it might be too much to bear. It is up to You, Master, to decide all things about this slave's body. Its body belongs to You for Your entertainment and pleasure, Master, and it knows as You have told it that "You are all about pain," so it knows that its life will be filled with pain and it will frequently be crying and sobbing under Your lash. That is its fate and that is what it is resigned to endure.

Master, Your slave also wishes it could be nude and on display in the center of campus so that all might know how it has surrendered its rights to be a free boi and willingly surrendered itself to You as an inferior slave. This is only wishful thinking, it understands, Sir, but the thought of it is pleasurable for some weird reason and it admits this feeling to You.

It understands that actually having to remove its clothes for the entertainment and abuse of groups of men of any kind would be more humiliating than being forced to walk around naked at all times. It craves this level of humiliation, Master, and is also happy that You can enjoy such scenes along with Your friend Andy. It willingly offers itself to You to be used and abused in this way whenever You see fit to set something up.

Concerning Pablo, Master, He did not admit to being gay, but it was clear that He is well acquainted with the bdsm lifestyle and the language and ways of talking to a slave are involved. Right from the beginning, He took total charge and verbally abused this slave the way it deserves to be abused. Master, He made full use of this slave's mouth and body, slapped it around and also spit on it many times. At the end, when the slave was still kneeling, He reached out and kicked it to the ground and demanded that it understands that is where it belongs. He was curious to find out when it might be possible for Him to use this slave again, Master, and Your slave is being honest about the way He treated it so You can decide whether or not you wish Your slave to be subjected to more of His treatment.

Master, Your slave understands that it is always Your slave and Your wishes are more important than anything else in its life. It also understands that it is always in the process of becoming, which means that it is always as yet nothing more than an imperfect slave with a lot more to learn and a lot farther to go, please, Master, under Your constant direction and control. Master, Your slave also admits that it gets great pleasure from writing to You in this way, that's how much of a masochist it is.

Master, thank You for giving Your slave a particular POV for the book report it must write. Now the slave must think carefully about what it is learning from Billy and alex and thinks it will need to read the book more often and think about this question carefully before writing the review. Master, Your slave also thinks that Professor Keaton will indeed be pleased by this slave's efforts, and intends to make sure it does the best job it can.

Master, Your slave will contact and report to Sammy tomorrow night as You have ordered it. For some reason, it is experiencing a tiny bit of resentment about this assignment, but it will work carefully tomorrow to adjust its attitude and to realize that it is serving You as it serves this person named Sammy and it will surrender completely to whatever discipline He wishes to use on this slave.

And thank You, Master, for protecting Your slave from possible infection or disease by having to lick and eat unwashed asses. Master, the first ass this slave ever serviced is Yours. It promises to think of You when it is required to serve Sammy's ass tomorrow night.

Well, it's just about time to go to class, Master, so Your slave will say goodbye for now and will think about correcting its attitude and promises to be a humbled, obedient slave eager to serve one of Your friends as You have arranged.


slave brandon

After Professor Keaton's class today, after everyone else had left the room, brandon approached the Professor and asked for permission to make a suggestion about the book review. Keaton granted permission and so brandon explained,

Professor, this boi's Master has required it to read a somewhat famous book about a Master and slave whose names were Billy and alex. Master suggested that this would be a fitting book to write the report about, and also instructed the slave that if it got permission to use that book, it would write it from the point of view of how this particular boi learned to be a better slave from the story. Would that be fitting, Sir?"

"brandon, I think that's an excellent idea and your Master is to be commended. I am particularly interested in learning what you think you have learned from reading it. I know the book well, boi, so that is why I am particularly pleased with the idea that Master Justin had. Give it careful thought, boi, and make sure your Master reads your report before submitting it. It is due in two weeks, but I will allow you an extra week if you need it because this paper will demand a great deal of thought. And I am sure you realize that it will be particularly humiliating for you to have to reveal your mind to Me in this manner. It's even deeper than My seeing you naked and caged the other day in My home. So go to it, boy!"

"Thank you, Sir."

"And I also want to commend you on your ability to learn to speak as a slave with the proper respect and vocabulary. You are learning it quickly, boy."

"thank You, Sir. It is because Master and His slave correspond with lengthy emails almost every day so this slave has had a lot of practice."

"Excellent. Eventually we'll have to figure out a way that you can be used to instruct other beginner slaves in the proper use of language fitting for an inferior boy."

"that would be a privilege, Sir. thank You."

"And now you are dismissed, boi. Go about your day. Not another word now."

Silently, brandon turns his back on the Professor and leaves the room, somewhat buoyed up by the fact that his proposal for the paper has been approved and even praised.

. . .

8 pm. "Hello Sir, this is brandon calling as ordered."

"Hello, boi. I am looking forward to your visit to me. I am in Connolly Dorm, Room 348. Up the stairs and turn right. I expect you here in just a few minutes. Get dressed and get your ass over here, boi. Don't keep Me waiting too long."

"Yes, Sir. Will be there as quickly as this boi can."

He discovers that this is a lovely dorm, much nicer than his own. But then again, it's for upperclassman. brandon isn't sure which class Sammy is in, but since Justin was able to make arrangements for Him to use the slave, he assumes they are classmates.

He knocks on the door and the door opens into a darkened room. "Enter, strip and grovel." The command is clear and Sammy has a deep voice. brandon quickly tosses off his clothing and gets down on the floor in position as instructed. Sammy walks around him in a kind of inspection. From time to time He touches the slave's body with a bare foot and pushes it one way and the other. Then He spits on the slave and the spit lands on the back of its neck and starts to drip down its back. He spits two more times, once on each shoulder and the slave trembles at the feeling of being spit upon by a Man who obviously knows how to treat a slave.

"Tell me, boy: have you ever sucked black cock?"

"Not yet, Master."

"I'm glad to hear you say `not yet,' because tonight you will suck black cock like a good faggot. Now kneel up and it is okay to look Me over."

Sammy is tall and thin, about the same size as Master but much more muscular and not hairy at all, and the darkness and the lighting in the room show Him off to His best advantage. He is naked and his cut cock is thicker than what the boi is used to. A special challenge.

brandon forgets himself and blurts out, "you are so fucking hot!" Almost immediately, Sammy strikes him across the face with his large palm and brandon really feels the pain. "Do not fucking speak to your Superior without explicit permission, faggot. Hasn't Justin taught you proper manners yet?"

"This slave is sorry, Master. It just lost its head when it got to look at how awesome You are."

Sammy chuckles. "So I guess you like what you see?"

Afraid to speak, brandon enthusiastically nods his head.

"Tell me the truth: does the idea of having to suck a black man's cock especially humiliating or distasteful to you? You may speak."

"Not at all, Master. You are awesome. This slave has been around black people quite a bit, Sir. In fact, this slave confesses that it might be finding You even hotter than most white men."

"That is a good answer, slave. Take this as a reward: He spits right on to the slave's face. Consider My spit as a the best drink of all, except perhaps for your Master's piss. Are you piss-trained yet, slave?"

"Not to drink it, Master."

"I look forward to the day when you will actually have the privilege of drinking My piss, slave. It's probably a long way off, but I'm a patient man and a good friend of your Master's, so I'm sure that the day will come when He will give permission for that. What do you think of that, boy? Answer honestly."

"Scary, Master."

"Good boi. And it is good for a slave to be scared about some things. I'll lie on the bed while you kneel over me and give me a good blow job. I'll help you if you have trouble taking such a big cock. So crawl after me, boy."

Sammy walks into the bedroom which is also dark with a single candle glowing. He gets on the bed and lies there, watching the slave crawl to Him. brandon is already in slave space as he struggles to get up on the bed and kneel on all fours over Sammy's body.

"Drool on My cock, faggot, as if it turns you on so much that you just have to drool over it. Get it good and wet before I order you to go down on it."

He reaches out and takes a handful of the slave's hair. "So convenient, your bushy hair. Gives Me a perfect handle to train you how I want you to suck My black cock. Down now, just to take the tip in your mouth, white boy." He pulls on brandon's hair and takes him to the perfect point.

"That's it, faggot. Open wide now. Make extra room for me. Get that tip in your mouth and pleasure it all around with your tongue. Use some pressure, boi, good and tight is what I like. And look into My eyes while you're getting your first taste of My cock, slave."

His big brown eyes hit brandon like a sledge hammer and he doesn't dare even blink.

"Blink your eyes, boi. don't get hypnotized. Start your way down on My cock, slave. Follow My lead." And he pulls the boi's hair down and brandon takes more of Sammy's cock into his mouth, feeling the stretch from His girth.

"Just that far down, boi. Up and down. Come on, faggot."

Sammy works the slave's head exactly the way He wants it. brandon loves how smooth it is and doesn't have too much trouble taking its girth. thank God for all that practice he's been having.

"Okay, hold it down there like that and don't fucking move, cocksucker." He starts lightly slapping the boi's face but then increases the severity until He sees tears in the boi's eyes.

"Okay, bitch. All the way down now. Let me fucking hear you gag on My monster dick, cocksucker."

He hits brandon on the back of the head and then forces him all the way down. brandon gags, but it doesn't stop Sammy. "Get it all the way in there, bitch. I'll decide when you're allowed to breathe."

brandon comes close to panicking, but just as he's about to go wild, Sammy lets him up and brandon gulps air and chokes on Sammy's pre-cum that has dripped into his mouth.

"that's right, boi. choke and swallow and if you do a good job, I won't hold you down until you pass out." He waits a bit until brandon calms down and then with a nod, he takes hold of the boi's hair and pulls him down again all the way down. This time He lets him up easy, and He continues that rhythm for a while. Just a brandon is thinking he can't hold out much longer, Sammy orders him to kneel up. Then Sammy gets into position with His ass almost all the way in the boi's face and then shouts: LICK, Slave. Keep licking until I tell you to suck and tongue my hole!

"Okay, pig Get your tongue in me and taste My meat. Work it good boi so I don't have to beat you. . . . that's is. . fuck you're a natural at eating ass, slaveboy...much better than the way you suck . . . eat me, boi, eat me good!"

After a long while at this, Sammy tells him to get down on the floor and kneel at the side of the bed. Then he gets up and sits on the side, pulls the slave's hair and gets his mouth down on his cock again.

"Okay, boi, now you go fast and deep and tight and keep it up until I feed you my little black baby makers! Be the best white slaveboi I've ever had and maybe I'll fucking rent you some day for Me and My buddies. Work that dick, faggot!

Sammy works his head eventually until at last he shouts out "Here comes your reward, faggot!"

And spills down his throat. Again brandon almost chokes, but manages to keep it all in his mouth until he's able to swallow it all.

"Pretty good, slaveboi. I'll give your Master a satisfactory report. Now get up here again and clean me off before I send you back home."

brandon takes care of Sammy and tries to show special affection towards the awesome Dom.

Once Sammy is satisfied, he orders the slave to get back on its hands and knees and follow Him into the bathroom.

"Kneel over here by the side of the toilet, slave. Watch how I pee. Get your face close to it without getting it wet. This is the way I train a slave to become a urinal. Okay, faggot, I'm all done. I hope you enjoy the smell of My piss. Now flush the toilet for me like a good boy."

That done, Sammy tells the boi he's going to stay on the bed. "You crawl to the door and get yourself dressed again, boi. Off you go!" Before brandon finishes getting dressed, Sammy calls out, "Hey, brandon, you're a good boi. I'm glad you belong to Justin. He'll train you good and keep you safe."

brandon doesn't know whether or not he's allowed to thank Sammy, but decides not to because the basic rule Justin keeps telling is that slaves should say as little as possible unless otherwise instructed. So he takes his leave without a word. He can't wait to get back to the dorm so he could drink some water. That was a rough scene after all. But he smiles to himself thinking about how Sammy treated him, especially at the beginning. And he didn't end up getting slapped too much.

Next: Chapter 35

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