Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 12, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 33. slave and possession

slave brandon,

Already you are identifying yourself as My "slave and possession"? In all honesty, I don't think I've done all that much to have you feeling like a possession. I'm not even sure I want to think of you that way. I think what is happening is that you are letting your fantasy life spill out into our reality.

And what is our reality? Whatever I define it to be, boi. so don't be taking the liberty of identifying yourself as what you think you want to be.

Besides, think about it, brandon. Do you really want to become a possession? Do you even know what that means? Considering the fact that you are an English major, you have got to acquire a lot more respect for words, especially words used in the bdsm lifestyle. The word "possession" was used only eleven times in the Chronicles, and only one of those times was it used by the slave.

I should punish you for your lexical sloppiness, but I'll give you a pass on that because of your adorable naiveté. Anyway, let's leave off that word for now. Don't forget that this is a new reality for Me as well, so it is important to move slowly and take the time to think things through.

I've never used email with a sub before, but I must say that like you, I am quite pleased with what is developing here and see our emails as a chance to get to know each other better without having to spend the few hours we have together chatting up. Would prefer action to chat. That's why emails are so good.

In the past I've acted a lot colder than I do with you. I'd rarely show a sub or slave any affection, but with you I want to. I really want you to feel like a little boi but am not into actual age regression. I just want you humble, malleable, obedient, friendly, eager to serve and affectionate. Right away I realized that you respond best to a mixture of strictness and affection and that is fine with Me. I've never felt like I wanted to cuddle a slave before, but I do want to do that with you, especially after working you over.

There are a great many things I am interested in introducing you to, but as I keep saying, slowly and gradually. Next time we're together I intend to explore your nipples and balls especially to see what you can handle at this point, boi. You can expect that I intend to expand your limits bit by bit. That happens to all slaves. You've already experienced some of this when I introduced you to My strap. Next time, I'm hoping I won't have to punish you, but would rather be able to explore using a riding crop and a wooden spoon on you. As I told you before, boi, I intend to make sure you have felt Me on every inch of your body. Do not be fearful about this, boi. The pain will be mild compared to what you've already experienced from Me. The point of this session with you is to help you realize that as your Master, I can use whatever I want wherever I chose. Your entire nude body is a canvas for Me; I am the Artist: I paint with implements that cause pain. And you will always be able to use your safe words. If you call yellow at one place, I will move on to beat you somewhere else. I assure you that you will be very turned on by what happens, and might even beg Me to give you more.

I want to praise you for your bravery, walking around the dorm nude with your cock caged and your ass striped by My strap. It's okay if you lose points. A slave doesn't ever get to keep points and shouldn't be holding on to them anyway. I would love it if the entire student body knew you were a slave to a male Master, but know that is not practical, especially considering the fact that there are some homophobic groups on campus. Your safety is an important concern of Mine.

I encourage you to speak openly about why you want to become a slave to the fellows at the Rainbow Table. Don't be keeping any secrets from other men in your class. Let them know that you are naturally inferior to all of them, more by what you do than by what you say.

I am thinking of arranging situations where I can order you to strip naked (not must be naked) in front of groups of men who aren't necessarily gay. While it might be uncomfortable at times for you to be naked in front of others who don't know your scene, the act of stripping yourself naked in front of other clothed men is much more humiliating. Andy and I both enjoy setting up such situations, especially seeing a slave being humiliated by other men.

I want you to tell me how things went with Pablo and what his scene is. Gay? Straight? Bi? How did he act towards you? I would really prefer it in the future if I chose who you would serve, but you did right by texting Me for permission to serve Pablo when He approached you. You need to cultivate "slave mind." By that I mean that you should consider all free men as Masters, and certainly as Superior to you. I have already given you some instructions about how to behave in public, letting others pass through doorways, etc. I expect you to come up with some ways to be more humble yourself, and to tell me about those things when they occur.

Even though we are not living a 24/7 M/s lifestyle, it is already quite clear to Me and I hope to you as well that you are always My slave, you are always under my direction, you are always at risk for punishment if I feel you forget your place in the hierarchy of men. Better yet that you never even think of yourself as a man, but rather as nothing more than a boi, as a plaything for Superior Men.

I'm glad you are going to do the book report to Professor Keaton on the Chronicles. Have you found out whether or not He has read them? When you do write the report, considering the fact that the Professor knows you are a slave, you should write it from the perspective of what Billy and alex have taught you about being the slave you want to become.

Notice carefully My choice of words, boi. I frequently use the verb "become" when speaking of your state as a slave boi. There is always more to learn. There are always more bridges to cross and limits to expand. There are always opportunities for you to press through any resistance that you experience to things I tell you to do, no matter what they may be. For example, was there any resistance when I told you not to eat any meat this week? Are there any other even tiny resistant thoughts in your mind? Always confess them to Me. Sometimes they may be punished, but the punishment would be far more severe if I catch you holding your thoughts back from Me. In case you haven't realized it yet, the strap is only the beginning when it comes to implements of punishment. I may upon occasion send you pictures or videos of punished slaves so that you can see what the future will probably hold for you. I am not doing so now because I don't want to discourage you. Nonetheless, you are sticking your toes into an immense body of water. It is My responsibility to make sure that you don't drown. Consider especially the types of pain that alex endured for its Master. That should always be a guide for you.

One last note to you today, boy: No, I would not want to go back to the way things were in the past.

You are a good boy.

Master Justin

PS: Tuesday night at 8 pm you are to call Sammy at ext xxxx. Let Him know that Justin is sending you to His room to suck His cock and eat His ass. He lives in another dorm so you should wear jeans and a hoodie, socks and sneakers. No underpants. Sammy will probably slap you around a bit. He has My permission and He will not be too severe with you. Do a good job. He has a single, so you don't have to worry about a roommate. (Don't worry, He will be clean. I would never want you to eat an ass that hasn't been recently washed.) That will be all the cocksucking you will do on Tuesday.

. . . . .

brandon just gets finished reading Justin's email when Michael gets home. He is walking a little funny and it looks like he'd been crying.

"Are you okay, buddy?"

"I'm much more than okay, brandon. I had an awesome time with Andy tonight. Just you take a look," he says, as he strips off his clothing. Not only is his ass bright red, but also the backs of his legs and his inner thighs."

"Well I can see why you were crying! Andy did that?"

"Yes, He sure did. Pants down, over His knee and He spanked me like a little boi. He only used His hand and look at how sore He got me."

"And that's why you look like you were crying."

"yup. And He was so sweet to me after it was all over, but He didn't let me pull my pants back up. He's very big into humiliation. He told me that He knew the first time He met me that I needed lots of humiliation and he's promised to make me strip and get spanked in front of groups of people some day."

"Wow, man. So now you've got three guys on the line: Craig, Gregor and Andy. How are you going to make up your mind who to stay with?"

"Andy suggested that it is good for me to play the field for a while, but I've got to tell you that if I had to make a choice, it would definitely be Him. Did you know he is much older than Justin?"

"No, I didn't, but I suspected as much. How much older?"

"Seven years. He was in the service before he started college. He and Justin are both juniors. And guess what He made me do?"


"He told me, ordered me actually, to wear a t-shirt and jeans to dinner, but when He picked me up, He was dressed in a three-piece suit and it made me feel underdressed. He said He did that on purpose so I'd realize how inferior I am to Him. Not only that, dude, but the place He took me to had a lot of hustlers hanging around and I looked like one of them. He said he wanted it to look as if I was some cheap whore He had picked up and brought to supper. Damn!"

"So he's really into humiliation."

"Yes. did you know that?"

"No, Michael, not at all. He's never been with anyone when I was over there. He's been very kind to me, though, not humiliating at all."

"That's probably because you belong to Justin and He respects boundaries. But as for me, well, He's pushing a lot of my buttons. And I'm really turned on by it."

"dude, we have got to have a serious talk soon about what you're into. You know all about me but I don't know much about you at all."

Michael begins his tale: Well, I had a best friend growing up who used to like to get a little rough with me. We'd wrestle or play other types of games like fake fights and things, and He always got the better of me. He liked to smack me around and call me names and one day He noticed that I was getting hard when He did that so He made me take my clothes off so He could see me hard. We were only 13 at the time. We did start jerking off together and sometimes He wanted me to give Him handjobs which were okay with me. Finally one day He told me what he realized that I was a fag and that was okay with Him and He would always protect me. But I paid a price. Frequently stripped and He started slapping me all over and making me service His cock and eventually suck it. One day He told me He wanted one of our other friends to get involved so the two of them could work me over together. I agreed and it was really hot. The other guy didn't want to get sucked, but he liked spanking me while I sucked off Randy—my first friend. Well eventually, a third guy got involved and then a fourth one. The five of us used to hang out together all the time and play hard when one of us had an empty house with parents away. It was always the same. Just getting bullied, called names (but in a friendly way), slapped around, spanked eventually, and I would give blowjobs to three of them. The most important thing was that they protected my "secret" from the other guys in school, and since it was almost always the five of us together and they were all straight, no one got wise to my situation. But we had some really wild times together and I always got hard when we played together. Usually I was the only one naked. One day Randy told me that he thought I was a sub and that when I got to U, I should start looking for a man to become my Dom or maybe even my Master."

"Hot story dude! Are any of them around here?"

"No. Two didn`t go to college and the other two are in different places. I'll always be grateful to them that they showed me a good time but also protected my identity from others. Like I said, it is a very conservative town and the churches are definitely anti-gay. We went on a couple of church youth retreats and they were awful. We got yelled at a lot about masturbation and being queers and we would all go to hell. Finally the five of us just stopped going. We told our parents we were developing our own prayer circle, so that satisfied them. Funny thing. In our prayer circle, I was always the only one down on my knees."

"do you believe that stuff about going to hell?"

"Nope. That's bullshit. What kind of a god would send a teenage boi to hell just because he jerked off or liked other guys. After all, it isn't our fault. It's just the way we are. God probably made us this way. So why punish us?"

"That makes a lot of sense. My mom and I used to be Catholic, but once I came out to her, she started taking us to another church which was welcoming and affirming—that's the words they used. If I could find a church like that around here, I'd probably go from time to time."

"there must be places like that around here. After all, there are so many LGBT people on campus. Maybe even Campus Ministry. Might be worth checking out some time. If you could find a place to go, I'd go with you. Never been to a church that would welcome people like us."

brandon yawns. Michael suggests it's time to go to bed and brandon agrees. They hug each other and then get to sleep pretty easily.

Next: Chapter 34

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