Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 12, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 32. Meanwhile, Michael . . .

brandon sends off the email and then, grabbing a towel, heads off to the shower, very tempted to wrap his towel around his waist until he remembers that Justin wants him to stay exposed all the time. Once again, Justin has influence on his behavior, the boi thinks, and at the thought of it a thrill goes through him. It is a good thing that the slave's cock is locked up and prevented from getting hard, or he'll be walking around hard all the time. Pablo sees his ass and has to ask, "Man what happened to you? Who whipped your ass?"

"My Master did, Pablo. It's a bdsm roleplay."

"Hey, I get it. So you're a slave all the time?"

"that's what we're working on. that's why I have to stay naked in the dorm."

"Kind of hot, man. So tell me, where's your Master now?"

"Back at His house, Pablo. But He gives me rules for when I'm here too."

"What a great idea about exerting control! So do you function as a slave to the dorm too? Do you suck cock when told to by a resident?"

"To tell the truth, I'm not sure. The rules have been changing. Why? Do you want me to suck you off, Pablo?"

"Si. Definitely, brandon. Can you text Him?"

"Sure. As soon as I get back to my room. I'll go sent a text. Why don't you get dressed and come over and wait. He usually answers right away."

brandon goes back to his room and sends a text:

"Master, a guy saw me in the showers and I told Him I was a slave. He wants to know if that means I have to suck His cock when He wants."

And answer comes back quickly: "Only this once. Show Him this text."

Shortly after that, Pablo knocks on the door and brandon lets him in.

"I got an answer already. He told me to show you the texts." And so he does.

"Well that's cool, man. A blow job is a blow job and I've got a four day load for you." brandon really thinks that Pablo might actually be into the scene. He throws himself on the bed and opens his pants.

"Kneel here, cocksucker and get to work!" He commands. Definitely knows the scene.

brandon gets on his knees and helps Pablo lower his pants. Pablo grabs him by the hair and pulls his head down to his cock which has already started to get hard. He's uncut, but the skin is being pulled all the way. brandon takes just the head of his cock in his mouth and tongues it. Pablo hits him on the back of the head. "Enough of that shit! Swallow it, bitch. All the way down and hold it there."

brandon swallows Pablo's cock. It's only 5 inches so he can do it easily. "May, that's fucking great, buried all the way down your throat, slave. Ok, start jerking me off with your mouth, pig!"

Pablo is really turning brandon on and he goes to town on the guy. "Oh shit that feels good, bitch. Faggot cocksucker knows what its doing. Come on, slave, milk me dry Faster!" Again Pablo takes a handful of hair and uses it to work the slave's mouth exactly where he wants it. "Oh shit, here it comes, brandon. I'm gonna fucking drown you, man! Holy fuck!!!!!" And he shots his load and brandon swallows as quickly as possible. Pablo was right: it was a big load.

As soon as he cums, Pablo jumps off the bed and pulls up his pants. brandon is still kneeling there and Pablo raises his foot and pushes the slave down to the ground. "Stay down there where you belong, faggot. Thanks for the head. Gotta get myself a slave like you. Do you know any one looking for a bossy Master?"

"Not at the moment, Pablo. Glad I was able to service you, dude."

"Yeah. Thank your Master for me and ask him when I can have another shot, maybe slap you around and stuff like that too."

"Will do. Have a good one, Pablo. I like Your style."

. . . . .

and meanwhile, at The Barbecue Pit, Andy gets out of the car and so does Michael dressed in a t-shirt and jeans the way Andy told him to. Meanwhile, Andy is dressed in a three-piece suit and tie and makes Michael look like some dumb kid. "Wow, you sure look good, Andy! I'm embarrassed being so underdressed."

"Precisely. I wanted it to be this way." Andy winks at Michael.

Michael pops his head as the light bulb goes on. "Oh, sure. I'm just a dumb kid and You're far superior to me."

"Partly. But there's more. Think. Look around and think."

"Um, it looks to me like there are a lot of hustlers hanging around here, especially walking around the parking lot."

"And you are dressed like one of them."

"So it looks like . . .

"You're a cheap whore and I just bought you for the night and offered to feed you before I use you. In fact, I notice a couple of guys are looking at you and giving you dirty looks while whispering to each other. They think you're moving in on their turf. You know what? I'd like you to go over to them and tell them that I asked them to come to the table for a minute."

Michael hesitates. "Go ahead, boi. Get used to obeying Me." So he drinks in the humiliation and goes to do what Andy told him to do. Nervously, he walks over to them and speaks quietly. They look at Andy and shake their heads yes and walk over to the table with Michael.

One of them speaks right up. "We can give you a special group rate, man, if that's why you called us over."

"No, that's not it." He points to Michael "He's mine. I brought him here tonight as a reward for being a good boi. I just wanted you to know that. He's not moving in on your turf; he'll never be back here unless I bring him. In fact, if you ever see him here again, you have my permission to take him out back and kick the shit out of him."

"Deal," says the spokesman. They give Michael a scornful look and walk away. Michael just sits there, stunned.

Andy looks at him and says, "I'm know I just assumed you'd respond properly to being humiliated."

"Respond properly? Hey, if we wouldn't get kicked out, I'd get down on the floor right now and lick your shoes, Sir."

"Ah. Sub space already."

"Kind of, Sir. I was so surprised when You called to invite me out tonight," says Michael. "I'm honored. You're so kind when you're not being mean."

Andy chuckles. The waiter comes over and Andy orders for the both of them with a beer for him and water for the boy.

"So I heard that you had somewhat of a rough time this weekend," says Andy. "Your roommate wrote to Justin about it."

"More different than rough, actually. I'd say gruff more than rough. It was in a Russian club or something like that. Restaurant and bar and I think more in the back. Spooky. Scary."

"I've heard of the place but have never had the misfortune to be there." giggles. "So I'm curious. I'd like you to tell me exactly what happened there."

"He talked tough. Made me keep saying "I am a faggot." Made me take His spit, slapped me around a little. Spit on his boots and made me get down and lick it up, in front of his friends. I got nervous but he promised me no one would touch me. Smacked me around more on the way back to campus. Made me open my mouth and spit in it several times. He said that the next time He wanted to bring me to the back room so everyone could watch me strip naked and then get down and lick his boots."

"Will you be going back?"

"I don't think so. It seemed like a really rough place. I'd be afraid of being stripped in that back room."

"But you are turned on by humiliation, boi, so it might be a good experience for you. It might help you wallow in spit and the derision of others. I sensed when I first met you that you need people to teach you your place in the scheme of things. Get bullied around a little."

"I got bullied plenty in high school. I had these guys who told me they were my friends as long as I'd go along with their games. They'd get off on doing stuff to me to humiliate me."


"First it was just me and my best friend. We used to fake fight a lot but he would always get some licks in and end up being the one who kind of won the fight and then he'd make me do silly stuff. But one day in 10th grade he noticed that whenever we did it I would get hard and so he used that to his advantage. Then one day he asked me if he could get another one of our friends involved, told me it would really be hot. They could really work me over if it was two against one. I agreed reluctantly but it turned out to be wild. Then he invited a third to join in finally a fourth. We'd go over this one guy's house when his parents were at work and they'd make me strip and they'd smack me around and make fun of me because I would get hard. They never really hurt me much. It was the humiliation that kept turning me on."

"Did it get sexual?"

"Not at first, but last year Randy—that was my best friend--wanted me to blow him and I did. I really got into it, so he started calling me "faggot cocksucker" and other things. Finally, he told the others and I'd end up sucking his dick while giving them hand jobs, me naked and them with their cocks hanging out of their pants. And they'd smack my ass and that got me even more turned on."

"Ah, so that's how you realized you were a sub."

"Yeah, especially after one day Randy wanted it to be just the two of us sometimes and then he started whipping my ass with his belt. Then all over towards the end."

"So you are not as inexperienced as you were leading us to believe. I'm not surprised."

"How so if you don't mind me asking."

"I could see it in your eyes when Justin told brandon he had to stay naked in the room. You were dying to strip your own clothes off. So what if Justin and I went to that club so we could look out for your safety when Gregor takes you there to strip in front of his friends. We know him and we could probably set it up."

"You'd do that?"

"Sure we would. For one thing, I would really enjoy seeing you be humiliated by a group of guys as long as it was safe. And I know Justin would go along. Only problem would be if they'd let us be part of the club. I'll have to check that out."

"Sir, you're getting me aroused."

"that tells me a lot about the type of slut you need to be. But before we involve others, I'd prefer to get to know you better. Know what turns you on, what doesn't, stuff like that. Have you ever taken one of those tests about preferences?"

"No, Sir. Didn't know anything about them."

"Stick with me, kid, and you'll be learning a lot of things you don't know about yet."

At that moment, the waiter brings their food.

"Let's eat up. We can continue that conversation later."

They dig in. Andy ordered a sample plate so there were many nice things to choose from. Messy too.

"You enjoying this, boy?"

"Yes, Sir. Very much. I like spicy. And messy too!"

"That's for sure." Andy has a big bib on to protect his clothes.

"Tell me, have you experienced other forms of pain other than your friend's strap?

"a lot of slapping. Randy would pinch my nipples sometimes."

"So there is really a lot to explore with you when it comes to pain."

`That's right, Sir, and I'm willing."

"I like it that you sound so eager."

"Yes, Sir, and I'm not afraid to admit it."

"That is excellent. If a boi hides his secret fantasies, then will never come true."'

"Sir, do you want to know my secrets?"

"Not all at once, boi. Let's take our time. What I propose before I bring you back to the dorm is a nice over-the-knee pants down spanking. Then you can think things more clearly about what should come next. What do you say, boy? Yes? or No?

Michael looks down and mutters, "yes"

"that's not very committed and doesn't offer a Dom anything worth His time. Try again. I want you to beg with sincerity, showing Me just how much you need it."

Michael looks up into Andy's eyes, "Yes, Sir, please give this bad boi a good hard otk bare-assed spanking so it can learn to think clearly. Please, Sir"

Andy smiles at him, "You shall get what you asked for, pup. Let's head back now. Before I bring you back to campus, I think we'll stop at My place first so I can give you what you asked for."

Next: Chapter 33

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