Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Nov 1, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 26. Brandon gets what it's like to be a slave, and it's not so sweet.

Justin comes in and turns on red lights. The sight of Brandon's smooth body laid out for Him under those lights is so hot that He is inspired to take His time and make sure that Brandon's punishment is indeed a "Sexual" punishment and not just a beating for a naughty slave. He remembers what Brandon told Him about 17's situation, and to be honest, there have been plenty of times in His past where He has punished a sub or slave as harshly as Chuck does. But now everything is different. Everything looks different. And never has He been more motivated to make sure that this particular sub (or slave-in-training) knows that it is indeed special to Him, but also knows that when it slips up it will be punished.

He begins to bind Brandon to the stool. He puts a soft leather collar around his neck and then bends the boi's head down over the end of the stool and clips it to a chain from underneath, forcing the head to stay bound down, but allowing a small range of motion. Then the wrists, again in soft cuffs. Long ago He gave up on ever using the standard handcuffs again after seeing what it can to do a sub who struggles a lot. He spreads Brandon's legs and attaches ankle cuffs and clips them down tight, then also fastens straps around the boi's upper thighs so the slave cannot move it's legs or its ass to avoid the lash.

Once the boi is firmly secured, Justin takes a bottle of body oil and pours it over the boi's back and he begins to massage it into the boi's back and shoulders. Brandon groans with pleasure, and his mind is blown because what is supposed to be a punishment is beginning by feeling so good, as if he's being treated for being a good boi. But what he is truly feeling is the extent of the emotion Justin is feeling towards him as He manages to touch just about every part of this side of the slave's body with the oil.

"I am covering you with this special oil so that you can realize that I consider you to be a valued possession, something to be cherished. Just because you are a slave doesn't mean that you have to be scorned or treated like something filthy. Yes, boi, you are becoming My slave, and yes, boi, I heard your begging and my answer to you is, well if that's what you think you want, that's what you're going to get. On the one hand you are inspiring Me to get really tough with you, but on the other hand, I want to make sure you realize that you are special and that is the only reason I find Myself interested in taking you in hand and teaching you all I can about submission and subjugation. So now, you are submitting to some special treatment, even while I have bound you so tightly to My spanking stool that you can hardly move, and that means that you are going to have submit to My lash just as it falls and you can do nothing to escape that punishment I intend to deliver to you, and, just as you said, this is all to help you become a better slave. And yes, I am using the word slave deliberately right now, because after I whip you I intend to use you like a real slave. So sweetness and harshness all rolled up into one.

"I also want you to know that this is the last time I intend to use this make-believe whip on you. Tomorrow it will be time for you to feel the bite of my belt, the leather belt I wear around My waist, a belt well-seasoned to training slave bois what it means to be Mine. Tonight the whip. Tomorrow the belt, and not for punishment but for My pleasure. If you need to be punished for anything tomorrow, slaveboi, you will feel the bite of My strap, a nice thick one, all leather.

"Now tell me, Brandon: do you deserve to be punished tonight?"

"Yes, Master."

"Do you understand why, boy?"

"For misbehaving, Master. For asking a question without permission, for challenging a command, and for being snide and sarcastic, Master."

"And how many lashes do you deserve to get from Your Master?"

Brandon gulps. "Twenty, Sir."

"I want to make sure that every time you sit down tomorrow you will realize that you are a punished slave. You will get 7 lashes across the back and then 13 on your miserable slave butt, and after I whip your butt, I am going to shove a plug up your hole to start to open you up for My cock next weekend. No safe word. Cry out or scream or cry or make any noise you need to, boi, and hold nothing back. If it hurts, I want to hear you suffer from it. But do not, under any circumstances, speak a word like "no" or "mercy" or any word at all. If you do speak a word, after I have punished you I will let you up and send you home and this weekend with Me will be concluded. Do you understand, boy?"

"Yes, Master."

"And then those two words are your two last ones, slave."

Justin lashes the whip through the air, and then surprises Brandon by laying one hard lash right across the center of his ass and Brandon does cry out.

Justin proceeds very slowly. "I'm going to take My time punishing you, boi, because I want to make sure that you are well acquainted with the particular pain of each lash and not just a cumulative effect that happens when slave are beaten quickly." 2 and 3 are across the back, 4 on the ass. 5 lower on the ass, 6 lower on the back, 7 upper back, 8, 9, 10 on the ass, ii back 12 ass 13 back 14 upper legs which really causes the slave to scream. 15 back, and the remaining lashes are across the ass covering all of it with marks which don't show very clearly in this red light. Justin has decided that red will have a special meaning for Brandon. He will always be punished in the red light. Eventually, as soon as he sees the light go on, he will begin to experience humiliation and pain.

By the time he is finished, the slave is sobbing. "Let's hope this whipping will help reform your behavior and make you a better slave." He leave the slave sobbing, still bound to the stool. He goes into his supplies and pulls out a rather small butt plug, but something bigger than the last one He used. He lubes it up, then with one finger in the boi's ass, lubes that up as well. Then He takes the plug and really does shove it hard up the slave's ass, causing it to scream out. `NOT A WORD, SLAVE!' Justin reminds it. In truth, He would be terribly disappointed if He had to send the slave home at this point, but He would do it if He has to be true to His word.

He turns off the red light and leaves Brandon in darkness until he is able to calm down.

Then, about ten minutes later, in dim light, He unbinds the slave's hands from the stool but then clips them locked behind its back. After this, Justin applies a healing ointment to everywhere the slave was whipped and Brandon starts to moan from a distinct type of pleasure that no one understands unless he has been handled this way after a whipping of his own.

He then unstraps the slave's thighs and ankles and helps it off the stand and onto the floor and then immediately commands the slave to "GROVEL! I'm just beginning with you now, faggot!" Brandon has trouble getting into that position with its hands bound behind its back, but Justin doesn't care.

the slave obeys, trembling a bit, but Justin pays little heed to its distress. It is time to show this boi what it might mean to become His slaveboi. No kid gloves at this point.

"Using your face and your legs, you will crawl after me and be quick about it!" He commands, and then walks through the bedroom into the living room and sits on His chair with His legs spread. At this point, He has stripped off His boots, socks and pants. Brandon awkwardly proceeds and it is clear that the slave is feeling the pain of the whipping by the way it moves as well as how difficult it is with its hands bound. Justin issues another command: "Show your Master's feet how sorry you are for disobeying and how grateful you are that your Master cares so much He has taken the trouble to punish you. Get My feet good and wet, slave."

Brandon wets down its Master's feet with a combination of drool and tears and then proceeds to lick it all over. "Between the toes, pig!" Justin orders. Brandon one again learns the humiliation of serving its Master this way. "Now lick your way up My legs until you get to My balls and wash them down good, slave."

Justin had placed a bottle of water on the table next to the chair, and opens it. He takes a drink from it and then says, "Stop. You're too dry. Let Me give you something to wet you." He pulls the slave's head back by its hair. "open your fucking mouth, pig!" Brandon obeys and then Justin leans over its mouth and drools down into it, then takes a mouthful of water and lets it flow down into the slave's mouth, and it starts to choke. Justin waits until it is calmed down again and then repeats the process, with His spit and with a bit more water. "Now wash your Master's balls good, bitch." Brandon moves in between Justin's legs, but Justin impatiently grabs it by the back of the head and roughly forces it all the way in. "don't hesitate to eat your Master's body, pig. Get those balls wet. now!" Brandon works them hard. Justin notices that tears are coming out of its eyes. Good. "You want to be a slave, then serve like a fucking slave, faggot." He pulls its head up by its hair again and moves it up over His cock. "Put my cock in your mouth, slave and play with the tip." Brandon does so and it is obvious that the slave is happy to have its mouth on Justin's cock again. "Take more, slave. Slowly. Inch by inch. Take it all down, slave. I don't care what goes on in your fucking throat. Open up and get all of My cock down that throat because I fucking own that throat slave. Either you do it the easy way or I'll show you My harder way. Take that cock down your throat, cocksucker!"

The slave moves slowly down and as soon as it hits itg gag spot, Justin's hand goes on the back of its head. "Take more, slave. Eat My cock like a fucking faggot slave. All the way. Open for Me." And Justin forces the slave's head all the way down and the slave has trouble breathing but Justin continues to hold it down all the way for a bit then lets go, and the slave immediately pulls its mouth off the Master's cock and chokes and cries. "What are you, boy?' "Your slave, Sir?" "Are you a faggot?" Brandon is really crying now. "Yes, Master, Brandon is a faggot." Are you a good cocksucker, boy?" "No, Master, Brandon is not good yet, Sir. Please train it better, Master." "The go all the way down again, slave, and don't resist My cock. Go now! Brandon does his best but Justin has to push for the last little bit. He holds it again until the slave starts to choke. "Do NOT expel your Master's cock from your fucking mouth, cocksucker, or you'll go right to My whipping post." He lets go and Brandon forces himself to stay about half way down. Justin grabs him by the sides of its head and then works it like a fleshlight. `No choking now, just suck, slave, suck Your Master good and fast until He give you His cum to drink." He works the slave's head fast. "Tighten that mouth, faggot!" He keeps working him until all of a sudden He knows He's going to cum and He shouts out, "Drink my babymakers, faggot!" and he spews down the slave's throat. "Swallow it all, pig!" He waits until the slave has swallowed and then commands. "Ok, back down on My feet, slave. And make sure you're eager about licking your Master's feet."

He keeps Brandon there for about ten more minutes, then leans over and unclips the slave's hands. "Crawl into the bathroom and spread your legs over the seat the way I taught you, boy."

Brandon does so, and is actually happy that He can use his hands and arms to crawl. Happy to crawl, he thinks to himself, look at how low I am!" he gets into position and then Master comes and stands between his legs and lets go with His own piss, right over the slave's cage and the slave also begins to piss. Once they're done, Justin takes the bottle of water He'd carried with Himself into the bathroom and pours it over the slave's cage while spitting in its face.

"You're a fucking mess, slave. Go get in the shower and kneel there."

Brandon makes his way there. "Justin turns on the water and keeps it pretty cold and then proceeds to spray the slave's body, first its groin, then its face and the slave howls at the cold water, but Justin continues. finally He lets the water warm up and orders the slave to stand and wash itself. Meanwhile, Justin leans up against the countertop and watches the slave wash itself. Nothing is private here. The water stops and Justin orders the slave out of the tub without drying itself off and makes it crawl back to the bedroom, slapping it on the ass a few times which makes the slave cry out. Once the slave reaches the bed Brandon orders it to curl up on the ground. It does so and Brandon throws an old blanket over it as it shivers on the floor. One last touch: Using locked clips, He chains the boi's leg to the leg on His bed, insuring that the slave is trapped and cannot take off in the middle of the night. Then He turns out the lights and turns out the lights.

As He gets into bed He can hear the slave weeping to itself, shivering under the old blanket. He is so very tempted to comfort the boi and take him into His arms, but knows that He must be firm now. He will do this boi a great disservice if He coddles it all the time.

Justin speaks once more to the slave curled up on the floor and chained so that it cannot escape during the night. "Now you've had a taste of what it means to be a faggot slave being humbled by its Master. In the morning you will have a decision to make after I unchain you: Do you quit and go home because you didn't fully realize what you were getting into , or do you crawl up onto the bed and suck your Master's cock like the slave He is training you to become? The choice is yours."

Brandon hears what Justin is saying, but the words don't penetrate because they don't make too much sense to him. He doesn't agree that he has a choice. He doesn't see how it would be possible for him to turn his back on all that is happening and change his mind just because things have been rough the past couple hours or just because he has been whipped and made to crawl naked and wet to Master's bedside and made to sleep not in Master's arms but on the hard floor like a sub-human. As far as he is concerned, he doesn't have any choice. this is what he must become. this is who he understands in the depths of his being that this is how he needs to live, that everything else is not nearly as important as what he felt like when Justin was punishing him for things that anyone else would simply consider to be normal behavior---for free men, that is. He cannot believe how fortunate he is, so early in his college career, that Justin came into his life and began to exert a claim on his mind, his body and, he must admit, his heart.

Would he want to be a slave as much as he does if he had met someone else, even someone like Andy, or, God forbid, someone like Lou? but this is a stupid question to ask, and he isn't going to torment himself by thinking such thoughts. Justin claimed him and Justin has ensnared his heart. Not only that, but he really appreciates the kind of rhythm Justin has introduced him to. At times, Justin treats him like a less educated friend, and they have enjoyed some nice and wise conversations. At other times, Justin puts the screws to him and really starts to train him hard. He really and truly needs all the things that he begged Justin for and he is getting them. Control, discipline, humiliation, subjugation, submission. The ídea that he is subject to punishment if he displeases his Master thrills him to the very center of his being even though the reality that being bound down and truly punished really hurts, and now he has been told that beginning tomorrow, he will be beaten with something much more painful than the little whip Justin has been using on him. He is afraid of being punished with something worse, and, he must admit, there have been a few times when he really felt afraid of Justin because of the power that Justin has over him as a Master. But even the fear turns him on.

The whipping hurt. So much. He screamed and cried and sobbed, but he realized that he had been punished for things which displeased Justin and that he was determined not to repeat those mistakes again. Again, the idea of being trained to behave the way the Master required is such a turn-on that the reality of it, as unpleasant as it was, is necessary if he is going to embrace the identity of being a slave under a Master's control and discipline.

No. He is not going to run from this. He is not going to change his mind. He is not going to be so foolish to chicken out or run away from something that he has fantasized about ever since he first took his own cock in hand and jerked himself off. And now look at him: He cannot jerk off any longer. His cock is locked behind a metal barrier and he can't get to it. And just before, while he was being trained how to suck his Master's cock the way the Master wanted it, it was all the more hotter since all his attention was on the Master's cock and none of it on his own. What a faggot cocksucker he is becoming.

It used to turn him on when Gary made him suck his cock, and then turned him on even more when Gary wouldn't allow him to touch himself while servicing his friend, and even then he would imagine that he was Gary's slave and that some day soon Gary was going to take a belt to him and whip him the way he needed to be whipped. But Gary was just an introduction to what is happening now. Gary helped him realize what he needed to become; if Gary could have seen what was going on this night, Gary would have approved and cheered Justin on. But with Gary it was strictly sexual. He liked Gary enough but he didn't love him. Not like the love he was feeling towards Justin.

And he will get a break from all this, and some distance. Tomorrow night he heads back to the dorm and lives the life of an ordinary college student, with one exception: he must display himself naked in the dorm at all times, and even this turns him on because it makes him feel inferior to everyone else. That is what he needs. to be inferior. My goodness, if the guys in his dorm or in his classes knew that he had gotten whipped tonight as punishment for something trivial, they would probably despise him. So what? This is what he wants. This is who he is, at least he thinks. But one thing he knows: he is going to see this through and push himself as much as he possibly can to take what comes, to submit, to surrender, to obey, and to offer his body to Justin simply for Justin's pleasure, whatever that might mean.

He knows he is a dirty faggot. He knows he craves cock. He knows he needs everything that has happened and everything that is going to happen, no matter what that might be. No. He won't back out. He is looking forward to sucking cock first thing tomorrow morning, and to the abuse and discipline that might be laid upon him. Bring it on, dude, bring it on!

He wishes so much he could just stroke his dick but he knows himself well enough to know that if he could masturbate and if he could get to shoot a load, he would probably lose all his desire and mood to keep on going. Justin was wise to take his cock away from him. This is going to keep him perpetually horny, horny to serve. Horny to be Justin's pig, whatever that might mean.

Run away? Never!

As for Justin:

"This is so much more challenging than anything I've ever done before in this lifestyle. Up until now, it was always so easy to be a Dom and a disciplinarian, and most of the time I was able to work from one of those lists where the sub would indicate interest and/or willingness, so I know what would turn the sub on. Not only that, but the sub knew I was tough and therefore what to expect. It was so easy to make demands, give punishments, give the sub all sorts of different types of pain knowing the sub would get off on it even if it screamed and cried. Safe words made things so easy; I never needed to worry about going too far. And once the scene was over, it was over! We'd get straightened out and part maybe with a handshake or maybe a hug and each go our separate ways."

"But NOW, I'm not sure which end is up. This boi is so adorable to me that I'm constantly tempted to just hold him in my arms and run my hands in circles around his back and then give him anything he wants, anything at all to make him happy. The problem is this: what would make him happy is for me to treat him just like all the others I've had over the years, to train him, break him in, tie him up and whip the daylights out of him. Okay, maybe not as severely as I used to do it in the past, no, that wouldn't do at all; he's too tender, too inexperienced, and although he has all the drives and urges that every other sub I've always dominated has, at the same time, I have to be very careful, more careful thank I've ever been before to hold the line in a place which I never would have tolerated in the past, to hold back even while pressing him so down into sub space that he'll never want to be anywhere else except with me.

"What is happening to me? This is no one night stand and I'm made for one night stands. What do I do with this? What do I do in the morning after I was so hard on him last night? Did I go too far, or did I not go far enough? Damn. I know he has safe words, but I also suspect he is too shy to use them even when they're needed. So anyway, what I did last night was teach him a few things about what it means to be a truly subjugated sub, but there is always this question in the back of my mind: did I go too far?

"I guess I'll find out in the morning. Will I need to unchain him? Or will he come up on the bed when I demand he service Me once again? What does he truly need? You know, actually, it would be best for me if he just got loose and went home and then I could forget all about this and go back to my old ways. But would that really be best? Let's face it, this boi is offering Me something that I've never had before, something that I've never wanted to taste. Shit! I am discovering that I do have a heart, and that this heart of mine is vibrating as it never has before when this boi looks into My eyes and begs me to rule him, to discipline him, to treat him like the slave he things he needs to be, even though he knows so little about what that might mean.

"So what do I do here? I can't ask my friends because they would simply advise me to work him over so hard that he'll run in the other direction and find some other sucker to deal with his innocence. Innocence? Innocence in a perverted kinky twink who is more needy than any man—and I emphasize the word MAN---I've ever tried to take under My wing. Can I do this? Am I perhaps too jaded, too spoiled to be patient with this kid when he hesitates because he's confused or frightened or overwhelmed by his own desires?

"and what if I just turned him away. I know damn well what is out there and how easily he could be destroyed by some Neanderthal who is only interested in his own sick pleasures and never gives a shit about the creep he's fucking or beating or pissing on. I can't do that to him. He has to be My responsibility. This is a heavy weight on me. What next? How do I treat him in the morning, assuming he hangs around? What do I do with him after I've shot My load down his throat again while depriving him of any male pleasure for himself?

"Do I, can I, should I, must I own this boy? Look at what happened yesterday at Chuck's place, how I couldn't bear the thought that he'd be chained to Chuck's slave's fucking foot. And what are these tender feelings he is evoking in me. Can I be tender even when, according to every way I've ever acted before, he deserves to be punished? Shit, I did get off on it before, lashing his ass until he was sobbing. Yes. After all, I am a Dom. I am a sadist. I am a Master. He wants to call me that even though I have told him it might be too soon, and yet, the words come out of his mouth directly from his heart."

"Am I worthy of this gift, if it is a gift? Can I step up to the challenge? do I really want to? This kid has altered My view of reality somehow. Okay, Justin, step up to the plate. You can do it. In time, You can turn him into everything that You want in a sub. The only problem is that You're really not sure what it is it that You do want from this precious, innocent, feisty sub begging to be corrupted."

"Enough. Sleep, Justin. If I'm not well rested in the morning I'm not going to be able to figure things out on the go. And can You really take a strap to this boy? If he really wants to be a slave, that's what I have to do. But can I? Can I ignore My feelings for him? Can I love him and still train him to be My slave?"

"ENOUGH Justin. Fight the urge you have to pick him up off the floor and let him sleep in Your arms. Maybe tomorrow morning after he's shown You yet again that this is what he needs. Maybe. One thing I've go to say, however: this has made life so much more interesting than it was before that night I went to the library basement looking for nothing more than a bj. I got far more than I bargained for."

Finally, sleep comes, but several times during the night He wakes up to listen to the boi on the floor. And each time He has to strengthen His resolve and leave the boi be until morning. Then He will find out. Maybe the boi will leave Him in peace. But will that really mean peace after all that has happened?

Next: Chapter 27

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