Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 31, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 25. Breakfast for Supper

It's a pretty diner but I haven'6 been going out to eat much because of finances, so I've never been here before. It seems that all the waitresses know Justin and they were happy to see Him. He introduced me to them as "my boi" and that really shocked me, but the women didn't seem the least bit surprised. Finally, I got an idea of what the story was because as they were getting into their booth in the very back of the diner, the one who came to give us menus leaned over and whispered to Justin, "Better luck with this one," and walked off.

"Ah, I get it."

"Get what?"

"I get why Your friends weren't surprised to hear You call me Your boi', Sir. Obviously, I'm not the first boi' You've ever brought here."

"So what can I tell you? I have a history. I have experience."

"And now You're trying Your luck with a barely legal neophyte who is eager and willing, but You've had at least one if not more bad experiences in the relatively recent past."

"I should add lashes for your being uppity, but I knew you would pick up on anything and everything you can find out about Me. And it was three bad experiences. The last was the worst I'll tell you about it some time, but not tonight. And I'm completely over it. You get a clean slate. That's all you really need to know, BOI."

I lower my head. "Yes, Sir. And so now You are trying something completely different from Your usual game, and if You add lashes it will be worth it. But wait! You can't add lashes. This is safe conversation."

Justin guffaws. "Damn it, you're right. I'm going to have to make up new rules. Like, the Master can add lashes whenever he'd like for any reason. or something like that."

Brandon looks serious. he raises his eyes to meet Justin's. "I surrender to what You want it to be, Master."

Just then the waitress comes by and heard Brandon. "Wow," she says to Justin. "Where did you find this one and what kind of drugs do you have it on?"

"Sally, this is what the boi is like. No drugs needed. And before you ask, yes, of course he is legal. Freshman at the U."

"Good for you. Don't hurt the kid any. He looks so innocent, so tender." she smiles at Brandon who blushes like mad.

"Special handling," answers Justin. "He needs very special handling. A new kind of adventure for Me."

"Well, you sure do look calmer and even happy, J. I wish you well. I wish you both well." She reaches over and lightly touches Brandon on the shoulder and he smiles up at her.

"Thanks, Sally. So food. The usual for me and the boi will have blueberry pancakes and two strips of bacon and a chocolate milkshake."

"Got it, J. I'll put it right in. I got one more table to take care of and I'll be back."

Brandon chuckles a bit.


"I see that she's used to You ordering what Your bois will have to eat."

"Long established practice with most Doms, kid. You should know that already."

"Sorry, Sir. I really didn't."

"Oh, that reminds me. I think this would be a good time for you to read The Alex Chronicles. It's online as a free download. It's about Billy and Alex. Read it this week if you can."

"Yes, Sir. You told me that it was Billy who appeared me in the dream. Is that who You mean?"

"Yes. You'll understand a lot more after you read the book. Billy is the Master we all try to be, or anyway, some of us. alex is His slave. It's an intense love story."

"Are they still alive?"

"Brandon, read the book. Then you can write Me this week about it."

"Yes, Sir. No more questions about Billy then?"


"thanks for the milkshake, Sir."

"She'll put in some CBD for you. It will help you for when we get home and I give you your punishment."

"I have to ask. Is it safe for me to be having CBD?"

"Boi, if it weren't safe I wouldn't let you have it. Don't you understand that yet?"

"I'm sorry, Justin. I didn't think. I trust You to keep me safe."

"But sometimes, you have a little attack of the worries."

"That's a funny name for it but yes, Sir. it's just that . .

Justin cuts him off. "No need to explain, baby. You're a good boi. I know that."

"Uh-oh. Everytime You tell me I'm a good boi I think something bad is going to happen."

"oh? Is that a pattern?"

"Think so, Sir."

"I'll let you in on a little secret."

"What's that, Sir?"

"This is the first time in My life ever that I have said those words to someone."

"Not to the others?"

"no. Never thought of it until you came into My life."

"Weren't they good bois ?"

"To a certain degree, mostly. But I usually had My hands full. And got very disappointed in the end."

"Are You afraid that might happen with me, Sir?"

"Brandon, I am filled with hope about you. I mean it."

Sally brings their food and a bib for Brandon which she puts around his neck.

"Baby, I told the others about you. Just listen: if you are ever having a bad day for any reason whatsoever, whether it involves Justin or anything else, you just head on over here and we'll help you through it."

"Wow. that's so wonderful! thank You Sally, and thank the others too."

"there is something about you that made the three of us fall in love with you even before Justin identifies you as `his boi."

She turns to Justin. "He's just got a certain look."

"I know, Sally, I know. It makes things somewhat difficult for me."

"How so?"

"How to give him what he says he needs and still not ruin his aura."

"Honey, if he's getting what he needs then his aura is gonna glow like the noon day sun. And besides, you're not telling me the whole story. You'd better give me a call real soon, J. And think about Billy. He handled His situation just fine." And she walks away. Justin says to himself, "Damn I think I'd better reread that story myself this week."

Brandon just enjoys his "supper" and tries not to get sucked into their conversation because it just sounds like they are talking in circles and it's getting him dizzy.

Justin changes the subject.

"So what's your roommate up to this weekend?"

"He had a date last night and is supposed to have another one today, so he's having himself a good time."

"isn't Craig away for the weekend?"

"Yes, but he pretty much told Michael to be a slut this weekend, so that's what he's doing apparently. I met the guy he's seeing today. I don't know about last night."

"Do you know who he was with?"

"One of the guys that hangs around our table sometimes even though he's a senior. Russian name. Gregor or something like that."

"Oh my! Are you sure?"

"I think so. Why? You sound alarmed."

"Well it's already happened so it doesn't matter. I know Gregor and I know about him. He has some very wild tastes."

"Wild how?"

"never mind, but I want you to call Michael when we get home. Make sure he's alright."

"Yes, Sir, but I don't know how long he would be with Matt today."

"Do I need to repeat myself, boy?"

"No. Sir. I will call when we get home."

"That's 5 more, Brandon. I'm not letting that go. I don't like to hear a boi like you use the word "but" ---especially after I've just told you what to do."

"I'm sorry, Master. Lost my head."

"Well, it's amazing what a good job a whip does to help a boi keep his head on straight."

Brandon lowers his eyes. "Yes, Master. Please punish your slave so it can learn to do better."

"Is that from a script?"

"No, Sir. It's from my heart. I want, no...I need . . . what . . . . . . You're doing with this slave, Sir."

"Just so we're on the same page, Brandon. It's always good to check." Justin sits back in His seat and sips His coffee and just stares at Brandon, trying to take in all of him at once.

"What?" Brandon is watching Justin's face.

"There is something about you . . . it made my friends fall in love with you instantly, but after all, they're women . . . . but . . . it's like something deep within you is calling out to Me, almost begging Me to take you . . oh, I don't know exactly . . . but all My Dom instincts are being rearranged . . .oh, I don't know if that's the right word. Let me try again: you are changing a lot of the ways I usually consider my role in the lifestyle. Damn, I hate to keep mentioning Billy, but I need to be like Him or I will lose you very quickly."

"I am more persistent than You think, Master Justin Sir. And I don't want to be lost. I want to be found, Sir. Keep coming after me, please, Sir. Don't be afraid. I want You to be the one who finds me, Sir, please, Sir. Train me, teach me, discipline me, rule me. Please don't make me go looking for it anywhere else but here with You, Sir, and if it has to be while I'm tied to Your whipping stool, well, so be it. Whatever it takes."

"I like a boi who isn't too proud to beg. I like hearing you beg, boi. Well I sure know what it's going to take tonight, boi. Let's get going so we can get to it and you can learn what you need to learn."

"Yes, sir."

Justin throws some large bills on the table and they get up to leave, but not before each of the three waitresses gives him a hug and kisses him on the forehead.

He's kind of spellbound, but once they get back on the road, he says to Justin,

"Justin, are they witches?"


"Those waitresses."

"Something like that. I can't believe the way they took to you. They only tolerated the others."

"That's because they recognized prime beef when they saw it." He giggles.

"prime beef? No, boi. RAW beef. That's what your ass is going to be like when I get done with it tonight, slaveboi wannabe."

Brandon just starts breathing heavily and says nothing else until they get home and he strips out of his clothing. "Go sit on the couch."

Justin goes inside to get Brandon's phone and hands it to him. Call. Michael. Now."

Brandon waits for an answer. "Oh hi, Michael. Wasn't sure if I'd catch you home after your time with Matt."

"Never went there. Decided to cancel."

"Why? You were looking forward to it."

"Yeah, but as it turns out I really needed today as a recovery day."

"Recovery day? Recovery from what?"

"From Gregor. He's an awful lot to handle. I got much more than I expected. My mind is blown and my body aches all over."

"Good aching or bad aching."

"Some of each, Brandon. How are you? Having a good time?"

`Wild. I'll tell you more when I get home Sunday night. You sure you're okay? You sound a little funny."

"I know, Brandon. But don't worry. I'll be fine. Like I said, need this as a recovery day. Probably tomorrow too. Don't worry. Everything is fine."

"Okay, dude. I'll have to take your word for it. Bye for now. See you tomorrow night."

He ends the call.

"That was strange. He sounds absolutely exhausted, body and mind."

"If he was with Gregor, I'm not the least bit surprised."

"Why? What's going on with that?"

"Let me just say that Gregor has some severe tastes. Maybe because of where he comes from. But let's leave it like that. Let Michael tell you what he wants to tell you. The important thing is that he's home, and he's safe, and he's taking some time to rest. Trust me on this."

"Yes, Sir. This is hard to understand."

"Look, Brandon, I'll put it like this. Gregor can be very rough in ways that most guys never would expect. I'm sure He gave Michael a wild night, and now Michael's back home recuperating from that wild night. Just give him some TLC when you get home tomorrow. Now enough about Michael. Go inside and lay yourself across My stool. Let's give you something to recuperate from, boi. Let's give you something to help you improve your behavior when you're with Me."

Next: Chapter 26

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