Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 24, 2023


"The alex series" book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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Chapter 17. Back with Justin

The next day at lunch, Michael tells Brandon that he wants to take a shot at being with Matt and asks how he should approach him.

"That's easy. Matt is very business-like in his approach. Send him an email, make sure you tell him that you are my roommate and identify yourself as a "faggot cocksucker," because that's how he likes to call us subs. And it will probably be a good idea to attach a nude photo of yourself, hands on your head. I'll take it for you if you want. Tell him that I told you in detail how the session would proceed and how eager you are to submit to his training so that you might become a better faggot cocksucker. If you do that and send it along with the picture, he'll most likely invite you over."

"Cool. When can you take the pic?"

"I'll be back in the room by 4."

"that will work for me. See you later."

Shortly after lunch, Brandon gets an email from Justin.


I'm looking forward to reclaiming you as My slave tonight, sweet boy. Do not have supper; you will be fed mac and cheese along with us. I want to teach you the proper way for My slave to eat a meal with Me. Make sure you are freshly showered and powdered the way I like. Be here promptly at 6. Come down the stairs, strip, drop to the floor and crawl to Me in the dungeon and begin to kiss My feet. I'll take it from there. Andy has asked to watch you get whipped and I think that will be extra humiliating for you, which, of course, is exactly what you need to be put into the proper sub mindset. After I am done whipping you, he will leave. I will most likely send you up to him at some point in the evening to suck his cock as before, and now you will not be surprised at the way he treats you, for he will treat you the way a cocksucking slave should be treated by a man not its Master. Expect to spend the entire weekend with Me this time. I have special plans for you which I think you'll enjoy. Pack some of the nice clothing we bought for you. Leave your things at the door with the clothing you wear here. Text Me to let Me know you have gotten this email.


Needless to say, Brandon has trouble concentrating during class after getting this email.

Interestingly enough, he also gets an email from his seminar professor.


I must say that I admire your willingness to write such an honest and potentially embarrassing paper for our seminar. Needless to say, I do not expect you to share all the details it contains during our seminar, unless you feel comfortable doing so. Be assured that your grade for the paper is an A. You are an excellent writer.

I identify with what you are going through as you seek to understand your own sexuality and your submissiveness. It is good that you are doing this as a freshman and not waiting until later in life. When I was your age, I had to put a lot of things off because it wasn't always safe to be as open as you obviously are willing to be.

Needless to say, I will keep your details to myself. I wish you well. Please know that I will be happy to assist you any way you need. Do not hesitate to call on me anytime day or night if you need to speak, or vent, or share or seek advice. I usually do not give out my private phone number but in your case I am happy to do so. xxx-xxxx. Please do not share it with anyone else, either the number of the fact that I have given it to you. Those of us here at U who are gay are always willing to provide whatever help we can to our LGBTQ+ students who often need discrete allies during their time here.

Best wishes to you, Brandon,

Professor Keaton

This is a nice touch to an exciting day, the day on which Brandon will give itself to its Master, hopefully for good.

Michael gets home almost the same time as Brandon and enters the room as Brandon is taking off his clothes. Michael gets naked as well. They snap a few pictures, and even manage to snap two pictures with Michael nude and erect. Brandon leaves it to Michael to choose which picture (or pictures) to send Matt when he writes him. Michael wants to go to supper with Brandon, but Brandon tells him that his Master (damn, he likes the sound of that) has instructed him not to have supper on campus.

At 5:15, Brandon goes to take his shower and put on powder, then returns to his room, the towel around his neck and his dick flapping in the breeze, not caring who will see him. After tonight, guys will be seeing him caged. He goes back to his room and when he walks in he sees Michael on his knees giving Craig a blow job. "Pardon me," he says, turning his back. Craig puts his hand on Michael's head and holds him down."Keep sucking, bitch, it's only your slave roommate. Come on over here, Brandon and see how well this cocksucker can deep throat my eight inches. All the way down, no gagging, no choking. And he thought I couldn't be Dom enough. Figured I'd have to give him a demonstration." Craig holds Michael's head and uses his mouth and throat like a fleshlight. "Some mighty good cocksucking here. Can you take eight inches, Brandon?"

"Not yet, but I'm working on it."

Craig reaches out to touch Brandon's crotch. "Man you smell sweet honey. Getting ready for your Master, eh?" "Yes. This is the way He likes me."

"And so nicely bare, like a little boy. I think when I get back next week I'll have to shave this bitch so you two can be bare twins. You'll look so cute together. We'll have to snap a picture and put it up on the U chat pages. Shit, I'm cumming, Mikey. Feel it shoot out of my cock and then swallow it down like a good cocksucker. Oh man, this was so hot. You made me feel real good, boy, so I won't spank your ass after all. I'll save it for next week. Now lick my cock off and get it clean then put it back in my pants."

Michael does as Craig told him. When he's done, Craig lets him stand up. "Put some clothes on, baby and we'll go for ice cream."

"Yes, Sir," answers Michael. Brandon raises he eyebrows. "Craig, I'm impressed. I didn't know you had it in you."

"so I got to surprise you both. Hot damn! And I promise I'll have some other things to show you, bitch, when I get back. Meanwhile see if you can find a couple other cocks to suck. Keep you in shape. Hey, why don't you blow your roommie while you're at it."

Brandon speaks up. "No, Craig, we agreed that there won't be any sexual contact between the two of us. We don't want to fuck up our friendship. And besides, when I get home tonight, my cock will be locked up and unavailable to anyone."

"really? for how long?"

"Master said for a good long time. He's the one who will decide when to set it free." "hot. I'll have to take some lessons from him about how to handle a sub right."

"You're doing just fine, Craig. I'll be thinking of the way you fucked my throat tonight for days to come."

"Good. And see if you can do even better next time, bitch."

Brandon says nothing about that. "Hey guys, I've got to leave to get to my Master's on time. Have a good night. Enjoy the ice cream, Michael. It will soothe your throat."

"Have a good time tonight, Brandon. Don't freak out again if he pushes too hard. Be a good boy and surrender, just the way I just did."

"Okay I will. And hey, guys, thanks for the show."

"There will be a lot more of that, I assure you," says Craig as he stands up and adjusts himself and then kisses Michael on the lips."

Brandon chuckles to himself on the way down to his car and heads over to Justin's. He gets there a few minutes early, and this is what really makes him nervous, having to wait to enter at just the right time. Despite his nervousness, he is so happy he can be back here and he makes himself a promise that he is just going to let Justin rule him the way He wants. No fussing. No judging this time. He's learned his lesson and doesn't want to risk what he now knows is the best opportunity he might ever have to satisfy his innermost needs.

6 pm. He walks in the door, locks it and shuts it again. He goes through the kitchen. Andy is sitting there. "Looking forward to the show, faggot. Hope to see you in tears. don't fuck it up this time."

"I promise I won't, Sir."

Brandon heads downstairs, and as soon as he's down, strips and drops to the ground and starts crawling to be reunited with his Master, the one he almost lost due to his stupidity and desire to be in control. Not this time, he reminds himself. He crawls through the bedroom and enters the dungeon, and there He is, awesome red-haired Justin, smiling at him and watching as he draws near. Brandon kisses the Master's feet and starts to lick.

"No need to lick my feet now, boy. Wait until after I'm done whpping you. Come on now, stand up and give Me a hug."

The best command of all. Brandon is at last in Justin's arms and it feels like electricity is flowing between them. He is overcome with emotion and doesn't dare say anything. Justin has something to say, however, "Welcome home, Brandon. I've missed you." And he kisses the slave and the slave drinks from the Master's mouth and moans contentedly back in Justin's arms. They stand there kissing for a good long time. Finally, Justin breaks the kiss.

"come over here, boy, so I can bind your wrists with the manacles." Thrills go through Brandon's body as Justin binds his wrists. It feels so good to be under Justin's rule again. then Justin takes the slave collar and fastens it tightly around the slave's neck and then slaps its face a few times and Brandon simply surrenders to the humiliation and the pain of having its face slapped.

"Now stand right here in the middle of the room." He moves Brandon into position, then detaches a chain from one wall and pulls it towards Brandon and clips his wrist to the chain. Then again from the other side. He makes sure that Brandon isn't pulled too strongly and adjusts the chains so he has just a little bit of movement. Then he puts the blindfold on his slave. Brandon hears Andy enter the room and takes a seat to watch what is going to happen. Brandon has a sudden almost frightening realization that not only is he going to be punished by his Master, but also another Dom is going to view the beating and probably get off on it. At least he hopes Andy will stroke and get off, so he doesn't have to blow him later. But then he pushes that thought out of his head. Not proper for a slave to want to avoid servicing its Master's friend.

Justin goes and picks up the homemade whip and moves it to Brandon's mouth. "Kiss the whip that is going to beat you and make you cry, boy." Brandon does so, then Justin uses the strands of the whip to tease the slave's body the same way he did last time and begins warming him up. Brandon, much to his surprise, realizes that the touches of the whip are welcome and actually feel good.

"I'm not going to lash you very hard tonight, boy, because I want to lash you everwhere. I want every inch of your body telling you that you belong to Me for good this time, and I have all power over you."

He starts in gently, lashing back and ass and cock (which makes Brandon jump) and then ass again and over the nipples then the hips then the back then the left side of his torso then the back again, then several lashes to the ass, and the lashes come down harder but not as hard as last time, and, as much as is possible, Brandon begins to dance Beneath the touch of Justin's whip. He continues for a good long time, and Brandon begins to cry out at the cumulative effect of this mellow whipping and realizes that Master spoke the truth; he is marking every spot on the slave' body, taking charge of it and impressing on the slave that it is owned by a Superior Man who has all power over him. The lashes continue and then Justin whips the slave across its cock and balls several times in a row, and Brandon screams, and as the whip continues to lash him all over, the tears begin to flow, and before long, it is outright crying from the sensation, the humiliation and the pain, and as it starts crying, Justin beings laying hard lashes on the slave's back and ass, just like last time and eventually Brandon is sobbing. Justin stops.

Brandon hears Andy get up and leave the room, shutting the door behind him.

"And now, slave, your Master is going to claim your cock and deny you the right to touch it or to cum for as long as He wants. You have no rights over these genitals, He says as he grabs them and pulls on them. Brandon hears the clink of the metal parts and soon enough, he feels the restriction of the cage, knowing that this time he is going to have to get used to it with little hope it will be removed.

Finally he is locked up. Justin stands before him and removes the blindfold and looks deeply into the slave's wet eyes. "Your eyes are so beautiful when they are wet with your tears, baby boy." And He kisses him and explores his mouth with his tongue while reaching out to pinch nipples which are already made sore by the touch of the whip, and Brandon screams out. "Whose are these?" Justin asks. "they are Yours, Master, to do with as You wish." And what are you, boy?" "I am your slave, Master."

"Who is taking possession of you to own you, slave?"

"You are Master, You own this slave. Please train this slave to be totally subjugated under your control, Master."

"I intend to, boy. slowly and sweetly and with expert wisdom as I bring you deeper and deeper into the sub space where I want you to exist when you are with Me. Now tell your Master, slave, what does a good slave do after it is whipped?"

"the slave bows to the ground and worships the Master's feet, licking and sucking and showing the Master its gratitude and submission and love, Master."

"then I'd better release you from your bonds, slave, so you can get to it. I want you down there for a good long time. I want you to remember what you are, I want you to lose your mind and think of nothing other than how you can give pleasure to your Master's feet."

He unclips Brandon from the bonds and goes to sit in his chair. "Get down, slave, and crawl to your Master."

Brandon has a bit of trouble getting down and crawling as it realizes just how much it has been whipped and feels pain everywhere, an gentle but insistent pain the reminds him that no part of him exists except for this Master Who has taught him so much.

"One more thing before you start on my feet, slave." Justin takes Brandon's hands and clips them behind his back. "I am taking away from the right to use your hands tonight, slave." He guides Brandon's head down to his feet and by moving his feet, directs Brandon's attention to where he must lick and suck. A few times he loses his balance, but then Justin patiently sets him right again so he can continue.

"Make sure you get between the toes, slave. They need tender attention there."

Brandon loses himself in the task and is filled with gratitude that Master has taken it back and given it another chance to prove how much it wants to be this Master's slave and no one else.

"Okay, slave, that is enough. I'm going to help you stand up now." Once the slave is standing, Justin attaches a leash to its collar and walks into the bedroom and leads the slave to the bed.

"Get up here and first get on your knees." He helps the slave with each motion it needs to take.

"Now put your head to the bed as if you are groveling."

"Now raise that ass high, that ass that your Master whipped."

Once Brandon is in the desired position, Justin speaks gently and softly to the slave.

"You are aware that the time is coming when your Master will be taking your virginity and training you how to get fucked and so give Me. I alone will claim your ass. It will exist for Me and for no one else. I intend to take my time claiming it, making sure it belongs to me. But tonight, I am going to take the first step. Surrender to what I am going to do to you, and observe it carefully because what I am going to do to you, you will be required to do to Me and to anyone I give you to." Brandon is confused. What does he have in mind?"

Justin comes up behind him and, all of a sudden, Brandon feels sensations unlike anything he has ever felt before. Justin claims the slave's ass by licking the crack and forcing his tongue into the slave's hole, and begins sucking and licking and chewing on it, and Brandon is going out of his mind with pleasures unlike anything he ever imagined, even though he knew from porn that this is something men to do each other. finally, Justin stops and draws back.

"Who does this ass belong to, slave?"

"It belongs to you, Master"

Justin puts his finger on the slave's ass hole. "And who does this hole belong to, slave?"

"It belongs to you, Master."

"And what can your Master do to this ass and this hole, slave?"

"Master can do anything He wants because He owns this ass and this hole."

"and who is going to fuck this asshole, slave"

"You are going to fuck this asshole, Master. You are going to claim this asshole for yourself, for your own pleasure."

"it is good you know this, slave. But I'm done with it for now. it's time to go upstairs for the supper that Andy is getting ready for us."

Justin helps the slave up off the bed and taking the leash, leads it upstairs, its hands still bound behind its back.


Next: Chapter 18

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