Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 19, 2023


"The alex series," Book 2: Sweet Subjugation

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I really appreciate hearing from readers. But please write only to discuss the story. I'm not into playing online Dom/sub games or protocols and I'm not looking for a virtual Master.

robbie subkodak25@gmail.com

Chapter 13. The Chat leads to hot action

"Good boy. I like looking down at you this way and seeing your pretty brown eyes focused on me. Don't say anything yet, boy, just keep looking into my eyes and think of what you might want to tell me. I want you to reveal your deepest most hidden desires to me, all the things you've always hoped you could find some guy to do to you, whatever those things may be. I love it that you stay naked for me, but now I want you to strip your mind and keep that naked for me, too. Tell me, Brandon, what you have yearned for a Superior Man to do to you, maybe what you've thought about over and over again back when you used to be free to jerk off. What are your hidden secrets, Brandon? What do you want from me? What do you need? What would help you feel most like the slave that you obviously want to become. Tell me these things and then I will be able to truly be your Master and I will know exactly how to treat you to give you pleasure and fun. Remember fun, boy? Remember we talked about that? Well, to have fun, you have to be completely honest with me and hide nothing from me at all, ever. So tell me, Brandon, what do you wish for? What do you hope I might do to you? What do you need in order to be able to surrender to me, to become my slave? I know that is what you want, and I also know that is what you need. Your past and recent sexual history has clearly demonstrated that. So tell me, boy. Look deeply into my eyes and don't hold back anything. What do you need, boy?

"Control, Master. I need You to rule my life. To control every little thing about me in all ways. To tell me how to act, how to live. To restrict my freedom as much as You want, to make me into nothing more but a slave boy for You, no matter what that might mean. You've taken away my ability to pleasure my cock for this weekend. What else do you want to take from me? what else do You want?"

"Right now I want you to focus on things you wish I would do to you, things that will humiliate you the way you need. Maybe things you thought about when you were with Gary, things you wished he would have done to you even though you knew he would never be a true Dom for you. What did you wish for, Brandon? Tell me. Come on, boy, reveal your secrets to me. What do you need, boy? What do you need?"

Brandon closes his eyes.

"No, Brandon. I want you to gaze into my eyes so I can help you. You are not allowed to close your eyes when we have these chats. Look deeply into my eyes and realize that nothing you could possibly say would turn me off or want me to give you away. I want to know, Brandon. Just single words if you can't say it completely. What do you need, boy"

Justin's voice is hypnotic to Brandon when he speaks the way he is speaking, so softly, so gently, so calming. Finally, Brandon, drawn by Justin's eyes, is able to speak, softly, practically whispering . . .

" . . . slapping . . . . spitting, drinking Your spit . . . . . "

Justin starts playing with Brandon's nipples and Brandon moans.

"You're doing real well, boy. Give me more . . . "

". . . . crawling for You . . . . tied up . . . . . . piss . . . . . names . . . . please, Master, please bind this slave to Your whipping post and punish it hard, please Master, I've needed it for so long" . . . . tears come to Brandon's eyes and slide down his face . .

"If those are the things you need, Brandon, you realize that I am the one who will choose what and when and how, and if I punish you at the whipping post, you will have no safe words, you'll just have to trust that I won't give you more than you can really handle, but it will hurt. a lot. . . . "

"yes, Master. need that, Justin . . . .please let me know what it is like to be really punished, please, Master. need You deciding everything . . ."

"Okay, boy. You will get most of what you've asked for, but then you might decide that you aren't really meant to be a slave."

"I have to find out, Master, please. I just need to know.

You've done well, boy. Open your mouth."

Brandon opens up his mouth and Justin leans over him and lets a large glob of spit fall from his mouth directly into Brandon's mouth. "That's it, boy, drink your Master's spit."

Justin gives him more and as Brandon sees the glob forming on his lips, he greedily opens his mouth again and Justin spits into his mouth again and Brandon swallows it.

Justin smiles at the boy and then begins spitting right into his face. As soon as he can form the saliva, he spits at the boy, then he rubs it into his face and lets it mingle with his tears. And as soon as he does that, he begins lightly slapping the boy's wet face and slapping his chest, particularly over his nipples which cause the boy to cry out.

"Is that what my slaveboy needs?"

"Yes, Master, please more."

Justin starts slapping him harder, face, chest, tummy. the boy breathes more deeply, accepting what he is given, looking imploringly into Justin's eyes and begging him to take over his life.

Justin sticks a finger into the boy's mouth. "Suck it!" he commands, and the boy does as he is told. "Get it wet," he commands, as he sticks another finger into the boy's mouth . . . . He probes the boy's mouth with his fingers, adding a third. the boy keeps sucking and salivating on its Master's fingers. (Yes, Brandon is becoming "it" finally)

Justin sticks his fingers more deeply into the boy's mouth, causing to gag. "That's right, boy. Let me hear you gagging on my fingers the same way you will gag on my cock and on any cock I order you to suck. From now on you are not allowed to cruise for guys to service. I am taking that freedom from you. From ow on, you will only suck cocks I give you to suck when I want you servicing Superior Men because you are nothing but a faggot cocksucker controlled by its Master." Justin spits at him again.

"I like spitting at you, boy; actually it's one of my favorite things to do to a faggot like you, the faggot I am going to own." He spits again and then pushes the spit with his fingers right into Brandon's mouth.

"No longer say the word "my," Brandon. There is no "my" in your life with me. Instead you say either "this boy's, the boy's, the slave's, this slave's. But no more my' Brandon. Also try to avoid the word I'. First person pronouns can't be used with you because you are no longer a person in my eyes, Brandon, you are my faggot slave, my cocksucker, my whipping boy, eventually my urinal. Does the boy understand, Brandon?"

"yes, Master, this boy understands, Master. thank You, Master, for training it."

Justin smiles at him and ruffles his hair. "smart kid, learning how to talk like my faggot. you please me, Brandon."

"this boy wants to please You, Master, in all ways."

"and you will, Brandon. You will."

Justin starts pulling the boy's hair, here and there, then slapping his face, then spitting, then more slapping and hair pulling and he reaches down to torture the boy's nipples and make him cry out.

"That's right, Brandon, never disguise the pain I give you. Always react so I can hear that I am giving my slave pain."

"Please, Master. Please give this boy pain so You can hear the sounds it makes."

"slide back down unto the floor, Brandon, then slowly crawl after your Master, but keep your belly as close to the floor as it can possibly be. come . . .

Justin gets up and starts into the bedroom . . . Brandon follows struggling to crawl the way it's been ordered to do . . . Justin is naked as well, and his dick drips precum onto the floor.

"Stop, Brandon. your Master has dripped precum onto the floor. Lick it up like the pig you are."

Brandon looks around and finds where Master has dripped and quickly licks it all up. "Lick the precum from the head of Master's cock as well, boy."

Brandon leans up on his arms and cleans off Master's cock. They continue to make their way inside, into the bedroom and then Justin unlocks the black door in his room and leads the slave inside. This is his dungeon room.

"Kneel up and sit back on your heels, slave." Brandon obeys.

Justin opens a drawer and pulls out a pair of leather manacles. "Left hand!" Brandon holds out its left hand and Justin wraps the manacle around its wrist and tightens it. "These are smooth on the inside do they don't leave any marks. When I want to leave marks on your wrists, I will use handcuffs. Think of that, Brandon, being in class with marks on your wrists so that someone will know that you'd been bound by a Master. right hand, slave! Justin wraps a manacle around that wrist as well.

"Grovel and don't move!" Brandon slips into position. Justin leave the room for a couple minutes and when he returns he is wearing a leather jock and a tight black shirt. "Kneel up, Brandon, and sniff the Master's crotch.

Brandon does so and gets high on the smell of the leather. "yes, boy, the smell of leather is like a drug for a true slaveboy. it makes you more and more obedient, more and more eager to please. Now stand up!

Brandon stands and Justin leads him to the whipping post. "Here is what you were longing to see, Brandon. Now you will learn its pain." He takes each of Brandon's hands and clips them up over his head, attached to the top of the whipping post. "Make sure you let me know if your hands go numb. If they do, I have other ways to bind you, but they can't be numb. That is harmful. Understand, Brandon?"

"Yes, Master, the slave understands."

okay, Brandon, you wanted to know about the whpping post, and now you do. and that means it's time for another whipping, I think you need to be whipped again. What do you think, Brandon? "Yes, Master, please whip Your slave good, Sir, please help it realize what it is?"

"Ah, you've read a lot of bdsm porn. You have the language down well. That pleases me when you speak slave language like that, boy."

"Do you need to be whipped by your Master, Brandon?"

"Yes, Master, please whip Your boy. Please punish it, Master?"

"Why do you need to be punished, Brandon?"

"just because, Master."

"Give me a real reason, boy! Don't piss me off when you're bound to a whipping post."

Brandon thinks hard . . . . "Master because this slave was very rude to the guy who wanted to spank it, just because the Sir was calling it names."

"Yes, indeed, Brandon, any rudeness on your part must always be punished. This time I'm not going to use a single bootlace. I'm going to make a whip out of three of them and that is what I'm going to whip you with, slave. Let me hear your pain, slave."

Justin goes and gets three laces, folds them in half and ties them together at the top. "now my whip has six lashes on it. this will increase the pain of the punishment I'm going to give you, slave."

"This slave deserves whatever You think it deserves, Master. please punish it as You see fit."

"I intend to. Brandon, whenever I punish you, I take your safewords away from you. That means you cannot stop this punishment in any way. I will whip you as much as I think you deserve to be whipped. Now do not speak or I will gag you."

Justin waves the whip in front of the boy's eyes and they grow large and it seems frightened.

"Feel the fear, slave. It is all part of being my slave. Start breathing deeply. The whipping will commence in just a couple minutes. I'm going to leave you hanging there for a while so you have time to think of why you are being punished and so you can remind yourself that you never ever are allowed to be rude to anyone at all, ever again."

Justin walks away and leaves the boy hanging at the post alone.

When he comes back, he runs his hands down the slave's back and over its ass and Brandon moans. "How are the hands, boy?" "Fine, Master."

"Good. I am going to begin by warming you up a little. After that, I'll begin punishing you for real."

He takes the homemade whip and lightly lets the ends float over Brandon's back and ass which causes it to shiver and tremble. then he begins lightly striking the slave on its shoulders and then across its ass, just light, crisp lashes which causes the slave to breathe heavily but not moan or groan. He hits a couple times a little harder to get a reaction from the boy,

"Okay. I'll begin. 25 lashes. 5 groups of 5. Two groups across the shoulders, Three across the ass. Let me find out how well you take punishment, Brandon."

The first set is across the ass. Brandon is a bit shocked by how hard Master is whipping him and cries out a bit.

"This is punishment, slave, not just the kind of play we did before. You asked for this, don't forget. You wanted to experience this. And you deserve to be punished. Don't forget that."

The second set of five across the shoulders. This time Brandon cries out a lot more.

The third set of five across the ass again. Now Brandon is crying and saying, sorry, Master, sorry for being rude.

The fourth set of five is really lashed hard across the shoulders and Brandon cries out louder than ever and this time is unable to speak.

"This pain is going to stay with you for a good long time, slave. It will be constant reminder of what you are and what you asked for."

The fifth and final set of five across the ass cause Brandon to scream out and end up sobbing. Once again, Master walks away and leaves the slave bound to the post.

"Absorb the pain of your punishment, slave. Remember what you are. Remember what you asked for. Remember why you were punished. Realize that I can punish you any time I want and I don't really need any reason other than the fact that I can, that I rule your life the way you asked me to, boy."

Brandon continues sobbing quietly.

"Whenever My slave is released from the whipping post: it falls to the ground and crawls over to its Master and shows its gratitude for the whipping by servicing the Master's feet. It loses its mind and focuses all of its attention on what it is doing."

Justin unclips Brandon's wrists from the posts and helps it down to the ground, then goes to the other side of the room and sits in a chair.

Still sobbing a bit, Brandon painfully crawls to its Master and wets His feet with its tears and then begins to lick and suck and do what slaves do when at the Master's feet. Brandon is particularly gentle and bathes its Master's feet with loving attention. And Justin leaves it to its task for a good long time. And, as he ordered, Brandon thinks of nothing other than the Master's feet and how to please them more and more. And as he worships his Master's feet, the pain in his back and ass reminds him that this is what he asked for and this is what happens to slaves like him. And towards the Master he feels nothing but gratitude. The longer Master keeps him licking and sucking his feet, the more the slave calms down. "Don't forget to lick between Master's toes, slave." The slave makes a special effort to please its Master and loses its mind; nothing exists except the pain from the whipping and the Master's feet which it continues to lick and suck.


Next: Chapter 14

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