Sweet Subjugation

By Robert Louis / Robert Halstead

Published on Oct 16, 2023


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I really appreciate hearing from readers. But please write only to discuss the story. I'm not into playing online Dom/sub games or protocols and I'm not looking for a virtual Master.

robbie subkodak25@gmail.com

Chapter 11. Sweet awakening; the bootlace.

About two hours passed when Brandon first stirred, and Justin was still there. He'd slept a little bit, but then just lay there thinking, "what is going on with you, dude? you've never, ever, ever lay in a bed with a sub in your arms, snuggled up against you? Damn, Justin, you're more likely to have it on the floor in chains, welted, weeping and fucked. Is this really what you need right now? Give up all that action, the subs, the sluts, the slaves? Once again take baby steps for your baby's sake? Baby!!!!! Holy hell, brother, a guy's got to do what he's got to do, even if it is having a black-haired brown-eyed bundle of both innocence and desire snuggled up and drooling on your chest! And what's this feeling? The strange and unknown sense that this is what it's about, this time. This is the "Who." But my big question is this: What? What do I do? How do I make sure that I never step over the line because it would kill me to see this boy's kind heart scratched or pounded or broken. Ha! I keep calling him boy; he's only two years younger than me. But, no, I'm definitely not into kids, forget that right now! But this "kid"? Damn! I'd never let him out into the streets! And why do I keep saying him' and not it'? But I never would have believed this a year ago: `This is real damn nice. Yes, indeed.'"

Justin felt the boy stir. He stroked his hair and his back as Brandon slowly began to wake up. "Keep your eyes closed, Brandon. Wake up slowly. We don't need to go anywhere just yet." He kissed Brandon on the head. Brandon purred. "You feel so good, Sir, so warm and yet so hard and muscular. And I feel like a little boy in Your arms."

"What you feel is what you are, boy. After all, you're my hairless boy now."

"Master, I am so sorry. Please be patient with me."

"What are you sorry for, boy? I don't understand."

"For breaking down and crying like a little boy."

"What did we already say about that, Brandon, about how at times you are like alittle boy? And what did I tell you before about never holding back tears?"

"Hard lessons to learn, Sir, after having it drummed into my head so often that men don't cry."

"Yes, I know, and that's a lot of bull crap. Men do cry. Men have to cry. And if that is true for men, even Superior Men. And it is doubly true for sub boys like you. You had an awful lot of breakthroughs in just a few hours. Think of what has happened here. You got all your hair shaved off. I took your dick away from you by locking it away. You cleaned my pits and sucked my cock, and presented yourself naked to strangers and sat naked with us to eat and stood there face to face with someone who wanted to abuse you, but this time you faced him naked. That's a lot. I would be worried if you hadn't broken down at some point so far."

"Understand, Master. But I hate doing it."

"That's just too bad. It is going to happen often. It always does in the life of a sub or a slave. So enough about crying now. Just remember what I'm telling you: all subs are little boys on the inside. Now let's move on to something else. How are you feeling now, boy?"

"Master I have never slept in anyone's arms since I was a baby. I feel so safe, so protected."

"That is one of the advantages of being my sub, Brandon. Always safe, always protected. And punished when you need it." Justin jiggles the boy's cage.

"Oh, I forgot! Master, can I touch Your cock since I can't touch mine?"

"Yes, boy, go ahead. But if you get it hard you're going to have to suck it again."

Brandon reaches for Justin's cock and feels its heftiness even though he is soft. But then he moves his hand away and runs his fingers through Justin's pubes. "I like these, Master."

"That is good. I'm glad you like what is between my legs, boy, because you are going to spend a lot of time there. But for now, l want you to lie on your back for a bit."

"Yes, Sir." Brandon moves from Justin's arms and lies on his back as ordered.

"I want to own you, Brandon. In your mind and in your heart and often your body."

"I want to be Yours, Master, please?"

Justin takes his hand and moves it to one of Brandon's nipples and plays with it a bit. He notices that it has gotten a tiny bit perkier and he is pleased. He starts to roll it between his fingers and Brandon starts to moan.

"It is yours, Master."

"Yes it is, boy. Don't forget that you have safe words."

"I won't, Master. Both my nipples are yours, Master."

Justin starts working the nipple a bit more forcefully and Brandon moans and whispers "Yours, Yours, Yours, Yellow!"

"Good boy." He moves his hand over to the other side. "Put this nipple into my fingers, boy, so I can enjoy it."

"Yes, Master," and Brandon presses into Justin's fingers. Justin starts the same way he started with the other one but quickly begins to work it seriously until finally Brandon calls Yellow. Justin moves back to the other one. "Take some more, boy, to show me you want to be mine." And just before he knows Brandon will safe word, he lets go of it. "Good boy. Thank you for giving it to me. Now the other one." Same thing and once again he stops at just the right time.

"thank You, Master. I'll remember that all night."

"that was what I wanted, boy. I told you I'm all about pain."

"Yes, Master. I remember. I'm not sure what that will mean for my future, but I'm just trying to focus on here and now.

"Good way of thinking, boy. And never forget how much power you have with your safe words. Nothing will ever get out of hand. And besides, I have never ever really had a sub who had to call Red. I know when it's a good time to back off or stop. Hey, I have an idea. Let's go upstairs for coffee so we can get a second wind and play far into the night."

"I like the sound of that, Master."

Justin helps the sub off the bed and they go upstairs. The kitchen is empty. Justin goes to the Keurig and puts in a pod. "I want you to sit on the floor in the corner with your legs spread wide, boy. Do it now!"

"Yes Master." Brandon thinks it strange but does what he is told anyway. "How do you take your coffee, boy?"

"Black, Sir."

Justin puts in his own. He goes to hand the cup of black to the boy. "don't get up. Reach up. Make sure you don't spill any of it. What you spill on the floor, you have to lick off the floor. House Rule.".

"Even doms, Sir?"

"No. If a Dom spills something on the floor, his sub has to lick it up."

"Of course. How silly of me!"

Justin chuckles as he fixes his coffee. He then drags a chair over to where Brandon is sitting and sets it between the sub's legs. He sits down and sips his coffee. "They say that the custom of having a sub sit this way in the kitchen was started by Billy and alex. Many Masters have their boys do it now. It is reasonably comfortable, it is somewhat humiliating, especially if someone unknown happens to walk into the kitchen, and besides that, he reaches out his foot and touches Brandon's balls, it gives the Master free access to the boy's balls. That can come in very handy." He gives Brandon a good kick and Brandon cries out and almost spills his coffee. "thank You, Sir, for reminding me what those balls are for."

"Sure thing. Otherwise a Master would have them cut off. I know one Master who did that, in fact.

"My goodness, why would he do that? Why would a slave agree to it?"

"It turns out that the slave had testicular cancer so they had to remove one anyway and he and his Master decided that both of them could go at the same time." No regrets from either one of them from what I've been told."

"May I ask a question, Master?"

"Yes." "Master, would you have any plans for changing my body in any way?"

"Perhaps. I don't like tattoos. I'm sure you noticed that I don't have any. It might have your nipples pierced, but not yet. I want to have fun with them for quite a while. Maybe earrings. If I decide to keep you permanently, I'll have my initials put on you some way—that might have to be a tattoo. I wouldn't want to brand you. And one thing is for certain: I want your hair to grow out. As much as I want. How's all that sound to you?"

"Sir, if I could, I would be hard as a rock right now. Just the idea that you have that much power over me hits me deep inside and it's a good feeling. This whole idea about surrendering keeps turning me on."

"I told you, boy: you are a natural born sub. Which is good. Get up now and put our cups in the dishwasher and let's go downstairs. It's time for you to get whipped."

He says it so matter-of-factly that it barely registers in Brandon's mind until they are descending to the bottom apartment. Suddenly Brandon stands completely still on one of the steps and Justin walks into him. Justin wraps his arms around the panicking boy and kisses him on the back of the neck. He speaks slowly and quietly. "I own you, boy, don't I?"

"yyyyyes, MMMmmaster. You own this boy."

"And so I have the right to decide what the boy needs and what the boy can handle."

"Yes Master."

"And you have safewords, correct?"

"Yes, Master."

"And so. I've decided that here on our first full night together, I want to whip you. That is what I want, so that is what I am going to do to you."

"Yes, Master. I am Yours but I am scared."

"Again, the fear is part of the experience. And in this case the fear is more painful than the whipping, I assure you. Now stand here in the middle of this room and wait for me. I'll be back in a second."

"Question, Sir?"

"what is it?"

"Will You whip me at the whipping post, Master."

"Not this time. I don't want you bound in any way the first time. I don't want you to panic because you have no way to escape. When you are ready I will have all sorts of ways to bind you for a good thrashing, but not right now. Wait. boy. I'll be back quickly."

Justin goes inside, and Brandon closes his eyes and concentrates on the feeling of the fear inside him. How much will it hurt?

Justin returns carrying a thin strip of rawhide and shows it to Brandon. "This is a single rawhide boot lace. This is what I'm going to use for your first whipping. 25 lashes and you're going to count them and say "thank You, Sir" after each one.

Stand in the center of the room and put your hands up on top of your head. Stand as still as you can, You can move around when you need to. I like seeing my slaveboy dancing under the lash. The main rule is to keep your hands on your head. If you move them or take them down, I will slap your face good and hard. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master. I am Yours, Master. Please whip me, Sir. Please use Your whip to remind me what I am."

"You can keep your eyes open or closed."

Justin begins by swishing the lace in the air and Brandon flinches with each swish. Justin has folded I over, so there are two strands of the rawhide to strike the boy's body. Justin lands the first on the boy's back and then two across its backside. Already the boy's voice is breaking. The fourth on his back again, then one across the top of his chest, and this time the boy cries out before saying his response.

Justin takes a little break and plops himself down on the couch and watches Brandon process what is happening, both physically and mentally. 6, 7, 8, and 9 all rapidly across the boy's ass. 10-his left armpit which causes him to pull his arm down then catch himself. He looks at Justin with a frightened look in his eyes. "I'll give you one warning. Next time you get hit, boy. Now brace yourself cause the next one's on your other side, same place. And before the boy has a chance to react, then 13,14,15,16 on the ass, which makes the boy start moving around trying to get away from the lashes. 17,18, upper back then 19.20 across the back of the upper thighs. "You're doing fine. Just 5 more now. Keep those hands up where they belong, okay? You can put them down right after #25. The last five are across the front of the boy's body, each one lower than the other, the last one right across the area he shaved. Brandon howls and immediately puts his hands over where he just got a lash. He is crying now and finally gets out the words, "Thank You, Master. I'm your boy."

Justin strips down again and goes to sit on the couch. He orders the boy to grovel facing him and to stay there until he is ready to speak.

"Do not speak. I have claimed your body, boy. There are tingles and stings all over you, Brandon, and I didn't have to use anything other than a single shoelace. Imagine what I could do with your strap. BE grateful I have whipped you well. Again do not speak. After a whipping, a slave is more than ready to service its Master and that is what you will do also. slide yourself up here and begin licking and servicing my balls Concentrate on the pain in your body and your fierce desire to serve the Man who whipped you."

Justin turns on the TV which is showing videos of young men getting whipped and each blow and outcry reminds Brandon of what he has been through and it seems like he can feel each lash himself.

"Get my cock, boy. You know what to do." And Brandon does it very slowly. Wet and slow and filled with the devotion of a boy who just got his first whipping and managed to survive just fine. Eventually he keeps pushing himself down on Justin's dick past the gagging place. "Keep it up, boy. Gag on your Master's big cock. Let me hear those sounds. it's like music to my ears."

Eventually, when Justin thinks Brandon might throw up, He tells him to go back to "slow and wet." And to tighten the mouth a bit, but be careful of the teeth. And Brandon already knew that also meant he should begin to use his hands, both of them.

Finally, with a big cry and outburst, Justin shoots his second load of the day down his boy's throat and then without saying a thing, Justin sits back while the boy works at cleaning his entire crotch.

"Good boy," Justin says. "Now stand up in the middle of the room again." Brandon obeys. Justin goes inside and come back with a pair of soft mittens and puts them on. Then he proceeds to caress every inch of the boy's body with those mittens and Brandon can't believe how good it feels to his body which is covered in tings and stings and lashes. Once again, the boy purrs and says, "Oh, it feels so good, Master, so very good, my first whipping from you and the tiny pains all over tell me that I am no longer an ordinary boy, that this body isn't just mine but now is Yours, and I wish I could just fall to the ground and kiss Your feet."

"Listen to your body, Brandon. Do what it tells you to do. There is a slaveboy deep inside of you who wants to come out and show me how much grateful it is that you are setting him free, free at last. What does it want you to do, Brandon? Follow its lead."

Brandon nods his head and kisses Justin on the cheek. Then he takes hold of Justin's cock and leads him over to the couch and asks him to sit down. Justin goes along with it all. Then Brandon falls on the ground and grovels before Justin. Justin turns off the videos and switches the system to play mellow new age music which is hypnotic in its repetitious statements.


Next: Chapter 12

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